1675-2 Saxony ion. recording allege:10 rna•ie }i .. -_ .r. - ...•. un Linn C'hie o' ins Saxony was the lint betel • The Charlie brou5bt a quirk excited waitress, Lillian Kenny NO t.NIoN QU STIONSIq"r'''olit :t., Miami Reach. picketedby Local on Apnl'aho�, tmo denial from two d the hdd's of 520 "Ike had him come here for IS.mtt..beginning what the union executives. who disclaimed any ORDERED TO OFFICE the putteclion of the hotel. Ice called"The Battle of the Burch." Dau Hr • • knoe:edge of a Le detects much The waitre•.a, Nhe works in didn't ask any questions about NORKER BEATEN cal 2v. a. • Lw. the coffee shop, said she was union activities.This thi5g is he. Tr alta docs after picketing Flra°ed t• • summoned from her statim and ing done in mane banks avid other craned,a non ateiking employe o1 am.•al.!>'. A third official, Edward Sas, places of business. '.;{ the hotel's executive dire:tor, tad to go to:he o!!rce d the rest- the a tried was beaten and robbed I F!^}es ane. • said SS emplge were given he dent manager. "He took a cross rection.about as he to break the picket from iL • y,i detector tees as par'of the ho 10 per cent of our employe and line m go to rot k. F.?IPI tet*Internal security program "I rent into the o!firo and a asked them a prepared list ofThe tang - man said he wanted to ask me questions, This is a ofd In May, la-6 the hotel oper• subpial to AFFILIATION QL'ESTIORF.D some questions shoat my incur- when you hese a W,of drifters. alms c:almH SMI!pt damsgrs as I: • Ruth Salbad, admtmrtratire ante. 'Chen before I know It he We hate taken the c•it's for st strike at of sings picketing anZ' -a YXo r' aasis!ant to Local 255 President was stripping me with a chain the �!•) unke adeeriuing, I `p m.a Daae ilermgeneral protection of the at 211 21ra • Herman.said she received and some kind of rubber base hotel." The U.S.Supreme Ccurt over-from seven waitresses around my chest and arm He ' • and rrssid, that they were quer- asked me i!1 minded taking a Le Friday,after the first reports of In the the Florida Supreme fo�at Thr ten:• I bawd of the lie box about their detector test and I said no. In theca le and said the ekes pia t • the teststrtrickled into unite head- ing was legal. P• fate plan, noon affiliatiau. quarters, Herrman had printedtion, Lfe it "}must have been easy.First a circular denrying the hotel's ad- LIE TESTS CIIARG,ED The rice-president d the bole), he started with sine le fir. In February'of this tare:wain: Max Sax, denied any hotel em- — then about the umoeu lid tarntnistion of the lie hotel union charged that the Saxe visions with pay,t 1' ony Hotel officials were giving ' lie detector tests to employes to The unser determine if they belong to a,million:n+ union. lien.Miller bereThe charge brought a quick groanp rex denial from two of the hotel's l grown to e executives, who disela:med any I Ten days knorldge of a lie detector ma.lhotels cnn:r• thine. burgh atcr.. But Edward Sun. the hold's Four d,thep executive director. said ss em- picked by p!oyea acre fines lie detector 1 Qt�,e .. n 1 R 'yr'` tests as part of the hntcto in- ...:- )i useniet/t Rout - terra! security program. i The union said it had received j ShowMust Go On' complaintsthat t from *tyro redress-' 'The essand maids they werel Say Saxony Receivers - By HERB BELLY in'Black Orpheus",the Acade- - W 'sat i, the Iycry Tmer of .r s • my Award film winner at the the zany got a headache a 5lnylalr and Sunset. tl�rraF r 1 Tu ,ing to esplanatite~the r a • tins. r p d the betel. The story of love.Late,k•al- • ousy is IoW in a whirlingmass • a E..en a outset atlantic:would Ne. o!color,haiety and mum and er threw up his hinds in dismay t that is chat makes it so eller- .