Resolution 1546 . ,‘; . " ' 4'1 ' , • RESOLUTION NO. 1546 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SR-90, SANITARY SEWER DISTRICTS SR-90, 92 and 93 to 97 , Incl. 92 and 93 to 97 , Incl. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, met on February 16th, 1927, pursuant to the notice under Section 29 of the Charter of the said Ca. hear all written objections to the confirmation of the preliminaryassessment rolls of Sanitary Sewer Improvements SR-90, 92 and93 to 97, Inclusive , Sanitary Sewer Districts SR-90, 92 and 93 to 97, a?lusd.rve , by any person who!..,e, property is described in said.saipreliminary assessment rolls , whicn rolls were filed with said. City Council on January 19th and 29th, 1927 , and • WHEREAS, the City Council , havingareceived no written remon- strances filed to the confirmation ofid preliminary assessment rolls by any person whose property is described in said. rolls , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City. Council of the City of Miami Beach , Florida, thatthe primaiofacie assessments as indicated on said preliminary assessment a, lc be and the same are in all things confirmed and sustained , ai.;.;t any and all lots or parcels of ground described thereinil. h except as to the following described. lots or parcels againstw said assessment is modified and r!-- duced, the amount by which saaCiia:,ssessment is hereby reduced being1. hereby charged to the City at dere, so that the assessment shall be be as follows, it being hereby large, that the special benefits to said lots, on account of the reasons given, are those benefits as stated below, after such reduction and modification: Modification and Reduction of Assessments on Assessment Roll _Q for Sanitary Sewer DistrictsRo4_ Description Reason for Adjustment Original Assessment Adjusted. fissess- nent . RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS C, D AND E OF FAIRGREEN AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #4, PAGE 154, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 131.58'Lot 8, Blk. D Twice Frontage 241.931 0725.79_ $394.7L. " 7 ; " " 210.92' 632.76 180. 2 c i " 10 " C ' 241.68' 725.04 131.5$' 39L1 .711. AMENDED PLAT OF BLOCKS A, B AND F OF FAIRGREEN AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 39 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 9 , Blk. A. Fully Assessed. SR-89 60.59' 11.77 NONE " 11 , " B TwiceFrontage204.991 61497 145.38 436.14 SUBDIVISION NO. 1 , AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN FLAT Tr #8, PAGE 111 OF THE, PUB.... aK RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 1 , Blk. 46 Fully Assessed. SR-89 501 150.00 NONE " 12 , " 46 " 501 150.0.0 NONE if100 • •_ ORCHARD SUBDIVISICN NO. 2 & 3 AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #81 PAGE 111 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 1 , Elk. 49 Fully Assessed SR-89 67.5' 202.50 NONE " 3 " 55 " 11 50.341 151.02 NONE " 9 , " 55 " 11 50.31 150.90 NONE FIRST ADDITION TO MID GOLF , AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #7 , PAGE 16 OF THE PUBLIC RE- CORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 19 , Elk. 8 Corner Lot 592.21 1776.60 542 .21 1626.60 Modification and Reduction of Assessments on Assessment Roll for Sanitarj Sewer District SR- Description Reason for Adjustment Original Assessment Adjusted Assess ment. AMENDED MAP OF MIAMI BEACH IM- PROVEMENT COMPANY' S OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #51 PAGES 7 and 81 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 12 , Elk, 12 Full Assessment SR-91 50' 150.00 NONE Modification and Reduction of Assessments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer District SR-93. AMENDED PLAT OF SUNSET LAKE SUB- DIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK # AT PAGE 52 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLA. Lot 12 , Elk, 11 Twice Frontage - 162.55' 325.10 80' 160.00 " 15 , " 13 " 186.05' 372. 10 128.61 257.20 " 28 , " 14 185. 1' 370.20 126. 7' 253.40 " 18 , 11 16 " 159.31 31.8..60 73 . 6' 147.20 " 17 , " 16 " 122.5' 245.00 116.0' 232.00 RESUBDIVISION LOTS 16 to 21, BLOCK 15, SUNSET LAKE SUBDIVI- SION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 9, PAGE 145 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 21 , Elk. 15B Dedication for Street 132.5' 265.00 NONE Sewer Lateral 50.00 NONE " 1, Ink. 16B Assessed SR-55 172.35' 161.4' 322.60 46.351 92.70 Sewer Lateral " " 2 2 75.00 2 50.00 " 2, Elk. 16B " " 90' 601 120.00 30' 60.00 Sewer Lateral " " • 1 50.00 1 25.00 MID GOLF SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGE 200 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLA. Lot 20, Elk. 2 Twice Frontage 160' 320.00 130' 260.00 " 21 , " 2 " u 160' 320.00 130' 260.00 - - - Modification and Reduction of Assessments on Assessment Roll for Sanitarir Sewer District SR-04. Description Reason for Adjustement Original Assessment Adjusted Assess- ment AMENDED PLAT OF SUNSET LAKE SUB- DIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #8 , PAGE 52 OF THE PUB- LIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLA. Lot 22, Blk.9 Assessed SR-93 64.7' 62.7' 188.10 30.651 92.55 ti ; 9 II 141.61 117' 351.00 33 .9' 101 .70 1 . " 11 " 122.55' 84.6' 253.80 46.65' 139.95 " 114- n U 121. 