LTC 61-2002 .. o. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Letter to Commission No. fJl-:J{){)d-. m To: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission Date: March 8, 2002 From: Jorge M. GOnzalez, _ ILr' City Manager 0 """-0 2001-2002 IDENTIFIED PRIORITIES Subject: As we approach the mid point of the 2001-2002 Fiscal Year, I would like to share with you the priorities that the Administration has been focusing on over the past several months and that we will continue to focus on for the remainder of the fiscal year. The Management Team, which includes my Executive Staff and Department Directors, met in October 2001 for a leadership retreat where we revisited last year's priorities, tracked our successes, and identified the areas to continue working on as well as new areas to focus on. The Business Plan and Strategic Priorities that we developed for this year builds on, and goes beyond, the work that the Administration has been focusing on over the course of the past fiscal year. The attached document includes details on our 5-YearVision, our Organizational Structure and Program of Work for our functional areas, and the six (6) identified priorities which include: (1) Capital Improvement Projects; (2) Implementing Recommendations of the Business Resolution Task Force; (3) Strategic Planning and Economic Development; (4) Organizational Development; (5) Neighborhood Services; (6) e-Government Initiatives. I am continuing to work with the Management Team to ensure that we are on target to accomplish all the goals identified in our priority and program of work areas and will keep the Mayor and Commission updated accordingly. If you would like to discuss any of these priority areas or goals outlined in the attached document, please feel free to contact me. JMG\ri F:/cmgr/allljorgegon/2001-2002priorities City of Miami Beach 2001-2002 Identified Priorities Mission Statement: We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 5-Year Vision: In five years, the City of Miami Beach we will be: · Cleaner and Safer; · More Beautiful and Vibrant; · A mature and stable residential community with well improved infrastructure; · A unique urban and historic environment; · A cultural, entertainment, tourism capital; and · An international center for innovation in culture, recreation and business. With.. . · An entrepreneurial spirit; · Continued "trendiness"; · And more sophisticated: Travelers Businesses Entertainment Conventions Diverse Residential Community We will have: · Significant completion of G.O.Bond/Capitallmprovement Program. · Continued economic growth and development, especially in previously less-attended areas, and Master Plan for all areas. · Thriving Cultural Arts scene. · Improved Transportation System with citywide access and calmer traffic. · Enhanced automation and use of technology with e-government solutions. · Empowered, committed, stable, "Sterling Award" caliber employees and managers with competitive pay and benefits. · More flexible, streamlined services. · Continued fiscal management and strengthened financial position. · Higher quality services and enhanced quality of life at lower tax rates for citizens. · A Management Team that is professional and can respond to unforeseen events quickly. · Workforce which is customer service oriented. 1 Identified Priority Area: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (CIP) Description: Continuing initiatives to improve the City's infrastructure (water/sewer, stormwater, streetscapes, etc.), public facilities, parks, beaches, golf courses and public safety equipment. Includes projects from the G.O. Bond, Parks, Water and Sewer, Stormwater Bonds, transportation, and other funding programs. Goals for this year: 1. Develop a CIP plan for future components. 2. Develop organizational capacity to manage CIP projects. 3. Develop community infrastructure plans. 4. Deliver capital projects in accordance with implementation plan. 5. Ensure public participation in all projects. Key Deliverables/Outcomestr asks: 1. Develop a 5-year implementation schedule for funded programs. 2. Complete staffing of office. 3. Move entire team to same office space. 4. Create an information management program that keeps clients informed. 5. Complete Collins Avenue Street project 6. Substantially complete the following projects: a. South Pointe Phase 1 b. Flamingo Pool c. Scott Rakow d. Group A&B Parks e. Espanola Way f. Bass Museum g. Purchase of Fire Trucks h. 42nd St. Streetscape i. Pine Tree Park j. Pump Stations #28 and #29 7. Following projects under construction: a. Bayshore Golf Course b. North Shore Park and Youth Center c. NSOSP Phase III d. Recreational Corridor e. Regional Library 8. Following projects under design: a. Lummus Park b. Flaming/Lummus Streetscape; Ocean; Star, Palm, Hibiscus; Normandy; other neighborhoods c. Fire Station #4 d. Collins 5th to 15th e. Normandy Golf Course 2 f. 10th Street Auditorium g. Venetian Islands h. South Point Phase II 9. Define/finalize/document expectations from each of the 13 neighborhoods. 10. Finalize RFP, select and establish job order contracting program. 11. Address undergrounding of utilities issues in neighborhoods. 