LTC 535-2017 Human Rights Campaign MEI Score MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,FL 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Me bers the City Commission 535.2017 FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Ma -- DATE: November 3, 2017 SUBJECT: Human Rights Campaign MEI Score The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to inform the Mayor and Commission of the score the City of Miami Beach received on the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) Municipality Equality Index (MEI). The City of Miami Beach received a perfect score with bonus points. Every year, HRC becomes more stringent in their requirements for municipalities; therefore, the City should consider the following to maintain a perfect score in the coming years: • Changing the language in RFQ 57-11/12: City Contractors; HRC is requiring that the City have a mandate for contractor companies themselves to have in place own non-discrimination policies, based on sexual orientation and gender identity. To fulfill the requirement, this mandate must be a part of overall city policy and not just in individual project contracts. (This is the specific area in which we were deducted four points in each year we have submitted documentation to be scored by HRC). • HRC will be requiring a City-sanctioned anti-bullying task force for 2018. The MEI's current measure of anti-bullying policies will be phased out in favor of a new criterion, a task force charged with ensuring that all youth including at-risk LGBTQ youth-are protected from bullying in all City services, City-supported services, and City facilities. • In 2018, ALL Gender-single occupancy facilities (bathrooms) will be added to the MEI for rating. The MEI scorecard will acknowledge municipalities that require single-occupancy restrooms to be designated as all-gender, city-wide. By doing this, cities will created a more inclusive environment for everyone-particularly those who identify as transgender or gender-nonconforming. The following are topics that had to be stretched in order to get points: • Specific employment outreach to the LGBTQ community. • HIV/AIDS services: Care Resource* was primarily used to satisfy this requirement for bonus points. • Services provided to LGBTQ seniors. Jewish Community Services and Lambda Living were used to satisfy this requirement for bonus points • Services provided to LGBTQ youth. Care Resource and Latinos Salud were used to satisfy this requirement for bonus points. • Transgender services. Care Resource was used to satisfy the requirements for these bonus points. *Without a specific tie to Care Resource, the City of Miami Beach will "lose" many of the point standards. The City only has this connection now because Care Resource rents space in a City-owned building. However, they will be moving into a new location in a local doctor's office in the coming year. Other than a rent abatement, the organization receives no funding from Miami Beach, even though the City benefits greatly from their health services. JLM/MG