96-22156 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 96-22156 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING AN INVITATION TO THE CITY OF ICA, PERU, TO BECOME A SISTER CITY AND INVITING THE PEOPLE OF ICA, PERU TO PARTICIPA TE IN SAID PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Sister City concept was inaugurated by the President of the United States in 1956 to establish greater friendship and understanding between the people of the United States and other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; and WHEREAS, all succeeding U.S. Presidents have endorsed said program, to be conducted for the broad purposes of the exchange of ideas between the citizens of the United States of America and the peoples of other nations; and WHEREAS, to implement this program Miami Beach and other communities in the United States have been requested by Sister Cities International to affiliate with cities in other nations of similar characteristics and mutual interest; and WHEREAS, the City ofIca, Peru, has fonnally requested participation in the Miami Beach Sister Cities Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach Sister Cities Coordinating Council has recommended to the Mayor and City Commission that the City of lea, Peru, be invited to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its Sister City in the Sister Cities International Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach does recognize and endorse this program with the hope that it will lead to a lasting friendship between the people of Miami Beach and its Sister Cities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1: That the Mayor and City Commission, on behalf of the people of Miami Beach, do hereby extend an invitation to the government and the people of the City of lea, Peru, to participate with Miami Beach as its Sister City for the purpose of creating greater mutual understanding between the peoples of our two great cities and nations. Section 2: The Mayor is hereby authorized to act as official representative of the City of Miami Beach to carry out this program. Section 3: That copies of this Resolution are to be sent to the Mayor and Commission of the City oflca, Peru, Sister Cities International in Washington, D.C., the Embassy of Peru in Washington D.C., the U.S. Embassy in Peru, and the Peruvian Consulate's Office in Miami. PASSED and ADOPTED this 9th day of October, 1996. MAYOR ATTEST: J<oluA( f~~ CITY CLERK JGP:JP:AH:jh 1,_" , tt ,'....J J f-.U f:\cmgr\$all\commemo.96\icaperu.cmr LLGAL DEPT. By 44 ~IL r~tG g}LI }t:__. . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ 0"3 - 9 I.- TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Memben of the City Commission' DATE: October 9,1996 FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager SUBJECT; EXTENDING AN INVITATION TO THE CITY OF ICA, PERU, TO B OME A SISTER CITY AND INVITING THE PEOPLE OF ICA, PERU TO P ARTICIP ATE IN SAID PROGRAM. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND: The Sister City Council has spent several months meeting with representatives ofIca, Peru as well as reviewing background information that would qualify Ica for consideration under the Sister Cities Council's criteria. Each City Commissioner will be presented with a complete package which includes demographic and tourism related information. Ica is a pleasant colonial town with a population of approximately 150,000 residents. It lies about 305 kilometers south of Lima, the Country's Capital, with a climate that is dry and sunny. Ica is the capital city of the Province with the same name. The region is well known for its impressive coastal wildlife reserves, its wineries, museums, and fiestas. Ica's primary industries are tourism and agriculture. ANALYSIS: On September 11, 1996, representatives of the Sister Cities lea Subcommittee, made a presentation to the entire Sister Cities Council. The Council approved a recommendation to the Miami Beach City Commission to adopt lea, Peru as a Sister City. There is no cost involved in the admission process by either City. AGENDA ITEM {'\~ \ 0 -9 - ~ t, DATE Commission Memorandum Page Two October 9, 1996 CONCLUSION: Based on the background information and the approval by the Miami Beach Sister Cities Council, to approve the admission oflca, Peru, it is recommended that the government and the