Resolution 1503 RESOLUTION 1503 t d I RESOLUTION NO. 1503 BE IT RE3) LVED BY THE C ITY COUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF • MIAMI BE*.CH, FLORIDA, as follows : 1. That said Council has examined and revised the list of registered voters of said City and has erased therefrom the names of such as may have died. or removed from the City, or who are otherwise disqualified to vote, which names are as follows: Anderson Adams, D. R. ,RERS.OHLU. TION 1503 Alexander, Elizabeth G. Adams, Wilhemina Allen, Charles J. Allen, F. C. Allen, Cordelia M. Andrews, E. L. Atkins, George Abrams, Leonard. Allen, Samuel Li. Abbott, H. E. Adams, E. J. Allen, George T. Allen, Robert Adamo, Victoria Arnold, E. E. Adair, Barney RESOLUTION 1503 Ir • Bell, J. William Boyd, Barnett Bonsteel, L. S. Boyd, Marcellus Brooks, 0. T. Boree, Dewil Broadfoot, Robert P. Brooks, Annie M. Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Harold H. Boree, Mrs. D. Baker, 0. Sproule Braun, H. W. Brown, James D. Boyd, Lillian L. Barba'', J. C. Baker, Bertha Boyd, Emma S. Broadfoot, Della M. Bullock, H. Stanley • Burton, William Berst, Phil B. Boyd, Sarah May Bigdee, A. C. Baer, Harry P. Bishop, Esther A. Bradin, Charles A. Briles, Jack H. Bronso7n, Ralph Bryant, George Blair, J. T. Batly, Edw. G. Brown, Bryson Brady, Robert S. Bartholomew, H. E. Beckerich, Edward Brookshire, John RESOLUTION 1503 Blevins, W. C. Brown, J. 0. Brown, R. S. Brown, J. W. Brose, H. P. Boyd, Melvin F. Biggs, Jack Bounds, K. C. Beckerich, John Burns, J. J. Bright, G. H. Bacon, F. M. Baker, W. F. Bartrich, F. H. Brown, F. J. Beckham, Gertrude Bentley, Geneva Back, Belle Blayney, I. B. Benze, T. W. Brunson, Bob C .. RESOLUTION 1503 1 m , ) 1 Conklin, George U. Conrad, R. E. Crossland, Bobbie Cowart, Maude Cochran, Josephine B. Crossland, Kenneth C. Campion, F. K. Conklin, E. R. Conklin, Harry S. Compton, Leslie Cohn, J. T. Cason, Earle M. Carter, Earle T. Clark, Sam Covell, F. C. Crews, L. G. Crews, Ida Clifford, Howard Cerota, Nat Conroy, Bernard. Carr, Thomas 7. . Campbell, Julian E. Como, Jack A. Copeland, W. H. Christiansen, R. H. Connelly, John Conway, Charles D. Caswell, Charles E. Casey, James Campbell, Joseph Conole, William F. Comstock, Eleota Conrad, Bryan Conway, William E. Callahan, J. H. Connell, John r • RESOLUTION 1503 Clark, R. B. Clancy, William Cooper, Hyman Carter, Fred. Cook, Chance A . Coughlan, J. H. Cassell, W. W. Carney, William F. 1 • RESOLUTION 1503 ) I Davidson, R. M. Daccord, Henry Durfee, G. H. Davis, A. D. Duffey, 0. H. Davey, E. C. Dammers, E. E. Deegan, Margaret De Cromer, Ina E. Dalton, Robert 7. Dobbs, H. Clifton Devine, Thomas J. Dryboss, R. Dolman, Sam Dopita, Vim. Charles Denton, Thomas Despoto, Nicholas L. Donothan, John. D. De Remo, A. De Poor, Paul W. Davidson, John M. Doherty, Joseph R. Darrow, Roy W. Dowd, Aaliam E. Dozley, Robert Dampeer, J. C . Dalton, Robert Duggan, Michael Duggan, James Duggan, Margaret De James, Joseph Dorn, Randolph C. Downey, Richard F. Dillman, F. E. Davis, Jack A. RESOLUTION 1503 r'" i i Engel, George L. Eberhart, Joseph M. Eiger, John Ensign, Lucille Ensign, Walter C . Eloott, Alexander T. Early, Leonard A. • Edelman, Jules Emriok, Lamar 1 Elliott, George E. Early, J. B. RESOLUTION 1503 T 1 Ford, Henry H. Fisher, Christian K. Fay, Joseph Fay, Beatrice L. Falconer, E. E. Farley, T. R. Fish, Van Cortland H. Fish, Roselle Farley, John Farley, Belle Porgy, 3. 