Resolution 1799 Pew IOW +1 RESOx UI I 1,7.0 DIST7ICT SR-115 SA 'IT�a.RY I"T OV M"'NT SR-115 BE IT REc OLVED BY THF CITY COUP?CIL OF THE LITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: Tnat the construction of the following described improvement is hereby ordered to be made; the City Council hereby setting forth its intention t proceed. under Section 29 of the City Cherter. SR- 115 The laying unc erground. of en 8" Terra Cotta Sanitary Sewer, or an 8" Concrete Sa_nitery Sewer, end necessary manholes end aepurtenances: At or near the center of 39th Street, from a point two hundred seventy feet west of the West line of Collins Avenue to the said west line of said Collins Avenue; Together with a 6" :eTra. Cotta, or a 6" Con.; ewer Lateral , from the Main Sewer to the screei-- line of approximately each forty fee , ~Accent crop erty. As said Avenue and Street ere shown on Plats recorded in Plat Book No. 5, at Pages 7 and S of the Public Records of Dad County, Florida.; end as said Street is named and designated in Ordinence NO. 232. And it is h .reby ^`.i.pec ted :t t the zneteria.i , nature, character and size of said improvement be subsequently determined in conformity with one of such descriptions. The City Engineer is here -7 'irected to prepare and to file with the City Clerk clans end specifications of said ie,erovement and an estimate of the cost thereof, includ.ine an estimate of the cost of the expense's 72 preliminary and etn:r surveys , the inspection and superintendence of the work , the nreperLtion of plans and specifics- tionsand estimates, the printing nd publication of notices end proceedin s , the nrepara:.tion of bonds, int—rest during consutection, legal services, abstracts,. etc. , and any other exoenses necessary and prcoer in conducting the proceedings and work herein provided for; and the estimated ar ount to be as _essec against each front foot of abutting property. This Imp ."owe-lent shall be designated in ell proceedings , assessments and bonts as Sanitary,i Sewer Improvement SR-115, and the pronetty egainst which e sseca ments therefor may be re. de foe- the cost.. thereof shall be designated as District SR-115. r.712 �.r.. :.' D� t is 6th y C - June A . D. 1928.. Ahmaifilloorie ;'resident of City Council ATTv,ST: ( _— City C erk