1674-9 Julius Fleischmann • 525 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK CITY February 19 , 1925. My dear Mr. Fisher : - I have not answered your letter of February ninth 'ere this , as I have been unable to write . Julius ' s death, as you can well imagine , is such a crushing blow that I was obliged to rest as much as possible and was not permitted to carry on my correspondence ,- I am sure you will understand. In reference to the pony, which Julius intended to give to Major Beard, I believe that after all this is a verbal promise 7ihich has no legal status with the executors who are , by law, compelled to live up to the letter of his will. However , Julius Fleischmann, junior , and Henry Yeiser , whom I believe you know and who is the husband of Julius 's daughter, are coming to Miami the early part of next week to determine what disposition is to be made of the polo ponies , and I would suggest that you discuss this matter with them. I deeply appreciate your sympathy in the great loss that Julius ' s death means to us , and to all of his friends ,- it has indeed left a tremendous void , and I know full well how much he will be missed. Very sincerely yours , "A cyet A <--‘ 7$"/G Mr. Carl G. Fisher , Miami Beach , Florida.