2002-24758 Reso 8SL+,Z-ZOOZ 'ON NOIJ.n10S3H 'SS300Yd OIS 1VWHO:l V :10 J.1nS3H V SV 3WVS HO:l J.OVYJ.NOO V SOHVMV A.LIO 3HJ. J. VHJ. 3WIJ. Hons 11J.Nn SISVS HJ.NOW-OJ. -HJ.NOW V NO S30lAY3S oyvno A.LIHn03S 30lAOYd OJ. 'OOO'l8&$ :10 J.Nnowv 03J.VWIJ.S3 NV HO:l "ONI 'AJ.IHn03S HOWHV :10 3sn 03nNIJ.NOO 3HJ. ONIAOHddV 'VOIH01:1 'HOV3S IWVIW :10 A.LIO 3HJ. :10 NOISSIWWOO AJ.IO ONV YOA VW 3HJ. :10 NOIJ.n10S3H V pue ~slseq L1JuOW-OJ-LUUOW e uo 'SUO!J~OI J9L1JO pue 'Wn9SnV\l ssea 's)fJed 's96eJe6 6UI)fJed S,AlI~ 9lU JOI S90lAJ9S Al!Jn09S SPI^oJd ^I!J010eIS\leS 01 psnu\luoo sell 'OUI '^t!Jnoas JOWJV ' 66/96-9L 'ON PIa olluensJnd pSpJeMe seM L10ILlM lOeJ1UOO Sll 10 uO!JeJ!dxs aLl1 SOUlS 'SV3H3HM pue~~oo~'g~ "uenJqa.:l 10 UOISS!wqns PIa JOJ aU!lpeap e L1J!M (p!a) Sp!a JOI UO!le11^uJ a^ISUaLlaJdwoo e psnssl sell 'sJu9wa^oJdwI ^tpnoas o!lqnd uo uO\leJapISUOo L1J!M UOlleJed9Jd JO SLllUOW ^uew JSije 'UOl1eJ1SIUIWPV SlU '~OO~ '~~ Jaqw91das JO salpa6eJ1 aLl1 JO 1lnSaJ e se 'SV3H3HM pue ~6uI1eew ~OO~ 'o~ L1oJeV\l Sll Ie UOISSIWWO~ ^tl~ pue Jo^eV\l aLlJ 01 pa1UassJd sq II!M uOIJepuaWW009J pJeMe ue 'pS^ISOaJ sPl8 SLl1 JO. 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'MON q~OZ SILlJ 03J.dOOY pue Q3SSVd 10 ^~'en~qaa .~oo~' )lH310 A.LIO YYYfmJd ~- NOU.nO:1X! W:I., , nW:l QLfIN~ :J.S311 V 1IICI~.;rvAa ---z.~~ ....~ ~asNonoozsa~YaNat)Y\:~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY m "l!@!F' Condensed Title: Approve the use of Armor Security on a month-to-month basis until a contract is awarded. Issue: Whether to approve the use of Armor Security until a contract is awarded. Item Summary/Recommendation: As a result of the tragedies of September 11 , 2001 , the Administration after many months of preparation with consideration on public security improvements, has issued a comprehensive Invitation for Bids (Bid) with a deadline for Bid submission of February 15, 2001. The Administration anticipates that after thorough review of the Bids received, an award recommendation will be presented to the Mayor and City Commission at its March 20, 2002 meeting. ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. Advisory Board Recommendation: I N/A Financial Information: Amount to be expended: $387,000 Source of Funds: w. Funds are available from the budget accounts allocated to the City DepartmentslDivisions, subject to Office of Management and Bud et a roval. JMG~ AGENDA ITEM DATE (,7Y ;;. -eXJ-tJ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez \ . ~ City Manager d"" 0 Date: February 20, 2002 To: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE USE OF ARMOR SECURITY, INC. FOR AN ESTIMATED AMOUNT $387,000, TO PROVIDE SECURITY GUARD SERVICES ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE CITY AWARDS A CONTRACT AS A RESULT OF A FORMAL BID PROCESS. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Subject: Adopt the resolution. AMOUNT AND FUNDING Funds are available from the budget accounts allocated to City Departments and/or Divisions, subject to Office of Management and Budget approval. ANALYSIS Since the expiration of their contract which was awarded as a result of a competitive bid process, Armor Security, Inc. has been providing security services for the City's parking garages, parks, bass museum, and other locations on a month-to-month basis. As a result of the tragedies of September 11, 2001, the Administration after many months of preparation with consideration on public security improvements, has issued a comprehensive Invitation for Bids (Bid) with a deadline for Bid submission of February 15, 2001. The Administration anticipates that after thorough review of the Bids received, an award recommendation will be presented to the Mayor and City Commission at its March 20, 2002 meeting. The total amount that will be incurred from October 1, 2001 through March 30, 2002, is $387,000. It is therefore the recommendation of the Administration that the Mayor and City Commission approve the use of Armor Security on a month-to-month basis for an estimated amount of $387,000 until such time that a new contract is awarded. JMG:MDB:BJ:GL P- T:\AGENDA\2002\FEB2002\CONSENT\ArmorSecurlty.doc