99-23169 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 99-23169 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RECOGNIZING THE HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO FLORIDA MADE BY STIL TSVILLE, RECOMMENDING THAT STILTSVILLE NOT BE DEMOLISHED AS PRESENTL Y REQUIRED AND BE RECONSIDERED FOR ENTRY INTO THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES AS STRONGL Y RECOMMENDED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE. WHEREAS, since the 1930's Stiltsville, seven wooden framed houses resting above shallow water approximately one mile from nearest land, has provided cultural and historical significance to South Florida and the United States; and WHEREAS, Stiltsville has profound historical significance as its Quarter Deck Club, built in the 1940's was featured in Life Magazine in 1941 and NOAA aerial photography in 1945 documents the Stiltsville district to be over 50 years old; and WHEREAS, Stiltsville has provided a cultural and historic source of pride for South Florida residents and visitors who identify with this well-known Florida landmark symbolizing the old Miami and the Miami of today; and WHEREAS, Stiltsville homes are used for navigational guidance and shelter during storms by the general boating public; and WHEREAS, Stiltsville serves as a sanctuary for the sea and plant life ecosystem and has been linked to its continued survival; and WHEREAS, Stiltsville has substantially contributed to South Florida's civic, educational and tourist activities as the remaining seven homes of Stiltsville have been an integral part of the South Florida Historic tours; and WHEREAS, South Floridians have for years depended on the usage of Stiltsville homes for private, public and community activities to benefit the local area; and WHEREAS, Stiltsville's unique design has served as backdrop scenery for many television shows, movies, books, and advertisements including the popular "Miami Vice" and Carl Hiaasen's "Skin Tight"; and WHEREAS, since Hurricanes Donna, Betsy and Andrew ravaged South Florida, only seven of twenty-five precious homes constitute Stiltsville; their owners and supporters are committed to preserve this historic treasure; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission recognize the historic significance and contributions to Florida made by Stiltsville, recommend that Stiltsville not be demolished as presently required by the Biscayne National Park, the National Park Service and the Department ofInterior, and will work to secure that Stiltsville be reconsidered by Biscayne National Park, the National Park Service and the US Department of Interior for entry into the National Register of Historic Places as strongly recommended by the Florida Department of State. PASSED and ADOPTED this 12th day of May, 1999. ~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~~f~ APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & fOR EXECUTION ~~ rYlfl Date 05/04/99 15:16 FAX 2022255620 Con. Ileana Ros-Leh~lnen ~OOl PLEASE RESPO ~o TO! CJ ~160 fI~ ~U"N BUILDING W~INGT IN, OC 2051~918 12fJ '1226-3931 FAll ( \'I~l U5-S620 COMMITTEES: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS GOVERNMENT FlEFORM Q!AlIl: SUBCOMMITTEe ON 1l"J~RNATIONAL ECONOMIC pOLICY AND TRADE Vll:~ CIolAIR: SUBCOMMITTEE ON WESTl!RN HEMISPHERE (!ongre55 of t{Je Ilntteb j;ta:tt~ ~Du5t ot .l\epre~tntatib e~ ILEANA ROS.LEHTINEN ,IlTll DlSTRI~. ROIllDA o DIS1 ~ICT OFFICE: 92'0 ;",NSET D",~ ,urn 100 MU.IIII. Fl. 33173 13( II ~7$-'90Cl F~ 1105) 275-1801 Fax Number: Date: To: From: Phone Number: Number of Pages (including COYer Sheet): H ~gresswoman Ileana. Ros-LebtiDen From: _ Arturo EstopiiiaD _ Jay o'Callaghan ~ Victor Maldonado _ JuaB Cortiiian Garcia _ An~io ~tlriciO TamargO _ Piper Largent _ Jessie Torres Intern Comments: /7 I j , Vf/j t2fLscu 55 e r L,u"IJ _ ',dl( pt e'" 5'!.- ~1fV'l..?lre LOhfJ#? i H ; () 1, 7-e, /le. tiE. .... I ~~ J1eoc'7: 'tIte efin 5. t~ oS t.- c e; II ~r . . Agenda Ite: Date R. q \:>_ 6-Iz..Qcr 05/04/99 15:17 FAX 2022255620 Con. IleW1Q RaG-Leht1nen III 003 ({ongregg of tfJt Wniteb ~tateI) , MU'bin;fOU. 11(1:20515 April 15, 1999 The Honorable Bruce Babbilt Secrc[3I')' U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street NW Washington DC 20240 Dear Mr. Secretary: We are writing to express our opposition to the pending demolition of a historic Florida site known as "Sti1tsville".locat~d in the Biscayne Bay Mea gf Miami. Stiltsville is a unique community consisting of scven wood frame housc;s typic;::al}y testirtg O~ steel reinforced pilings, rising a.bove shal ow watcr a.bout a mile from the n~aTest land. It's history dates back to the 1930s. We are aware that the Biscayne National Park, the National Park Service and the Department [}f Interior have made an initial decision not to el(tend the private leasehold interests for the seven remaining Stiltsville homc5 beYOnd July. 1999, and