- throw to tel has out Ow tigu.ns, .. Lve. peach, hiding behind a• . By. Tga hotel has four mortgages sr111Ty JAN :mask and in the guise of a suer- - against it and already the sec- Atony Honker pent, stalks Eurydice through cod set of receivers has taken the sirens c!a brilliant carni- t Oyer. receiver with Jerry Sb'ngie- sal its Brawl, The eduience 'R- * * decker whro the club was at known that murder Is inevitable • The Casmy i' low tide Ti.„. ut the throbh ri of drums, �� Y R•vr l,a Mohr R -- Reach was elan i THE SAXONY HAS BEEN freedom la booking art. cad wild dances and songs of thou- 1 Set Novy Report order last night farhmate however. to the the quality of the •ho.r In. sands make the setting ghastly. 200 guests gel no. email ,eleetica of teenier,. enea+cd. Then the Federal *, *, *, j ' and:rate ,1 The Ina ors understood the court appointed Shinglydarker Hole!()! 11(1 S The hotel Is t • Imprn-tance of entertainment In and nit f r en retchrre ,l merit-aria Hotel: ■6de1't success and kept the ''yy,r��dI a \ext In the f:m• G • public auction I ' nightclub oxo. L'su,:h \� 1 p\�! a.o G la rreelrre- 1)OFOtII)' S(rrrin/J ( r'U11)ecl s federal eourtha. •• show Is the first to k• r t 1skll�t,, Although Du:othy 5 a r 0011 Attorsw•yr for • The I,of Tower bi her• f;aher and Shingledeeker pat doesn't change her tong rou- Two e•ourt-npMinied tnlaee' builder d the) wa.'Myrlat alter the tock fate Silas Mohr In complete barge tines trio often.the woman dors reported Mail CAay t final'rtet al• _- ---- M shrubs Dot•and ggive her audiences sone eye- "god of burin ',exam /Intel hu +pou.r• of bookings.She signed etch the ) 'grain hu•ir.a ,rex They opened Jan.27 and net, Show of Stars,in which"name fulling wardrobe which t. nue•e though the •pnrat ion opera t. doe to remain caul April 2R, acts' play onrnigh,era on a each time around. hog 11 hoc as;A a aril meet 'e BaJaeau was ted from the hucnighl circuit.The Saxmy's Stir,Sarnolf,headlining In the s'r MAIa as they mature. start.bet the betty woman pi. night is Thursday and Morey Americana's hal slasque Boom. Tera fres tv, E. e s h e r as player wu sal. She had Amsterdam was there.The ho- g gcod ttCI. E. edecotShIngAeck.r tolil will is delightful In her"Kin and the••t lame helmet more it will case,. tel not only Is making a play 1" medley and her new song hem the heat intererls of Saa- -•w.uM stat b,pply whlk for guests hut Is going after this season Is "The Story of o Properties. Inc. to con• • ber mirk husband arromra• hometown bade as well.selling Testa",a tricky Imghalr num. tout,^M'setlmi. aka bevy Mt. •.a►e.a sky the Saxony to local residents, her with a treat.Vole-twine and "05on5 official. hast a.kr.l wet t• len sols, rebel In * * *. pr norairty wise, she's delight. the mutt to allow a rex re• fol. nrgamre •miter prntect,nn of •t•ey and took m.dkan,•n. the Sankt upscy 1•w•. They oh, retm,.d u• the llnrif' fieriest.: Ito Li Uunn, magician phi,- u 'nye Inca rex, res lmning the alas.,aft armlet as..a. kat. won lea amrw:hlhotel pr•.pertlea ate um th • 'llltork Orpl:etbe Ira laughs r arA 55 77.1:1,5 rain the hover:rm. A.the end d three re.ks the F g as he Lila wroL inrnw for m mennu h a a keit to novel out. A!,oul a The legend of Orploui great watches.belts.Iles.wnlleta.and n S12.5,lan and its r.peut. lore !nr Eta;doe has tern men's shirts. Hen solid and Ie• I • month ago Ow did !rxpemra s1A:.t,,w,1. don•nn rnnyass, in opera.bah gal Because he returns the lore. --- a Rreart Nom,, longtime he- let and in the movies. but no- Temple anal Lesley ate a --_ lel m•n here,ram.In as an. where is it snone earring than spticl:t!y dame learn. • • _ . • • _. B N