Resolution 3257 RESOLUTION NO. 3257_ WHEREAS, this body has been petitioned by the Miami Beach Bay -- Shore Company, the owner of Lot 13 and part of Lot 1, Block 6, Amended Garden Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 9 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, to release and relinquish any and all rights or interests the City may have in the Southerly five (5) feet of said. Lot 13 and in the Northerly five (5) feet of said Lot 1 by reason of those easements shown on said Plat of Amended Garden Sub— division, and WHEREAS, the said Miami Beach BayShore Company, the owner of said Lot 13 and said part of Lot 1, now offer to give to the City of Miami Beach in exchange for said releases or relinquishments, a new easement five (5) feet in width across said Lot 1, the Westerly line of said ease.. • ment being the Westerly line of said Lot 13, produced Southerly for a.miiar purposes, and title to said Lot 13 and said part of Lot 1 being duly vested in said owner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized to execute a quit claim deed to the said Miami Beach BaySbore Company on behalf of the City of Miami Beach, as to the Southerly five (5) feet of said Lot 13, and as to the Northerly five (5) feet of said Lot 1 in said Block 6 of said Amended Garden Subdivision, in accordance with said petition as noted above, and upon receipt of the new easement across said Lot 1 as above described. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS - 3rd DAY OF JULY, A.D. 1935. Of ,P 4/11r -resident o - City Council Attt: —.(:? _ :"*"-- City Clerk I .�... Anmew 4111.1.0 Mow c+ �t' O °+ cfrn c 0 wCDc+ to ~ ccDD H a o tpl L-1 -- Pi CD 11 0 U2 i Cal 0 CO CDt H �h H cD Q' t�� c+ H H ••- 41 0 Lam' • n W 1-ht / i-'' CD +1 'i I N t i (DD o O\eg H - 1 mac+ 1-4 Zn Cn P, '1 0 c+ c+ '1 D+ 47g' •