93-20960 Reso . " " . . . . ..,.. .... ~ RESOLUTION NO. 93-20960 A RESOLUTXON OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COKKISSXON OF THE CXTY OF XIAMI BEACH, FLORXDA, AUTHORXZXNG AN INCREASE XN THE SCOPE OF WORK UNDER THE PROFESSIONAL SERVXCES AGREEMENT WITH KIMLEY-HORH AND ASSOCIATES, XNC. , FOR THE NORTH BEACH STREETSCAPE XMPROVEKENT PROJECT, THE INCREASE TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES AND PREPARE AND OBTAIN STATE OF FLORIDA PERHXTS FOR THE REDESIGN OP OCEAN TERRACE FROM 73RD STREET TO 75TH STREET, XN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $26,000. WHEREAS, the city of Miami Beach (City) issued Request for Letters of Interest No. 126-89/90 for professional engineering services for the North Shore Community Area Improvements, now known as the "North Beach streetscape Improvement Project" (Project) ~ and WHEREAS, Kimley-Horn Associates, Inc. (Consultant) submitted a proposal in response to the ci ty' s Request for Letters of Interest; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission, under Resolution No. 90-20184, entered into a professional engineering services agreement with Kimley-Horn Associates, Inc. for professional engineering services for the North Beach Streetscape Improvement Project (Agreement); and WHEREAS, on November 4, 1992, the Mayor and city Commission adopted Resolution 92-20657; authorizing Phase II (Final Phase) of the Project under the Agreement~ and WHEREAS,the Mayor and city commission now wish to approve additional work consisting of survey work and the re-design of Ocean Terrace from 73rd street to 75th Street, in an amount not to exceed $26,000 and as set forth in the Additional Services Proposal attached hereto as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COKKXSSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the scope of work under the professional services agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the North Beach streetscape Improvement Project is hereby increased, in an amount not to exceed $26,000 to provide engineering services and prepare and obtain State of Florida permits for the redesign of Ocean Terrace from 73rd to 75th , . ,,' . street, as specifically set forth in the Additional Services . Proposal attached as Exhibit "A". PASSED and ADOPTED this 17th November ATTEST: rJCcA~ L ~ city Clerk jm\c:\wp51\data\kimley.res FORM APPROVED LEGAl DEPT. - ., :..I Co':) Date JJ~ /z-t?3 2 ,. ~ '" . '" '. CITY OF M'I.L\M1 BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (3115) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673.7712 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 63:2 - 93 TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DATE: November 17, 1~3 FROM: ~~.:~~ SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC., NORTH SHORE STREETSCAPE DESIGN; OCEAN TERRACE REDESIGN. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission approve increasing the Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., contract by an amount not to exceed 526,000 to provide engineering services and obtain State of Florida permits for the redesign of Ocean Terrace from 73rd Street to 75th Street. BACKGROUND As part of the conceptual development of the North Shore Streetscape plans, there were extensive discussions with property owners and the North Beach Development Corporation (NBDC) on the disposition of parking on Ocean Terrace between 73rd and 75th Streets. As the result of these discussions and input .from numerous public hearings, the plans were developed providing parallel parking in this area. The plans are approximately 60 percent complete. As the result of a proposed private development at 74th Street, the City has a request to reconsider the parking geometries on Ocean Terrace to provide for angle parking which would add approximately fifty-eight spaces. This plan requires DNR approval and has strong NBDC support. . The consultant's work will include redesign of the 60% plans, review and upgrade storm water run off calculations and impact on drainage designs and complete the DNR permit requirements. Staff has reviewed the proposed fee and determined it is reasonable. