1674-26 Morris Lansburgh 1f • • If." x a(•?or 4 12A 'I'lIE MIL11I\Fiche, fuada_Fehrnary 17.19631— r• 1.let's Talk Business ,,. :Sell The World Morris Leashurph, a • i < as of Munmi Beach's Associated Hotels, is one • ! of rLe most successful re- s • :�a pylary/.lat tis o e the • • ) On Our: Climate r V19r p Doer car i operator rhe Craton, 1Versailles, Saxony, Scans I' IAgnes Ash;business and punefal colorants!bf The Sour, Deaunye, Sherry i a 1 Y.Miami News,is taking a short leare.Ica her absence, Yror.tenac it Casablanca outstanding some of Dade's business leaders wilt pre- Hotels oo Miami Beach ,,, sent their views on important economic issues. You and president of the Yin- --.may not agree.but their opinion are worth attention, moron Hetet and Casino in , B RL4 LA]SBI FWH Las Vegas. . . • ' At thai momen his alive with tour- N'w'd'"n-• ?0 - t, y /]S�'` • Isla—and the indications are that Miami Beach— 'vee a eeecre haerest i'".6"14'i ! r Cohels Buy y Ind the Greater Miami area— are moving into that esery+"bare enpys eery T�' what mightwellbe the m-st successful%inter season 11 i�las t, et otter- r our"""^'• and they ore w considerable .� And,,'it does become that success I don't be- vodde to malt the guest sordes• ter 5li ver there is anyone.who can take redit for it. ! stain .rats Robt. lbe te i, Quite simply,the prosperity we're enjoying momen-,1 .. . !ariiy is due to'tit,one thing over which we've ab- In the Raven el another day. i i. h. n solutely tic"a-mtrol--the weather. - _._._ that epirit-i believe they call• Ry RY,\fiCH\P,IDY.F. Mm yrs_q:learned- ed it'd amdeote' -s loo- e..r r.w.'sine ai n Mew se.. J y t ore moL rake ora visitors( sllr.L carefree.etd- and at - 7 the very bard •way- tram.o0 1ea;y edam', we must ace with the wend,-nen that The 12-story, 130-room Robert Richter Hotel, a amamt d ehrcteine.P.m. �beton hoata.w'e moat all city: seat<aWsbk asset.tt- Miami Beach social fardmark in the early 124(h,has 's - •tkn•."rfns'for the g" •• Laderstand that Iouriem ls tide was cvclaRy edtlsaled, nod' been bought by the'Deauville Operating Corp.,whose the America.cuss,frm enter• .rry td dear area.Ana tate- muddy appraiatd. - - principals are Samuel,Jacob`cad Louis Cohen. (1 1 Lemma t w aaythi% eine •gip re of fast a word:it means Samuel Cohen told She tie.;•.- ..}}Brash as"a i to a Niaiog rcopte,�you sod me,-core• 4o place is the world-in the Richter family l will be in yes. a tach hard¢st v aVndrieg H%pad precious time and this day at the trate' and session of the property until � - rd m a chine romp by 2 ole- as w guests. speedy.economicalVas el-it- April tIn k•' •ts ening`4 pet end scale- .* should drop our mutual loo remelt from uy oche- PLAN LATER •t tog up the sm as he rads vera. Cohen said I:tern are no plans wabout the isle lee and wow �8erences and concentrate nn e'ihat are making life a real re achy mm a-nnual vrnibirt we are gime the with;i'e en• to tear down the Richter. .seal • ..nightmare home-" . cry rialto( a visitor! the ww1A as the bit a t i ad we• will be deternuced,he sadsd.alt- -.. . • Vatting toaists.Il'e lune we cr the season when they take pus-, • Tae attea,rime.,we hare y. * * * I realised the our weather has session d the hotel 1 oro the Rich-I �'a se f.eWldse dr but ora attitude ter lamely.. • y Vemeadaaa k'w•d r4 wend- e:1 A.A-n WY ASSOCIATES- own I no oampeVtiaam certainly io- a katd rThe Flamingnl m Las an l'sterday the M no Bcarh Ci> • - tr - heel ad "a/ T}re's.of courx,le- crease.w fecrease,this Data• Council approsro a -esolutioe • •. "-lea L'''4RE, g:atSlmg t5 ne- an et net:actio%.