1674-94 Carl Fisher I -aao.1111111...i. It VOL. 5. .No. 121. _ Y �t,, i 11 , 1_ M, -IAMI, FLORIDAn ...› ,rWRDNBSDAM 1 ... . , , ., /; ti • `>,S "DIXIE' 111611Rose Helen Kaises and J. W. i 1,2\�, WAY HAS GAtHEREDSGMUCIfMOMENTUM foneweeeasuet ,4.4 .4i SiNCE' Ft WAS LAUNCHED BY THE HOOSIER CLUB THAT IT ' Q WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO STO P IT,'SAYS.Y. D. L. ROBINSON, .,1 SECRETARY OF THE EX ECU 'FIVE COMMITTEE HAVING IN CHARGE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE CONFERENCE OF. GOVERNORS AND BIG GOOD ROADS MEN AT,• • ( „„' CHATTANOOGA APRIL 2 _ AND 3 ; , 1 ,. L�` Chattanooga, Tenn., March 30.- counties to secure the routing of the - �_ lie The Dixie Highway has gathered so highway via Murfreesboro, Shelby- rb much momentum, since it' wee first villa,Tullahoma, Winchester Cowan ,,��',,, t' .started by the Hoosier Motor Club'of and Sewanee, Tennessee. %%hits land lf"p" "�`? +.' Indianapolis and takenup by. the Marion counties are asking fore en- , " ' Chattanooga Automobie Club that it abling acts which will provide,them e ( 4 " would be•lmporsible to stop it, it the with from ;100,000 to $200,000 ,for �f opinion of V. D. L. Robinson, Seers- the Dixie Highway. It has been stet- C. ct v''/ 4�re,,.;ti , tary of the Executive Committee hay- ed that an agreement has been signed i01,4,0.',/,' t, "< ing in charge the arrangement or by the majority members of the cot- ., y,,; fEY., the conference of governors and big fee county court to vote the maxim- 4 el t• t ,iy' , Good Roads men which' will be held urn obnding indebtedness of the conn- in Chattanooga April 2 and•3, for ty to build the Dixie Highway through the purpose of formally launching the Manchester, in addition to the rens- ,pOff..;' great movement for a highway from In of a large sum by private subs- f: ' . ;' Chicago to Miami, Florida. Press no- criptions. , fie ,t;4-'4.' tices letters and telegrams which are, Bowling Green and Franklin coun- . pouring into the office of the executive ties,,Kentucky have perfected an,or- r` �,,,. ,' , committee from prominent citizens ganlsatlon and Iv vs petitioned the ' `" +fr P ''' and organizations give evidence of the county court to ,i a liberal amount '' '�i"� wide spread interest and enthusiasm for the buildis of their section of ti • ,�••• with,which the Idea has taken hold. the Mammoth Cavep route between s 4,1iCY 1". Meetings are being held all along the Louisville and Nashville, which is in d` tli '3z r J'<;4. entire route and organizations per- competition with the route endorsed Aim�, N,ts., ;' '"�^• ' fected to send' strong delegations to by the Louisville Automobile club, • (tai;,.(*'' , z f•.` , Chattanooga April 8,and present their through Glasgow to Nashville. '..'„f:1,', •r:y • claims for,the routing of.this high Organizations are being perfected IM , way. • along the Dalton and Rome routes in ;14,142::,...t;',", Localities !which are actively at Georgia between Chattanooga and At- " z work in the interest of the Dixie High..Tanta and actual.work has een start- '1 3 ''' ed'on sections of both roads. Meet- t,r gi t' way, are not confining their`activities ing. are being held and,official action riff>` l"j ``.441"N, • to words and indefinite propositions, taken by grand juries, county courts g'' y 7�pt�"';"rY but are securing definite ledges from and commercial organizations urging ° • t. pit '"rl :ounty Courts, commercial organize- the people to make definite plans for + °t' I do a, and substantial individuals v- the'financing and building of any re- „re,,�i a�,• ,r ng iitive Assurances that the h gh-I raining sections of their particular t`y'x� ftp ,"r,. Nay rr}11 be built through their coun- routes. "br ', `• ' :y. In some instanced actual work ” The activities' which have been 7 sk-° ';''',i)1'"`', J, las been started to first fuild an all aroused all along the sections which i;''',i)1'" rear round road"through their coun- will be pierced with the Dixie High- 0'- lea, .and then present.then claimp way, looking toward a definite plan 1 'or the routing of the hi h ;•P'ote- of financing the building.of their part nosy atn..�• ' . , o e,Dixie"Hlghwa are the,»cult i `. '`' ' •w w ,i ''' -1 r ur ins$ general recognition that /the ; d •i'Mile 111 'jf', ri tb , . •governors and the type of men ,,who '•. v ,al city. A let r to secreta ' •b- will have to do with the i setectton'of nson and Carl G. Fisher oilflond, the route of the•Dixie Highway will .; vho with W.i7.•Gilbreath of the Hoos- not consider any claim or mere.as.. f er Motor Club conceived the'idea of sertlon of what may be done, but will ' he Dixie Highway, states-"Miami reulre a sound business propostion New.York, March 30.