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the City Commission approve the proposed changes to the North Shore Streetscape plans in accordance with the requests made to the City and supported by the North Beach Development Corporation and authorize the amendment to the Kimley-Horn and ..A.ssociates, Inc., contract for a lump sum fee of 526,000. RMC/RAG/mc Attachment 76 c:\cm-teIDI\k-ll-amad.ntN DATE R~l-G 11-/7-<13 AGENDA ITEM .' I 0 ~ Kim/ey.Horn i Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. ENGINEERING. PLANNING. AND EHVtAONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 4431 Embarcadero Drive, West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 407-845-0665 Fax 407-863-8175 October 13, 1993 4322.03 Mr. Richard Gatti Director of Public Works City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mr. Gatti: I am writing to transmit to you our technical scope and fee proposal for additional services requested as a part of the North Beach project. As you are aware, the City and NBDC asked that the typical section for Ocean Terrace be re-evaluated. This proposal addresses the work effort required to undertake the re-evaluation and the resulting revisions to the plan sheets. The work effort required for these revisions is significant and we estimate their incorporation will require a four week extension of our 60% plans submittal date. Any delay in approval of this scope and fee will extend this estimated delay further. We are currently working on technical scopes and fees for incorporation of the City's water main project, repair of the sanitary sewer system within the North Beach project, and Phase Two of the Alternate Bike Way plans. We should be in a position to discuss these with you late next week. We will contact you early next week to schedule this meeting. We look forward to your early approval of this technical scope and fee. We will be ready to meet with City staff and representatives of the NBDC to finalize the typical section within four business days upon receipt of your authorization. SOO:smg Enclosures Very truly yours, KIMLEY~~<~ID ASSOCIATES, INC. A // / . / -L---- / - . / I - Stephen O. Orr, C.E.T. Design Associate Copy to: Dan Brame David Risinger b:\wordperl\OS3Ismg\OO2-046 Charlotte . Dallas . Fort Lauderdale . Fort Myer. _ Las Vegas . Orange . Orlando Phoenix. Raleigh. Saralota . Stuart. Tampa. Vero Beach. Virginia Beach. West Palm Beach Building client relationships since 1967 . . ". ", ..,' ", '. . . .'. I Kim/ey.Ho,n I ADDmONAL SERVICES PROPOSAL TASK lA - FINALIZATION OF OCEAN TERRACE CROSS SECTION There was a request by some property owners and the North Beach Development Corporation (NBDC) to review the cross section for Ocean Terrace. We were asked to prepare for and attend a meeting with the City, the NBDC and other interested members of the public on September 27,1993 to review the proposed typical section and discuss alternative typical sections. At the conclusion of that meeting we were directed to seek approval of a revised cross section incorporating angled parking on one or both sides of the street and wider sidewalks. Based on the direction received at the September meeting we reviewed the alternatives for Ocean Terrace, prepared a drawing depicting several alternative typical sections, scheduled and attend a meeting with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) on October 5, 1993 (held in Tallahassee). During that meeting, we reviewed in detail the proposed alternative typical sections and came to an agreement upon a typical section which provided angle parking on both sides of the street and an expanded sidewalk widths. Written confirmation from the FDEP for these changes was received by our office on October 9, 1993 prompting the need to revise the construction plans and specifications for Ocean Terrace Streetscape and the Ocean Terrace Beach Park plans (copy of FDEP latter attached). This task includes all the effort and expenses incurred to accomplish the items as noted above. TASK m - MEETINGS The City requested that Kimley-Horn staff prepare exhibits of the typical section and plan view details of the concept, which received support from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and meet with City staff and NBDC to review said typical section. This meeting will serve as a forum for final discussions of the Ocean Terrace Typical Section and development of an approved typical section which will be the basis for the plans revisions. TASK IC - REVISIONS TO OCEAN TERRACE ROADWAY & STREETSCAPE PLANS AND OCEAN TERRACE PARK PLANS This work includes revising the 60% plans for the Ocean Terrace roadway and streetscape plans (from 73rd north to 75th Streets) and the adjoining Ocean Terrace Park. The plans will be revised to reflect the typical section developed during previous meeting (Task lIB). The plan sheets impacted by this revision are as follows: . Revise the Typical Sections for Ocean Terrace 2 shts '. .' . Revise