LTC 285-2002 CITY of MIAMI BEACH """- Office of the City Manager ~ Letter to Commission No. d?8..5-d~ _ TO: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission Date: December 20, 2002 SUBJECT: Jorge M. Gonzalez J'''''''/ City Manager fI- U WEEKLY UPDATE FROM: The purpose of this LTC is to provide the Mayor and Commission with an update describing some of the areas the Administration focused on during the week of December 16, 2002: Neighborhood Leadership Academy - The final session for the current enrollment class was held on Monday, December 16 and included a presentation from the Arts, Culture and Entertainment, Tourism and Economic Development Division. The participant's surveys, completed at the end of the session, were extremely positive and continued to provide positive feedback regarding the sessions. The Neighborhood Services Department will continue to compile these results and are in the process of preparing a report which will be shared with each presenting department as well as with the Mayor and Commission. Major Events Planning (MEP) - Staff representatives met on December 16 to discuss preparations for several upcoming major events, including New Year's Eve, Art Deco Weekend and the 2003 Boat Show. A debriefing session on Art Basel/Miami Beach was also held, providing logistical feedback and enhancement suggestions for next year's event. An LTC with details on New Year's Eve planning and events will be sent to the Mayor and Commission early next week. 800 MHz Public Radio System - I, alongside members of our staff, are continuing our review process of the various systems available. My next step is to meet with representatives of each vendor to continue examining the positives and negatives of each system. A final decision is expected before the end of the year. Penrod's Concession Agreement Negotiations - Members of the administration met on December 17 to discuss alternative solutions to pending contract negotiation issues. Further details will be disseminated as they become available. 'V.,ii" Miami Beach Golf Club Rlbbon-Cuttlng Ceremony - I, alongside the Mayor, several members of the Commission and representatives from the administration, celebrated the opening of the Miami Beach Golf Club on December 17. The newly renovated golf club has undergone a $6.5 million major improvements makeover, including new tees, greens, fairways, cart paths, bunkers, irrigation, landscaping and lake treatments. Boasting an innovative environmentally-friendly turf and state-of-the-art golf carts, the new golf course is poised to become a premiere destination for golfers everywhere and has already gathered significant media interest. Ad Hoc Citizen Committee on Swale Maintenance - Representatives from the administration met with members of the community on December 19 to continue discussing the creation of a citywide maintenance criteria and policy for swale areas. The committee is in the process of developing a viable maintenance concept to be submitted for Commission review which allows for greater resident input Employee Recognition Initiatives - Staff members continue to meet to plan several upcoming programs aimed at recognizing the good work performed by our employees. The "Employee Recognition/Holiday Celebration" successfully took place on December 20 at the Bass Museum of Art. The "Annual Employee Awards and Recognition Event," taking place on January 17, is still in the planning phase. The Awards Show, previously referred to as the "Pin Party", will highlight longevity anniversaries as well as include a talent show and is part of our 'Waves of Change Customer Service Appreciation Week" schedule for January 13-17. Staff Recruitment - Staff representatives met with a group of twelve finalists for the Special Assistant to the City Manager position. The top remaining candidate names will be forwarded to me for interviews, leading to the final selection. The top candidates for the Director of Tourism and Cultural Development have already been identified and I am in the process of finalizing a selection for this position. 2003 Memorial Day Weekend - I, alongside members of the staff, met with representatives from the Luther Campbell Entertainment Group (LCEG) on December 20 to discuss preliminary plans regarding the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. Representatives from LCEG are scheduled to make a presentation to the Nightlife Industry Task Force on Tuesday, January 14, 2003. "Expired Meter" Parking Courtesy Extension - In celebration of the holiday season, the City's Parking Department will grant all vehicles parked at expired parking meters an additional bonus hour to correct the infraction without assessing violation fees. The courtesy hour extension will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 21 and conclude at midnight on Wednesday, December 25. Normal enforcement resumes on Thursday, December 26 at 9:00 a.m. City Vehicle Fueling Pilot Program - The City has started testing the innovative program which allows city vehicles to fuel at the Chevron gas station on Alton Road and 19 Street. The program calls for city vehicles to have a device installed at the gas nozzle and tank which accurately identifies the operator and automatically transmits how much gas is being spent and miles utilized. City Vehicle Four-Wheel Alignments - In order to become more cost-effective and minimize private contractor fees, the City has acquired a new four-wheel alignment machine which will allow Fleet Management to do in-house repair work. This will eliminate the costly practice of transporting city vehicles to outside contractors while giving the City the opportunity to decrease future repair incidents through preventive measures. 2003 Boat Show - Staff representatives met with members of the Miami Beach PT A and boat show organizers on December 20 to discuss pOSSible parking usage of the swale areas in front of Miami Beach Senior High School. Group consensus was reached on swale usage, maintenance regulations and fee schedule. Funds generated from the use of the swale area will go directly to the high school to ensure various program funding. A resolution requesting approval will be presented at the January 8 Commission meeting. A follow-up meeting has been scheduled for January 14. 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