1675-2 Telephones viliwkiiiii2k /bl y iei 1 j8i zD7 / today--Plctures of the Miami Regatta—and a Bird'•-nye View of Miami,from ra y 1) , ' • • • •n Airplane. w. ` ' t e • • ;I01N MEAT MIAMI BEACH NEWS 1 MAilic 1ETER-Toiih GS RHEUMATISM leets Salts in Water AUTOMATIC, TELEPHONE ANNUAL GYMKANA,HEL01—_ .mu�+.•n�ea a�e_.y;yf^.-a W-'.esr••rurc+a< •,a�4ar.Y S•ve Youread Attack From FOR MIAMI BEACH SOON�BY BEACH POLO CLUB 11 Central School Auditorium March s Wednesday, 8:1S p, in. 7t11 •m is Wrier to ovoid than Ordinance y(or Installation of Many Interesting Events Filly *,{I��-•t�r� r� >�, T f( e �T ,;.••.u'e11-known author- Such a System is Given First Delightful Equestrian Pro-, 1'fj/1 C jt j[ J(' L`ell,l�f •adrex•1 to dress warmly; :rt dry; MVO' exywurc; and Second Readings Before gram; Large Crowd in At• eat,.but drink plenty of Council. tendance. ,The Celcbrntcd Violinist •,nt Is a direct remit of i JOSEF CONIME, ACCOMPANIST Hoch moot anti ether ricl, An automatic telephone system for, •thea,tinned Bench polo club held it, K �•roduce uric acid which i• Miami lk•uch i. hem.;cmpsnlrn•d Ly foot amount I;yudawa uud puny •ran, y�1 r to the blood. h t• thel the ylianit I:cach entniril.uud um o'-•yeeteel,ly nfta•rnx,m It the Leash lido `1 STEINWAY PIANO USED Lha kidneys to filler thin;ovrviee to grant n french•n fur einh"fields and the aaa•tmg w Well nt•• :w blood and can it out in nervine Woo given first and xecuud te••ded and ureses:fel in.very way. Waling• at the il meeting teat, 'rho pleasure of the afternoon war: Itt•<crt•ed Seals i:l,el.10,e2.Plus War'fax the r a u(the shot are,night. Carl G.Fisher wile present at mitered by:ot accident that happened a of freeing the 1,100. n!'the meetin spoke in favor teas In J•mp an.l chillyI K ands P" r of the.lo F. D. ]'u[la•ntnL who sen% h:ullyl • ' • r the skin pores•n cloxr,l new tele thane a lent. a pilled in the hurdle race. \Ir. Pat-, ■ S p 71{` c S Th, telephone system will be in-'tureen's bora% in taking the-first i111pitt S tisk Store •the!:iJnaya to Jr Jouhla snJlvd b• the South Atlantic Telt.- Imeome week not sluggiahl ' jump,fell,throwing his oder violeul• • t eliminnle the enc acidlphone and Telegraph Co„ which hen ly, who uatuinrd several nasty' 1106 Avenue 1) • accumulating ■nJ dna- a SU-your franchise at the Bench.'Eitel wounds to Ilia face and heed, • ugh the system,eventudly "'d nonce will be given a third read-' The first event m,the card hrruel,tl ♦� the Joints and.muscles, 14_11 Lha• next council ntreting. I nut all the riders who are familiar �hie •e•tent was strongly recent-,to the followers of Pula lit the beach • Wren, soreness and painj�y� 3 wound,u bully bruised eve e. mended by Carl C. Fisher,who said end an exciting race was witneesed- madam. I U`Z'I\ 444) t a',•rul teeth. Ile win ba• m that it was the same that in in nuc- A melt and neck rove was fought out s� t;,lrA!m sa•ernJ as int twinge of rheumatism cessful operation at Indianapolis,Ind.,,all Mong the finishing etr•ight and (a After.thh C. - t'e'as' my pharmacy about four mill is the Inst word in telephone ea-'setts w,n, b J. Fleisahwmmi h half MOVIeS s • — ad Salts;put•tables eon• p y Y Y t t... I I • p tern. n head front Seward Cary,the veteran - I OBITUARY ss of water and drink be- Mr. Fisher •leo advocated the es- polo player, Two length%divided the • " OIPSORIedlean,^0e,.