1674-2 Morris Lansburgh • 14,,4n,bwgs• Js'•. . •'Cin r rel t.lt: along l.n;t• sou•is the•,,,,hiram•o, „•.rear l.'nsh'n•gh,tvno•r ore•f the Srns Sorrrt a.,:!oaaft.Lr.7r:-7•7r,.n✓., ,n 1,♦po,,.,,v . ten Rrps hue.Bnsmts rrreo at tine fun, of the weir don't take off on t'ocnlrOn.So.the only drducnon 'at ion',Oa.• is that 't concerned the Jeragua tier!. Cb.JJ hr n toile • deaf ?• -'- 11.c,ai Daily .Vr a.. lcrt• 1;th: •'.titrr,,s Len: occi, ncre7Opeiotor of the So:, _ Souei ;fold and other i/i. ami Beach oetun•froot ho:dr. . hes en'wt urd his fearing of the Jaregun Hotel,in t'oidcd Trujiiln, Dot.•inieen Repo',-, • he. The 10•be,or trate try • re'nca elRetite roans .o4 continues lhrotyh it:b. ' 1961." _ . • BEACHCOMBINGS Hotel,denies • '''' � . $100 000 __ Theft Report Last Monday night's net:iag of the emaciate Group, art • Miami Beach police this aim* ranged by.Richard Bryce,with S.Z.Bennett moderating the noon were trying to locate two openh400r discussion,proved one thing—you can't Judge a took pittaburghers to 'tueaion themby its cover; nor a•broker gibe up a prespect by the ilii• concerning d-7 ices appearance - robber-644 repsytStS{!a E1: ho t houL " " Rhoda M, Lavine related an ecprrience,+ItJ�s it i good Retpape.said that a oe (Slim) case h point. A couple of years ago she vita t,r'. 1.Morocco newspaper said tht Joe Farber. Hotel to a local hotelman fur mono.Not:oolong afterwards, PSiittsburgh and Nate a pair of C•tbans earns to bee office and besitstinatly;asked Mrs. here.had/ st 54400 in atWA,. Levine if she had a good buy in a hetet.property. She men• here.had lost thehe0r1 a EVA. tinned the El Morocco and stuck a SI,SQ0,0Q.'.price tag on they^ (Ill robbery at ao,xl S:tur• chs niF.ht or yesterday. • Collins Ave.building.The pair,she admitted,hardy reeked of wealth.Teveiheless,she showed them the properly and with • Monis lanvhurRh, owner ofcul batting an eye handed her a deposit o(•SISa,000.Al the dos• the 1ose4JeMasi the report icg they ponied up the remainder io CASH. , `There hasn't been a robbery• - ` •� t the Vanderbilt this year:he. - ._ It• - •.. ' ..ded;reck "1 has•e a,:kid the pot 3 r .c 'lice to pursue this rumor to an 11 'eP-" exact conclusion. I wont the - - •sb, parties responsible (or it to be ) ;questioned." . ! !'r+ r•• 1,.• Detective V.G.?illinr bald that P ! X �u'. only Siiverhart is registered a: the hotel. but that both would ; 'be picked upw for questioning. \• '.jet'iedto sato to have 7 1`. " y. t q denied to the Pittsburgh ;aper °. .. 'that he had been robbed. T• L.isburoh Levin. Bryce ' !�� Another''��ae h fairly:race m idl bapq ncd Io Alma Tcr'en• bourn,now•se Lee EIa.nstein iftiex.A distaff client Said ' the was in the market fora house aiwind 525.000.After show- int sa.d client all the properties in sant price bracket, Alma, in lest,said the only thing she had left oat a 565.000 mansion, adding that she realized it was more than the dent wan'ed. • lndignsntly,the client said she'd like to tee it. In view of the MIAMI DAILY NEWS.Monday.Feb.15,1154 lime she'bad already consumed.Aima figured she bad nothing 4-B1 - more to lose and took the prOspect to the homy.After showing • I the client through the;lac?,the client said:•'f'1!give you i6O. Owner Of S a o S o u c i toe for the pia•-s ' "But."J`•Yted Alma,"I thotgbi you said 1 You Only wan t,' ' pt rad a••+,u;O•isn't this loo much'be you'• "That's my 'a towered the client,"and if ycu'l r'+ y, � twiny Marv. :„�.y�s ebawl�':.;JeWlpes.tp.ay.�Al• Leases • Latin Hotel eotime inpicking•ntWtVmcomh'nkofnaptr. Mo�ie J`.7 {{..��4g Hotel .'�/111�d Ian,1fai?:'•1 noticed an your last Sunday s Bear/iconic.'o! Morrie I�n�bur h, owner operator of the bandit Sou 'anti Reach oceanfront hotels,',,r i_D column."writes Reactor Oa ler W./iron.,"that'f an. L�3t{pttl dscondinuing my offic on Otlobcr lst:.%bur coin."eel. t bad dein is leasing Republic.Theg1a Hor e eJe.re dearly is very arid d because I hate het:so end of i cod s , to ay The through10-yh leaseb. 15•i i phone calls conte, 1.I uor.fd sppr.ciutc ••or,mode a '1 Fomes effective today and continues Feb. 15,t! correction to! Qect that on October 1st,1^11,1,riff pine i -- -'"-- --_I Z SI ,pstni:s olfire as 1 hate 'tcurrd a:ce'e of •1 • i.iaess en Miami the hotel sec up nay.s'presec buiaeas en Miami Beach in oL a d°u•n•s't(ldClinrOln Road!ttu:ie,s:'!'rad to oblige,Sir. 4- 1 The inentiuned Dick Reyce pulled a sudden suitet. i .791'7, and has caned or leased the Strathave ndcrbill,Town hi After stce al years with:he Oscar E.Deoly office,be signal s house, Barel a. Robert f t on Lot week saPn the Miami Beach branch of TM Kilos Co •: ;Richter. the i j( T Frn deny,,,Sidewalk rnnversn'ion eascsdreppta between a pair hisae and the Mia!1 during ye as his blonde" Shove a'cr, activities on iS dear rn 0f arcked: "Nis word is as f He purchased the 5s�• id 10 Sam Geld•oyn..•Gladys Hawk,a Marion staffer,oat of hotel with associates R.c •s'o'y 9e the hospital and recuperatin;at borne...Architect Franc&R. e and Daniel Lifter Dee. l m Bt Hoffman has opened as oflan in the l Lincoln%load Bui,d:ne .• Harry Mutton and I(arry ,!(el,'X' .Speaking of architects,the incitation sent out by Herman for a mice in excess of SI,5 O.• lx. M.Oilier&Associates.for a looasce at his penthouse to nes P ' atcp 420 Lincoln Road,won in keeping with his prolesnon—in The luxury t 1. eine of ike Inst the form of a blueprint At his o(tzn-house party a w:da ago L nam luxury hotel, eine c( the '' most modern to the world, was boli Saturday,we wire standing on the terrace malork'nt bold built in 1947.4a by the Domini• fee rote when a guest rental ked: O.a clear day you can see the can Republic.and has been gm.• chith. first mortgages lion heir:' erninert operated since its coo- ' structien. A 'fhe hotel has a gambling is dr! "r. under su,servistoa of the am tk••..;niran Republic government. day