LTC 586-2017 Erroneous Publication by the Miami Herald Ad 1441MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No. !i86~2011 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ December 7, 2017 SUBJECT: Erroneous Publication by the Miami Herald of Advertisement Notifying the Public of the Second Reading/Public Hearing of the Ordinance Amending the Assisted Living Facility and Medical Use Zoning Regulations Please be advised that advertisement 1441, which noticed the Second Reading/Public Hearing of the Ordinance Amending the Assisted Living Facility and Medical Use Zoning Regulations for December 13, 2017 (Item RS P), was erroneously published by the Miami Herald in the Northwest Edition of Neighbors, which circulates in Doral, Hialeah, Liberty City, Medley, Miami Gardens, Miami Lakes, Miami Springs, Opa-locka, Sweetwater, Virginia Gardens and West Miami. The Miami Herald has offered to republish the advertisement this Sunday, December 10, 2017, in the Local Section, which is published Countywide, but this would not meet the 10-day n.otice requirement. Therefore, Item R5 P, must be opened and continued to the January 2018 Commission Meeting. The Miami Herald will refund the City the cost of the misplaced advertisement. If you have any questions, please contact me. Attachment c: Raul J. Aguila, City Attorney Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Thomas Mooney, Planning Director F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\LTC's -Transmittal's\lmproper Advertisement by the Miami Herald.docx 1mwl I NEIGHBORS I TH~~SMY HOVIMB!R lO 2017 MIAMlllERAl D.COM MIAMI BEACH CITY OF MIAMI 'BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY AND MEDICAL USE ZONING REGULATIONS December 13, 2017 NOTIOI! 1$ HERl!BY given that a Second Reading Publlc Hearing will be heard by tho Metyor and City Commission o1 the City of Miami Beach, Florida, In tho Commission Chamber, 3rd Floor, Olly Hall, 1700 Convention CenlQr Drive, Miami Boach, Florida, on December 13, 2017 at !MO p,n1., or as $Oon thl.ir<.laftor as the maltllr oan be hl;lard, to consider: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 130, "OFF'·STREET PARKING," ARTICLE II, "DISTRICT; REQUIREMENTS," TO ESTABLISH PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY, ADULT DAY CARE CENTER, MEDICAL OFFICE, AND RELATED USES; AMENDING CHAPTER 142, "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS," ARflCLE v, "SPECIALIZED USE REGULATIONS," ro CREAIE DIVISION 2, "ASSISflOD LIVING ANb MEDICAL USE1$", SECTIONS 142-1252 ro CREtAt&: MEDICAL RELATED USE DEFINITIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DEFINING ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL HOMES, COMPREHENSIVE OUTPATIENT REHAl31LllATION FACILITY, CRISIS STABILIZATION UNIT: INTENSIVE INPATIENT AND OUTPATIENT TREATMEN'f, AND RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT CENTERS AND FACILITIES; PROVIDING FOR CLASSES OF MEDICAL USES; AND PROVIDING FORA ZONING USE SCHEDULE WITHIN fHE VARIOUS ZONING OISiRICfS OF THE CllY WHICH DELINEATES WHERE SAi D MEO ICAL f:IELAIED USES ARE CONSIDERED PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL OR PROHIBITED USES; PROVIDING f'OR MINIMUM ZONING STANDARDS, DISTANCE SEPARATIONS, HOURS OF OPERATION, AND SUPPLEMENIAL CONDlllONAL USE CAITl:RIA; AMENDING CHAPIER 102, "TAXA'tlON," Al'lflCLE V, "LOCAL aUSINESS TAX" AT SECTION 102-379, "SCHEDULE Of' TAXl'!S, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2016" TO PROVIDE NEW BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT FOR SAID USES; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES, VIOLAl'IONS, AND APPEALS OF CITATIONS; AMENDING CHAPTER 130, RELATING TO OFF·STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS l"OR ALF ANO MEDICAL USES; AMENDING CHAPTER 102, "TAXATION," ARTICLE V, "LOCAL BUSINESS TAX" AT SECTION 102·319 "SCHEDULE OF TAXES, El'FEOTIVI:! OOTOBl:!R 1, 2016," AS TO A CERTAIN BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT VALUATIONS; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; SEVERABIUTV; CODIFICATION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ord/nanoe Is bolng hoard pursuant to Soot/on 118·164 of lflo City's Land Dovolopmont Godo. lnquft/os may bo dlroctod to tho Planning Dopet/ment et 305.673. 7550. IN'fERE:ST!SD PARTIES aro Invited lo appear at lhla meeting, or be reprosentect by an agent, or lo express their views In writing addressed lo the Olly Co111111lsslon, c/o the Olly Clerk, 1700 convenllon Center Drive, 1" Floor, City Hall, Mlaml 11ileaoh. Florida 33139. This Item is avallabla ior publll:l l!iSpeotlon during normal buslriess hours In the Office o1 the City Clerk, 1700 convention Center Drive, 1 "' Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This lten1 1rn:iy be continued, and under such olrcwnstonca$, nddltlonal legnl notlr::a niied not Ila provided. PllrsuAnl to Section 2S6.0105, FIA. StAt., tile City hereby Advises the public thAt U a person decides to appeal nny decision 1rn1de by the City Commission with respect to Any 1nnttar considered at Its meeting or Its h<Jnrlng, such person must ensure thnt a verbatim record of the proosedlngc Is made, which rocord lnolud!i>s lh!i> ti;isllrnony ancJ 1;1vldenco upon which tlw appeal la to bo bas~1d. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for tho lntroductlon or admission oi otherwise Inadmissible or Irrelevant evidence, nor does It authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this material In alternate format, sign language lnte1·preter (live-day 110Uoe requlrecl), lntormallon on access for !Jersons with dlsabllllles, and/or any aocornrnodatlon to rGvlew any document or participate In any City-sponsored procMcllngs, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 Jor Englhlh or 2 lor Spanish, thQn option 6; ITV users may oall via 711 (FlorldR Relay service). Ad 1441 Rafael E. Grnnndo, City Clt~rk City of Miami Beach