Resolution 1452 RESOLUTION NO. 1452. SAITIT1Y SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SATTITLRY SEWER DISTRICTS SR- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 5R-23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 to 38 incl. , 41, 42, 29, 31 to 38 incl. , 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48 to 51 "incl. 44, 45, 46, 48 to 51 incl. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of iiami Beach, Florida, met on the following dates : June 3rd, 1925, October 7th, 1925, November 4th, 1925, and June 16th, 1926, pursuant to the respective notices under Section 29 of the Charter of the said City to hear all written objections to the confirmation of the preliminary assessment rolls of Sanitary Sewer Improve- ments SR-23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 to 38 incl. , 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48 to 51 inclusive, Sanitary Sewer Districts 5R-23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 to 38 incl. , Al, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48 to 51 inclusive, by any person whose property is described in said preliminary assessment rolls which rolls were filed with said City Council on the following dates : SR-23, May 20, 1925; SR-24, May 20, 1925 ; SR-25, September 16, 1925; SR-26 October 10, 1925, SR-27, October 10, 1925, SR-28, May 20, 1925 ; 3R-29, October 10, 1925,3R-31, May 20, 1925 ; SR-32, October 10, 1925, SR-33, October 10, 1925; SR-34, October 10, 1925; SR-35, October 10, 1925; SR-36, October 10, 1925; SR-37, October 10, 1925; SR-38, October 10; 1925; SR-41, October 10, 1925; SR-42, October l0 ' 1925; SR-44, October 10i 1925}SR-45, October l01; 1924 SR-46 October 10, 1925; SR-48, June 2nd, 1926; SR-49, June 2, 1926;. SR-50, June 2, 1926; SR-51, June 2, 1926; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, having received no written remonstrances filed to the confirmation of said preliminary assessment rolls by any person whose property is described in said rolls, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the prima facie assessments as indicated on said preliminary assessment rolls be, and the same are in all things confirmed and sustained against any and all lots or parcels of ground described therein except as to the following described lots or parcels against which said assessment is modified and reduced, the amount by which said assessment is hereby reduced being hereby charged to the City at large, so that the assessment shall be as follows, it being hereby decided that the special benefits to said lots, because of other sanitary sewer assessments being made against said lots are those benefits as stated below, after such reduction and modification . Modification and Reduction of Assess- ments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer District 23. ription Reason for Adjustment Original Assessment Adjusted Assessment Ft. Front- Amount Ft. Front- Amount age a,e FISHERS 1st SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT LOOK 2 PAGE 77 PUBLIC RECORDS OF DARE COUNTY,FLORIDA. 7 Block 2 Assessed 2 sides 223.94 127.02 141.8 80.42 . r Description Reason for Adjustment Original Assessment Adjusted Assessment A. Front- Amount Pt. 