2002-24925 Reso RESOLUTION NO. 2002-24925 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND OFFICIALLY ADOPTING THE BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT DEFINING AND DESCRIBING WATER AND SEWER BOND, G.O. BOND, AND STORMWATER BOND FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED THROUGH THE FLAMINGO LUMMUS NEIGHBORHOOD RIGHT OF WAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City has issued General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds, Stormwater Revenue Bonds and Water and Wastewater Revenue Bonds, to provide funding for a number of needed capital projects to be constructed in various areas of the City to upgrade and improve the infrastructure for the purpose of providing better service to residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, the City issued Request for Qualifications No. 07-00101 on December 21, 2000 for Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Administration Services for the Planning, Design, and Construction of capital improvements in four neighborhoods including the Flamingo Lummus neighborhood; and WHEREAS, through the City's competitive procurement process EDAW was recommended by the City Manager as the top ranked proposer and the City Commission on July 18th, 2001 approved Resolution 2001-24506 authorizing the execution of a professional services agreement with EDAW to provide the above described services for the Flamingo Lummus Neighborhood Right of Way Improvement Project for a fee not to exceed $1,840,000; and WHEREAS, EDAW and City staff have undertaken a professional and comprehensive planning effort to identify and describe needed capital improvements for the Flamingo Lummus Neighborhood in the Basis of Design Report (BOOR); and WHEREAS, two community meetings were held to obtain input from residents and property owners with regard to the proposed improvements, and general consensus in support of the proposed improvements was obtained; and WHEREAS, the subject BOOR was reviewed and approved by the Historic Preservation Board at its June 11th, 2002 meeting; and WHEREAS, the subject BOOR was reviewed and approved by the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee at its July 1S\ 2002 meeting; and WHEREAS, upon City Commission adoption of the BOOR, EDAW will produce construction documents based on the improvements recommended in the BOOR; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission approve and adopt the Basis of Design Report defining and describing Water and Sewer Bond, G.O. Bond, Stormwater Bond, and City Center and South Pointe RDA funded capital improvements to be implemented through the Flamingo Lummus Neighborhood Right of Way Improvement Project, with the condition that the Project include minor cosmetic tree planting improvements on the 1200 and 1300 blocks of Drexel Avenue to be funded with additional monies identified from another available source. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of July 2002. ATTEST: ~rf~ CITY CLERK APPROVED IS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR eve", ~ .. ~'-'U .IVI~ 't~'l':': ''''' -.' ~ ~\';;9~ City DatIl T:\AGENDA\2002\JUL 1 002\REGULAR\FgoBODRres.doc CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY m ~ Condensed Title: A resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach approving and officially adopting the Basis of Design Report defining and describing Water and Sewer Bond, G.O. Bond, and Stonnwater Bond funded capital improvements to be implemented through the Flamingo Lummus Right-of-Way Improvement Project. Issue: Should the City adopt the Basis of Design Report prepared by EDAW and City staff as the officially approved description of capital improvements to be designed and constructed through the Flamingo Lummus Riaht-Of-Wav Imcrovement Proiect? Item Summa 'Recommendation: On July 18, 2001, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution 2001-24506 authorizing the execution of an Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and EDAW, Inc., for Professional Services associated with water and sewer, stormwater, and G.O. Bond improvements being implemented through the Flamingo/Lummus right of way Improvement project. EDAW and City staff then initiated a comprehensive planning process that included a review of historic Information, neighborhood site visits, and Inter-departmental staff and consultant visioning sessions. . EDAW developed an initial program of recommended improvements, which was presented, at a Community Design Workshop on December 6th, 2001. Public comment and feedback from this forum was analyzed and incorporated where appropriate in a revised plan that was presented at a second Community Design Workshop on February 21, 2002. Residents were notified of the two Workshops by mail and through newspaper advertisements. At the second workshop, a substantial consensus among residents on the proposed program of improvements was achieved. EOAW then finalized the program of improvements In a Basis of Design Report (BODR) that was carefully reviewed by all applicable City Departments and refined as necessary. The next step is for the City Commission to review and approve the BOOR, which will then serve as a basis for the preparation of construction drawings for all recommended im rovements. The Administration recommends ado tin the resolution. Financial Information: Amount to be expended: ~:::::; ~"\::;~~~:;~::~;~~!~~~~:i: f~;.j;~t~~;~: ':::~If(i~:g~:l :.....:::: ~,.:;....::..:.: '~:i~ 1~il\::,,:~~~t.,{;,j' $12,383,427 $4,716,741 $6,596, 260 $4,641,179 $28,337,607 , " .;'ti"ff,,:;:\:\:~.;;;.. Series 2000 Stormwater . .'AP~tq.,.,,"', Source of Funds: lifJ. Series 2000 Water and Sewer G.O. Bond City Center and South PointeRDA's AGENDA ITEM DATE R7E 7-IO...O~ 388 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 www.c1.mlaml-beach.ft.