1674-65 Carl Fisher >� I CARL GRAHAM FISHER, MIAMI BEACH. FLA. Carl Graham Fisher was born in Greensburg, Indiana. He is a son of Ida Graham and Albert Ii. Fisher. Until 1919 Mr. Fisher was president of the Prest-O-Lite Company,of Indianapolis, Ind. He is president of the Indian- apolis Motor Speedway, Indianapolis; President of the Fisher Automobile Company, Indianapolis; President of the Alton Beach Company, Miami Beach, Florida; President of the Flamingo Company, Miami Beach, Florida; an officer of the Miami Ocean View Company, Miami Beach, Fla., and an officer of the Miami Beach Bay Shore Company, Miami Beach, Fla. He is chairman of the Touring Board, American Automobile Association, and was originator and founder of the Lincoln Highway and the Dixie Highway. He is vice-president and director of both associations. During the World War Mr. Fisher was in intimate touch with the Government in relation to aerial landing fields and flying routes of the Civil Aerial Transport Commission and map making committee. Mr. Fisher is regarded as the foremost citizen of South Florida, due to the magnificent development of Miami Beach. While he has given the major portion of his attention to Miami Beach, lie has also taken an active part in the develop- ment of the city of Miami. He built the Flamingo Hotel in 1920 and was also the leading spirit in many of the larger enterprises. Mr. Fisher is married, his wife's maiden name being Miss Jane Watts. His business addresses are Indianapolis, Ind., and Miami Beach,Florida, Page Three Hundred and liven ty-four