3 Identified Priority Area: IMPLEMENTING RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BUSINESS RESOLUTION TASK FORCE (BRTF) Description: The BRTF presented various recommendations to improve and expedite the permitting and development processes. The BRTF identified 5 key areas for improvement. They are: expedite permitting; improve customer service; simplify Land Use Boards Process; improve staffing and hiring; and invest in technology. Goals for this year: 1. Relocate and expand city offices. 2. Upgrade/improve technology. 3. Continue to develop appropriate HR strategies to attract and retain qualified staff, particularly for hard to fill positions. 4. Continue to review and enhance development process and identify opportunities for process improvements and efficiencies. Key deliverablesloutcomesltasks: 1. Relocate and expand City Offices: a. Review possibility of acquiring Equity One Building. b. Evaluate City offices within new proposed parking. c. Finalize and construct re-configuration of 2nd Floor and 1st Floor (license and citizen's service bureau) with emphasis on aligning functions and identifying and implementing other administrative office improvements. 2. Continue to improve and streamline development and permit process, implement recommendations to be made by JRD & Associates, for streamlining the process, and implement enhanced services pilot program. 3. Develop a new strategy to handle Structural Plan Review backlog. 4. Continue customer service training for line employees. 5. Initiate a structured technical training program to be utilized by the department for new recruits. 6. Technology enhancements: a. Purchase hand-held computers for inspectors b. Begin to develop permitting on-line capability c. Review permitting status d. Web-page portal redesign 7. Expand counter walk-through process as part of 2nd floor reconfiguration. 8. Initiate Saturday Residential Inspection Services for homeowners. 9. Continuous open recruitment for hard-to-fill positions. 10. Finalize CWA union contract and negotiate language that will allow for position reviews/reclass and salary adjustments. 11 . Ensure accountability in development process and plans review process particularly where regulatory conflicts arise. 4 Identified Priority Area: STRATEGIC PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Description: Managing and fostering the economic growth in Miami Beach to further expand and diversify the economic base. Develop plans and economic development strategies to ensure that appropriate, coherent and sustainable growth occurs in Miami Beach without adversely impacting on the unique character of our community and our residential neighborhoods. Goals for this year: 1. Sustain and strengthen the tourism industry. 2. Develop key strategies/contingency plan for times of unexpected economic impact and/or to respond to unanticipated events. 3. Assist and foster private development and investment in Miami Beach. 4. Identify opportunities to enhance economic viability of local businesses. 5. Implement economic stimulus package to provide economic relief while confidence is restored in economy. Key deliverablesloutcomes/tasks: 1. Initiate and implement an Economic Stimulus Package with the following specific measures to provide relief while confidence is restored in the economy and tourism industry: a. Extend the deferral of payment for unpaid FY 2002 occupational license fees and unpaid FY 2002 sidewalk cafe fees from October 1, 2001 to January 31,2002 abating any late payment fees. b. Extend a 20% discount offered on all denominations of Parking Smart cards from October 1,2001 to January 31,2002. c. Provide free Electrowave transportation service after 9:00 p.m. from October 1,2001 to January 31,2002. d. Partner with the Florida Lottery to participate in live Lotto drawing from Miami Beach through their "Play Here Stay Here" campaign and create a Miami Beach themed scratch off game. 2. Citywide Parking Demand Analysis a. Completed Demand Analysis (final report) by Walker Parking Consultants. b. Identify Priority Projects. 3. City-wide Sign Way-Finding: To improve both pedestrian and vehicle access and awareness of major destinations, attractions and transportation a. Complete plan and present to Florida Department of Transportation for review. 4. 17th and Washington Avenue Site Analysis a. Complete Site Analysis and Development Concept. b. Complete Phase II and refine components of master plan. c. Update City Center masterplan and initiate amendment to City Center RDA Interlocal Agreement. 5 d. Begin negotiation process with New World Symphony (NWS) regarding Soundspace project. e. Define funding strategy for Improvements. 5. Develop Expenditure Plan for Convention Development Tax (CDT) a. Complete and review Convention Center Expansion Study. 6. 72nd Street Site a. Develop community consensus to finalize development concept. b. Negotiate Lease and Development Agreement to implement desired development concept. 