-- inq .fact each morning far a t•blishing of a complete and up•tn•I sa'w,U and thin!. In consequent,of en FVpp Need -- a is iuid to eliminate uric dale fire department sit\Hemi Bench,lthe accident to Mr. Pnttrnnn, eventl� y" Your `J y•y Nyyps Care Miss ('Iropalra Pucmk • simulating the kidney. to P lite funeral nerve...fur Mr ion,thus ridding the blood with chemical engine and full Molt• too on the progra'n,the hurdle ntca•,1 pati:, I'o...ek,well'known iso.. •parltiea meat. The council was unrnunous,wu.a,,t tin ail. • n is invx Dem • ise, harmless that proteationti, against fire woe! Event three "Musical ohides" we, ----.----.- --t.-_-." e from acid of grapes and end airy •t this time, and to this,a novelty feature for ladies and gen• derful nhilily, and rescued twee e Combined with titbit.and end•t last nights meeting an order'Heenan, end the following were the;chores. nh excellent nmlt•. by wee placed with the representative of I competitnre: ale. Carl 0. Fisheq! The "Ace Quartet," four uvgre the American-La France Fire Engin :Miss E. W;u C. ,'inti• Miss Virginia•Men, next .nope on, end their witty of folks who Sr.subject to Company, Inc.,for a cmbplele motor Duckwll.J. C. Anda• A. I1. Coo-'and',reigned %ones won the greatr>t (��,(� /� Here you have a plea- tine apparatus with a 40 fallen ahem- le y,Sews.r.1 Cary,W.I'`vlt alla•rt,.1.F. of 1't'1'ulo rile. When they .10e.l.1;14. �+ }+ q('� decent Inhia•w+ter drink iesl capacity,fitted with a'11,0 gall.„ Sn,nllm:nt, and It. 11. Ilnanlrr, 'the mug,lapin Meyers. Heinz,Qyeth nest tyb' .overcome uric acid and is water pumping engine, nt a cost of Indies' fleet price Villa Wan by Mica'Ileaapoey,they won the heart,of all. to your kidneys■a well.— me I 312,000. I E. 1Vesley end the geullemnnk;A Inumtture boxing match between• teen excellent numbc,e mama, ,ioin. •prize by J. N, Smmlhaan. This was,•t.vu would-he ehuntptnn:vert f••Buw• Are urged In i v ih: r •Tacna Iktwak� cone*.o Inlf which was enjoyed toe late hour. • very popular event and .scaled n ea. and then a uu• dancing. � re played In .ean. qhs purpose of the entertainment great Jexl of img see w•ut. I lin•an%c of the Kn•u beet %access.•f •:..11,111,11,14 II if hill i+u, tr fi%ear hnw•rw n was to get the member end their The "bending race': brought null tine first •uudevillt•em hIu,innomt f•a nd heard him Inii'tie, K nearly all the riders, end the succi the members of thea u,one Angler• lased in Saw York wnh,ns wives out for•n evening'.entertain- sera run in four bents, Tie heat win- Club end their friends, uaulh.•r will .,ewa: r„he.tes iks.• mcnt to show where Ibo ylisml duelers nen were Ml's.C.G.Fisher,Mina E. I• started innntdiutely m,der the South Atli ....lc ale..,in,e A •nue D. ' Club I capable of doing. Mika Heim,l W'anisIey. S. Car and J. Fleisch- tiirecliuu of Mr.Beam. All members • well known an¢ler_enJ winter real- mann. The final was won by bliss line notified they must be at reheur•I dent, who le • famous producer of!E.