Resolution 1692 RESOLUTION NO. 1692 WHEREAS, the Control Forces of the United States Navy under the command of Admiral F. H. Brumby,, are to conduct their winter Bruise and maneuvers in the Caribbean Sea and r'nnama Canal Zone, and :WHEREAS, the course of said flotilla will pass the City of Miami Beach upon its return voyage to its base at New London, Conneo- ticut, on or Shortly after April 20, 1928, and AREAS, the City of Miami Beach is cognizant of the eminent ser- vices which the Control Forces of the United States Navy stand so well prepared to render to the people of the United States of America, and is desirous of the honor of entertaining the Commander, Officers and personnel of the caid Control Forces, and WHEREAS, Shortly after said date, to-wit, May 1st , 2nd and 3rd, 1948, the cities of the Greater Miami District rill be hosts to the Annual Convention of the Ancient and Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and WHEREAS, at that time there will be a spirit of holiday festivity to enhance the natural beauty of our city, and WHEREAS, the City Council of Miami Beach and all of its citizens desire to express their appreciation of the honor which the Commander, Officers and peracnnel of the said Control Forces would afford our City by sojourning, howsoever briefly, with us, and to offer them the oppor- tunity of enjoying the merrymaking and gaiety of that time and the cli- matic and scenic attractions of our city, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach that an invitation be and it is hereby extended to the Control Forces of the United States Navy, their Coffer, Officers and personnel, to stop and visit the City of Miami Beach as they return from the Caribbean Sea to their northern base for so long as may be and es. pecially until after May 3 , 1928 and to take full advantage of the hos- pitality of our city and its residents, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the City Clerk to the Secretary of the United States Navy, to Admiral F. H. Brumby, Commander of Control Forces, U.S,S. Camden, New London, Connecticut, and to Senator Duncan U. Fletcher, Senior Senator from Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of Newember, A. D. , 1927. (Signed) John H. Levi President of City Council ATTEST: d(�51neC. W. T4mUn4011 City Clerk (SEAL) • • • r 1 0 0 1-1 1-4 0 "11-- • 0