7. Finalize North Beach Strategic Plan a. Initiate and pursue components of Phase II for Byron-Carlyle. b. Amend lease with state to permit city construction of park and pursue title/deed to Altos Del Mar Park. c. Finalize and issue RFQ for Altos Del Mar West Lots. d. Assist State in sale of 11 noncontiguous lots. 8. Establish Nightlife Industry Task Force a. Make appointments to Task Force. b. Review and recommend amendments to Promoter License process. c. Review and endorse the Major Events Plan. 9. Cultural Arts and Tourism Development (CATD) a. Staff Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Tourism b. Formalize and adopt Major Events Plan. c. Advertise and Hire Director of CA TD. d. Coordinate Art Basel and related activities. e. Perform Economic impact Analysis of Arts and Culture and special events. f. Spearhead "Arts in North Beach" initiative. g. Create and adopt a 5-year Public Art Master Plan. h. Amend Art in Public Places review, selection and approval process. 10. Royal Palm Crown Plaza a. Oversee completion of construction. b. Resolve outstanding delay claim. 11 . Beach Concessions a. Negotiate and award a contract with a beachfront concessionaire. b. Adopt Rules and Regulations. c. Transfer application requirement to upland owners. e. Continue to solicit State approval of amended rules and regulations. 6 Identified Priority Area: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Description: In order to achieve the organizational efficiencies we envision and ensure a workforce that will address the challenges Miami Beach will face, a variety of internal organizational activities need to be undertaken. These include aligning the mission of the organization with the goals of the City Commission and ensuring that the resources are identified and allocated to accomplish our goals. Goals for this year: 1. Enhance professional development of City staff. 2. Streamline key Human Resources processes. 3. Continue to enhance our customer service initiatives. 4. Assess, modify and enhance as appropriate our employee benefits. 5. Enhance internal Procurement, Budget and Financial systems. Key deliverables/outcomes/tasks: 1. Professional Development: a. Implement higher education degree programs for City employees to participate in, including a Bachelors and Masters programs at Florida International University and Barry University. b. Coordinate executive level leadership retreats for senior level staff, including Assistant City Manager's, Department and Division Directors, and Assistant Department and Division Directors. c. Coordinate training programs for employees at all levels that focus on skill development, education, and improving job performance. d. Develop and implement an employee development program for the Public Works Department that will focus on improved operations, supervisory skills and safety training. 2. Customer Service: a. Complete analysis and action plan of customer service evaluation ("secret shopper") program. b. Develop additional Customer Service recognition programs for our employees. c. Coordinate "customer service" training sessions by functional areas so that entire teams (departments) of employees at all levels participate in sessions that focus on improving internal and external customer service standards. 3. City-wide Recognition Programs a. Submit budget for Government Finance Officers Association Award b. Review and consider application for all America City Award, Innovations in American Government Award and the Florida Sterling Award. c. Pursue accreditation of Purchasing Department. 7 4. Purchasing Enhancements a. Establish clear procedures for resolving protests relative to Invitation for Bids (IFB), Request for Qualifications (RFQ), and Request for Proposals (RFP) in a timely and expeditious manner. b. Implement Job Order Contracting (JOC) in order to achieve timely and cost effective procurement of maintenance and construction services. c. Implement an electronic requisitioning / on-line approval process to streamline the ordering of goods and services. 8 Identified Priority Area: NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Description: Neighborhood focus which embraces multi-departmental cooperation to enhance service delivery. Quality of life issues are a priority. These are accomplished through: Community outreach and involvement, empowering residents, and the alignment of city services to exceed customer service expectations. Goals for this year: 1. Pursue a coordinated effort to reduce the incidence of Homeless. 2. Enhance community cleanliness. 3. Use Interdepartmental task forces to coordinate Neighborhood Services. 4. Develop and implement community outreach. 5. Implement Centralized Call Center. Key deliverablesloutcomes/tasks: 1. Homeless Issues: a. Hire a coordinator. b. Conduct a Homeless Commission Workshop. c. Initiate continuum of care/database and enhance our participation in the Continuum of Care increasing the number of treatment beds. d. Develop a camping ordinance. e. Secure additional funding for permanent supportive housing. f. Create a Homeless Provider's Forum to discuss current homeless services, the delivery of homeless services and develop a plan that will enhance the coordination of homeless services. g. Allocate CDBG funds. 2. Enhance Community Cleanliness: a. Provide education on littering. b. Full implementation of Clean Team/South Beach Service Team. c. Mechanize the litter services within residential area. 3. Interdepartmental Task Forces: a. Implement Interdepartmental Teams (Task Force) for South, Middle, and North Beach to meet on a monthly basis to develop long-term comprehensive solutions to neighborhood issues or concerns. b. Focus on feedback and information from Home Owners Associations. 