Roadway Plan Sheets 2 shts . Revise Profile Sheets (2 profiles/sheet) 2 shts . Revise Signing and Pavement Marking Plans 2 shts . Revise Ocean Terrace Streetscape Plans 2 shts (Hardscape and Plantings) . Revise Ocean Terrace Irrigation Plan 1 sht . Miscellaneous Detail Sheets 2 shts . Revise Ocean Terrace Park Landscape and 2 shts irrigation plans . Revise Ocean Terrace Park Detail Sheet 1 shts The total number of plan sheets to be revised under this task is 16. FEE TASK lA 1B FINALIZATION OF OCEAN TERRACE CROSS SECTION MEETINGS (City Staff and NBDC) REVISIONS TO OCEAN TERRACE ROADWAY & STREETS CAPE PLANS AND OCEAN TERRACE PARK PLANS EXPENSES TOTAL LUMP SUM FEE $3,100 $2,600 lC $20,500 $5,100 $31,300 ", ,,' ...... _. " " .' , I ! i Klmlev.HOt'n ! KImley-Hom Ind AIIOGIII.... If... ... at qn. ... ~-".1 . ................. 1l'II CIIr Builllinll. 3113 LIIWlan RoecI, tiUl1I2llO. UIIIncIo. tlQnGlllRIIU .,'_1I1n PO.. 407.......711 October 22. 1993 4122.03 Mr. Ros.r Carlton ClIy Mana,,, City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, "ach 3~139 Dear Roaer: I am writiol to follow up on our discussion yesterday morDl1l1 OOacetlliDI tile 00eu Terrace chanles. It nothinl else. 1 hope we can agree that all future dlscunlons tor ntimatlS and scheduln wDI be between me and DiclC Gaui; Or with you. We are slllt at a 1011 u to whe" the $9.000 filU", came rrom. especially when 10 little wu known about the chaDles when we were tint uked to look hno tlUs. We do aar" that the ori,inel estimate for the chanles would add abovt twO (2) weeb to 0\11' schedule. HoweYer, it hu taken loftier to reAnlve this then expected and. now that we kDow the tuR btend of the ohans", it look. Ilk. the 60 pereentsubmlttll could be delayed three (S) to f01lr (~) week.. HODef.uy. thla ean be mode lip by ah. 90 pereent submittal. If alllMl well with the uwer deallD work and it ia authoriud ill early Novombtr. Re..rdlou or what estim.teI lIIl\y heve been siv.. whln cblAl. OD ace.n Terra. were rim mendoDed, tho racl romaine that w. now know the tull .x..nt ot the ID"clap .ad challl" that are required. The COSl of the" ,hanSella 531,000. Howovcr. we rean.. th.re may have btea loml COAtUlloa caused by ut, If the ltart mentiolled . lower rllure ill tho belhanllll. It the wa ...Ilia. to revl.w the chanaes with N BRC can be scheduled in wnjunl1lion willi our nellt repl.flyaeheclulod mooallls, I hav, been authorized to commit us 10 acceprlna an aamment to completo Lhoao ehaDS" tor 526.000. I hope you will concur with this and that we cln get on wllh the chana". 'leu. ,ila in dae apace provided below and rllturn it to me by rllt. Alreed to thl. day of CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Very truly yours. KINLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIA T~. INC. G J~~~" II <.., DlIlIeI S. Brame. P.E. Relional Vie, PresideDt .1993. By: Title: DIB:rIl ee: Dkk Oanl DaYld ItWIII,"' ."'". 0... .I..... IAcnm OUOI\ICI\r,OU Ct..,..". . n..... . ..... ........... . 'M ..... . LM v.... . Or..... . 0........ ,"".... . _'p , _ . IluIll . ,_ . .,... _ . v..... ..... . won ...... _ ."lltI.... poll..' r.l...."....i.. ,I.... ..'T '., ". URBAN RESOURCE GROUP r.J "--_ "1Q3 q.:p 1 ! ldw ....-. ~ \ 1 r',., . -" .11 . ""~ elf.-;" i-, PU8:"'iC ,;c.:,.'. J , -~ fi'-iCH i INTERNAL MEMORANDUM FROM: Steve Orr Project Team David Rising VIA: FAX TO: DATE: PROJECf #: 4322.03 (18) RESPONSE DATE: ASAP RE: Ocean Terrace Meeting Called by the NBDC on September 27,1993 A meeting was held to discuss parking concepts for Ocean Terrace and was attended by the NBDC Board, Roger Carlton, affected property owners, and about 40 to 50 other residents/ merchants of the North Beach Development area. Alternative plans were presented and included: Plan A: Angled/Angled Parking Plan B: Parallel/Parallel Parking Plan C: ParaIleVAngled Parking Additionally, a comparative summary of the three alternatives was distributed and discussed (copy attached). The bottom line of the discussion, which followed, focused on three key issues: One: Maximum on-street parking was preferred indicating a preference for Plan A: Angled/Angled Two: The 12 foot "Flex Zone" for use by property owners along the western edge of the sidewalk was considered a key feature. This indicated a preference for this feature of Plan B: Parallel/Parallel. is::,', c~ ~_ "'-Lt'- !