1674-5 Whitman Family • 4 \ 4/ , r • _THE MLI*II DAILY METROPOLIS. ?L'F5AAY. APRIL 18, 3922 ADA • PE1'ff1 HALF A MILLION DOLLARISilii Iii DEVELOPMENT cr_......__________________ i Big Whitman Tract ifl Be Made Into Spanish CHRJ* ' Colony; From Eight to Ten houses to Be Erect- .THE ed on Each Block, *• 1?'ats far the d iopment of the lillIF C":21274k/----2 I1'iltlein £. WIeltmah tract on the oce4n !rent a6 Miami Beach at a ooet , of around300.000 ere'annooaccd to. Tip AOM THC ora., o, dny by•W,litaaa F. Wbttmen, Archi- tecta and ettiaccre arc workla on the C.W,CHAS t:,JR, pints now and as soon as they are completer! work will be started. • • Sept, 18th., 1967 the heartbof bi's aim la uI Bcaclz produce l�b I�I85E11' co.ony, the hnuscs, itrcots, fences, deco Bh Dear Stanleys orations, etc., to have the atmosphere fr of old Spittle. The tract extends from •tb-a ocean ono block .:tide for a diet- Tn going over and destroy. encs inland of scuta bled s, reading in; some old filen the other day, 1 taxa the Flen,lr.po set(links, It twos tom• Across the inclosed 1922 article about erly a Rlchnrd Carter: tract your father's development of Espanola Way, cs t'orlan a lonrplynsebyo i the Whitman a& ' At eke Ciao thin article CCM out, NY. of the tract. Between. clgbt and j rouoc bauses wilt be built on tech block. Minor, Tither had ase get it reproduced (but in and the do he 11 ant will roeCyr titin apo• rrbe larger type) and vs wailed out over 1,000 bby Mfr tCCh anoond ceeldll be erected hien lefb copies of it to all of our property y- v moderate rcncrtcd err and P part bu prices, he raid today. CrCccc,s prospects. Begin at jCcst Tendon The development•will be Turk! This Masa big thing your father did for extrema western bIock,,where begin on heeded t back in those data and it helped in the galores earl f:+ir larger rertyeacce.will the Crr development Do erected. The Larger homes R ebootlr.R ponont of /flail Beech. two ,torics hirer and will be built be .he offt the **ince, of the blocks, with the at Sam Every once in a while, One of your Bal bungalows en the n•idr tote Next in of Grc Harbour Rotaria>7a dopa a "woke-up^ by ;order et dorelopmeet will be the *teen ruebtaf eosins to our club down horn front block which kilt be brat ithe fu-o n, newt you. Maybe you're and used far park purposes for the tuft' par cants:," Y • 100 Present. These two Meeks will be tn. to as , eluded lento n the drat unit,h Men thin borhoen unit le well undt:Iry the seem, colt rte. •c• Sys the way, ..., that Schrift'a Rex- Ni11 be started. t,azeat is wonderful,that hie. n'bttrnna went to Miami Beach SHOE' .about elx years ago and bought a win- ter borne on the ocean front, at Thirty- kat wishes. *eeor,d street. cod since that time, at Sincerity, different period:, bas bought the inset which he in About to dere/op and ex- VI tcnelre ochre lnnd• at the northern l .1:I- �` �-4., /Arrest printing D sod�enstravl r coltish.- Extly 1'ebesent In Cbiesgo And spends from fent to the month, of every year at Ao Miami Beech. r. o ', '=? 'N -A '-' •d F71 , , : 10-D THE 1111A1111 HERALD Thurs., Feb. 17,1972 Roy F.FFrance, 83, • Designed the Hotels Along Miami Beach By DAVID TEDESCHI , ,�' r �^,'•. Herald staff Writer .' w!i ( Roy F. France, an architect +.N� zi : h . who influenced the appear- ria F ' ance of Miami Beach's sky- ..• r see" line with his designs of the �' ;;. •• `4:,' '�, .,: Kenilworth, Saxony and Ca- ? et _. sablanca hotels, died s Tues. L`. "" With day at the Shalom Nursing -- , the White . - `• ',• Whitman and Convalescent Center. He .;_" was 83.• t �t 'r } ..� New N.r. Frances list of arch!- -.otel Trent teMr. works also includes the Monte Carlo, Cadillac, leve' • 'Isere. Versailles and Sea View ho .se ,.,,< ... ... r4 W"as tots and a number of apart- ce Umonne Ha. R. pF. nt o nIii Bornrit In Hawley, Minn., . . imprint on Reach :Mr. France went to Chicago as a young man and worked 1930s, but has since been ee •engin a , as a draftsman in an arch!