1500 Ocean Dr. Condo Assoc. ------- S~1e-22Jla2 aSH 3Ia CITY 1"'IIRVII SO; 0-l:t<K J.l1*' I .3~ !:i'(S(,,~ I"',"'~ :RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S DEPT. in .., .... Cltv' ofMJlmlIeed1 omce ofltll ~ Qer1< 17M ~ c.n~~, t41W &each, FL 33~ SE~I 3 22002 Em.tI. dlycllr1cOcI.Jr\1lm..bucMI,lII 'D,.j h LOIIYXST JlEGXS1'RATlON 'ORM ! ~3' (Otf of01llml-. Clll' QxIo ChIlllW 2, _ 3. -. ~ ,[Jm~ o Check Box If an Amendment ROGEL DAVID H. (LIst) (Fll'll) (MJ) DATI! Qth\IJIIZID AS LOemST Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 100, Miami, FL 33126 . NAME OF 1.08B'l'1ST: 5201 BUSINESS ADDRESS~ (Nwntler Ind She\:) (ctv) (Sf.IlII) (Zip CadI) 305 26204504 FAX HUMID.: dro el@be~ker-poliakoff~com !MAIl. : I. LORn51' __10 BYI 1500 Ocean Drive Condominium Association, Inc. NAMEO"~ .. 1500 Ocean Drive Miami Beach BUSINESS ADDIUSS: (Number and Street) (CIty) (305) 534-0165 (305) 534-8465 Tll.EPHONE NUM8EJl: PAX NUMBS.: (0prJ0nII) FL (SlaW) 33139 12lp CadI) condo1500@aol.com ~: (Cpl:IonaI) , . FII1 out tIIll HdIOft If prl.,e1pal .. . _onlle", Pn'IM'Ih'p or"" [SIctIan 2-482 (c)] . NAMe Of! QtZIPl CPF1~ PAR"MR, CR. BJ:NEFICfARY: . LJS"I' AI.L PP5CINS HOLDING, D1R!CT'LY OR INDJRECl1.Y, A 5~ OIl MOM CWfeSHIP INTIRE r"!N ~ CORPOAATtCN, PAl1'NERSttIP CR. 'I'RIJS'n u. ..CIFIC.... sma Aoplication of Jefferson Plaza, Ltd. for File No. 1581 - 1500.0cean Drive - Isauuo bllobbIecI (De5aftleln dIrill): Outdoor/Open Air Entertainment Ill. art .l'INCIII/INDMDUAUTO IE a.oJl!IDc A) Full Name" ~(rIae 8)R* Melvin Schlesser Planning B Rob~rto Datorre Planning B Jerry Libbin Planning B Carlos Capote Planning B Jean-Francois Lejeune Planning Bo tOMldp oard Member oard Member oard Member - oard Member ard Member - Victor Diaz Joe Garcia Planning Board Member Planning Board Member lit" - r- SEP-1e-~~2 09131 c t TV M I Ft1 I BCH CLERK IEPT 305 673'7254 P. 02 ., . ~, . ~ tv. DUCLOSUJlE OF TiIlMS AND AMOUNTS ClP LOD'tlST caMP!NSAnc~ CDua.oa ~, '1ITHIIl HQU/U, JII; FlAT IlAT.,. fJTHlR) A) LOaIMST OlSC\.CSURE; HOURLY @ $22S/hour " " I) PR:t<4QpAL'S I)ISCJ,.OSUAE (OF t.C81't'IST CCM~5ATION)~ HOURLY @ $225/hour v. IIGNA1\IIl! U"DEIl OATH: ON oc:roalii-. Stir Of JACH YEAR, EACH LOIIYIST SHALL SIJ8M1TTO THe CXT'f ClJU( A SIGNED STATlMINT UNDIR OATH, umNCiI La'IYlNG EXPENDlTUUS IN THE CZTY OF MI"MlIEAat fOP. THE PUCl1>1NG CALENDAR YEAR. Slgnlture of Prf"CIPll/Clent; Fran VI. LOIIYIST JDllimACATtC'4' Ire true and correct and thlt I hi". read or am 42 of the Miami Bal:h City Code liS IImencled, and an I <Ie solemnly swear that illn at fI familiar With the pro\itslan n J repcrtlng requirements. Signature of l.abby(st.~ Q Produced m Form of Identification )J' Personally Known vu. _runt.... AND STAMP OF NOTAIlY all D......", CLIU2 Stett of florida, COl.lnty at Miami-Cade SWorn to ana IUbscrf~}I~ }Ill by David Ro6:~ ~ r ,.... ~ This J-O aayof S~2.0112. ~ ~ I~~';~ LYNN e. FOX.PEREZ Signature 'Of Public Notary - Sta1)! of Florida -~~: :*i MY COMMISSION # DO 066286 ". . i EXPIRES: November 19, 2005 . .iff..~ " Bonded Thru Notart PlilIic Underwriters , Print, stamp or type name of Notary pubnc FOR CLIRIrS USE ON~ Y c:-. \ /} '2.} ;""\. RegIstration: [~ (J ~D CATE: ~ If ,.,1CUd, It.- ~ __ RaQfCatrcn fee Plid: es [ ] ~o..~ u r) [ ] Cash [ \jAIflfiJ; MeR. ~ PATA eNTRY OAT!: q Ia.-y Q9-- T 2002 ENTERED IY': ~ ArIt Ite4rtn - as/l,'/DZ iOTA.. P. 02 ~ . ... . . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20th day of September, 2002, by Frank Fiorentino, as President, 1500 Ocean Drive Condominium Association, Inc., a Florida not- for-profit corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Who are personally known to me or have produced ~~~ y... AWY\) as iden' ation and who did/did not take an oath. (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNA STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE My commission expires: