Collins Avenue Associates LLC SENT BV: BERCOW & RADELL, PAj 3053776222j AUG-26-0211:38AMj PAGE 3/10 m' '- .- .~ '" !,.-{. oty of Miami Se.dI afla of lhe City Celt 17lJO CgnnntJon Canter Drive, l"\illmi BeKh, R. 33139 E/lIiII: cltyt;:lctkOd.mi.~h.ll.u, LOBBYIst REGISTRATION FORM (~ of Miami Be.ch. Oty Code OIapter 2. om.ion J, SecI;iQn 1-481.) . Check 80'](, if lIn Amendme"~ Hatlof HAM! OF LOBBYIST: (uut) lOa S.E. 2nd street Miami BUSINeSS ADDRESS: {Number lInd 5trr:et} (City) .(305) 995-5330 (305) 995-5340 TELEPHONE NUMBeR: FPoX NUMBeR: Richard (First) (M.I) CA~ QUAlJRED ~ l.08BYTSr Florida 33131 ($tate) (Zip Cad.) E/'1AIl.: I. I.QIII8'(1ST RETAINED BY: Collins Avenue Associates, L.L.C. NNotE OF PRlNC1PALJCUfNT; c/o BercoW & Radell, P.A. 200 S. Biscayne Boulevard, #850 BU~lNeSS AODFlfSS: (~, 1.1d Stt_t) (City) Miarrii. Flori~a (State) 33131 (Zip c:cd~) r~o~) 374-5100 TEl.UHONE NU Me!A.: (305) 377-6222 FA:( NJMBeR: (09t1rJ11.) EI"\AIl.: (Optianlll) Fill out thill_li..n II prh\cl'pal '" . COf1"Inat.iDn, P;1I11'.l'lIhi~ OJ' Trust. [SeCtion 2-&112 (eU 7 NAME OF CHIEF OffiCER,. PARTNal., OR BENEFICIAR": Don Peebles 7 UST AU. PERSONS HOUJING, ODtECTI. Y OR INOlREc:n.. Y, A. S'Jt OR f'1QR!; OWNERSHIP IN11:ItfST 1N SUCH CQ~A,l1l0N. PARTNEJlSHIP OR TRUST: ll. SPEC1FlCLOBBY15SUE: Vari~nce Appli.;atiQn fox: Historic preseJ::v..atlon Board regulati:ons, Sections '1S-SJ2(f') and '1B-564{f)(" )/Renewea A~p11cation for Certificates of APpropriateness and Demolition . ISSl,le to be lobbied (Describe in dl!C'llill: - . In. ern AGENCII!S/JNDMDUAL.$'.TO II! lO'81I!D: A) ,...U NlImll af IlUl1wicl....l(Ttde 8) ltc1ll!dllll-.ip - Jorge Gomez, Director .... None. Mercy Lamazares None. William Carey None. -~----:- Neither the Applicant nor its representatives will lobby members of the Historic Preservation Board prior to the public hearing since they will be acting in their qua.~i- judicial capacity. SENT BV: BEACOW & AADELL, PAj 3053778222j AUG-28-02 11 :39AMj PAGE 4/10 - ?,- IV. DJSC1,OSUAE OF -rEAMS AND AHOUNlS OF LO..YlST C_p~SAT10H (DI5C1OSE WHEllER HOU'U. Y. FI.A T RA T! OIl OTHER): B) PRINClP-' 'S DISQ..OSU~ (Of LCBO'l'15T CCl'V'fNSATlON): SaJ,arv .. A) LOB8YlST DISC1OSURE: )c4/ fir-I I V. SlGNAT1IAE UJIIOI!R OA'1II: ON ocTOBER 151 of EACH 't~R.. EACH 1.0BBYlST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY cLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, USTUIG 1.DBaY1NG E)C.PENDITURES IN THE CITT OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PREc:EDING CALENDAR 'YeAR. 1 do solemnly swear that all or the fDreQOing facl:S are true and ~rrect and tI1at.l have read ot am familiar with the provisions contained in SeCtiOn 2-482 of Lhe Miami Beach City Code as amended, and all reportl~ requirements. Signature of LDbtJvjst: . Signature of Prindpal/Clienl: VI. d Prcducl!d to Form of Identification ;( personally Known VII. SIGPlA1URI: AND srM4P OF NOTARY OIl DaoUTY CLJtItKI State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Swom to and subscribed before me This ~'1"'" day of A~~~( ,2002, L. JUOITH GASKELL NotarY Public, St8t8 of Florida My convn. expo Jan. 23. 2004 Comm. No. CC90431~ d-~ ~~~ Signature of pCSc Notary - State of Florida L. ::>"'0\<'-' ~f\I.~,<e. l-L.. Print, stamp or type name of Notary pub&ic ~- FOR CLERICS USE ONLY ReolSQ'lltion: IX'l p.CCEPTEO [) ~ECTED DATE: 9-3:~a2. If rcjstcd, slatIB reason: ' R~i$U1IIicln fee peld: W. l ) No I') 5 SJ::lj.. ~~o..<k MeR # '- ~ ?"TA EJl(R1 DATE' . _' ""', .EHT'- BY' · P =- .-- .- .- - ..,,----,. , F!lIl11e..ision - 05/17/02