1675-10 Delano community. County Commissioners Preston The r ..N,- Bird and I. 1). MacVicar said the launched —Herald staff Photos By sol Stapleton county would be ready to take Qualifleat' COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT INSTITUTE MONDAY. over the city institution if the city offidals so desire. Under t ® group aft( • FACILITIES COMPARE') A t c f • Y Beach Dropsanalyze th €.1 ,+ ri 4:, "Although state law requires that analyze th the county assume responsibility hilltics of 'g. No•y i3 I for the care or those unable to pay ` ,:Y ' Noise an�J fl In full or part for medical service !ices s f the cotmty has a very small hOspl• pr'imarie, '' tai 10 miles away in Kendall en• ,. 4td' tirely Inadequate," the Benson (I) 11'h. On Thursday Hon, can is minority report asserts. , 5 (2) 11'h. ry e "I has no 24-hour emergency the mini °'f"'4`x t s Building To Start service, while Jackson maintains most effic around-the-clock fully equipped (3) 11'h. emergency facilities and accepts be filled f On Hotel Projects all patients nomatter where ltcpintmenl • >:a' .` they came from and relieve their ry ,; `F Sadly battered in half a dozen suffering. Each lot ` s ;'3r ., ., ,cdurt suits, Miami Brach's anti-. ' in the ,Nla� k t noise ordinance undergoes a sea "It was a fact that a great num- candidates r M 3 :< :i sonal change,,Thursday and con- sent a cue Y; �}.• ser of these patients are not rest- i :ie�, struction ;yin ", tart'•'orvi projects dents of Miami. I suggest' that the to appraise f bs' sY` costing sprite $5,000;000. ,. f3ublic demand a full investigation tile offit•! �'»° 7`hA ordinance which bans on this phase of the load imposed "' on .lackson for which the county is Answer. ' u`4,ii `. building noise!! during the win- her a st:u -•`"""T'ti`9 ter months, permits contractors responsible, and to see how much :::... ; hou is r, i'§. to work 16 hours a day after the county actually pays for its share of these patients." f+►r the o X.:..g::i April 1. Commissioner Quigg Com . "In our a .., J. J. Farrey, Beach building in•It mented that if the charity hos- chamber s spector, said work would start im- pit:+lirrtton burden were taken companyin mediately on -a $3,500,000 hotel on rney General Tom C. Clark (center), Collins, between 32nd and 33rd. off the city "and placed where it "it !the Hager R. G. Danner. belongs, the city would not have for the a' This 12-story structure, for which fully the Taylor Construction Co. is clear- to be hunting for new sources of ing land, will have 220 rooms and tax revenue." candidate. will be the tallest on the Beach. Benson's report declared that "•111 ti. Lincoln Construction is ready "when the county does not pay, men are to start a five-story hotel cost- it puts a heavy burden on Miami candidate'. ing $:350,000 at 4000 Collins taxpayers." /diabetic:II fMFarrey said. rause too » "r r 'A1'S ( OLJ\fl :1111 SM:11.L for a vag �} , s y; The relaxation of the noise ban "If anyone at Jackson hospital -most r � „'. .;' also will mean fulltime operations has the temerity to make any standard, f s,, • ,' ' r<`, Q l on the Delano hotel at Collins and demand on the county to pay 17th. Developers of this project medicine or I j its Just obligations, then the cry have led the fight against the is raised: `Give the hospital to Mane!• we a: a , ordinance in state and federal 3 who may . f3�. k 1.i sir, the county and let them operate ,1,�/ � r �.. Courts. P as great, • E, , it.' This hospital belongs to the f`s `,. y` , ' J�`r • 2. • •people of Miami and it is a val. tluallflcatlOt ''';148,',,;1' ;1 ,2 {,<x0 �i> , '/ .Air- ", F �y Condition uab1A asset. 4 ), • One 1 ys �r � 6• "F,x-City Manager A. B. Curry N1. < Y '• • set up an arbitrary amount to he ',>71,t. ..‘: Unit Assured paid annually for the care of •r county patients which is entirely In B f inadequate to cover the service." /a .4q A $!1,000 contract for air•condb In asking for a special meeting �'fy 5 ;`; tloning the Civil Court of Record of the city commission, Qui Sher'iff's c V'°;, �; courtroom on the sixth floor of the said that "doctors are contending Luxe bar /h£rys4( . courthouse was signed Monday as that Jackson Memorial hospital is : rth ave., ':,',0' ,434';'•s; a joint project of the Junior Sec_ Pani E. Nei overcrowded and another epidemic ` '' tion of the Dade County Bar Assn possessing Y, 7 �^ would be dangerous and 1 he !true ,e dation and the University of we would he responsible if there Reports • Y" 4,' Miami Law School Alumni Asso- ; dation. are other epidemics and ��c stand sling at th by and, don't do anything." st:uttiatcd, i of the Institute are J. K. Shinn (left) Judge Ross Williams, seniordeclared. me L. Martin (right) chairmZtn. (Story circuit Jurist, said the air-condi- Resortedd that In his report, as- found one tloning will save several thou- at the hospital staff has flee custom failed to make the hest use of sands of dollars a year in man the equipment provided, and Sheriff Ji hours lost because of the heat that the hospital pharmacy ated his ph Court OK and noise which now will be "looked like a Junk shop" withported shut off. gam! the director's desk "cluttered •plaint was m Tom` The contract was signed at a with drugs and cartons." citizen. � -, itAr,n40 .. 77 .-...- r•enee In the Finn . . . T;I,.h.,..,' .