1674-8 Carl FisherDe -comber 15th 931. 39 Broadway row York City. Deal' Clerl: Would it help to tinanco NOntank it n 'oocr i3tiO) p1i could be worked out to tabs Ulami Beach propertios and put than into tho onsets Of Vont-auk? yy interests in those lends at laami Boach oro worth n goo/ many million dollars* es and rhon tho time to eell them is right, but forced on the market at thin time, there la Only a very limited demand for nny of these proportion, that Ore destined to ,bo vory Valuable* 1 just thought a line to you on this subject might Dreamt some plan to you that would holp.' I am mein you a copy of our latost report on the Cori. G. Fieher Company. This may give you sone up to the minute Cita on tho condition of the Company hero. Tho city of Miami Bosch aro interested 'in a large piece of •Yqnt proporty just south of tho office building* but they tiro not In n position to purchaso saw thin year* A group.of wealthy citizens ere nowmilling around with the Mos of pure:ming our Laftrofe told Club. Tho Committee of Can Hundred are nogotioting to buy a house - * to bo used as a Club House, at 025,0000 which is a eacrifice price. There is quit o program on haro in tho building of small'houses, and ria hsvo covlotod four as per tiv.) circular moiled to you under soprato cover. WO are trying to start a sales campaign on these small low priced villas, They aro built thoroughly first Class from top, to bottom, end one of tho first four built Was sold to a wealthy lady frau Pittsburg, bofore tho paint res dry. tie believe the other thro will soli in Xonuary* This piece has.ccmcomood So work now at Port rashington„ as tho first somple house of this kind ma sold about throe wooks ago, and the builders a few days ago purchsod two more lots from us, and started mother houces This in interosting for tho reason that there Vte.rattr,nrpROortasineno in the last sixty daya in this typo of house than wo have hnd for tho peat twelve monthe.