'Talton, Jr. Freeman, Jack A. Finnegan, Joseph D. Felton, Harry Farley, Mabel M. Fotidea, Eustratious, K. Forkins, Mickey Flowers, H. C . Fox, Helen J. Faas, Martin F. Farrley, John Fox, John Faulkner, L. C. - RESOLUTION 1503 r Gill, W. A. Graham, Irwin G . Gibson, Esther Greenwood, Louis Geisinger, Josephine Geisinger, G. L. Goldenberg, Max Gillig, Helen D. Goins, Bilton W. Green, Joseph Gruenewald., Siegfried. Grundy, Walter J. George, Howard Goldman, L. Goodman, E. T. Gregg, Julius Gloucy, Joseph F. Gloucy, Mrs. Margaret Geisman, Michael Gardon, James Green, V. R. Gross, Stanley E. Grace, John T. Garman, R. C. Galloway, C. P. Gunn, Pat RESOLUTION 1503 17- 1 1 Hardie, Harriet Hayes, John J. Hammond, Mabel Hesse, W. B. Hollingshead, M. L. Hollingshead, J. M. Humpage, F. R. Harris, Van Alen Hareman, F. W. Hartnett, Edward Hoffstein, Erna Heath, Garrett Harvey, Julia P. Houser, T. S. Hyde, J. W. Harris, Luke A. Hayes, R. Haynes, Fred Haynes, Thomas Hahn, Louis J. Hahn, Mrs. Anna Hiscook, E. J. Herbert, Tom D. Hayes, Louis Hilliard, E. Haynes Hartford, Leo D. Houston, H. I. Hill, Guy C. Huyman, Harry Hoeny, Aaron W. Hill, Philip T. Harris, John Y. Healey, F. D. Hussey, George Edward Healey, George Hill, IT. B. RESOLUTION 1503 Hamm, 3. B. Hanson, Edwin A. Harris, Frank M. Heagy„ A. V. Hunter, James Humphries, Frank Hartwiek, H. D. Hard,y, Frank Holden, Robert Herman, Arthur RESOLUTION 1503 p Irish, A. M. Irish, Lucretia irRESOLUTION 1503 Jenkins, C. D. Jay, Oscar L. Jones, S. N. Jones, Ora Johnson, Carl J. Johnson, S. E. Jacobs, Albert I. Jones, William A. Johnstone, Dorothy Johnstone, John Johnson, Frank Jaynes, Walter Jones, J. R. Johnson, F. A. Jennings, Alfred Juliano, Charles C. Jennings, May Jones, George H. RESOLUTION 1503 Kelly, J. R. Kelly, Annie Belle Knowles, W. A. Kelly, Paul Knowles, V. A. Kline, P. W. Kraft, Mabel L. Kenney, Kiram Kirpatrick, Nellie M. Kane, Charles Kelly, M. J. Kozler, Charles Kenner, Ralph S. Kopland, Mitchell A. Koger, David. D. Kerhaghan, Charles E. Kammerman, J. J. Kelly, John C. Kennedy, Rita Kimerer, Max H. Keightley, eo M. King, E. C. Krann, Herman Keller, Harry Kenny, Harold J. Kelly, J. R. RESOLUTION 1503 S r p Laughlin, Leslie Lane, Cleora B. Logan, George Laitin, A. B. Luby, J. F. Levitt, Edward Lewis, H. G. Laudry, Morris J. Licker, Robert Ledwith, Earl W. Lansing, Fletcher H. Latham, J. C. Loving, Henry L. Lamb, Edgar- W. Lipscomb, P. C. Linden, Joseph Lasseell, 0. E. Lucia, C. A. Lewis, George F. Lewis, George Lane, A. J. Lewis, Russell RESOLUTION 1503 • f U Martin, 0. G. Milling, S. T. Maray, Lawrence Mosier, Alice Mason, E. V. Mason, E. E. Martin, C. P. Masters, Alta Morey, John Martin, L. E. Martin, Raeburn Martin, T. S. Mealey, John E. Marshall, Henry Mehlinger, Herman Dore, Earle R. Murphy, Harry D. Manning, Frank L. Morvitz, H. Lee Mindes, Maurice Mindes, Joseph Morris, B. D. Murphy, Edw. A. Mason, John G. Milbrandt, C. F. Murphy, John H. Murphy, `.alter Muldoon, Albert Morris, T. E. Manor, J. E. Meyers, Fred F. Murray, William L. Mahoney, E. J. Murray, James Marks, Frank Meyer, August H. RESOLUTION 1503 i Murphy, Charles H. Mick, Charles Mullaney, Charles J. Mathews, Albert Morris, W. M. Morrow, Peter J. Murphy, James A. Murry, Robert Miller, Charles Miller, Barnett Miller, Edward Murphy, John Maurice, Richard. Morris, Catherine Miller, Bertha Miller, lain Mautell, Frank Vinnning, Robert 1 RESOLUTION 1503 , McMurray, J. A. McDonald, William H. McHenry, W. F. McKenna, John McKenzie, Charles F. McNaught, C. L. McDavid, Rudolph McCarthy, C. J. McIntyre, Dan MoCoffrey, P. McGill, Robert MbMahon, Jerome J. McNanl ey, J. S. McGuinnis, Daniel McKenzie, U. R. McDonald, R. McCoy, Leo McLaughlin, Florence McCann, Gates J. . , RESOLUTION 1503 r • Nelson, Lillian J. Nelson, Lee M. Nelson, F. E. Nelson, Edith Na.yler, C. G. Norton, G. C. Nelson, Axel Nichols, Aaliam L. Norwood, R. C. Neil, Daniel RESOLUTION 1503 I - , Olinger, Sue H. Olsen, Lucille Olsen, Peter K. Oigleman, Mabel E. O'Neal, M. G. O'Connell, Vincent O'Donnell, Sidney