'r on - ImOUHT— aPe . age PAL VIEW SUBDIVISION OP ALTON BEACH REALTY CO. AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OP DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 7 Block 38 Assessed 2 sides 160' 90.75 60' 34.03 Lot 20 IT 38 TT It TT 160' 90.75 60' 34.03 Lot 7 " 39 " T' TT 150' 85.060' 34.03 Lot 20 " 39 IT IT TT 150' 85.0 60' 34.03 SUBDIVISION OF WEST HALF UP BLOCKS 17, 40 and 45 as PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT 3001: #6 PAGE 165 OP THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 21 Block 40 Assessed 2 sides 150 85.09 100/ 56072 BELLE VIEW SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH REALTY CO., AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE 115 PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. sides 160 90.76 100' 56.72 r yp# 1 Block 41 Assessed 2 ".,o t 20 " 41 is " " 160 90.76 100' 56.72 " " 185 104.94 120' 68.04 Lot 1 42 COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION AS 23.17-, PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE 5 PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 13 Block 46 rr rr tr 150 85.08 100' 56,72 LINCOLN SUBDIVISIOT AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLP,T BOOK # 9 PAGE 69 PUBLIC RECORDS OF D',DE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LOT 1 Block 62 Assessed 2 sides 150 85.08 100' 56.72 85.08 100 56.72 �$ 20 Tt 62 IT " " - 150 63 TI TT tt 150 85.08 100 56.72 Lot 1 " 56.72 6 3 " r: r, 150 85.08 100 Lot 20 " � 120 68.06 IT Tr Tt 160 90.7 Lot 1 T` 64 120 68,06 IT tT " 160 90.75 Lot 20 T' 64 Modification and Reduction of Assess- ments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer District SR-24 r , 'ustent priin .l Assessment Ad' usted Assessment Descri,�tion �-�eGs o��_ Aad "�..= -- .,, Front- Amount Pt. Front- Amount Pt. ae. age. .___--_-- 1st ADDITION TO COTI'L RCIAL SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH REALTY CO. , AS ERR PLAT RECORDED IN 'PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE 30 ALL OP TEE PUBLIC RECORDS OP DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. b 7f3 Dot 7 Block 17 Assessed 2 sides 222.5' 126.20 120' 68.06 COMTRCIAL SUBDIVISION OP ALTON BEACH REAII.t'Y COMPANY, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE #5 ALL OF 'THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY,Y, L IORIDA. got 1 Block 38 Assessed also on SR-23 50 :'t. 150' 85.08 50' 28.36 E 15' of Lot 5 & all of Lot 6 Block 39 Assessed also on SR-23 65 Ft. , 150' 85.08 65" 36.86 Lot 7 Block 46 Assessed on 2 sides la ' 85.08 100' 56.72 Lot 12 " 47 Assessed 2 sides 150' 85.08 120' 68.06 Lot 7 " 49 " " t' 150' 85.08 100' 56.72 Lot 6 " 50 tt tt it 150' 85.08 100' 56.72 Modification and Reduction of Assess- ments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer. District SR-25 Description Reason for Adjustment Original Assessment Adjusted Assessment Pt. Front- Pt. Front- age ALIO un t age Amount AMENDED PIAT OP BLOCKS 117-117A-118-118A AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #9 PAGE 70 OP THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 6 Block 118 Assessed 2 sides 190' $107.77 1001 $56.72 Lot 1 IT 118A " " It 176,3 99.85 100' 56.72 COILIERCIAL SUBDIVISION OF ALTON 3. ACH REALTY CO. AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT 1300K ,WAGE #5 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 13 Block 45 Full Assessment SR-23 51.68' 29 .32 -- 00.00 "Lot 6 " 46 Assessed 2 sides 201.67 114.39 102.34 60.32 Lot 1 " 66A " it " 200 113.44 100' 56.72 Lot 6 " 78 " ft It 150 85.08 110' 62.39 LINCOLN SUBDIVISION OP ALTON BEACH REALTY CO. , AS E.,-1R PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT LOOK #9 PAGE 69 02TW-T,1 PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, r LO= ID&. Lot 1 Block 71 Assessed also on SR-23 60 Pt. 100 56.72 60 34.03 AT'1fF,I:1DED MAP OP OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF :iIAMI BEACH Z P_ OVE BNT CO. , AS MR PLAT - .CORDED IN PLAT BOOK #5 PAGE 7 OF THE PUI SIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 7 Block "C" Assessed also on SR-23 75 Pt. 1251 70.90 75 42.54 Lot 8 " 'IC" " 11 11 125 70.90 75 42.54 Assessed also on Lot 6 " "D" SR-23 50 Pt. 125 70.90 50 28.36 Lot 11 " "D" Assessed also on SR-23 50 rt. 161.81 91.78 50 28.36 Lot 1 " "E" Assessed also on