1674-17 Louis (Red) Snedigar / i 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1934 • HARMONY 1( YNT IIARMY I. KYNO OF SNfflGAR RALLY :AT FIRST RALLY IN Continues-Page 1 I Levi, who was dven a rising ap- . SNEDIGAR CMPAffl ' LevisaidMre ltothat in the first 'election at which he participated at ---0--- Miami Beach he voted for Mr. • Snedigar for mayor. He went on to ' Candidacy Indorsed By 12 explain that the charter of Miami - ��iR i Beach had been read more during ,- Leaging Citizens of 1 the last two weeks than during the ••4 1 entire 18 years of its existence. < Miami Beach i "It is funny that we had between — • ; 12 to 14 city attorneys and none of them ever found this technicality be- • 'ore. If the present mayor had turned Harmony between the mayor's of• ver a few more pages in the charter flee and the city council was tilt [e would have found that if he Is - keynote of the'Louis F. Snedigar ion .bsent from•the city for more than I keynote mayor of Miamihe' Beach hree days, the president of the coun- rpolitical rallj :11 receives his salary, we vote for him we will be voting for r last night in the Cafeteria building "It is not fair to the policemen to two.people, Red Snedlgar and John Washington avenue anad Fourteenth ;et them involved in this election, Levi. The citizens of Miami Beach street. More than 400 persons at. [nd I believe that unfair advantage owe Levi more than they will ever o a being taken of them. tended the rally, the first conducted be able to repay him." Y 'I have worked.with Mr. Snedlgar in behalf of Mi. Snedigar. Twelve !or three terms, and each time he D. R. Galen said he believed that ? leading,Miami Beach citizens in• rade a Mr. Snedigar will carry out the poll- good mayor. Once when he dorsed Mr. Snedigar's campaign a, ran, he was unopposed. He is my cies of John Levi and not turn Miami choice and I leave him up to you." Beach over to Northern gangsters to the meeting. operate their rackets here. "We know Walter R. Wilson, president of the ago edlgar said that two weeks that Snedlgar is honest and will have gappeared before an audience the betterment of Miami Beach at Florida State Association of Realty and didn't care what he said in in- heart." Mr. Galen added. Boards, said he was presiding at the dorsing John Levi for mayor, "Miami Beach needs a change in " Beach needs a new deal," meeting to introduce Mr. Snedigal mayors and I advocated John Levi A. J.J. Bo Bowes said in his indorsement. ecause a legal technicality had re-.as the man, based on his reputation This Is the first time that I have tovect John Levi from the race. of 18 years. With his experience and ever taken a public part 1n the cam- re reputation, whatever I said then paign of any candidate at Miami "Levi's opponent," Mr. Wilson I? Beach. I feel that we need harmony Id, "knowingthat he faced cer- in would not have changed a single vote between the mayor and city council. against him. Furthermore, I think that he was one In defeat if tsm ran, in the name •"before, whenever the bug hit me good 'sportsmanship' invoked a to run for mayor, all that I had to °f file best yors that Miami Beach ma legal technicality to remove him do was to go back Into the files and has ever hed." dig out stock speech No. 1 or 2. Look- Wilam Taradash sold Mr. Snedigar from the race. ing through the files this afternoon, made wonderful speech and oeft r ` "Senedigar has had experience, hit!- I did not find any that would be ap- little for his opponents to talk about, ung served three terms as may&. propriate for this occasion. "I have nothing personally against "Last week I received a tele our present mayor, but I feel that During his three administrations, phone he does not represent the best inter- • Ili:. kept ltls hands off the o- call to come to the home of John eats of Miami Beach. The credit for g p p Levi. When I got there, I Wag In- - department: n- • lower taxes belongs more to the city formed that John would not run be- council and cit mann er than the • "Another strong point in his fa- cause of a technicality and his Y g friends asked me if I would seek the mryoreven if he takes full credit r, is the fact that he is the per- for the reduction." IncI l selection of John Levi." office again. "The coming election is more than Mr. Wilson was followed by Mr. berstamp for Levi,ut I l When not I rub- "The a campaign between personalities: it mayor Levi and I disagreed on a num- is a battle of principles," J. Harvey • Please Tura to Page 7 her of small Items, but when It came re-electirdon," said. "When a man seeks to the major problems of Miami choosesio uhsaid, "he generally chooses his outstanding accomplish- ' Beach we always agreed. • menta and points to them with pride. "The task of trying to carry out The mayor has chosen the police de- the wishes of the people is a tough pertinent." i job, but I am willing to attempt it Catchings Therrel said: "Katzentine again,When I was mayor I can truth- la on the wrong side of the fence." a fully say there was more harmony Val C. Cleary. former mayor and } , between my office and the city coun- candidate for the city commission, 1 cil than there ever has been. said although he had been defeated "The charter of Miami Beach will by Mr. Snedlgar for the office of • j have to be worked on'again. The mayor, they always had been good i 1 mayor should realize that he does friends and that he indorsed him for i not run the city. I do not believe the office. i that there could be any harmony be- "I consider it a privilege to speak tween the mayor's office and the city in behalf of Red Snedigar for mayor," council if the present mayor is re- Jack Caldwell said. "I have known elected." him for more than 10 years and I "What we need is harmony between know that he is brutally honest. He the mayor's office and the city coun- doesn't ever forget a promise or a ell," J. P, Simmons said in indorsing friend and he will fight for the best Mr. Snedlgar. "I have lived here a interest of the people of Miami long time." Mr. Simmons said, "and Beach." • this is the first campaign in which "Any real tied-blooded man would I have participated. I believe that have withdrawn from the race rather Mr. Snedigar is tate man for the p0- than pull the trick which eliminated aitlon. I have known him a long time John Levi from the race for mayor," end voted three times for him for William Hardie exclaimed. "It has mrtyor, been a tradition with the Hardie fain- "I know he will be true to the peo- ily to vote for Snedlgar and I will pie of Miami Beach and not sell out el all in my power to help him get i • the interest of the people. We do not ,elected for the fourth term." ' \ want a 'Little Chicago' here, and if t! we don't watch out we will have one." 1 "Snedigar's first consideration will be the interest of the people of Miami • Beaph even before his personal in- , • terests," J. Julien Southerland said. 1 �i "I have known him for eight years 1 and have come in dallycontact with I "O':'• •;,;1 him during that period. He well give" -1,j1 us honest and faithful service. When ' I }..; I g7„