1674-6 Warren Harding • • • • • • i ti^ �z , I' -a' 14" a `r7 /0deriii.ir ai.- . : .. ' '..' x - -.,:.;: - :.'I : . t . •' DAILY, r ••TI-IER FORECAST- pl.• Fair todl;y :lid Fridiy;Jaome- `. • what warm r Frida' i�rllt fort UItS))AY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, :1921. i- `__ ' ; _ -_ (INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVTeX) t'ItICE FIVE • )ISCUSS PEACE GERMANS AGREE TO SUBMIT --_ _ BUT PUSH AHEAD TO DISARMAMENT DEMANDS DI G YACHT v I RUNS INTO MUD; . , M e R 1"r PIJ f1�T(\` Reichstag Concludes Resistance Is Futile and Accepts Terms L id STUCK `— !ll�wJ ' Down by Alliet; Reparations Settlement Swallowed J •j lJ Vl, 6 HOURS •t•` ..-L`:- : i. ;en. Pershing Warns Con- President- Warning to Spare Its People. `-- President• elect Motors ` ' .` • grecs Against Fostering Illy The Associated ]'rear] tor, both approved {O •BERLIN, Feb. 2.—The Reichstagand n rd te at the counter Ft Land rdale _.;,.<. Spirit of Pacifism,, ties through their leaders today scond- proposals swou�ldtrustedlead ton ant agreement t However ed thei ' Paris a government's attitude on the with the entente. Herr Mueller declot- and 13 Not A i .,j'I.`,'a •`�' agreement. The acne/ea which ed that the workers of all countries were board, •1 EAR HARDING VIEW lasted throe hours, was diep*eaionat., endangered by the reparation proposals, ••:12.,,,, barring Interruptions during the corn• which would convert the present manlst leader's speeeh, the sole dis• economic crista Into an European iotas- HET - ' seethe note in the psrliarneotary chorus trophe. Ile appealed to the workers '�`-' a-s L �y ! resident-Elect f $rlt3 an of approval• to bring about negotiations for a prise- i' r I Dr. Paul.Levy, '' Army of 175 p0 Icahn for the ultra radicals, tical solution. He admitted that the AIIISOn's 'A ache Tose ' ' �'" told the Reichstag 2hat'•'the present disarmament obligations could no longer >' IL4 •-it" �! situation was mirth-provoking,inasmuch be avoided if the German people were u it recalled the outbreaks of official to be'• orad fresh and it Anchors' n•:: was Toldln [ar' oat anP i ' r I ton. tied bourgeois anger after the armistice tions. D grievous visite- ,4`.,::: , :.- -^ +';'^'-' .• - - terms, the Versailles treaty and the Dr..flergt, for the national party,said River for Nig�t. ' • (EY The Aatleelrtt ptusl Spa agreements were published, lie ha would have liked a more decisive 1 •• ¢! yABOINGTON,ld.,g�"t-tpettrrest di*. added that, despite excessive protests- tont In Dr. Simone'oheervationa on di,- MakingI •cod disarmament tions, the government invariably assn•+armament s lnL 1ct start rilitheng' Florida I toosy, but went sequently discovered that there was no "Feat Prussia," be went on, "ex el to boats' Protria neho }{a near hued- ,ad with eonslderatloo,of large •p- choice but to sign, D f boat, Victoria,fanehorc ' pristions for the arm of the fatherland that she will be anon- derdale last tight, full near FL Lad_ y and,navy and Prwldeot Loebe, at the conclusion of done)in the face of the Bolshevist don- hind schedule.1 a Ott day DO- -i dentally tae si ved vl�s of the debate, commended the parties and ger. 'No German ought to assist the wheel's t: cid• elect Hardlag a fie ■ their speakers on the unanimity,of their entente In Imposing unprecedented) the Only ten rd JOout y Miami,et- Ira nt-�lap pollQ t, n' •entlment,, lie hoped the entente would hard disarmame, conditions." • Y dy northward t'Vjct y began 'tenet-- ' ire • military i Kahn,l*tbf"tel ilia r7 coos- listen to the warning voices and spare ExpressingapprovalJay morning, t e l narr w nosed into a :ell, to the Germannep the foreign mud reef int aC'barrow the hones tech In debate people and unless the in- minister's uiewr on reparations, Dr. channel and 11 lndiaa river the annual military:Wel( evitaDla Consequences unless the re- Hergt-concluded: Is•held tan tot mous • •v�•. ►ppropriatton partition terms were radicnly revised. "M■ the Germanthan six hours. t :7. that he had bean i d by Mr. Dr, Schiffer, former minisically er:ot Y people in the ho,r She finallyw don[ at a recent arcate at tic*, and Herr Mueller, former chancel- arsine.