1674-11 Louis (Red) Snedigar - -0. • ' THE MIAMi HERALD MONDAY..MAY 12;1913 ' 0 5NEIfl SIGNS I MEh'S LEAGUE- F0f T3E. AP[1 . CHILDREN TWLDe •ENr oIwoF�ORLiterally CNURCHn• -. . • Breaking Ground For New Edifies, FIVI Ew wiTH ATHLEitcs wOMENS suFF AsEiN oF SUBSTITUTES tion t100Hu Y.-All the children Uou and 100 duuday"Onset children of 1RDAY • LONDON CAUSED RIOT . - the Evangelical Lutheran church aa- Ph rambled for the ground breaking etre- BIG SHORTSTOP WITH STETSON IMITATIONS INDISPENSABLE many at the site of a new house of -- $ worship which is to be built. The UNIVERSITY TEAM, WHO IS OWING TO SCARCITY OF poster. the Itev. G. A. Fevhuer,armed •aisedAnd it Was With Difficulty with a slher spode, stood In the mid' WELL KNOWN IN MIAMI, GOES GENUINE: ARTICLE: Ole of the lot and all bin flock gathered WITH ONE OF THE GREATEST {. �+ Rea nts BALL TEAMS IN THE WORLD. • The Police Gave Them about him. Fringing vies of the A German scientific writer has been church site were workmen with spades •S Protection drawing attention to the extensive and sbovels.dy Nearby was a Bineof A DeLand special to the Times-Un- dependency of the present era upon to beg�uread fofor the excavutl❑ work FLA` ion says: "Snedigar, the big sho t- substitutes. There is margarine, The Punter wound up his dedicatory CAA' stop for the Stetson university in- which is displacing dairy butter, and remarks tin,.: -Now. children, we are AND T THE tercalleglate championship club, sign. ATTEMPTED TO HOLD MEETING which is prepared so deftly as to defy to build n line, new church, cud all'\of .Y IN• `oday. ladelphia American contract IN IIYUI: I'AItK, SPEAKING 1�! detection by all but thu analytical ex- you muni act to work with sincere N THE "8nedigar was recommended to BEHALF OF THE WOMEN—THE Pert. Our daily paper is printed upon henna unit willing hands for lie up- 302[/7 Connie Mack by the Philadelphia club CROWD BROKE THROUGH PO- a substitute, wood-pulp being em- building and gierllirutluo." FUNDS ,loyed instead of rags; and now, ow- Then with the silver spade he turn- ---m-.'physician. While. wintering in De- ) PAY Land, the club physician watched LICE RANKS AND ATTACKED ,ng•to the depletion of the forests, ed over n bet of turf. Instantly the iY LITESnedigar's work daily, and finally 'THEIR -WAGON —JOHN DIL- they, is strenuous search for a sub- 8 ub- children made a dash for the picks and sent in his recommendation to Connie alitule, as wood-pulp is becoming ex- shovels of the workmen and began • FUR• Mack. LON'S HOME ATTACKED BY pensive• digging furiously. Girls unit boys alike "Snedigar led the Stetson dub in WOMEN,THROWING STONES. Cotton has entered so intimately Joined in the scramble, and In n few [ltpOfl scores, home runs and stolen buses, into our complex social unit industrial minuted the walling wagons were 61L Ag Next to Willard his battingaverage . life that it has ceased to be regarded us a substitute, although it is ouch. ed tr Ill, enrlh. was the highest, Willurd's being .460 (By Associated Press) We no longer depend upon tho silk Thu youngsters had taken their par aPProa and Snedigar's .420. Snedigar has London, May11.—.Another sutra- worm for silk, but obtain it b a me- tar's words Ilternlly. ANNE dollars, the nerve, physique, arm and deter. y thin the mination and it is believed that after Bette riot took place this afternoon ehanical-chemical process from cel- — ub,was luloae; while the delicate tints inn- 8 spending a 'teaser'' or two In the in Hyde Park, A men's league for $30,000,000 FROM ONE TAX, nen on farms of Connie Mack he will make women's suffrage had been given per- parted are to a,wobtai n sandby decorativeeourse ve Draus y good in the big show" mission to hold a meetingand severalWhat Corporations Will Pay to th. • if those Snedigar is Well known in Miami, duos extracted from tar products in-ising of having played on the Miami team last prominent workers addressed the stead of the vegetables. Oov.rnm.nt For Last Y.ar. shy ap- year. crowd of several thousand persons. We have synthetic camphor and Washington.-Tlie net earnings of MIAM: The crowd kept up a running fireperfumes, while my lady no longer corporations of the United States for to the • of Interruptions, shouting "Go home bedecks herself with rubies and sap- the rnit•niar year 1012 went 53,000.• -- benefits INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL and make bombs."a phires extracted from the ground or 000.000. an increase of 1280,000.000 ,e from WILL SETTLE CLAIMS After half an hour's endeavor to with pearls from the oyster, but with over 1011. Thin amount will yield an by the get a bearing the league gave up.The those from the factories. Income to the federal government un- d over (By Associated Press)' speakers were about to withdraw The farmer no longer depends upon der the corporetiou tax law of $30: C ;eta for Washington, May• 12.—Pecuniary when.the crowd broke through the the refuse heap of the barnyard 000(x)0, which 1s $2.600.000, or 8per • .41a Com- claims between the United States and pollee hanks. ,The,wagon on which to nourish,his crops, but buys loads cent,greater than a ycnr ago. ladies a Great Britain will be cleared up when the Inter[, toed;wags{,overtpened.sad of fertilisers made.'from nitrogen Royal If. (shell, c•ummisrluner of in- 'mission the international tribunal for arbitra- partly'wked,r The polka had great withdrawn from the air., Real coffee le in the tion of outstanding chums holds its difficulty in protecting the speakers Is'becoming leas common,on the ta- teruul revenue, has received returns eek the first meeting hei-s tomorrow, *god lud'tolasoort them tolthe station big, inasmuch as the substitutes are from practically all corporations and nounted � tribunal was created` y.see- for safety. •• . cheaper than, and in this particular has now completed ■saernmenta to the •dollars tial agreement negotiated by firm1 fernier - i ' • t instance, it is said, euperior 4.o- the full .extent of the 130,000.000.