O'Connell, Thomas A. O' Shea, R. A. Olcon, Roy O. O'Rourke, John M. Ogden, Joseph RESOLUTION 1503 Peak, H. E. Pearce, R. L. Praeger, J. H. Praeger, Ida W. Preston, Mamie Lou Pincus, Jeff Lee Pratt, Samuel T. Parrish, Edward. H. Petty, 0. C. Phillips, Crescent Plotnick, Herman Passett, Sue Passett, Isidore Porter, Louis Parker, William Paltrovitch Pepin, Arthur Phillips, Ray Parker, C . A. Phleen, M. J. Parker, Robert Partrich, F. H. Perper, A. L. Peberdy, Alfred. C. RESOLUTION 1503 Robinson, J. W. Rainey, Agnes G. Reid., Jeremiah Reid, Margarets A. Richardson, Margaret Richardson, H. E. Ringland, E. 0. Mrs. Ringland, E. 0. Rhoden, VI. 0. Ru.ssell, R. A., Jr. Remey, H. M. Henley, Edith H. Reid, George F. Rusden, George Romine, A. L. Rosenthal, Fred Rhein, Vincent Reichart, Carl E. Ryder, John E. Ryder, James F. Rafuse, James A. Reed, Jim Ridoif, John F. Ryan, James Riley, Stephen J. Ross, led Raubfogal, Morris Ryan, Edward. Roy, A. J. Ryan, John W. Rash, Howard Read, Robert Vincent Rogers, A. T. Ross, Charles Rosendorf, A. R. RESOLUTION 1503 Shadd, R. W. Scheibli, Herman Scheibli, Lura A. Shea, Nora M. Savage, Josie Savage, James E. Sutvan, Martha B. Samples, J. L. Schmidt, Otto Smith, Harold. J. Smith, Bluebell Stewart, G. A. Smimo, Samuel Stewart, Betty D. Stein, H. A. Sheehan, J. Smith, J. A. Smith, Helen H. Skinner, Berner J. Slowey, Barney Sarenson, Paul K. Stapp, E. L. Smith, S. Monte Selecman, Charles L. Shuman, Joseph Siegel, Dave Silver, Sidney Stanley, John A. Schwartz, Dave J. Stern, Philip Sachs, Herbert W. Schwartz, Edward Strickland, John Deal Smith, J. R. L . I1L Schild, Herman C. Schnssler, Herman R. RESOLUTION 1503 Stefanos, Steve Stevens, Baxter Shank, Howard Saunders, L. C. Stephens, R. C. Steger, L. A. Skinner, Victor Smith, H. T. Smith, Frank A. St. John, Albert Stinnett, W. T. Sisson, B. W. Sommers, Morris Smith, Harry Seibert, Frank Sheppard, Mike Smith, Dot C. Stenzel, Arthur Smith, George B. Stevens, William L. Starrett, Pearl RESOLUTION 1503 Thompson, Blanche E. Taylor, Mary K. Tobin, T. F. Terry, Thomas W. Terry, Richard Taylor, William Thompson, E. S. Thompson, Bessie Thieme, John C . KL5OLUTION 15U3 Van Deren, Frank O. Vail, Vessel, G. W. RESOLUTION 1503 r - q Vatson, R. L. Watson, Ruby M. Wilson, Alice A. Wilson, William F. Wright, Roy C. Woolf°, C. E. Wills, George W. Woolfe, John L. Wills, Lydia Woolfe, Mildred L. Wills, Coralea Wood, Charles D. Wise, Wayne Ward, John Winston, F. E. Wilson, A. H. Wilkerson, 17;rnest Williams, Louis H. Williams, Harry S. Williams, Viva Mrs. Wheelen, Ernest P. White, Albert Weiss, Harry White, John Whitcomb, J?Aaes H. Watson, F. W. Warren, T. J. Williams, Alvie G. White, John Wilson, John Watson, H. ilatson, I R. Weidingor, Hugh Warden, Joseph White, Gene White, Florence RESOLUTION 1503 - 4 Wallace, Ben Wilson, Cliff 1 RESOLUTION 1503 II 11. � w Young, Mose L. Zoller, A. 7. Zander, Frederick G. 7 RESOLUTION 1503 2. That said list, alphabetically arranged, be posted at the City Hall in accords with the Ordinances of said City. 3. That a list of those qualified to vote be published as the City Clerk deems sufficient as soon as practicable after this date. 4. That this Council meet from 10:00 A.M. , to 11:30 A.M. , each Wednesday prior to December 21, 1926, and from 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. each Saturday prior to December 21, 1926, for the prapose of restoring to such registration list those names which may have been improperly stricken therefrom, upon satisfactory proof of such improper striking. P.1S5ED AND ADOPTED this eighth day of December, A.D. , Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six. resident- of pity council. ATTEST: t City Glerk. �. ". 1411 \Y • r. t, ht\