- torn down. o,t; • - .. °"- tee's office while studying . Before World War IL Mr. architecture. He passed the trance designed the Edgewa- similar it design," said ins :o do 1,7ith ti:e des:or Of state board and a reciprocal 'ter Beach, Patrician, Shore- France • The practical prob. ;hese big hotels, but in 1956 agreement between Illinois ''nede, Ocean Grande, Sands, :cmc of hotel architecture cture and Florida made it possible White House, National, Sea he did E! Embajado AL Santo for him to obtain a License to Isles and Versailles hotels. were worke•i out long ago — .Do:r.:ego and in itis thepractice architecture in Flom... He also developed' several rtment long before I became a hotel Intercontinental at San Juan.. da without having to take ,'�sate home$,rouses and pr1- architect " another examination.I "Construction was at a Hotel ccnsrruction came at Miami Beach ''illost of the construction I MR.FRANCE OFTEN rem- standstill during World War Beach virtuallyto a standstrll with ha:; been as Houses inisced of how he and his II," Mr. France once said. since then," the briding of thea remain. he said. "1Vhcn we built the a wife . were attracted to "The military took over the 1 Miami.Thcy took a train trip hotels and used them'for Air bleau, Edea. Roc and the Kenilworth in 1946 it was of several weeks In 1931 and Force training schools. This . , Americana France had Horn- the only high-rise in Baf f stopped to play golf at places saved a lot of hotel owners ' __•�__ Harbour. Now leek at the i they figured they wo0ld like, from possible bankruptcy at ocean front at Bal Harbour. i Eventually their train rolled a time when travel was re- ' Exact-rare Toll I Not a vacant spot left, and , into Miami, stricted." mostly apartment houses." "One of the first things I HE WENT BACK to work To I+o►i i Thieves 1 France's latest work Is the did was to play golf at the as soon as the war was over, M 1 a m I Biltmore Country primarily designing hotels to North Hialeah Baptist Club," Mr 'prance said in a be built in Bal Harbour. In PH:. .:)r.t.P1l1A — (AP) —, i. •,. , `t. S Oo Palm Ave. f 1963 inter% .v. I got so sun- 1950, a construction record An cs,,,eel'a pt,n, design-.d Hi,irah, dedicated in August, burned I had to spend a day was claimed when his 268- to curb ubbcries, will be room Casablanca Hotel wee Born at Hawley, Minn., In bed re ,_vering. But we built in five months and 10 Introduced en the Phlladc�• France went to Chico o as a liked the v:ami axes so much phia T-erepertation Co. sys• 8 teat we just couldn't think Jaya. tem. ;'young -Han and worked as a i living h His designs utilized what draughtsman in an arch!- about in Chicago any IMiami Beach was noted for: Under the plan passengers tect's office while studying l �o Returning to Chic o Tia in the air and sun. must have the exact fare, or 6 1 That's what people come to they will be given their architecture. He passed the where he was a hotel arch!- Florida for,"he said. change rn the form of a re. state board and a reciprocal tent,Mr. France gathered his MR.FRANCE'S last major demption slip that can be agreement between Illinois belongings and came to design before hls retirement exchanged at special centers. and Fio:ida made it possible Miami Beach, where ha set- in 1969 was the North I-dale• The money the passenger for him to obtain a license to ' tied permanently. ah Baptist Church,5800 Palm r gives to drivers or cashiers is practice architecture In Flor- Ave. . dropped Into a locked, bolt- !da without his having to HE ESTABLISHED the His survivors include a ed-dowp cash box, I take an examination. I firm Roy France and Son and d a u g h t e r-in-law. Wilma i his first major design was an France, o; South Miami: five I n d i an Creek apartment grandchildren, and t h r e e i building. Soon after he was great-grandchildren. commissioned to design the Services will be at 1 p.m. I Whitman Hotel. Friday at the Miami Beach Built on the ocean between Community Church, 33rd and 34th streets, the Burial will be In Wood- Whitman ushered in a new lawn Park with the Lithgow- design for Miami Beach when Wilhelm South Miami Chapel it opened in 1935. It was the in charge. first major hotel to be built Memorial contributions in Dade County during the can be made to the Miami economic depression of the Beach Community Church. ''pie a,. r/r y y