1675-6 Saxony 6 Lo Sax Buys Saxony Lausburgh Adds 2, Back Now Top Hotelman By Altl11CR JOR\'SyT •wr"°"N w.asr By LARRY BIRDER Under terms of the lease for George P. Sax put Lhe Sas v..aa.. .')"'-• ,. the Crown and Saxony. Lars (unit back In busmen as bele ••n......,[Alto, r`..;.'i'. amt Peach hotel °penitent 1•Inrris tarsburgh,Miami Beach ".i ' ' burgh will manage and operate fondey—though not by choice. lintel aerator.today became the t-',. �'h• Jul as he du. the other He Nd g(S7S.IXt) for the sevefflwe leading operator of re- hotels to the chain. plush ar.mlrent Saxony Hotel sort hotels by adding two more Ree. Cohen will Mnl•na to to naso- el public auction }l,i to his dam. elated math Lanshurgh and his II interest In the mortgages that .� : • f enotnnter ft. Lantbsrph Anne teed that he other two "silent• partners — • has signed inng.term ! us I Daniel Lifter and Dr.R.S.hey Sax teas the oniy bidder •a�';a,�..�I' - —in most of the properuea. when the a1M-roam hstory he- and cern s},e Vb rood Saxon. tide ;�: • tri he lmtndrd to 1010 went and SA room Crown undl�aaJ ,+ Under the agreement.the Gown. on the hkek at a roust-order. )ear agreement with owner S . wi. directed by Jules Slaney', and r.'olr sale to protect Its rredl- Cohen of both oceanfront hot Is. M the Saxony. headed by Jerry 0';';,'••" s. stir will takepart it 'll The pact has raised the num. �•/ guest 714 amntud of his had was ben of hotels under linrburgh's 01011010 LA\t BURC.1{ Va, dinment activities of the :he amount fixed by Federal direct corrmar.f to arnen. • . .Two Mon Hotels a Sated group, including the Judge Emelt Choate as the Cas abrade of Stn.. minimum Sc..court would con. I Fie already operated the Dean't`end of last winder se:ton, wall' elder acceptable based on an sone. Sans Send Sherr Fror:te•I appraisal of properties. ) be rebnprnrl nn Ike. l6 after a six.Casablanca and Versailles. The 1.4;11 was ordered!n the re!urhishicg lob is rnmpkled. i a1'ermath of federal court re- There are mxe than 2.3n0 •The Sherry-Fronton:+c will he torganinaLan proea.o..t seller rooms is the seven hotels.Laos reopened on Nov.2A al the coni ,Saxony Properties, rr.r, wh!ch burghalso •••• and operate. 'bought the Saxony I s a m I elusion o(a m1 tion. lou.toll•(°' OW Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Ceone Sax lint year,failed to bottom rewrmtion. sa well as its m. (AsiJ make the payments on some of •Ted ❑arkoff, managing the mortgages. g db Crum-rent with the a.mounce• rector of the Sherri. has been Sax said be was"'surprised" rugat.Laasburgh revealed that: named vice-president of Miami there were ao other bidders, Reach Associated lintel.,the hien Ho wasn't ready to say taben •The S:.xory, closed at the the wa s..a swill I neer under which all uwen hotels y see rrovnrd, are operated. The twin(wax closed Itatarda7 Is preparation for the tale. Financial difl'cvitj't of tfte Saxony were brought to light last March wheel Sax filed a for( .ere suit r.galnst Saxony Properties for failure to make payan-nta on the $613.9.13 fourth mortgage he held. At the time Sax sold It to I 12"DT.F.Muggtestnn,of Edmonton, t 1!1 � Alberta, Canada, In 1009, he 1 / relolced at being able to get away from the Beach hotel op- eration to deme his tome I°*skiCouncil Attacked banking In Meese.He he Beach had taken a "terrific boa{' Lo the overall transaction. Set now that M's auk ha • baMsemi,Fax WY making Sha but�tt. For Shore:i „,`Giveaway . "The tine I mute the mat money 10 the hotel basin. lase when things were