require demolition of th.ese historic South Florid: sites. We r~que$t your reconsideration of this decision, as well as your granting an extl."TlSiOJ1 of the present leases within Biscayne National Park. so that they will be: preserved for future generations to come. Stiltsvillc not only provides a culturill and hisrorlc $OUn~e of pride for our residents, but its inherent value extends tar beyond. this limited scope. Stiltsville serves as a sanctuary for sea and plan life with the survival of this ecosystem hnked lO ils conlinued existence. The number of living thingl whieh have created a niche in this area cannot simply be dismissed. Preservation of the Stiltsville homes ('Wiltl their ~UJ"t"eIiL (lwners) will not only maintain the ll.l~sthetic beauty of the region and continue to benefit the local wildlife, but also will continue Stiltsville's substantia.l contribution to South florida's civic. educational and tourist activities. The homeowners of this unique area have demonstrated theiT willingness to protect and preserve their hoT les and the environment. as well as hosting civic groups. student organizations Glnd tou.ri$t$. If Stiltsville were to be demolished, structures with ~u.ch use, beauty and rich arcmtectuIill dC$'SU c;Quld never- be re;plicatcd. and this specilll opportunity fot' individuals to visit such a rare 141nclITuu'l<: would be lost to future generations. In just one week, StiJtsville supporters have gathered well over 10,000 signatures on a petitioT to save this valuable community asset, which provides a great benefit to our area. and its ecology, witho\.l , any cost to the taxpayers. Your assista.ncc is also requested in making lln immedia.tc appeal of the initial determination, If the; National Register of Historic Places' denial of landmark status with a. recommendation that waul, I grant this lQcal treasure the slatus it deserves. To ensure that this historic district is not destroyed while: awaiting further review. we also request that special use; permits be immediately iS5ue:d by the National Park Servic~ gnmting existitl&" leaseholders permission to continue to occupy and maintain these historic structures. PRINTED ON lR2EO PfJ'ER 05/04/99 15:17 FAX 2022255820 Con. Ileana Ras-Lehtinen 141 0 O~ .. .~. -..~,.....-~...~--.... Page Two Sincerely, a Ros-Le tinen Member of Congress Lincoln Diaz-Balart Member of Congress ~ --t ~~r Alcee Hastings Mc:mber of Congress 766 05/04/99 15:18 FAX 2022255620 Con. Ileana Ros-Lehtlnen III 007 Resolution Recognizing the significance ofStiltsvi/le to South Florida history. Whereas since the 1930s, Stiltsville, seven wooden framed houses resting abo' .e shallow water approximately one mile from nearest land, has provided cultural and historical significance to South Florida and the United Sta~e i. Whereas Stiltsville has profound historical significance as its Quarter Deck Clllb, built in 1940s was featured in Life Magazine in 1941 and NOAA aerial photography in 1945 documents the Stiltsville district to be over 50 yew s old. Whereas Stiltsville has provided a cultural and historic source of pride for Sou h Florida residents and visitors who identify with this well-known Florida landmark symbolizing the old Miami and the Miami of today. Whereas Stiltsville homes are used for navigational guidance and shelter durin ~ stOnDS by the general boating public. Whereas Stiltsville serves as a sanctuary for the sea and plant life ecosystem ar d has been linked to its continued survival. Whereas StiltsviIJe has substantiaHy contributed to South Florida.'s civic, educational and tourist activities as the remaining seven homes of Stiltsville have been an integral part of the South Florida Historic tours. Whereas South Floridians have for years depended on the usage of Stiltsville homes for private, public and community activities to benefit the local area. 767 05/04/99 15:18 FAX 2022255620 Con. Ileana Ros-Lehtlnen ~ooa Whereas Stiltsville unique design has served as backdrop sceI)ery for many television shows, movieSJ books, and advertisements including the pOpl.: lar "Miami Vice" and Carl Hiaasen ~ s "Skin Tight." Whereas since Hurricanes D()~ Betsy and Andrew ravaged South Florid~ only seven of twenty-five precious homes constitute Stiltsville; their owners and supporters are committed to preserve this historic treasure: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by . that the (1) recognizes the historic significance and contributions to Florida mad ~ by StiltsvilIe. (2) recommends that Stiltsville be not demolished as presently requited )y the Biscayne National Park, the National Park Service and the Department of Interior. (3) will work to secure tha.t Stiltsville be reconsidered by Biscayne National Park, the National Park Service and the US Department of Interior fo. entry into the N ationaJ Register of Historic Places as strongly recommended b~ ' the Florida Department of State. 2 768