1675-11 Fleetwood Hotel ..._. . . ,,4-;. . . . , - • __MEP__ _giP--. . . ,. . . • •t t . t°•-.,vs t t 7-frAi • , . • ,, . .:' • ° I" l .4 --1 PA; ! , , • • . i. , f••• r • II yt It A j,D t T It I, IC P It (IN x 3125 THE HERALD, MIAMI, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, JA!` • • • . ---- -- . . "f';.. MIAMI npApu HAQ Rip COArAt0DoRif ST01,77.'S yACIIT . .. . 4 :., ' !rim uDitull 11 tik.).1)1u • I !ENGINEER OF ATIATh ' . .• EXPANSION PROGRAM , „frt/0.4.,,, :;•„,i..„...;,.....,.., ,.. .,.......c.„ ,,,..,,,.r....,,./..,.„,., ,, .._, . .-....-t• .,,,-, , •i,,,,, ....144...,,.., : ,.,,,......:;.,:.,,,., ,... .:„ •..• ••,-, • -.-,.`••..' •.:!"•,',4••',s3). •;•:14•-•.•, ', •,'••,.S,:„`...•1")•• '•''' ' lihNDLED FtEETWOOD If . I..., , ..,_____.._____ • lti ^ 4;•"•, • :1',.,14,'fr.1.4'.411 41 ti.• ,k,,,,.••;.4i! :fl!,1::,.• •it• .., it.:-.1.it'.It:,,,,,1 ,... ,,, , ,,, ,,,,,,,••••: , , .• .,• ... Aecommo(letions'Are Increased ••: IT:f.q•,4r .. .:•.4 •4 -',. ,..".., ,.. • -..,>••'..r,...:-,•,:-,-1-,•;,,,,,,, Hubert S. Flake Was it rapiin- .1 P 3,,I;,. -41194,••••,:k°1,4:".,..3.•.A....r.;,,,-,,•.••,,... •-,.•.,,,01:3;,-,.,,_ • ; - to Care for Many Athil- . .,..;. .t..,z -'0,t5:,r te'Vk':..-' :. ,.''' C•:• !.,,,. •ii4.`la; All)le for Work on Dallas tIonel Visitors. ..,.,:r. 'at.,I 1•0,i,,i"k&,,',."'', i,':,..i%,,f. . ,• ;?re 4°.k• •••1-•. if; ,.,t'.,, ' Park Apartments, Too. . • ... .•';37.54 ,•••''''. 47..- .•746, • ,, ,,,k . ... .i4...,. ... • ..4....-•••_-:_- • , T,' •.4 .],.,,,..,',T:..70 4-X''.9- :'''' - .. 4(.1.•-•.'"i' A.4.",ii f'''=';.':::,'.': 'renal/011W) Its eccommodations to ,1' :,',.; °•°"-:.•••11,‘ .;;.'4',`".... - „ ..:• Isi, ...,..t's',..,...,v3„:43,, ;,....'l;iss,..q.,;', • r: the year• to o uoke If flubert II. . :s •- '..,--,,,,a'''Zi."'•,. .Alte..; .,-, • . •t',,,,,et.bare ,t,..0.'e: ."1,*. .<", 1 • A a•14 for setveroat thona•nd mor• .•-•'''4; ...„` -' .. ' .•ti 44A", ' IP ' ! 1OP.g#tit ..'''',t. ,,,,.. A Flook•, of Atlanta. ti.. ev•r ever ,. vlsi'ot• •nd •eason•I theld•nt• this ,' ''''••"11.••• s••v.. ' ''"re 4- ' •• -',-,...4.4-4.1, ....- , . C2',....1"7,' to•ed• a ostrnnif recontonend•tion r-, ;Fl." 'red''At' •,.." .' wi than !tot. Miami Beach. with :, t t• •-••••• - a log Program whoa• annuftl ••• ...• <: " .. 1... t'i•• ," e..it,1•:"..‘f'J,'10 .' "" Itl. •Isilitv all hwill tiny. to do Wit '. • t ,1!1 •.° be to 'how.picture of the YleetwOnd • , t III reach a•v•n million della,. i•.t• • 'Lb, lintel at Vii.,,, Bench and the !Wise . . ; • :hilt plited the busiest •unimar In lark apartment• in Mixon an to . •si t ' , 11, • its oef put hitere•ting blatory. '•,.,,..,,„;..,,e,,,,,tv'il„., hi. out•tending works 1921. o,. . .11; Oil building figuttrs from Jen- ".•,, i.e..,,,,,w,•.. • ,••••••,,,,,,•47.,,-$r..4,4-rwqr,emiewetiliAr.e.r•A•::•••,...,:.