\Yam Icy with S.Curt'second. nix.high class muJd tcomedies,arranged ed I The"Cortume Itaee"sen% most i RS CLUB GIYES the program and week<J like••Trojan lercacing ,J complicated. The coin- F. B.PATTERSON HURT Telegr .II day yesterday ¢ett:n• thestarepetn eitrhad to race to a point,die• IN FALL FROM HORSE: TIME ::::',...,..%-..,h:„"ai111,4•pe for the 1 mount from their horses light a MBERS REAL move)bencher. IIeI t While taking part in the no 1.on was added by other membtn of the cigar, put n a costume, start a entertainment committee, but foundlP•nsol, mount and race to starting the Mtemi Reach polo field yt•eterdey, eo With Families and he was the man who was being looked point. Mise E.Wamsley proved her- afternoon,F.It.I'eltenun,one of the I to to produce•show. He did,and it her- self again in this rete,winning nice- Mayne N,au mine i painful if not ori•'-I I 'I p, ds Enjq a Delightful p ly from A. D. (deity, trim tree ' ' ; h ''!IIIILIIIIIIiilllllllllllllllllllllldllullllllllllli was a geed euccssa, oma in encs when his out' foiled lo'o ng at the Fair Building Roy Mack, writer of plays and necond, mite the first hurdle and hew 1= Night. longs, who a hero as the guest of The•'gntpefruit nice" brought nut throw from the sad•Ile with some Or. rT Mr. Heim aboard hie yacht, directed III competitors, •ll the rioter% and knee While no bones were broken he l—a the performance Ilk• a true angler. their wives laking part. Each Woe won rendered uncotrcioos an a result the feet that then had not He alsodelivered his part of the pro- armed with it pointed stick and the of his toll. Ile eu-reined a scalp ? )v'1� � hearse!,the Miami Anglers gram in excellent style, singing a object was to succeed in plating K s- 111111 rtalnment last night In the song ho baa written here in Miami. grapefruit in a bucket. without die- M ding•proved to be the bed The first number on the Program mennlinK. A great deal f fun won I , •performance ever witnessed was W.S.(Uncle Dilly)Witlinm,and introduced by Mr. F'Ieiechnnnn who DON T LOOK OLD rosea ty. All of the talent with perch champion for Dade comity. Un. Oak x delight in interfering and 01,- IEA CC don of a few numbore,was ole Dilly forgot about being tontines, •trotting any one who appeared like. FROM HERE OF .ng the membershiof the ter, and commenced his own mono• le ie Leu whiner, Thle vent wits I._ nglers Clutg$ consisting of logue.which was eyrie,'on for thin. cleverly won by Mr. and Mex. It. It. 1==! •leywrlghte and actors and ty minutes,and reminding enc of Gana Hassler who divided the twists. ._ 1.-_,. - h+ve entertained the world in Coburn'• minstrels. Ile was ap- One of the principal number"on the A little "Danderine' checks a • a progn.m eonsI ted of four- plwded frequently. rani sea•the Lair-wile slut race, on- ugly p I= u I dandruff and •lo • 1F^ eel Phone 262 Dodge Car Next eons"Fenner"Sam Can and fined to Polo Platten end ponies.tThel hair felling. •=.1..