1675-4 Barcelona/Tatem11111.1111k 1401.111.11111111111111 ' .. y • P ,� ,.n d .es.r •n has .Glick .n ther '.. - K. • • �l•f • hof el ' ' 197ir4��r •.1the Ccs �nl't .tuy Beach Hotels 'be =:may • t e Del Webb Corp.of Phxmz annou ce A'e - Beach pro,rt t^reels y it vri!' is�,•�. Y;rlorcthet election,hrnthoux Naga• Iggg� y sloe and;olden Nugget of Las Vegas,hate not ye;m. .irprt Miami Bean s Barr,lor�,ad Intermits I hotel dicated their Intentions.Ronald Molko.receiver fcr ,-vera; the fist:nap .zr'O((the casino refire. •-1 ,-verb. ; f •re a.the trolls eari.rr this month.The.•,mpany's de- Del bankrupt eop st announcement tInterne:iunal hotels.aid prop• I by the oe Drir`s:at�,vote agaiact le ment diclaree. w•e'tflac'ce.;• ceedmgs will ga forward.Tie ota;any',,cdtc.rolosure n he ga:lz d t.m ng In said.'Loi l:.:::.mt Beech." p Florida. Two other concerns shat too: . pV:c. _ .nor. real r .. ,. .. �_ Oaaceve(a.a• • tnik..r I i �; . e rtlher 50 I ki 017,4, -$ it 6 _u:• The h1.anii hews • T.esday.Dseemtar 21.137e Oankrupt Barcelona joins growing trend to • • kosher hotels here MORTON IVCOfF 228-room north build:rg of the • -••v •••eq.,* --• hotel at 4343 Collins Ave.to Samuel Th Cdbn• II. aoidm o isoP.ego Pnk,n.Y. Uasidman is leasing the(last elT Avenu lne and"OW na.hrough April 30,1980 for 8710; in receivership. is expected to r,.- 000.Ile also Is expected to invest • npe r by Feb.I at a hooker hat.!ca- about 8200,000 to r..ake the hotel tering to package tours tram the kosher as specified by Orthodox t.onh. Jewish!aw end to make plumbing. M:ami Beath l'°•"" mspeunr and electrical repairs Frank Brkkman said 'este:day. "lira are 211 ko•.er b,,: i•in ihr Coort•+ppoirted rech:sr Ronald city now." more than anywhere Ma!kn sad haNdman 1. hotel and • else In Ike United Stoles.more than staring rap.li rntr In Lori island New York City. Lou Angeles end and In the"IbryM .,.. in New Chlugo tombmned"Y.nraman arm York'+r'N•kdl Mucnb. most of thew hotels do better final. "Ile Tonally pians In .un with uaLy than the rnn•Jewish ores packaar toura and bond up a ream- "They ate filled Iron lop to tar- I•r Au.in..•."Who said "Ibis is a • tom and vnnr are very•sfens.te ' god thing for htHmiµesii !I to. he said sent gruel IhV.g Io open:q•a hotel Cucuit Court Judge blies I I...,. Ili•:was nr,d.ir n......1.,_ ., • man apprnt ed the less:ng of the Intoned limn!" • Edith wants to quit 'Family' , cit, • J • t .., f • ttY' • • a 1. .•rl I )r{" r, ••/ • It. • ,. ' e r t