people of the City oflca, Peru be invited to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its Sister City in the Sister Cities International Program. ~ JGP:--lJ :jh f:\cmgr\$all\conunmemo.96\icapelU.cmr AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING SISTER CITY RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND ICA, PERU The Sister CitY concept was inaugurated by the President of the UUited States in 1956 to establish greater friendship and understanding betWeen the people of th~ United States . and other nations through the mediwn of direct. personal contact, and WHEREAS, all succeeding U.S. Presidents have enqorsed said program, to be conducted for the broad purposes of-the exchange of ideaS between the citizens of . the United States of America and the people .of other nations, and ' WHEREAS, to implement tIlls program Miami Beach and. other conimunities in the United States have been ' . requested by Sister Cities International to affiliate with . cities in, other nations of similar characteristics . and mutual interest,. and WHEREAS, the City of Ica, Peru has formally requested participation in the Miami Beach. Sister Cities Program, and WHEREAS, the City ofMiarni Beach Sister Cities.. Coordinating Council has recoiIUtlended to the Mayor and City Commission that the City of lea, Peru, be invit~ to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its Sister City in the Sister Cities Intemational Program, and. WHEREAS, the Cities of Miami Beach.and lea recognize and endorse this program with the hope that it willlead to . a lasting friendship between the people of Miami Beach and lea, Now therefore, be it duly resolved by the mayors of the Cities of Miami Beacb and lea, Peru, as follows: 8:ection 1: .That the ~ayors, on behalf of the people. of Miami Beach and Ica, do hereby enter into this . Agreement to participate as Sister Cities for the. purpose of creating greater mutual understanding between the peoples of our two great cities and nations. Section 2: The Mayors are hereby authorized to act as official representatives of the Cities of Miami Beach and lea to carry out this program. . ayor Seymour G ber. City of Miami Beach .J? .lw-d-.. g(U~ , City Clerk ACUERDO PARA ESTABLECER LA HERMANIDAD ENTRE LAS CroDADES DE MIAMI BEACH E~ LOS,ESTADOS UNIDOS E IC~ PERU EI concepto ,de Ciudades . Hennanas. fue inaugurado por el Presidentede los EstadQS Unidos en el afto 1956, para establecerel modo de mejorar la .amistad entre los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos con otras naciones y para establecer un contacto directo, y PORCUANT.O, todos los Presidentes subsequentes ban endorsac;lo el progrcuna de Ciudades Hermanas con el motivo de intercambiar ideas entre los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos con los de otras naciones, y ~OR CUANTO, para implementar este . programa, la ciuctad de Miami Beach y otras ciudades en los Estados Unidos.. ban.. pedido Ii la Organizaci6n Internacional de Ciudades Hermanas, afiliacionescon Ciudades en otraS naciones con c:,rracteristicas e intereses similares, y POR CUANTO, Ia ciudad de lea, Peru, ha solicitado oficialmen~e, participaci6n en eI programa de Ciudades Hermanas de Miami Beach, y POR CUANTO,el Consejo Coordinador de Ciudades Hermanas, de Ia ciudad de Miami Beach, Ita recomendado alHonorabIe AlcaIdey a los Concejales, que la Ciudad de lea, Peru, sea invitada a participar como.Ciudad Hermana en nuestro programa, y. , ' POR CUANTO, Ias ciudades de Miami Beach e lea, Peru, reconocen y endorsan este programa" con. la . esperanza que'traiga una verdadera, duradera y sincera amistad para nuestros ciudadatios, y , ' . POR: LO TANTO, .sIENDO OFICIALMENTt RECONOCIDO POR LOS HONORABLES ALCALDl]:S DE MIAMI 'BEACH Y DE ICA, PERU, . LO SIGUIEN'fE: SECCION 1: los. Alcaldes, ennombre de 10s constituyentes de Miami Beach e lca,Peru, por este medio, aceptan la invitaci6n departicipar en el programa . de Ciudades Hermanas, con el motivo de crear una amistad' quecontribuya a unmejor entendimiento de nuestras culturas, paraeI beneficio mutuo y. parala grandeza de las.nacioties del mundo. SECCION. 2: los Alcaldes, aquf presen~s, autorizados a actuar oficialmente ennombre de }as ciud3desde Miami Beach e lea, Peru,' a llevar a la . realidad el. programa de Ciudades Hermanas. ,\f,~"). \'. ~ f) //'I~~\ .t,,' Eneldla delSeilor, 13