•nth and Court St—adv. hie •n Hiram. Then,were Milton Marten n,this race were J. lelel+eitBlack and Wyeth and Murray llowc,reepullvely, +• J. (l. Andrew, It, II. Hanle,' and they entree., many laughs when S. Cary, W. I. Hulbert, and II. I1. "-- t • they walked in the door and eked 'f IloLuen.Nle.llulm,;s Hyla•"RobertlLc 1 "'a> 1 ' . - the fair wee going on. They finally flexr"owned by le.N.Ileneilmore,who yips had to be"bounced"by•real police- played in most of the games earlier I �,._'-'!.1eem r= .tan In the ninon. Thee was only on. ,� e •^IALhorse init,Capt.Dolmen'mount Win. - (\.i. Senor CariLalJi proved to be WontP I oII r then Major Crondey,well-known Wing In n common canter. J.Pledsc h• \ ILL.., angler•and he Proved he hod a voice mann yr.. acton.1 with J.C.Andrew, 1� • . • ''• ' when he gave+baritone solo, third. r� rs Reg eak" � Next came Mrs.Waller C.CravW. The eigh�number on the ranee!. =s wife of one of Miami's best-known and sees•belf•reile hurdle rase,confined 3 'eer"nuarenteed nen- Ito " iI rlacn.ol•part*•s• moat beloved anglers. Mn, Yell' polopontes end rIJ<re. There were -• beautiful solos were appreciated fully tour entries for thio event. The win- 1,, : ruler erre• a K' by all present,and she had to respond nee was W. P. Hulbert, who roles 'K� ...-Th- To Be e darned.regular to an encore. e D fine race on"Rondo.•The second wird • I. IP SA* M.J.Mab .1•F.'amallman on"Dick,"J.C. An• Mabry,poet of the club,next aimed,regular drew was thin!.riding "Tommie At- ' — retlted from Hobert W.Service. drew •„ •alar pile• I elYe • One of the prettiest features of the The tut event of the Aa was *uses entire program was the folk dancingY Oct • email bottle of"Dan,erine•' nor Ihre•da a, match race between Capt. H. 11. of little titin Lucien Muir,nlne•yur- P' ^^` '^'• old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Mu of Holmes,J.C.Andrew,R.H.Hasler at any drug store for • f cents, I WeJ•. ,. and S.Cary,the winner to receive • pour a little into your hand Istel ruby on:ofnee. mt.*.11114 866 has proven It will cure purse of$800..S.Cary won by a short wall Into the scalp with the finger bud from Capt. H. Ii. Holmes In • Program f' '' ' Melari•,Chills and Fever,Bill- t1pe. By meriting most,If not•11,of to Qmailing Artists. :•.i .',...t.":•.• ` ous F e'er•r, C o 1 d s and La- A mod delightful day's aport,at. this awful scurf will have Uieeppeand.i W. —DIN Grippe.—adv. n cepting the accident to Mr.Pstteon• Two or three applications often.ro.I--. ----' L was teimin•ted when Mn. Carl 0. move every bit of dandruff and stops • ' leiter,gracefully presented the prizes falling heir. Every hair on scalp I Ever} the winning competitor.. shortly shows more life,vigor,bright•i c= new,thickness and color—adv, 1-__ ",'. V' this city and Detroit. Mr.Muir le one - 1 s a In carte d • of the mod enthusiastic anglers and Dinner 81.00 every night. Eviler. Bs '...11:11.:• i' '' • • sportsmen in the ilismi Anglers'Club. aide Dining Room,7th and Holdoverl.I ^c' The Cslodonlen trio eomleted of two • • _ P.r gbC., • Dclflcan( Thbtwas importdbt verygf. pi4 fldw.Co.,1m2h• Min Florence Wallace,ringln¢wlth adv, D :L..,. " Pat Conway's band,next thrilled the ' audience with•wonderful eine.. ;i �Y�a�.`We C- A• • J.McLaren. (•moue comedian o! SHIP AHOY! Midday lis a,••,r•- the bll•mf Angles Club, a one ort Moonlight^ (f the best feature.of the show. He L ¢ Excursion 4SIfh,.•••. very popular,and made up a a mem, ma ur. Mar• 4 arfthe Hebrew race,int nonat- THE OLD SPANISH Music and dr t r, • I Ink"Ikey"he proved a gnat hit.His LIGHTHOUSE IF • ',t�✓.''1;",'W#iIiiw•4J:•"• r n. , ..rt.•rd d•nefnp was,.ennhtnd-, n u ,. •, -