±sloe find itself equal to the 00' afternoon slyulled oA late in the' a,' d' ion that the recent ' Clamored '.. ' L'A by Ther A. Allison's'- 'lilt.' r•gular army of 75,001'.Inen for the 1 r"'r-s---------}--_� - Pdurin sent te her aid from Miami,, Jr: +arse aad ■Ido le sol t' - and during the reo!naining hours of days ,.j 'r ek,4 velaatary 11111 t i ,�Ip,rovldln yf�LC ARRAIGNS IGNS sioht she had td pick her way rerj•'., ' Man anacally. .:4.lninr f DA �1 ES`/-huRwRA UNION TO PAINT slowly. ..K� `emitting See I Not Aboard Victoria. '. LLrs n ^^ The president elect was not on board erne the Doose tits Pe �- CRITICS'\.w\7 OFARMY ' the! Victoria nitke revived fro* nation CITY'S SCHOOLSgrounded, h►rin23 :kr r�. arsine against fettle ` motored aha•then ty' miles to Ft. Lauder it of -dC • reane al • dale and playe p game of pacifism as repandness. duringgolf her$ warn sg tempe_ed the general's Sends Sledge-Hammer Blows at!Proposition of Local t3 Accept fat thhour bot fib come while waits royal of a world.di meat con- Who His secretary r nee and was encore d by a de- lfts o- Men Try to Detract Notes in Payment Accepted i Jr, went sear 0 George from e • .tion thht until all World hadnr' •ed on a disarma,n ..polis It Om Its Glory: by Board of Education. telephoned cooedd of her bredieamea Id he "uawlae and allQafe" for Doth to Ft.' Lauderdale aad,Mlami, La.•.`"''.'� :ed States to diseoaphne carryingIHY, e Associated Press) tet Mr. lferdinglIwent down stream and:'' ata army and navy pa ell. wA8H1NCITON, Feb. Y.—DrClarin¢ he County School Supt.Charles-M.Fisher leasad,boarde°•wthe Victoria before the was Tei,.Is seeding`debate on Uteytmy bill the was not In',Dolitics and was not going was auof public J yesterday by the county The schedulelot the vaelttwi � ' le 'calved frgm the 1 ropriatioae In, Charles II Dawes, of Chicago, tor. board of public instruction to accent pati mlttae the annat►1 natal.bill with mer chiefharle Ct supply procurement or' D for tomorrow Is Uncertain;but with goo I' forthe offer the Painters' Local Union No.• luck they hope 1 to reaeh Palm Betio • ,nvreioae for continuing work on 17 the Amerltan army In France. bltterl� 806 to furnish paint and labor nates- late in the aftlreoon for M �. revtelo oughts and battle cruisersrime oP other craft. At t setae time, attacked today what he charged were eery to do all exterior painting on golf. .tor Gerry,of Rhode d,a demo. political attempts to discredit the the new school additions. Notes payable The Victoria Came through the day's '`''" e member of b. Y experiences without injury ' bye Wmm itste e, achievements.of the people who won on January 1, 1922, ate per cent Inter- proceed cautiously through several mush �R;' e into the tariff de PD the war. a cot, will be taken by the union in pay- of erooked channel north of Ft- Laude • .tor Borah's nwloden to halt work In the course of a five-hour:exam!- mint. The labor will be rated at $8.60 dale.of ter draws three feet, nine )oche these ships for sl:.month while `t j�. • its decided what t ! nation by,r house war a day and material will be furnished at eels neer to.nil theand Is eIof ndianerive�eat ve ",v- .tor sontbeft was committee, Mr, •Dawes investigating with hast In the light of lewol s jemmied market price. The painters will furnish etre. b9.► V Agaartr� • the world war, - sledge hammer blpwe at critics who Defettab BI had tried, he sold, to detract from the their,own brushes and scaffolding. Mr. Arleing early yesterday morn til gp :ts••- L Rattle/i1lj. glory of the.great achievement byafter breakoin hie cottage. l° , -. e Rhode bland senator,, denying Ing flaws.and pick- Fisher coos also euthoriscQaby the board Harding, together with yt the war bad damoastreted that parading trivial; fames to accept a pio .similar propose on from the Ely, dr huyre n, M Senate l, three r was cad miles away. At ofFletcher and Dyl '' " battleship was no lottgat;the vital The air was thick with is streak of Plumbers Union. Ely. drove to the Aquarium.Allle, where, ...