1674-10 Charles S. Krom \ 11 Port 7;ashington, L. I. July 28, 1927 Mr. Irving A_ Col lin s Hotel Stewart San Francisco, Illinois Dear Irv: - I have just had a long talk with G- .rge Krom. George is running a big hotel up at West Point and it is not doing so very well . In flact, hotels all over he country are having a hard time this season on account . f the weather conditions . Now our situation at the Nautilus is We have at least a thousand people who wan job of man: . ng the thing. Krom has had several year exptience and while he does not have the personality op harles ,he is undoubtedly a good hotel manager. Perhaps the p he has run the hotel at some extra loss to us i tryin o make the name Nautilus and the Bay Shore Comp- 'uH - al. This has cost us perhaps , considerable money; but ih , e other hand it may be a blessing in disguise. If Krom has ' • done a ' hing ;Ise , he has brought me in very close tout.. ith Mr. K ler, one of our best sub- stantial guests at th- Nautilus wh comes every year and stays through the season. 'r' sold Mr. K tier the other day a home- site at Montauk for $5 000. and w did not have to pay Mr. Krom or anybody else a mmissio .n this deal except to Gayness. Undoube.d .Y, , fiom i e entitled to the com- mission on t ea-1' thanT ess ; at least he is entitled to half of it. can get a iw mana ger who does not know anybody in our org ization and ,e might have all our troubles to go over again.\ We do know $rom is honest : we don 't have towatch him from any\ gle except to see that he does not spend too much money inNmaking-jhe hotel the last word in food and accommodatiors.` Kr m told me today he could get plenty positions at a larger salary than he gets at the Nautilus , and I believe this is true because there will be a thousand hotels that are struggling to get anything that will pull them out of a hole. I returned last night from Montauk after spending two days with Mr. Statler, who is the biggest 4' , Err. Irving A. Collins. ' July 28, 1927. Page 2, inditidual manager of hotels in the world. He showed me the reports of some fifteen hotels, :'orae hotels are making money, others losing money, idth all his otels, he is not doing much better than we are, except at , o i'en sylvania. . The reason he is doing so well with the l'= sylvania is that he has the Pennsylvania Railway Company ba of him and they have more than a billion dollars invcated d they are back of ter. 3tatler. I may not be able to do a hirg with him i for the h tel layout at Montauk; c qm . annot do any- thing with him at Miami ache thinks Miami is ty per cent over-built, and I have an idea almost cos: t , t in his estiate. 31ow I au perfect ,willing -o do anything neces- sary or that the majority s ide up« with the 1:autilus. I am satisfied that building •oo immediately will be a big thing for the Nautilus, a a=ioua to go ahead. If everybody apse wants a_Dhangc A the management, I will do so, but having as .,3 - es ' • this program as I • have at this time I .nnot co . lent . . sly say it would be brise to change the , nagetment. certainly have not seen any other manager , cantly I wo id care to trust with the 'nautilus as easily . s I can tru= ► George Krom, I think from his past expo =nee he has inally got to a point where he is willing ' • whittl: : oser to the bone than he ever did befor, and .; r • a f we would give George another tri ai tinter t c:►ould be good policy. Also I believe t Or if the utiluc does not make money this winter u ' er George ; om, it would :lot make money unser any othr- , manager we .uld possibly select. Let me "he a from you. �. Yours,. Copy to ltr. Xohlhepp, :. I