-<CRN &: P~--uC'~-:~ 0RiA~ & DEVtlOPMEN11lANNING ,lANDSCAPE UCM,~:l!jRE, \111 GUP~!C~ 60' 2~5iSiREEl ~U n:400.vE~O EEl:.C~~ -U," '. . ~ " . . U R B A NR E SOU R C E G R 0 U P Memo to Steve Orr -2- September 28, 1993 Three: The existing Plan B as reviewed by DNR has a dimension of 108 feet measured from the west ROW fine of Ocean Terrace east to the proposed new sand wall. The expanded parking option (plan A) together with the 12' "Flex Zone" (plan B) will increase this dimension to approximately 133' resulting in a seaward movement of the sand wall of 25::!: feet. The vote taken by the NBDC directed Kimley-Hom to pursue a plan which mllJlimizes on-street parking (plan A) while maintaining the "Flex Zone" (plan B), with other consideration being equal such as sidewalk and landscape strip dimensions. Additionally, we were directed to immediately review this matter with DNR and notify the NBDC of our preliminary findings ASAP in the event a secondary strate&y was needed. Recommended Actions One: Submit to the DNR comparative section sketches illustrating the proposed changes resulting in the 25::!: foot shift. Accompany this with written justification for the changes and seek a preliminary detennination. Notify the City and NBDC as soon as possible of our findings so the necessary next steps can be taken to resolve the design of Ocean Terrace. Two: Depending on the response, we will need to consult with our Client in the event 25 feet is not acceptable to DNR (i.e., either the "Flex Zone" or parking will have to be compromised). My feefing from the meeting indicates a preference to first compromise the "Flex Zone" if it means retaining angle/angle parking. Three: Revise our project plans and specifications accordingly. . . rn - rn >- ..l < ~ '-:I~ Il.'" <- u...... rn.... ....g:: '-:1'-:1 ~~ rn'-:l '-:I.... g::1l. 0'-:1 =rn rn = ~ o z ", :!! OJ U :a 5~ - ., 0._ tl/) ~ rn :z o i= Il. o ~ ..l Il. :!! Q:l] 5g; - ., 0.= ~ 0. ~ .. .. Co rn '" -001"" 00 0.0_ <II .. .. .. Co rn '" _ 001= ""0.0- "" ., Co <~ a- -"" 0.. OJ Co c < .. .. .. .. Co rn - I"- - "'I'" _V"'._ rii .,'5 u'" "'.... t:.<:_ ~ - .. .......- I"- = a .!o;' .,""..a u';; ::I O....CIl o ... o ... o ... ~ ell .:; '" .... @ "0 'VI ....l ~ U ~ ....l8 Vi ""1 < w ~ib ~ b o t-:::- :z <II .. .. .. Co CIl '" ... .... <: " j 1; ~ .g e Co ag 0 <IS W OJ ... Co....l c 6~ .s U ~.= :3 "UX~Q:l OOUUlell tl/) ~ :- ....l >< ,S '01 "" "-. ~ ..."0.. N <<I 0<...",0.. . . . . . g Co .s OJ c .2 Ql'J ~ ~ Co ~ ~.!!" 0 . .-;> c w Coe~oc~ rn 0 N.g:3 '" _ e::X ~Q:l ~ ;':ZO Ul ell tl/) ~ ...J'c <o"-X:.;;2 o ~. . :a :zg~~o.. . " :: " .. Co rn I"- = .., <: " ~] "'~ e e - u c ~uu ""' .. cc~ .5 d~ ,g :3 eU><~Q:l OUUl"? co :- :- ....l >< ,5 :g "" "-. ~ <~;..~c': "" ., ... '3 0" OJ e:: . " ~ \ .. ~. . ~ ~ ~ o ~ '. '. ". ,jl. I ~im/ey.Horn I Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. __u.......-......._....ITALCONSULTANTS 1993 aCT I? Bamea Bani< Building, 601 - 21.' Slnle\, Suite 400, VetO -. Florida 32960 0407-562-7981 FJ/l t~7.-562-9689 P (.;1, ,"" UBLiI,' "..", J ,VC;';/:.:j r.. '" ,....:: i~ . v ,Hof ..;J !l: U" t: '" October 7, 1993 4322.03 i;\r{;.~:. \ ,....'t'.,', "/ Dr. AI Devereaux, P.E., Chief Bureau of Coastal Engineering & Regulation Horida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399 RE: North Miami Beach Dear Dr. Devereaux: We appreciate you and Barry Manson-Ring taking the time to meet with us yesterday regarding the above referenced project. As we discussed. the project consists of two primary elements: . The roadway and landscape improvements in the Ocean Terrace area (between 73rd Street and 75th Street) and, . The Collins Avenue parallel, multi-modal, pedestrian/bicycle corridor between the Erosion Control line and existing building development. A strong level of support exists for both projects from the City of Miami Beach and the local property owners. Additionally, we have letters endorsing the conceptual pedestrian/bicycle corridor plans from both the Miami MPO and FOOT. We understand from our discussion yesterday that although there are many details still to be formulated (i.e. 100 year erosion line location, dune crossovers), the Department could permit the proposed activities. Please provide us a consultation letter, as we discussed. confirming our conversation. Barry Manson-Ring has the documentation which we provided showing the conceptual plans. I appreciate your prompt attention regarding the project. Sincerely, KIMlEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~;::-- Mike Kiefer --.., MEK/bam cc: Barry Manson-Ring Dick Gatti / '. mek\43220300.mek Charlol1e . Dallas . Fort Lauderdale . Fort Myers . Las Vegas . Orange . OrlandO Phoenil( . Raleigh. Sarasota. Stuart. Tampa. Vero Beach. Virginia Beach. West Palm Beach " BUilding client relationshIps Since 1967