75' 64.3 ' 192.90 6.85' 20.55 1 , " 14 121. 75' 63.35' 190.05 4.951 14.85 " 17 , " 16 Fully Ass' d " 58' 174.00 NONE PONE MID GOLF SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK +4, PAGE 200 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLA. Lot 20, Blk, 2 Fully Asstd. SR-93 65' 195.00 NONE NONE " 21 , " 2 " 65 195.00 NONE NONE Modification and Reduction of Assessments on Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer District SR-9a. Description Reason for Adjustment Original Assessment Adjusted Assess- ment NAUTILUS ADDITION, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #8, PAGE 130 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 14, Elk. 14 Twice Frontage 308.1' 613.40 190.3 ' 380.60 " 11, " 13 " 162.48' 324.96 128.62' 257 .24 " 15 , 11 114- Ore and One-half times short frontage 161.5' 323.00 90. ' 180.00 Modification and Reduction of Assessments on Assessment Roll for Sanitar Sewer District _SR-96. Description Reason for Adjustr4ent Original Assessment Adjusted Assess- ment GARDEN SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK +29 , PAGE 67 , OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 31 , 31k. 2 Twice Frontage 155.3' 455.90 121.6' 364.80 Modification and Reduction of Assessments on Assessment Roll for Sanit .rr Sewer District SR-97. Description Reason for Adjustment Original Assessmert Adjusted Assessment AMENDED PLAT OF AQUARIUM SITE RE- SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK #21, AT PAGE 83 OF OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 1 Assessed 1001 sR-25 751 150.00 50' 100.00 Laterals " in SR-25 2 75.00 2 50.00 Lot 2 " 25' in SR-25 110' 220.00 25 50.00 MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COM- PANY' S OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK +5 , AT PAGES 7 and 8 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lot 9 , Elk. 1 Assessed 50' SR-23 115' 230.00 501 100.00 Laterals SL-1 1 50.00 1 25.00 Lot 10, Elk. 1 1 50' SR-23 125' 250.00 501 100.00 Laterals SR-23 2 75.00 2 50.00 E. 1001 of S. 80'1: B4.1 Laterals assessed sa-56 1 50.00 NONE NONE II Assepsed 1001 in SR-56 80= 16o.00 Less ii71210.900 And for Laeral assessment previously -oaid BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sums and amounts assesseda 8,A ,t each of the lots or parcels of ground described in said -oreliminary as- sessment rolls , and the sums and amounts aainst each of the lots or parcels of ground therein set forth are less than the amounts each lot or parcel of ground is benefited by said improvements, and that the total cost of said various improvements in the following sums: SR-90 $551688.25 SR,-92 4,285.23 SR-93 54,988.68 SR-94- 45,608.35 SR-95 5 ,071.27 SR-96 18,95o.93 SR-97 2,476.37 are hereby approved and confirmed, the proportion of said cost to be paid by the City of Miami Beach including the cost at street intersec- tions being the following: SR-90 $33 ,978.14 SR-92 3 ,235.23 23 ,119.52 SR-9 17)557.78 SR-95 446.32 SR-96 10,301.20 SR-97 856.50 exclusive of the charge hereinbefore made to the City at large. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ten days after this confirmation of said assessment roll the same be delivered to the City Clerk and the City Clerk is hereby ordered, thirty days after the date of this reso- lution, to make collection of the assessments therein as required by law, provided, however , that the owner of any lot or parcel of land which shall have been assessed in excess of $25.00 may, before the lapse of said thirty days, file with the City Clerk, his written under- taking, waiving all irregularities and illegality in connection with said assessment against said lot or parcel and agree to pay the same in equal installments in each of the five succeeding years, at the times in said years at which the general City taxes are due and payable , with interest upon said deferred installments at the rate of six per cent per annum from date of said confirmation, which said five year period is hereby fixed and determined by the City Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED thisl6th day of February, A. D. , 1927. A., • Pr-sident of City Council ATTEST: 1410111 rA rO. ity Clerk • /OP • 410" a & Ili Si, cis • cs