bad,"he Yid,rtulLng the early In1O'a. RAT y 5'ANT still/NA(CIIthehii high water mark. This Ing the chergre.denied know. hotel Intereele on Kurd Reach when hotelspurchased Ing were aullnlnh In the Nprra' I ay.uwr wore. cowed a nix-Mork stretch of Ing that Ary open bench had Robert Richter Motel us they alms. A retired Sew York dentist bench on which bathers u.crl been blocked. could peon It drawn and ache who helped riesr Coney Is. to stroll. • Ile And ('fty 311negrr too reatWr space for rhe Sac• land's teach Tuesday nt- -11'• maYnr anal CII M0. M. Pushkin promlard In ory lintel.next sawn.. tacked the Micron leach City Y check into It IA Cnmine It for gtsing "'tag. C'''u'''ll should lake nut CO 'if the hotel he. violated As pan of Ihe res the reeenfromt sand under the 1 m m r d I•t e In)unrtlnn and the lawby blocking pu din. rely leaded( the Mn.rw htr guise of an men tend tree ,groom the enc rnachrnrel.,' 33rd std far 30 Ire) of lar) P leach land."said Richard.tI.ee. Through the neap.+ rgrd sole 7'rlrr. neat In SIIh t. lh la, Ile will Armond that It he re. Nems Zucker,the 'ova. Ma)nr Whin Richer el. mowed" illy tele,w., 111 i we balhrn ray n as wile to hui d a whet said he hadn't received A ft hit slatted last March °°r In0-nn.t-able trach In- e e patio extending to letter%ducker sent him detail. when the Moret. !Anaburgh "tine of Iwo that tenni rnrI, ---__-__-_ . "A ctua ll y,•'charged Pr. Zucker in a letter to Richert!. "what gnu here done wall to permit the Saxony to build a ev.norelr well over pahlle find, Inking in what was lint a public beach." ('routing along the sand with n yardsl!rk,Dr Zucker Bald the city lent T.Af1D square feet of public beach through the deal. Al Inc.-tide 1.:said,bath- er.eon walk along the Sun. n)'s nhe•fad high ton:rele wail, Dr. Zucker saki. Rut they rent Al high tide"with. nut rl•k of lire end innh•• "Thies right of free arra-a rind Iratugr, at high tide.I. rnaranlr+d In Ihn people by the law•of the slab of rt.I. de." .,` : ,;y,,. �s.,gn wut manage and operate .'Lacey—though not bychoice. hotel operator, today became the ra • lie hid i1 S73,t)<7p for the ",` {• both, just as he does the other • -!l. bid $4. 7 Saxony Hotel a ~'-. - - reading operator of re- . d'' ;'• •' 4,••. hotels In the chain. 't public sadoceanfront ;t sort fx,•ets by adding two more f':] 1,. �• r.terezt to his chain. t Cohen l continue h an ashis In the mortgages thatelated with Larshurgh and his ^nrugabrr It. Lan burgh anno iced that he .., . other two "silent" partners — Sse: wa7 the only A1dJrr has signed k,ng•termtt' "'" Daniel Lifter and Dr. R. S. Ley • ttben the f110•rw ,l ►„zury he. take over the 4otcoo —In most of the properties. rl he fuded 1e. IDIS want and zo-room Cro•xn aj.�'.°�i' j 1�"'i1�,.'•..�.. ^n the block at 'eosin-order• year azreernent �•1th owner S• ;::•r::'.•�'..!, Under the agreement,the Crown, ••d sale to protect Its eredl- Cohen of both oceanfront hot•Is. r:' r `;` directed by Jules Slarsky, aryl ten tFt f the Saxony, headed by Jerry The pact has raised the num. �' 915.