1674-5 Henry Hohauser ® . It s Work n $2,000,000 li (lelAt-Beach Construction of a $2,000,000 luxury hotel in Miami Beach will be started within three weeks, it,was revealed today. Henry Hohauser, architect, saisirrithe hotel were granted "hardship case" priori- ty by the National, Production Authority to secure scarce steel for the job. ''';, jThe fed\ 1 agency, however,f refuse uthorize purchase of rmateria s for a swimming pool, Hohauser said. , THE 198-ROOM hotel will be i built at 2555 Collins ave. by Louis Kenin and Charles H. Pos- ner, New York contractors and financiers. Hohauser said it will require about eight months to complete ,the hotel, and work will conti- nue through the winter season when construction in Miami 'Beach normally comes to a halt. A city anti-noise ordinance which becomes effective Dec. 1 prohibits construction within 150 feet of a hotel or apartment house. Hohauser explained, however, that the site is large enough so most work can be ,done outside the noise limit. KENIN-AND Posner built the 'Roper bldg. in Miami and are the owners of Park View island at the bay end of 73rd st. in Mi- ami Beach. Hohauser said the NPA al- lowed steel for the new hotel be- cause construction had been planned four years ago. Work then was delayed because of the l death of Posner's father,Harry.I His, estate was settled only a I few weeks ago, enabling the; partners to go ahead with their 1 plans, and the federal agency] labelled the situation a hardship case. I l HOHAUSER SAID it was hoped that approval for a swim- ming pool would be granted be- 'fore the hotel is completed. The new hotel otherwise would be t the pnly one of its class without a pool in Miami Beach. The city building permit listed cost of construction at $1,000,- 000, but the architect said the actual cost, including wiring and plumbing, would be about $2,000,000.