4. Community Outreach: a. Implement a Neighborhood Leadership Academy to provide residents with the tools and resources to be effective participants in City government. b. Host neighborhood and hurricane fairs and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Training. c. Increase quality of newsletters and mass communication after neighborhood meetings that will focus on and address residents concerns. d. Facilitate neighborhood meetings and develop a timely response mechanism to citizens concerns. 9 e. Conduct focus group-surveys. f. Create a Resident Guide to provide information on city, county, state and federal laws and services. g. Create Fact Cards. h. Improve Web page to make it more user friendly, informative, interactive and a virtual City Hall. 5. Centralized Call Center: a. Development of an answer center proposal with a centralized citywide database that interfaces with Permits Plus. b. Ensure that the system is user friendly and accurate. c. Create a Marketing program so that residents and visitors know where to call. d. Create a database to track calls and build a relationship with the customer. 10 Identified Priority Area: E-GOVERNMENT Description: Electronic access to City services and information by the creation and enhancement of infrastructure and software's. Ensuring that access to government services is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Facilitating Citizen access and interactive with their government. Goals for this year: 1. Create a new website for the City and make it interactive. 2. Allocate appropriate resources to technology and e-government efforts. 3. Begin development of an Intranet. 4. Review internal systems for enhancement. 5. Identify opportunities for on-line services and begin to develop and implement e-government solutions Key deliverablesloutcomes/tasks: 1. City Web-site: a. Redesign City's website to make it more user friendly, visually attractive, educational and interactive. b. Create appropriate links to City's stakeholders. c. Video streaming of commission/zoning board meetings. 2. Develop an Intranet for organization and employees. a. Improve our E-mail capabilities. b. Provide enhanced calendar/minutes functions. 3. Review the following internal systems for enhancement: a. Cyborg/LMS/FMS. b. Integration of fleet management system with existing systems. c. Desktop standardization. 4. Identify City services that can be appropriately offered on-line and begin to implement e-government solutions. 11 Organizational Structure I Program of Work for Functional Areas City Manaaer's Office . Provide executive level leadership, vision and guidance to the organization. . Provide sound management principles in implementing policy objectives of the City Commission and carrying out the daily operations of the City. . Develop professional and efficient recommendations for consideration by the City Commission. . Implement the City Commission policy directives in an efficient and effective manner. . Coordinate process to develop City Commission agenda packets. . Provide support to the City Commission Committees and Advisory Boards. Public Safety Police: . Achieve State Accreditation . Conduct a training analysis/survey to identify training priorities. . Further the development of the Goodwill Ambassador Program by actively recruiting and training participants. . Review and purchase the use of non lethal weapons for the SWAT and Field Force Team and develop policy and procedures for the same. . Implement the Mobile Lap Top Program. . Develop a system to audit accreditation compliance. . Develop Community Policing Initiative in City Center Redevelopment District. Fire: . Complete a minimum of 50% of the Fire Department's Accreditation process. . Complete updating a minimum 50% of Department Standard Operating Guidelines. . Conduct Quarterly Fire Station visits on all three shifts. . Purchase and place into service a quantity of new fire hose to bring inventory up to standards, and replace unserviceable hose per NFPA standards. . Comply with the Provision of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1710. Economic Development. Tourism and Cultural Development . City-wide relocation plan to accommodate expanding City office space needs. . Review and endorse Major Events Plan (MEP). 12 Parking Department: . Finalize City-wide Parking Demand Analysis and Feasibility Study. . Continued enhancement of Internal Controls. . Enhancement of residential parking in response to upgraded housing stock and changes in residential demographics. . Renovation of 12th and 13th Street garages and several surface lots. . Reconciliation of electronic meter revenue reporting system and actual cash receipts. . Creation of parking to meet non-conforming historic building needs and preservation of existing structures. Redevelopment Agency: . Formalize and continue implementation of Capital Plan for Southpointe Redevelopment District and City Center Redevelopment District. . Update Redevelopment Plan for City Center. . Continue construction of Southpointe Streetscape project and ensure quality construction of this five (5) phases, $27 million. . Amend City Center Interlocal