Resolution 2610 2610 RLSOLUTI6N NUliBER RAUEOTING, A?2BOVING AND AUTHORIZING THE BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY TO RENDER A . ORZ ADEOATE TRANSPORTATION TO THB CI?! OF MIAMI BEACH AND ITS INHABITANTS BY THE ABANDONMENT OF THE OPERATION OF STRP:ET CARS UNDER ITS FRANCHILi'v, IN MIAMI BEACH JN CER- TAIN ;TF: 3T3 IN THE CITY or MIAMI BSACH AND TIIR SUBSTITUTION OF GASOLIII MOTOR mumss FOR SAID STREET CARS ON CERTAIN OF THE SAID ETR-'2,ETB OR 10RTION6 THEREOF AND BY THE OPERATION OF GASOLINE MOTOR VEHICLES ON CERTAIN OTHER STREETS IN THE CITY .F kIANI BEACH; AUTIORIZING AND DIRECTING TTr CITY " ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, TO JOIN WITH NNE 111 t BEACH RAILWAY COWPANY IN MAKING APPLICATION AND TAXING SUCH OTHER STEPS AND PROCEEDINGS AS KAY BE NECESSARY TO SECURE A? VL OP THE RAILROAD COMUISSION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND Si. TING FORTH PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO. WEIBMIAS, The Miami Beach Railway Company has been re- quested by the City of Miami Beach and its inh4.bitants, to render a more adequate transportation to the City of Miami each and its inhabitants by the abandonment of the operation of street cars now being operated by it on certain streets in the City of Miami ;4ach under its Franchise known as Ordinance No. 205, passed and adopted by the City Council of the City ,1,,f Miami Beach an April 9p 19P4, Out the substitution of gasoline rotor vehicles .for said street cars an certain of the said strF)ets or portions therlcof and by the operation of gasoline motor vehicles an cer- tain other street, in the City of loliami beach, and WHEREAS, the condition of the transportation business in the City of Waal Beach i such that the n,!.ed of the City of 1114,11, Beach and its inhabitants will be better served, by the aban- donment of the operation of the said street cars and the substitu- tion of said gasoline motor vehicles for said street cars sad by the operation of said gasoline motor vehicles, and WHEREAS, Section XII of Ordinance No. 205, being the Franchise heretofore validly grunted to The Miami Leach Railway Co7,-any and now in force and affect, provides among other things, a . that changes in means and methods of transportation and sub- stitution for those at any existing under the said French/as, may be node at any time rind from tie to time, in whole or in part, but only with tho apprzmra sild on the authority of the City Council, and 'YT17..liA0,,, The Vioq11 beach Railway Company has the fhnncial ability, operating dependability, skill and, ex- perience to proVide and operate said gasoline motor vehicles so that the City of Nisi teach end its inhabitants may be provided with adequate transportation, and Wm * , The liaai Beech Railway Comy haz agreed to the request of the City of Niali Beach and its inhabitants, and is willing to abandon the Operation of said street oars now operated on said streets and to substitute gasoline :7:,otor vehicles for said street ca s on certain of the said strfiets or portions thereof and to operate gasoline motor vebiA.,:-.s on ,..ertain other streets in the i;ity of Miami Bertch, Nnd WnEAS, the ity 'ouncil has been advised that said nbandonment I ubjet to the approval of the F,allroad Coraldsion of the state of Florida, and that certain proceedings are nec- essary to secure tach approval, including the filing of an application with the osid Railroad Co in for authority to oak* said abandonment, and VH,TEIS0 the City Council is desirous of authorising and 7!irecting the City Clerk, on behalf of the City, to join with The Misrmi Beach Railway Company in ma\fing such application Rni in ta:King such other stei's and :,)roceedings ,na,y be nacos- stry to secure the approval of the said Railroad Colission, NOW, TAZRUFO , BE IT £ $ ?RE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF N/ANT 3ACU, YO1A, Ai3 FOLLOWSI Section 1. That the City Council of th,t, City of - 2 — M1p,r1 Eench, unCer and by virtue of the provisione of Sectien XII of that certain FrenchiSe grented. to The Pari Beach Rail- way Co any by the City of Nivel Beach, end cnown as erdinence $o. 205, peesed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach on April 1, 1924, does hereby request lnd give its approval and authority to the 'change In the means and methods of transportation nor exi5ting under said Franchise, by the abandonment by ?he amt Beech Railway Cony of the operation of street cars new being operated under authority of said Frenohlee Along Alten AQad fro the laterreetion with Fifth Street to the intereection with 45th Street; along Wrshinn Avenue from the in- tersection with First Street to intersection with llth Street; along lith Street from the interaction with Weehineten Avenue to the intereection with Perk Avenue; along Park Avenue