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: Mayor David Dermer and Date: July 10, 2002 Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez ~,vvc... r City Manager U ~ -l) A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BEACH APPROVING AND OFFICIALLY ADOPTING THE BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT DEFINING AND DESCRIBING WATER AND SEWER BOND, G.O. BOND, AND STORMWATER BOND FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED THROUGH THE FLAMINGO LUMMUS NEIGHBORHOOD RIGHT-OF-WAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. To: Subject: ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS On July 18, 2001, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution 2001-24506 authorizing the execution of an Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and EDAW, Inc., for Professional Services associated with water and sewer, stormwater, and G.O. Bond improvements being implemented through the Flamingo/Lummus right-of-way improvement project. EDAW's responsibilities for this project include Urban Design, Landscape Architecture and Engineering Services for the Planning, Design, and Preparation of Construction Documents, and for Assistance with Bidding and Construction Administration for a fee not-tcrexceed $1,840,000. EDAW and City staff then initiated a comprehensive planning process that included a review of historic information, neighborhood site visits, and inter-departmental staff and consultant visioning sessions. EDAW developed an initial program of recommended improvements, which was presented, at a Community Design Workshop on December 6th, 2001. Public comment and feedback from this forum was analyzed and incorporated where appropriate in a revised plan that was presented at a second Community Design Workshop on February 21,2002. Residents were notified of the two Workshops by mail, newspaper advertisements, and the City CIP website. At the second workshop, a substantial consensus among residents on the proposed program of improvements was achieved. EDAW then finalized the program of improvements in a Basis of Design Report (BOOR) that was carefully reviewed by all applicable City Departments and refined as necessary. 389 The BOOR was approved by the City of Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board at their June 11th meeting. It is scheduled to be approved by the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee at their July 1st meeting. The next step is for the City Commission to review and approve the BOOR, which will then serve as a basis for the preparation of construction drawings for all recommended improvements. The Executive Summary of the BOpR is attached as Attachment B; color copies of the entire BOOR are being delivered to the Commission under separate cover and may be obtained by others upon request. The BOOR is also available on the website www.cmbproiects.com. A comprehensive list of the recommended funded improvements is identified on pages 4 and 5 of the BOOR Executive Summary; the list is attached as Attachment A to this document. In addition to improving water and drainage infrastructure, the improvements are gerierally intended to promote pedestrian activity and safety, calm traffic, introduce shade canopy, and reinforce the existing historic character of the neighborhood. Highlights of the improvements include the creation of a pedestrian walkway linking Lincoln Road and Espanola Way, the complete reconfiguration of the entire length of Euclid Avenue to calm traffic and add shade trees, the establishment of east west cross island pedestrian corridors on 10th and 13th Street, and the creation of a small plaza at the intersection of . Pennsylvania and Washington Avenue with a map of the historic district embossed in the plaza paving. Several contentious issues arose during the community planning process. EOAWs first plan called for the creation of angled parking on the east side of Pennsylvania Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets. This option was removed and replaced with standard parallel parking. EOAW developed several prototypes for creating median parking on the streets with a very wide right of way. These options were considered at a Commission Workshop but ultimately rejected and are not part ofthe funded improvements plan. Another issue of contention that arose during community planning was the recommendation to provide a streets cape treatment in the 1200 through 1400 blocks of Lenox Avenue, a single-family area. Some residents argued that this funding would be better spent on additional traffic calming on Eight Street and other areas where speeding traffic is a safety issue. Residents ofthe single-family area strongly supported the Lenox Avenue improvements, noting that their street is perhaps the most unattractive street in the project neighborhood with haphazard parking, muddy swale areas, and virtually no shade trees. In response to these concerns, the scale of improvements to Lenox Avenue was partially reduced while retaining the most meaningful improvements and some additional traffic calming was added in the southwest quadrant of the neighborhood. A strong consensus on the final program of improvements was achieved at the Second Community Design Workshop. CONCLUSION City staff and the project consultant have successfully responded to the challenge of developing a program of improvements for this very complex and important neighborhood that maximizes the impact of the funding available, achieves basic infrastructure improvement goals, and enjoys the support of a majority of residents. The process of planning these improvements included extensive input from residents and the subsequent modification of initial plans to respond to that input. In addition, the process of identifying and prioritizing improvement needs has created a valuable record which can be used to program further improvements if additional funding becomes available in the future.' - 390 By approving the BOOR, the Commission will officially end the planning process for this neighborhood and finalize the design concept. Work on formal'construction drawings will then commence. An important feature of the BOOR approval is that no added input on the concept will be solicited nor changes made unless formal construction design efforts uncover 11 s or errors in concept. :fH:OP~ 391