to implement community policing initiative. . Monitor ongoing parking, seawall, baywalk, construction and utility relocation. Office of Asset Management: . Relocation of City Offices to accommodate administrative needs. . Maximize use of City Facilities for City office needs. . Finalize adoption of amended Beach Concession Rules and Regulations that are part of City's Management Plan with the State. . Assist with Indian Creek Greenway Project Land Component. Economic Development Division: . Ongoing update of Miami Beach Market Study. . Track Resort Tax Revenues . Complete 5th Street Urban Infill Planning Process. . Facilitate attracting entertainment industry conventions, trade shows and award shows. . Monitor impact of census count on our entitlement status. . Strengthen relationship with workforce Florida and other agencies. . Implement local employment tracking system. . Formalize the partnership with Small Business Administration and South Beach Development Corporation. Cultural Arts and Tourism Development (CATD): . Perform Economic Impact Analysis of Arts and Culture. . Continue to participate in "Arts in North Beach" initiative. 13 . Conduct cultural facility plan and assess need for cultural facility coordinator on staff. . Collaborate with tourism partners and develop targeted programs and marketing initiatives. . Amend Art in Public Places review, selection and approval process. . Install at least two Art in Public Places installation and select at least two new projects to be commissioned. . Adopt and implement Film and Print incentives. Planning Department: . Update Concurrency Plan. . Assist State in sale of 11 noncontiguous lots. . Issue RFQ for West Lots. . Evaluate Parking for North Shore Open Space Park vis-a-vis West Lots. Building Department: . Implement a Structural Plans review strategy while continuing recruitment efforts to hire an additional Structural Plans Examiner. . Work with the County to amend minimum requirements of Structural Plans Examiner. . Extend the Walk-through Plan Review Hours to 3:00 p.m. . Provide improved/streamlined, one-stop, walk-through permitting workflow process with minimal waiting periods. . Utilize field inspectors with hand-held computers to upload inspection approval/denial instantly. . Initiate the first phase of the comprehensive record management program by converting all existing plans, microfilms and microfiche into computerized images, in line with City's E- Government priority. . Implement a new comprehensive call distribution plan for the department providing for enhanced customer service and staff accountability. . Initiate implementation of Internet-based permitting. . Implement an enhanced and comprehensive new Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) providing for complete automated relay of inspection and plans review data to customers via telephone. . Initiate Saturday Residential Inspection Services for homeowners. . Facilitate and provide expedited permitting process for GO Bond and Capital Improvement projects. . Streamline development permit process through implementations of measures recommended by consultant, JRD & Associates. . Adopt, implement and enforce the provisions of the Florida Building Code that take effect on January 1, 2002. . Adopt, implement and enforce the provisions of the Florida Statutes 399 regarding Elevator Safety that take effect on January 1. 2002. 14 Operations and Services Major Initiatives: . Develop plan for implementation of the City-wide Answer Center. . Develop a strategy for extensive Neighborhood Outreach and on-going communication. . Establish working neighborhood groups in areas of the City, which have typically not had formal representation or homeowners associations available. Target condominiums and lower income areas for this goal. . Develop and implement a Homeless strategy. Reduce the incidence of homelessness and the conflicts between residents, visitors and homeless. . Improve the Public Works Department operational and service capacity. . Work to improve the cleanliness of Miami Beach through increased mechanization of Sanitation operations. . Work to develop an annualized Property Management Capital Program and building maintenance assessment for inclusion in the next fiscal year budget. . Develop and implement a resident construction impact strategy so as to keep residents informed of construction in neighborhoods, as well as to mitigate concerns experienced with construction. . Work to establish long-term facility and infrastructure maintenance planning in Public Works. . Complete implementation of the Parks Blue Ribbon Committee blueprint. . Assess and implement an appropriate Tennis Center Operating Agreement. . Make a final determination and implementation of Golf Course Agreements . with the major hotels on Miami Beach. Capital Improvement Projects: . Implement the job order contracting system. . Address a general policy for the under-grounding of utilities in neighborhoods. . Create accountability mechanisms to ensure high quality, timely work by the City's Architect/Engineers and Contractors. . Improve internal administrative processes, such as payment processing, budgeting, and project scheduling. . Develop sufficient project schedules to assist the Finance Department in making funding decisions, such as Bond draw-downs. Public Works: . Restructure department to more effectively integrate new functions introduced in FY 2001. . Develop long-term maintenance strategies and funding requirements for water, sewer and stormwater. . Organize and focus the Sanitation Division to effectively deliver improved community cleanliness. . Implement a Pavement Management Plan. 15 . Assess needs and develop plan of action to acquire an integrated automated Public Works Management System. . Evaluate the existing Facilities Maintenance and Repair Program with the goal of conducting scheduled complete facility inspections and producing Annual Facility Inspection Reports; a City Annual Maintenance Action Plan; a City long-range Maintenance Plan; and a City Backlog of Maintenance and Repair. . Develop Citywide Traffic Calming Procedures Manual. . Assess effectiveness and efficiency of Concurrency process and recommend policy and/or process changes. . Improve the quality of customer service response by providing a 24-hour Public Works Service Call Center. . Develop and implement an employee development program that will focus on improved operations, supervisory skills and safety training. . Resume routine night inspection program. . Complete designlbuild renovations of the 555 17th Street, VCA, and Equity One Buildings. . Continue to provide designlbuild services to support the relocation of City offices to accommodate expanding administrative needs. . Research accreditation by the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) or other professional property management association. . Implement a flying squad. This will give the Division the ability to respond immediately to any emergency work without disrupting normal work schedules. . Implement phase (2) of SBST concept of operations to include Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue, and Washington Avenue. . Continue Infiltration and Inflow (1&1) Mitigation program. . Complete sanitary sewer force main analysis. Prepare scope of work for retaining consulting services to evaluate the existing sanitary sewer force main and design for improvements and contingencies. . Complete the construction of the public restrooms on the Beach. Transportation and Concurrency Management Division: . Manage consultant's planning and design of Collins Avenue 5th to 15th Street. . Implement intersection improvements for 41st Stllndian Creek Drive. . Coordinate the design of traffic calming measure for incorporation in Alton Road Corridor Project. . Complete the bi-annual updating of the MMP. . Complete preliminary development of citywide traffic calming procedure and manual (pre-planning stage). . Evaluation of Electrowave. . Privatize maintenance of the Electrowave. . Negotiate new contract. 16 Parks: . Develop strategies to better communicate the availability of programs and services offered by the Parks and Recreation Department. . Implement a comprehensive evaluation (in conjunction with the Parks and Recreational Facilities Board and the Recreation Blue Ribbon Committee) of existing recreation programs and services currently offered to our Miami Beach residents. . Implement the agreement with PCM (Professional Course Management, Limited) to provide for the long-term management of the City's golf courses, clubhouses and related facilities. . Conduct a comprehensive analysis of all fee and charges currently established for the Recreation Division programs, services and facility rentals. . Contract with an outside consultant to provide specialized horticultural training for supervisors. . Work with the Capital Improvements Task Force to develop maintenance standards and cost analysis for the on-going maintenance of new projects as they come on line over the next 3-5 years. Neighborhood Services: . Implement interdepartmental teams (Task Force) for South, Mid and North Beach meeting on a monthly basis developing long-term comprehensive solutions to neighborhood issues or concerns . Empower residents through the creation of the Neighborhood Leadership Academy. . Hold Neighborhood Fairs/Hurricane Fairs to bring city departments to the residents of Miami Beach. . Prepare community newsletters after neighborhood meetings that will focus on and address the issues and concerns of the residents. . Publish the City of Miami Beach Residents' Guide, which will provide information on city, county, state and federal laws and services. . Facilitate neighborhood meetings and respond to neighborhood issues in a timely manner. Utilize meetings as an avenue to discuss Neighborhood Services Department or citywide initiatives and assess delivery of city services. . Provide Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) training for the neighborhoods . Participate in Miami-Dade County Homeless Continuum of Care . Improve interdepartmental coordination of youth programming. . Develop partnerships with community-based organizations for low-income elders in Miami Beach. . Develop criteria for scholarship program. . Initiate program in North Beach for select area to target code violations. . Continue with citywide inspection program of multi-family dwellings for interior and exterior property maintenance violations. . Develop ongoing review and update program