—U.$ District AttorneyMarshal nd Dade•county Florida will'be-the from •the accredited 'authorities who the mysterious Oliver Osborne'Who appeared suddenly last fret.on,the entire run to have a are capable of carrying out their pro- eerted he and not James W. Osborne,formerlyassistant til omplete oil' road, sixty-eight miles mites, should the Highway be rout. of New he, and known Rae Tenser—whohoustarted e n length, as theirpart of the Dixie ed their way, • of promise for $50,000 against James W..Oebot ,c..will'I Iighway. • If all of the counties be- Towns and counties interested in se- pearance at the proper time. ween vilami;and Chicago would act curing the routing of the Dixie High- Rose Helen Kalseritas given to Miss i'anzei'i''attorney s promptly and uicklq as Dade coun- way have been urged to call mass received from Oliver Osborne, who m she holieviet to be' y is doing, the road would be the meetings at once, if this has not al- is the one who exonerated James W. Osborne. Mks Kaiser mgeat'.continuous road in"America ready been done,_perfect their or- read of the case In'the newspa ra and'believed. her friend I less•than twelve months. I am in ganizations and present,their propo- the Boston Osborne were one and-the same. She holds no s open that by next year at least one onions in a definite form, capable of him and asserted he'"always'treits�ms'like a gentleman.' alf of the route will be greatly im- fulfillment, through their r•epresenta- - roved." • fives :who attend the conference of c" -., mpe The greatest activity and cote. governors in Chattanooga, April 2nd BROKE HIS WORD. AND NECK..• WRAITH HAUNTS'DI Ion for the routing of the Dixie Tigh- and 8rd. ray exists in Kentucky and Tennees- John S. Smith, aged 46, former en- In'a phanteeq;ajtomo ei ^,where there is a greet deal of Lieutenant-General Sir Edward Hut- gineer, latterly a gas man, known a of Carl Brown;.'teet dri aI•»ad. This more than anything ton who in his sixty-sixth year has "Hoke" Smith, to distinguish him Ise, is the barrier which has kept been called from his retirement to from the numerous Smiths in Allen- G Goodrich'Rubber Cor ut thousands of automobile tourists command one of the divisions o Great town, succeeded in killing himself son,races nightly'along' om Ithe south. The movement- in Britain's new Third army, was known this evening after persistent efforts. 10 mile. of road betwe hese states alone could not be stop- in his younger days as Curly Hutton, According to his family he had and Stow Corners. This ed, I They are not waiting to see if and may be.said to have done more been drinking heavily for a week. Af. various nesidsnta of Hu he highway will be routed through than any other officer in the British ter dinner he went to bed. In an they have seen reeated heirlrespective sections, but are hay- army to organize the military de.- hour his daughter heard a bump on p ig their representatives in the legit- fense o King George's big oversea the floor and•found that Smith had of the driver who lost his ►tort pass bonding and enabling acts dependencies. From 1898 until 1000 tied a rope to the bedpost and around mer dashing-along this hi 'hich will provide them with the funds he was general in command of the his neck and rolled out of bed.He was has a four-year record o pith which to build a section of the Canadian militia, and during the Boer already choked blue when she cut the every mils. • Ighway across the county. war was in charge of the brigade con. rope. When he revived he promised Cleveiand'automobillst Notable among these is Franklin stituted by the troops from Canada, to behave, and she went into the gar- Akron-Cleveland pike are ounty,Tennessee,asking for a $200- Australia and New Zealand, compris den to plant onions. He didn't respond for the specter as a rest 00 enabling act, which will permit ing cavalry and mounted infantry, for supper, and they found he had ports from Hudson. The herrepresentatives of their county which rendered so splendid an account roostedand was dead.—Allentown, Death Strip" was laid to present a definite proposi- of themselves throughout the camp. (Pa.) Dispatch to Philadelphia Roc- Cleveland Dispatch to•Ne ion in connection with the edlo(ning algn. • ord. aid. Bringing Up Father _ L���. , . _ i JUST 'f1iIHK•QIN"fl i YOURS wRtxy4- i WE'VE. eegM A.1„ . I WUL.OUST ITS NOR'rY'•-g,NRS DOkT OMYR/1bICT FOR FO rill OF DCC^111C t Rt'MEMDCij IIOUGM'r' MN' I &e9S 1 Mai rm Yr,,,,.. TN^T-rr, t•n,., -11!1 sts.5.. , 'i'f1 ktlf$ i.. .