-which to from Ambassador James Bryce at�fornief • r •Dlllon'i"lfouse Attacked. . genuine article, because the deleter- must be paid'to.the government by A igwam Secretary of State'Knox. Itjwill•ju- (By Associated Press) ious contents present in the natural June 30. In addition, $ .000,000.will • ar diclally settle all claims oil private Dublin, May 11.—Dr. John Dillon, products are eliminated. In Germany come from delinquents of previous iR full persons of tote two nations 40rn•sotne amerrrber of parliament;' was sur- alone over'200,000 tons of artificial years- ,of dor- time back toward 1812. -'i rounded by,a mob of suffragettes af- coffee are consumed every year. Net corporation 'earnings for 9011 C hale,of 410: ter hie house had been bombarded by C umpagae is no longer derived en• decreased 2 per cent as compared with U 1: stenos today. He told the militants tirely from the ttrapes and district ofall thehe would vett against them every that name in France; while even 1010' The aincreures for 1012 however, e. This showing an fucreese at ebouf 8 per time. Co nuc wrote from other countries cent over 1011, wore 0 her cont greeter 'en d ofhthePARIA ENTER5 '(: end grapes-,than those generally as- ��: AN OLD ONE RETOLD sedated with its production. than 1010. , , Mail to �Av�� FUCT "Theythought more of the Le ion— SS far as foodatuRa themselves are P• tar with R concerned, thep category ofve substitutes LI1ZIE,BORDEN NOT ,. the final of Honor in the time of the first Na- is far more comprehensive and varied ling has poison than they do-now,"said a well- than the list of the genuine articles. . t district -known Frenchman.o "The emperor one Jatrrea are mysterious compounds made GUILTY, SAYS SISTER and per- ) dad met an old one-armed veteran, from vegetables and treated with B Associated Press) Where did you lose your atm?' g vers and • � y synthetic products to give them the he work. Key West, May 11.—Augustine he asked- proper flavors and colors. " Site, at Acttlterlitz. .n of the Purls will enter the contest(for ten . • Milk is being made from the soya :t a sub. thousand dollars prize offereek tau "'An(1 you were not dacoratoJt' a�y Y "'No, sire.' been. The juicy steak or the tender Silence of Twenty Years Broken s public city,of Havana for the first, ueeesa• ' •,,.'Chen here Is'my cross for you; I chop Is no longer necessarily a prime • general fol flight from Key West t $avana. mike you chevalier.' ( cut from animal; vinegar is a con- , f1� n lieved by Parla's biplane is here. Dottltngo your majesty makes me chevalier coction,of colored acetic acid; edible In Sensational Case. person- Rossillo, another content Oft, ex- because I have lost one arm! What oils emanate from the greases Con- or which peels to have his machine paired 'would your majesty have done if I tanned in the heterogeneous refuse, ave done tomorrow. Both airmen wllfttempt had lost both arms?' filling the dust bin; and even bread • y pledge flights Tuesday, has been made from sawdust. Fall River. Masa-Miss Emma Bor• the s "'Oh, in that case I• should have den broke a silence of twenty g made you officer of the legion.' The ancients employed shone for years ding and "Whereu on the old soldier •imine• building purposes, but the modern when she declared her positive belief for its In the whole field of medicine there P g Is not a healing remedy that will re- diately drew his swarf and cut off his noun employs brick,cement,sand,lime la the innocence of her slater, S.Iltls pair damage to the flesh more quick) other arm." ' and concrete,.with objects moulded in Llzzio Borden, who was tried sail ac- than BALLARD'S SNOW LINT• There is no particular reason to concrete to take the place of costly quitted lu 1803 of the charge of our- 'S. MENT. In cuts, wounds, sprains, doubt this story. The only question stone carvings. Buttons aro not made dering their father, Andrew J. Burden, burns,scalds and rheumatism,its heal- Is, how did he do it?—Everybody's necessarily from bone, but from milk; and his second wife. er, phone ing and penetrating power 15 extraor- magazine. mother of pearl is no longer derived Her statement is the first one of a -nue C. dinary. Price 26c, 60c.and 51.00 per exclusively from the oyster, but from public nature that either sister tins battle. Sold by Red Cross Phar- ' Now is the time to get rid of your the factory. Indeed, there is no limit made regarding ono of the most nota• at my. my rheumatism. You can do it by ap- to the ingenuity of the producers of, plying Chamberlain's Liniment and substitutes. bio murder mysteries in New Euglnnd. • • massaging the parts freely at each Eight years ago Miss Emma Borden �S ( �!�' application. For sale by all dealers, quit the mansion where she and her London's Pis 814 Adv All,HE WANTED sister were living anti undo her home rt• With the.decline of the la.mode --- -- •—- A•neatly dressed actor called.on with friends, This move caused an _._ . 'beef shop in Loudon one notes also the estrangement, and since then the two rte- 1111 our dramatic rrlti cons mnrolnn ..-