• will take part in :.II guest The amount of his bid Was bar of hotels under Lansburgh's MORRIS LAVSBCRGR V'. inment activities of the he amount fixed by Federal direct comman•i to seven, , , . Two More Hotels a. toted rat including the Ate Emett Choate as the group, o :frlrattrrt the court would con- Cavalcade of Star. ter acceptable basedfie already operated the Dens- end of last winter secson, trill' :%psalm of on an vile, Sans So•,ut, Shcrry•Froote• be properties. • nee. Casablanca end Versailles. re-opened on Dec, IS after a The sale was ordered In the refurbishing job It completed. • errruth of federal court re- There are more than 2,500 'CanIuL'nn proceedings after lb The Sonar tcnnc will be ''cony Properties, LA, which rooms in the seven hotels. Lars• re-opened on Sot/. v, 22 t at the con. burgh also owns and operates elusion of a million-dollar, top-to- tight the Saxony f r,m -orge Sax Fast year, felted to the Fiamrro}dotal (n Les Vegas, bottom reju%enation. eke the payments on some of as well as its casino, t morttates I Ted Ilankoff. managing dl. Corxtsrrmt with the a.tnatnce• rector of the Sherri. has been ewe'mid be wan ewrprlsed• meet. Lansburgh revealed that: 'ere were ae other bidden named vlcepresidenl of Miami •email teesly to say lakes The Saxony, closed at the Beach Associated Hotels, the ban. 'e Salami will use reepexke ncr under whith all seven hotels] he et was dosed tiatnrday are operated. Wet 4repaestloe for the sale. Financial din'cvftL, of the' Tony were,btoueht to light t March whoa Sax filed a c Are suit t.tadnst'Saxony Tertks for (Miura to make meets on the $645.9.13 rth mortgage he held. .t Lye time Sax sold It to Muggleston,of Edmonton, ie arta, Garuda, . 1959, he Ili) („�iced at beer.= able to tet �% 'y from the]each hotel op. 'tom to devote his time to'�>n Gannt He told h. �ea j2 Councilu�n . f� >o�. �, Attacked overall�ana.�,. . '51 new that lee's bads to 'attn.Ras was Imayat*be i Ott. • ,• ,. . For the hotM'adel bmiiness Coocurrent with the+henthlrltswartba rnclang the early i 4O'sl fundi Beads when hotels thy MTUAKT AC'EIttlA(•II the high water mark. Thus logthe charges,denied know• attferint lm the dryers ,sew sen waver clewed a one•block stretch of log that any open beach had Roterthotel InterRichtesrllfot Hoteltne weAn retiredbelpe'd New akar YorConrk dentiFsa.t bench nn which bather' used been blocked, could tear It down and sod • y Irstrr,ll. lie and City Manager recreation space for tilt Sax• land's beach Tuesday at. O. M. Pushkin promised to cry hotel, next door. tacked the Miami Beach City "The m a y"t and City check Into It today. Co u n e I 1 for giving n',-ay. Ce'unell should take nut as •If the hotel has violated As hart of II"' Ara the oceanfront Land under the 1 m m r d I a t e Inlunet Inn arid the law by blocking piddle city trades? the S0•01og•wide Mdse of an hen land swap, r.mns•e the rnrrnsrhmenta," henrh land,"tali Rlchsr,d, '1 acrd St, for SO tett of land Though the swap,, rgrd said]wetter, will,demand that It be rc- Bret to stub Mt This the Mrmrlt Zucker, the 'bun• Mayor Melvin R I c h n r d, moved." sluts .old, wbatherssh ""r ln0-fnot•wldt heirs In- d 5 re bathers ny n -as at•le to but r a who acid he hadn't received a it all started lest Mar c e e patio extending to letter Zucker sent hint detail- when the Mort: l,amhurgh .load f Iwo lhnt were each ___f 50 feet %tide. "Actually,"charged Dr. Zucker In a letter to Rlchatxt, "whet you haere done was to permit the Saxony to build a concrete wall over public land, taking In what was formerly a public beach." Maw-ling along the sand with n yardstick, Dr. Zucker ,,salt the city Inst 7.W/0 aehuare :eat of puhlle bench through the deal At low tide, he said, hath• era can walk along the Saxe.• ny's nlne•fnot high concrete wall, Dr. Zucker wild. Rut they can't at hlth tide"with- out rlrk of life end limb." "This richt of free sires and passage, at high IIA,., I. rnarantevi to the people by the laws of the slate of rle1• de"