from intersection idtb llth 'Street to the intereectien with Dade Boulevard; along Pine Tree Drive fro- the intersection with Dada Bouleverd to the intersection with Sheridan Avenue near 26th Street; along Sheridan Avenue from intersectien A.th Pine Tree Drive near 20th Street to intersection with Pine Tree Drive near 40th Street, and along ?Imo Tree Drive from intersection with Sheriden Avenue near 4th Street to Flamingo Weterway Bridge, and the eubstitution of gasoline motor vehicles for said street oars on the following streets, evenues, alleys, highways, bridges, end public places and in either or both directions thereon in the City of ttiee! Beach, Florida, and its &amnia*, to-wits Along Alton Road free the intersection with Fifth Street to the intersection with 45th Street; along Washington Avenue fro- the In tersection with Fifth Street to the inter- section with Lath 1:itreet; along lath Street from the intereectien of Noahingten Avenue to the intersection with Perk AMMO; along Park Avenue from the intersection with lath Street to the intereection with Dade Boule- vard; along Sheridan Avenue from the inter seotien with 41st treet to the Intersection with Pine Tree Drive near 46th ,Otreet, and along Pine Tree Drive from intersection with Sheridan Avenue near 441-th. Street to Bridge across Flamingo Waterway, and the City Ceuncil of the City of Miall Beach does hereby 3 • request end give Its epproval and authority to the operation of gasoline ,-lotor vehicles on the following streets, avenues, alleys, highways, bridgos nnd public places and in either or both directions thereon in the City of Mtai Beach, and its successors, to-witi Along ;:.3rd street frog intersection with ?ark Avenue to intersection with Collins Avenue; along Conine Avenue true inter- • section with 23rd Street to intersection with 41st Stre,t; along 41st Etreet from Intereection 'with Collins Avenue to inter- section with Alton Road; along Pins Tree Drive from Flamingo eeterway Lridge to intersection with 63rd 6treet; along 63rd Street from Intersection with Collins Avenue to intersection with Alton Road; along Alton Road from intersection with 63rd Street to intersectian with 45th Street; along 5th Street from intersectien with Alton Road to interseetien with Vashington Avenue; along Lincoln Road from intersection with riesh4,neton Avenue to interseetion with lieridian Avenue; along Meridian Avenue from intereectien with Lincoln Road to intersectiAt with Dsde Boulevard; along Dade Boulevard from inter-. eection with Meridian Avenue to intersection With Pretrie Avenue; along Prairie Avenue from intersection with Dade Beuleverd to intersection with 34th Street; along Sixth Areet from intersectian with Alton hoed to intersection with Lenox Avenue; along Lenox Avenue from intersectien with Sixth etreet to intersectien with 4th Street; along 4th , treet fro interecti )n with Lenox Avenue to Intersection with Alton Road, and slong Alton Road from intersectiOn with 4th 2treet to the intersectitn with 5th 3treet* Section 2. The City Clerk, on bebelf of the City of Miami Beech, le hereby authorizid end directed to join with The 4tset Bench Railway Company in making Aeelicatien to the Relreed Coeetesien of the State of Florida for authority to make said abandonment and to take such other steps and proceed- , lugs as say lie nemossary to seoure the approval of the said Railroad Coremission* Section 3. That this Resolution shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council of the City of Miami Boomiht and its aceeptence . 4 . ''11.111.111111.111 c • by Tho Railway Company. Seetloe 4. That none of the rights, priellagez or franchise granted to The Miami Beach Reilwey CceeeanY Ordinance No. 205, passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Alimi belie, or April Olo 1924, are affected in any tanner by the passage and adoption or this Resolution, or the ece4ptenee theMent by The Itiael Beechiy Comeany, or the abandonment of the operation of the said street cars and the substitution of gasoline motor vehicles for said street ears or by the operetion of said gssoline motor vehicles in accordance with this Resolution. Section 5. Thet this Resolution shall not repeal any portion of Ordinanee No. 2014 Section C. fat the sage and adoption of tWs Resolution by the City Council of the City of Ulavi SeGeb, shell be oonsidered by the Railroad Consiselon of the State of Floridat as the consent of the City Coupon of the City of Miami Beech, in also the City of Miami leach, to the abandon- ment of the operation of said street cars as herein set forth. eAeSeD AND ADOPTED, this elth day of April, lam, 410.' .77 ar -A-- 4r , (27( 2101 ?resident of City - 11noil ATTITTI 4100, - art. - 5 - a a I to cF F+• '.� Cj7 _ rn iv 0 0 c0 • 0 z m 0 �°v: c+t-'• O H (1) �'' • CD H3c+ C O c+ H ,i 0 0 • H 5 H