1674-6 Jake Schreiber I Macaw, Haw! `Silver Dollar' Mike Keeps Who doesn't remember Sil- Beak Shut. ver Dollar Jake. For years his l8 �onCllac, laden with more• pal L gadgets than you'll find in most museums, has been a fa- r y v ll.41j miliar figure on the s t r e e t s Man's es `friend must be his _ _ here. His green macaw, perch- dog . . . it certainly isn't a par- ed on a special crossbar, has F rot or a macaw, either. t, shrieked at every street cor- ` While his master stood be- 1 fore the law ner. Jake's gift of silver dol- Wednesday CI lars to those in need earned morning, 7 0it '—'I him the name, of which he's year-old Mike, ;ar..:, justly proud. pet macaw of 7 Jake isn't well now. That's •"--#4why you don't see him around ed s r the streets. d�OD him u and let his -z-li,_,,, ;;ti greetings: (je Schreiber;, bread and but- ' "' ' — 298 S. Coconut Ave., Palm Is- , ter take a $10 land,Miami Beach. rap for using indecent Ian- I'll not forget a night •in guage. Judge Albert Dubbin's 'traffic t did' MIKE Court. Jake was charged with flap wings in slight sug 8es - illegal equipment on his auto- tion of approval when Roy mobile: a clock, two ventila- Starnes, 36, of 2232 Park Ave., got a $10 fine for hitting Schrei- i tors, two.cleats, a barometer, ber and Mike Tuesday morning a yacht wheel, four stuffed in the wee hours. 1 monkeys hanging on strings Schreiber, who lives at 298 S. across the windshield, one par- Coconut lane, told the court rot.Judge fined Jake$100, sus- Starnes knocked the bird 20 feet f pended the sentence and told , from his automobile perch out- • him to "Keep that monstrosity/ side a Chinese restaurant. -- off Miami streets." Jake prom- 'llle scrap followed an earlier --. . - ised, but didn't obey too well. altercation inside where Starnes We all loved to chat with Jake. sat with his wife. Mike didn't see that: hers blind. I still have the silver dollar he Like a slightly annoyed owl, gave me. Judge Daniel Galen handed• • down the sentences, still with *�� no verbal help from Mike who later hopped on the judge's I gavel and threw down.a pen with his beak.