^ I aM:¢by the Deeuv P•Opeoa.ing S.; • 'a`ary.R 4.'rimafly 0 we do not Ler'toe.I Corp.and the city agreed V ea- ''WR mad Ws%wise-L.Tti'gi an Les Vegas,as its intlueo-I 'tango lard on Aid and Nthl ere ds*eves who rs.rr- !. Pt arca- n nor crooning • SVevs a:tending Tram Cotten+ va sl �' Its effort to attracting gam. Avenue to the ocean. • �I`, I do ort coca to suggest that. }(ors. 7be sap would give the o•y a it• •the hotelman s5ould craea to i. rnm• The roadway.to the mean and 'A Memel.-int ix goats can- s'fb¢e hi a very strong tm legit d_additional bcachfmnt �aY apo! hem-an std• !ed his adrat®y fire his PLL* lc&d-Let's solve our.awn It ei-so would Drone the Cohen 4 Katy people.Rt I do meas problems.completely end pal- interests a errw.iing bole Ise s that we aherld mCy unit* 'ad let our guests relax tweets the Richter Bold and the • -s• Stelling the cote world fort bow lately a xV visits.' Saxony Hotel,..rather d beau• wonderful aP weather b-bow }��° ', - vine's properties-• t herd wonderful l tar facilities we- i It tat Verse. a real hotel- le see bit pewit Attorney Morris Rosenberg said • d Ind how nes' they,as resit- 'w h bPP7 - the Cohen family paid between ears.will too this land d st- •int a Jackpot w win at is • 4 sun-ardiaa. hide•:-..ei los conabtendto # Li-0000 nod La0.0Da Inc the Rkh- 1d arise-'..t enough le 1 ter property ad that the Iseeusille i - *_ * * .el dent modernised its Open g Corp. negotiated the not j..5 i way aueeL• land awe%with the city. 77 '' L Immowrite,arganme - I .WRONG REPORT • our effort ora enersr.:wnRma- net dry and all its people Cohen said reports that Morrie • rim sed Lsaoees towers taxi- Lass who operates e tog the wase i world rngy m- a en's hotels,including the Sas-f • a e erttaod there is re ma,•woo- oro'.had bought VK RobM t ieh- wdufd pias to mend a vara-, -• ler were erroneous • lfde,had�i°�nal mourn :r.Unsburgh was ore pria-I Andwe timid harm/Latelycipal in this Vanaaction;'M de • eliminate nay,cod all prxi,srt <larcd. that torn in eery way to eft:st _ , + on God-nsa cRtade,testy. iocatioe and the orae-made pal- .. !-aces that an available at sock renew*rarer. • • - !e riere h a sordes y 41ever- taeklie ewarea Sereal at•t i 4 H+aw at a erred+rk.nrl.g .s t PsLa I•'tore,.w area,from as a tae wend'ares that se.be- p<eeekh.g is Ask. Tit, Is a • majus deeawa-we are ob- ♦"-sated M harm w.bast .`"re,C w srpee otios. ',10 this regard ocher resat • as far<ueyas'on efforts' earns I am sot speaking neves- • . ia,rily dem idnideal hold<m- • y:ploy! -the occasional nee' • I beMi•o.arrogant maid care- 'Jets warcess,etc. 1...111 too*ben.in a-y resort hares•these are but tiny reflee- - ttioss at.`,at may be a trmans- 'genial.amictpal or community !attitude%sward the saner. ,Cur weather atone. assure 'a pervert:;e of to a reasta..he ` •shotes Rua we cannot and a0. gmt/metre as Ilse world'.Brat- lest inert area unless we jus, .IBJ the'site of Miami Mab, - 'ss■a success iexl. - • - s,