SR-23 75 Pt. 125 70.90 75 42.54 Lot 2 " "E" Assessed also on SR-23 75 2t. 125' 70.90 75 42.54 Lot 1 " "F" Assessed also on SR-23 50 Pt. 125' 70.90 50 28.36 Lot 1 11 1 Assessed also on 1 SR-23 70 Pt. 125' 70.90 70 39.70 Lot 2 " 1 Assessed also on SR-23 70 Ft. 125' 70.90 70 38070 As d Lot 11 " 2 SR-2350Pt. sea on 175' 99.26 50 28.36 Lot 12 " 2 Assessed also on 70.90 50 28.36 SR-23 50 ="t. 125' Modification and deduction of assess- ments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer District SR-28 Description Reason for Adjustment Original Assessment Adjusted Assess_zent Ft. Front- Amount Ft. Front- Amount age age LINCOLN SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH KL, LTY CO. , AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK NO. 9 PAGE 69 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF D.SDE COUNTY,PLORID..e. Lot 6 Block 49 Assessed .also on SR-24 50t. 150' 85.08 50' X28.36 Lot 13 " 49 Assessed 2 sides 150' 85.08 100' 56.72 Lot 7 " 49 Full. Assess. SR-24 50' 28.36 -- 00.00 Lot 6 " 50A Assessed 2 sides 1501 85 .08 100' 56.72 Lot 7 " 50A Assessed also on28.36 SR-24 50 Pt, 150' 85.08 50' Tti....7 ... 4 . I _. SECOND COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION OP ALTON BEACH REALTY C0 . , AS PER PIAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK NO. 6 PAGE 33 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OP DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 6 Block 50 Pull Assessment SR-24 50' 23 .36 00.00 Modification and Reduction of Assess- ments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer Dis tri:; t SR-31 Description Reason for Adjustment O'igina.1 Assessment Adjusted Assessment . Pt. Front- Amount Ft. 'ront- Amount age age AM's+ ,;.D3D YAP OF OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OP MIAMI BEACH IMP'RO Vn nJTT CO. , AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK NO. 5 PAGE 7 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 6 Block 3 Assessed also on r T 70.90 451 19.85 SR-25 45 Ft. 12� Lot 7 si 3 Assessed also on 70.90 SR-23 45 `'t. 125= 45 19.85 Modification and Reduction of Assess- ments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Serer Districts SR- 26,27,29,32 to 38, 41, 42, 44 to 46. Description Reason for Ldjustment Origina.1 Assessment Adjusted As s e s silent F-E-. Front- ape Amount Pt. Font- �o,�nt ag9 in McGUIR S SUBDIVISION BEING A RESUBDI7ISION OF LOOS 6-7-8-9-10 a.nd. 11, BLOCK 98 OCEAN BEACH ADDITION #3 AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46 PAGE 83 OP THE PUBMC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 6 Block 98 Assessed 2 sides 1401 08.40 1001 ' 56.00 ALTON BEACH REALTY CO. ' S AMENDED PLAT OF BLOCK 13 as PE.R PIAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #9 PAGE 146 OF THE PtTBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, PLORIDAe _ o I Block 13 Assessed 2 sides 1601 89 .60 801 44.80 F ISLAND VIED SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE 115 OFT THE PUBLIC RECORDS ao DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 1 Block 14 Assessed 2 sides 200.1 , 112.06 100' 56,00 Lot • 1 0 " 16 t1 rt TT 1501 84.06 100' 56.00 Lot 5 i1 16A r1 it 11 210' 117,60 100' 56,00 Lot 1 r1 17A Triangle Lot Double 383.5' 345.52 233,5' 261.52 PAM VIEW SUBDIVISION A3 PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, Lot 7 Block 37 Assessed 2 sides 150' 84,00 60' 33.60 Lot 20 " 37 t1 TT r1 150' 84.00 601 33.60 SUBDIVISION OF BlOCK 44 AS PE.R PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE 166 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OP DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 1 Block 44 Assessed 2 sides 160' 89.60 100' 56.00 Lot 18 " 44 " it 1t 160' 89.60 100' 56.00 SUBDIVISION OF W-2 OF B DOCKS 17-40-45 