„.,',- Plumbers of the fleet, declared that It would oaths for .which the witness frankly The offer of the Painters' Unldn wqa the- guest of Jame* A. Alllsdn, he was •`'.i- tsential for this country Iii any fu- confessed he had neither apology nor made through its executive committee, eningcondumuchated t�tryptwo acetol exbtblil'_' war. Comparing aha relative excuse. building. mar .'r.,.../- .gtbs of the Ames-foam, I3titish and },ate in.the day he reiterated an Taylor, Irad of 0r S. W. Jensen,rim George of salt water sea life ehgwn ince !...f,'71 nese navies, the senate ;said he TWatkins,a, Purcell, sy Trimmer, A the doors shortly atter s earlier o[(-hand statement as ;to his 0. W. Graves and•F'ulix A. o'clock, before >:- 1 understand'why there fight be own part in Politics, which Was u- ythe doors were open to the!public, 6 agenda by the Bdtiorh eat bon- cepted to mean that he would not be- Guyette. Hent fully an hoof erewln =:y'ir^ • anon of major a tys, The boardealso semployed the l pe Bern of sea Ilio the won' 1 >> tett alt thatdicomee • member of Mr.•Harding's cab- superintendent to employ several pea dens under much;Ideal together an veld be to their gde}p apoeltion with which hie nameahown a e the eonst�lerEof h,craft has been linked. Even before hill views ele to circulate the ening dt for bond Leaving the of Isis , elections in the demon sin d with mostMt Hardlbg• • sit 'trptigth a, thln;a c.. Cr. expressed, Mr. whichbond [. !striate for motored to Ft. I�lace orlgfat a! Dub a)_` N, elections are .Ought. The done• e• d3•tr Inline will-5.. a si.lder. '.�.,.,�y, r$will:,be'retalted;.n it11 la} en's r 41:nd1Aud p qtr q ' efebf du kw tbe,f cot-`/1tg itotet at.eeen»d'se the!the'boarit cit t ; VW YbentD .tarday by the senate naval oemmlt. ernrnent, ori oval of a hundred years' an call.elections.In,those districts,''i t ••t•- - .'r L L,.;r- which will h'pr member.'of the standing, he declared, with which in. - _ _ o ! • fol naval board, who•today nom• vestlgators.might better afford to deal f �' .,'•_ d their report to Secretary Daniels instead or trying to scoop upi water FRENCH AND POLES FEAR M HARDING 'HIDES' IN .air study of the whole naval situs. already over the dam. NEW SOVIET OFFENSIVE HOTEL WIT �o. with relation to the best type of Mr. Dawes was called by democratic H HER +;t." for thea.Suture. The house naval members of the committee to rebut .I olttee also decided today, to hear testimony relatingto waste and ex- (By The Associated Press D PARIS, Feb. 2.—,\ 1 y The Antedated Press] ✓ 'rlday the,-members of the navy travagance'and particularly with ret- possible mitring bolnhevint NEW YORK; Feb. 2.—Tempting ll. ,. • I and In addition Rear 1 Admiral crones to liquidation of American ac- offensive n in the early sprin¢ .gal not citations to many andel gathfringe fall counts In ',ranee and sale of surplus !tussle will behtherChlief question din- edsto draw Mrs. Warren . waritime commander of American and G Harding` I Bradley A.I forces 'overseas, retiredand ;Inveear ntor stocks¢to tirethat food French n Se t.hAi i cussed by the bends of the Polish and companion ssidrom her D that otel •the e wife yof Hee -,�', • awerin chargesg !