for Code. 17 . Develop educational material. . Develop and award RFP for PrimaryfTransitional Housing. . Access and use of Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust database. . Lead-based paint awareness campaign in conjunction with the Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach. . Elderly Rental Program - acquisition of condo units to be rented to income. . Enhanced newsletter that will be produced in full-color expanded to four pages that will include Spanish translation and mailed to all addresses on a quarterly basis independently from the utility bills. The last issue will be the City's annual report. Internal SUDDort Services Procurement: . Apply for the Outstanding Agency Accreditation Achievement Award by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP). . Conduct Small Business workshops on "How to do Business with the City". . Conduct City-wide training sessions on purchasing procedures. . Establish a Job Order Contracting (JOC) to expedite the completion of minor construction projects. . Streamline purchasing process by implemented on-line requisitioning and on- line approval. . Prepare an Ordinance to the City Code that provides for the City Manager with greater authority to award or reject bids and contracts. . Prepare an Ordinance to the City Code that establishes bid protest procedures. . Implement a Vendor Outreach Program to significantly increase the number of responses to our formal solicitations. Human Resources: . Reevaluate the background portions of the hiring process. . Establish an on-line application and resume process. . Implement the Customer Service Task Force recommendations. . Amend Health Insurance; 50% rule, RFP, and task force recommendations. . Implement Section 125 changes - flexible spending accounts. . Amend leave accrual (must use). . Enhance general benefits. . Ensure that union negotiations are completed and new provisions including training are implemented. . Select administrator for Workers Compensation Fleet: . Explore alternate sources of fueling City vehicles. 18 . Continue to implement scheduling of preventative maintenance (PM's) on vehicles and equipment on a consistent basis. . Maintain "Repairs Costs" and "Downtime Hours" of city vehicles at FY 00/01 benchmark. Finance I Technoloav Finance: . Plan, prepare and issue the second series of General Obligation Bonds, as funding is required to meet project schedules. . Enhance procedures, controls and financial reporting of grants. . Complete the implementation of the project ledger (project accounting system) by integrating it with Payroll, Permits Plus and Aquilium systems to provide accurate financial information for all capital projects. Also complete the development and programming of all special reports. . Implement new procedures and controls for financial monitoring of Capital project expenditures. . Plan, prepare and issue Special Assessment financing for neighborhood special districts that qualify for underground utilities projects. . Renew equipment financing and borrow as needed for acquisition of equipment. . Continue improving customer service delivery for occupational licenses and certificates of use by providing issued license files on line. . Implement online application for first time occupational license applicants. Implement online payment for license renewals. . Implement utility "Budget Billing" citywide by providing online application. . Implement online bill paying for "City bills ". . Implement the new Government Reporting Model, GASB 34. . Develop and publish an enhanced FY 2001/02 Adopted Budget Book by December 31, 2001 in a format that will be more comprehensive and informative for the public. . Submit the enhanced FY 2001/02 Adopted Budget Book to the Governmental Finance Officers Association (GFOA) as an entrant in its Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. . Hold performance measure workshops with departments to provide more operating capacity and performance information in the Adopted Budget Book. . Prepare an updated 5-year operating budget with revenue and expense projections. Information Technology & Telecommunications: . Enhance IT's "Customer Service" commitment by implementing customer- oriented applications and systems. . Standardize and maintain desktop environment to latest version of Microsoft Windows and Office products. 19 .,. . Continue replacement project for the existing Police and Fire CAD System with a new PrinTrak System geared to better meeting the needs of the City's public safety needs. . Complete conversion of Q&A applications for the Police Department to Microsoft Office 2000 applications during FY2001/2002 that will include the Employee Information, Court Liaison, Vacation, Overtime, Compensation Leave and Alternative Holidays modules. . Implement Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System for the Building, Finance and Code Departments. . Commence the replacement of the City's analog 800 MHz Public Safety Radio System with a Digital Smartzone System. . Complete the City Hall Wiring Project, installation of new network switching equipment and implementation of the installation of new network switches for the Police Department wiring closet. JMG\ri F:\CMGR\$ALL \JORGEGON\2001-2002 Priorities. doc 20