A5 PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #6 PAGE 165 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS 02 DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 19 Block 45 Assessed or also SR-25 50 Ft. 150' 84,00 50: 23 .00 LINCOLN SUBDIVIS ION AS Fo;.R PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #9 PAGE 69 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 6 Block 47 Assessed 2 sides 160' 89.60100` 56.00 Lot 13 " 47 " 11 rt 160' 89.60 100' 56.00 Lot 6 " 48 " 11 t1 150' 84.00 100' 56.00 Lot 13 1' 48 r1 n " 150' 8/1.00 100' 56.00 Lot 6 " 51A i1 it it 150' 84.00 100' 56.00 lA " rt u 15 Lot 7 " �.0 T 84.00 100' 56.00 5 Lot 5 1t 52A rr TT 11 160' 89.60 100' 56.00 Lot 1 " 60 r1 t1 11 150' 84.00 100' 56.00 ,r rt u 150' 84.00 100' 56.00 Lot 20 rr 60 . 150' 84.00 100' 56.00 tot 1 " 61 tt t1 t1 rr tr rt 150' 84.00 100' 56.00 Lot 20 r1 61 _ _ i _. j i E CODUtERCIAL SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT B00K #6 PAGE 5 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS 02 DADE COUNTY, P LORID ,.. Lot 5 Block 66 Assessed also on 28.00 SR-25 50 1't0 1501 84.90 50' Modification and Reduction of Assess- ments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer Districts SR-48, 49, 50, & 51. Description_. Reason for Ad:Iust 'ient Original Assessment Adjusted Assessment pt. Front- Pt. Pr ont- awe Amount ___!_z1_____ inn uTlt OCEAN BEACH SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #2 PAGE 38 OF T E PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADA COUNTY, FLORIDA. * 176.40 100' $98.00 Lot 8 Block 8 Assessed 2 aides 180 � t 98.00 it n 180' 176.40 100 Lot 9 " 8 � 98.00 Lot 1 " 9 n IT IT 180' 176.40 100' it 9 it 11 it 1801 176.40 100' 98.00 Lot 16 BE IT PURT'r R RESOLVED that the sums and amounts assessedaaga stss�nent each of the lots or parcels of ground described in aid pre Y assessment against each of the lots or parcels of ground rolls, a�.d the sums and amounts a�, of therein set forth are less than the amounts eac ch lot l toot of seid vagl.ousd is benefited by said improvements, and that improvements in the following sums : SR-23 33 ,749.12 5,258.15 SR-�:5 20,305. 11 SR-28 1,129 .07 SR-31 375.36 SR-26-27-29-32 to 38 22 ,821.49 41-42-44 to 46 SR-48-49-50-51 16083 &04 are hereby approved and confirmed, the proportion of said cost to be paid by the City of i.Liami Beach, including the cast at street intersections being the following: For SR-23 $10030.06 For SR-24 2630466 For SR-25 19185:71 For SR-28 618.59 For SR-31 287445 For SR-26, 27 ,29,32 to 38, 41, 42, 44 to 46 7604.81 For SR-48, 49 , 50 8 51 1750.90 exclusive of the charge hereinbefore made to the City at large. BE IT F THR . SOLVD that ten days after this confirma- tion of said assessment roll the same be delivered to the City Clerk and the City Clerk is hereby ordered, thirty days after the date of this resolution, to make collection of the assessments therein as required by law, provided, however,' that the owner of any lot or parcel of land which shall have been assessed in excess of 325.00 may, before the lapse of said thirty days, file with the City Clerk, his written under- taking, waiving all irregularities and illegality in connec- tion with said asessment against said lot or parcel and agree to pay the same in equal installments in each of the five succeeding years, at the times in said years at which the general City taxes are due and payable, with interest upon said deferred installments at the rate of six per cent per annum from date of said confirmation, which said five- year period is hereby fixed and determined by the City Council. PASSD AND ADOPTiD TRIS 1st day of September, A.D. , 1926. •�-si en Ci y Council (- ATTEST: City Clerk. a la relli NIP 4111 s.o. • 44. a of a. •1, t H H