••ranch:governmerIn cat their forthcum- rtuid,mt•elect would neither'call Upon r aerial torpedo pLna. su DVlles might have brought more than ing terlee of conferences, It was friend■ nor be visited lar; ` • the 2400.000,000.paid by France, Mr. learned today, r1R the re. FIT TO SLASH ARMY . Dawes turned sharply upon one of his mntbdet of her stay in New York... „-- The President 'iiawilbegin tomorrow, SOciarl folk, In the tea roams of the .e•it questioners,.Representative HI►nd, re- when Pilau dskl of Poland. Ritz-Carlton, chatted over m■ OFFICERS ON IN HOUSE Du Dllcan, Ie lana, and shouted: . , with alar a ; • '."It b Jus! that sort of fool ar ¢ Party of high Pollen o[fl- ofmah g del I Kument clots will arrive hero. 1'rarehal afll- wardrobe♦'They�llae lrne.lr �na lrom tA. _ [Hy.The Associated Press] that forced'(]rent Rrltaln to hold on to lerand, Panther Hrlrnd, Maralal'Foch nester however. No word camp fro ,�. • `e Fthe number of c :fighommissioned o{ Ile stock and attempt to drive hard ,aa,t,other Prominent French officiate!suite, in which she held herself eventat bargain. '!-Ire stuff Is there today, are to take ting, You cannot discuss an ex, a4te wart In the meetings,which ental •time, and the deal ners and e'•r' in the army came to the surfacep will continuo for three days• modiste■ who visited her saippp • e house late today during ceneldera- us question 7,000 miles away. There le no Renewal of the bolnhevint offensive brag i ffht d to set Pee they had f the army appropriation bill. use to try and throw mud when you is regarded as quite prohablo In French Ton; ht t y' •resehtative Fields, Ken_ were not there to know conditions•I official circles, but military lcadere say 1 quietly 'dipped ewa'st to visit'• the tar.•y offered an democrat,cut the ungland that billions of dollars by It would not Mune serious alarm and ' • .i of ol-ean personnelamendmentby one-third and lletening to that Sort of talk—listening could he halted without grist dlffl- • lune the appropriation for their a to a Cot of:people who were afraid of rutty. WOULD DEFER HOUSE BILL l''"x•' un.$42,t 0 p y muckraker:at home. 9'boy.are ruining ,000 as recommended by the the devil le England now "end" e— UNTIL I{AF2DlNG CdMGS IN ] .itte. to $80,000,000. He ltplalned Moorland did not sill Ile eoppllrn when M'ADOO DENIES I IiS TRIP each a reduction would be proper- we sold:' . TO MEXICO IS POLITICAL she WASHINGTON, 'Feb. iupo lone ,•'..•c • 1 to the decrease In the,enlisted Mn, Uawq,said ac a matter of feet , rD. 2.- S to 160,000 as proposed in the; bill. he thought 4Franee wan char that action on the llunra re-apportion- ' sentatl vs\ ie, republican,bin, nrucb. Rod too • iBY The Aeeorlate,i Press] neem tell be defrrfed until ,after,the r, ..` is,opposed the •enzie, ant,;dottier- • 1 w----- MEXICO CITY, Feb. 2,--William [�• Inau gtlon of 1•rrhdcut•elecl ublieng l_ would strike . body blow;at mill- FLORIDA FRUITS McAdoo;former secretary of the United I were ronsidr red Nils) Ty i ntmltt., p would ria, , titntt■lrcasury,requested the Atsnclsb•,)I rnrwbrrs of the senate crnnre ga7mmlttee, •oeating the combination of the lir !'res' tonight to "deny sprci'f,rnlly and I Chnorm an Suthrrlsnd •std aehrice I;•`'� Absolutely" that hie visit to Mexico Wu. of rel'gblicsn aro !Ors might be celled a r • hrq of the army and navy under 1iVT q J ,cad, Repreutativa Mann.'.reppubll- 1. Il\ TARIFF BILL in any way connected with "political,or I to ,Llrrrn:n. he,ie l►, t I llihoia,said that the United States .van busines., nRni n." Ile said that he �''u nine Sutherland dreier r.l'then.waw i " and wife were hero on s pr reon t)i ei Jr ys,tltlnn In the ernalw n N,anda • ti:elllgant effort dauld so'develop ) ii,,, hnu.r mrmhc''•IdP as flsjl by that • it rvloe k• to control the sir Inland n his wife, 'era'her in eon eraon n ` '• uture war,England,he said,Is now ''{OU.0 Committee Informs Stare with several of their Inrnd■ In the Ifni. burly nor was any daft i +- ted Slates, who sneompsnrrd them vn n n the repro. Y Measure Will BeTaken Upin smoothie from 'Imehev*�oat annum i:: { the most lntondve clod to this special Oar plata.' In connection, 1hr�bllh • 1 't and Is net paylltg so much at. provided by 1'reddrnl Ubrr, t`:- •n to e'veal tonstry tloo. • Extra Session in April. gen. • If then hn� mr*wurr, cob h wenld •Rod.le' __._--- Nr. and Mrs MrAdrn will t... "•rain cone• pr. .ot hila.. nlen,aeral,' • 1 ton, democrat,