« , •:, . • Three t wo onolendidor.•I rto.tol.. .. ; , ; toothy I, 1924, until mid•December io. X.r."3"./.., •• (,,°:7',,,s4',..::.:44.0.,,,,,,."°"•.1.v4r,• ,e,',. • •- •• ; 1•111.1 S11,373.230. A.rapid and accurate , •'''- ' erected during the year Jost clop..1 •., , reflect unbounded credit upon nil '.1 • ., 'comparhoon with the coestruction roe. ..... • who etipplied brain sod work ithdln< , 1 ords of th• past thrs• years ahow• front inception to completion. ; . .....-Il• healthy Inc 00000 Over. 1122 wh•n ' Th. Fleetwood Hotel. se ia gener• o'' $4,1116;1111. 14 patrtnitavf•re teamed end sally limos n. WV, conceived by ran, • e:'five limes •• much'building a• •c- ' 6.• ...odors J. Perry stuns, tvhn rormitu• 'i .complIshed In 173t when the figure. ...,. . wer• abort .4 it million an • In ''''''''''' • ' . ' . 'notated hia Ida a to licorice Latta ford, well known htlatni ond Louis ''•., dullaro , . • •• In •d<IBbon tg' thle. the Carl (1, . ."•101•"*"1•4 514 bath t"CI"..""*"J.r•rrY 811.1"aft"klis"14 vIlle contractor. •tod to rank X•• ,......• 1 . Neet•11. the archltict, The conomning h •' Fiehar invereets, in completinit. th. MAC grupdrosoll ei11.••t dor Lis term without erwriritel sistet•see. . entInterIng work atid tlt• etroartoiral AS ,.. d•v•lopm•nt of tlo• northern limits --,•-a . -•-•=•• - _ ------r-----r------ •-•• • deaden, •nd plan• for the founding ,! of th•ir property and improving ten• . eke. con- ...). erally their holding, •t bflarnt Desch, over a million dollar•, Ilr the largest son Iolanda were pea oilcan), comPlet- Wouilrtcthrgnoodnerrthni•PrItOtr.1A.ItI:ntrill!(ta., ottn .,• espended approximately five Mill1011 h_o_tLIrrreictrropt fjt"oiltsi"I rn.Th:.Owner tom- Section.edeowhich roadway..1.c.u.cut tt,1:.r through dt 1.1e f rnew,,n, dollar.. This Included the construc• "''' toiLdeb,,,a trhvirt:. .1inti- 7"4"415.1'.17f.'ut-Ittr."1 Hon of new roade PUmeing 017•r•• and the hotel will officially open on mangrove swamps. •1 designs and sel•cted whaaj 14 ' f' tion , bulkheadIng,. handec•pingth• January Ill. although it entertained Decor•tiv•arches were erected over kno,..ti ee the D. ,t, It; et.etetn. .t,,, : ,-'building of brIdge• and general Int- the 'rroplchl Art League with a plc., the Waterway bridges and it,. new flume of lis streatt strength and erion. i .prov•menta - tureaqu• ball on December 27. • proprty thoroughly landscaped and "1 The ray government of Miami •Itl. The William Peon note!, a MO.- planted. Ilundreha of yards of mon' "'IA.., are approximately 1.400 pile'. • • Reach heo. exn•nded *1120.000,on its 000 structur• built 001 a triengl• cone bulklit•dltsg, stele also corns. -1 under the building amid the footing• a io•tem and so•w•rimprove- formed by the interaecton of Waeh- •pleted. required •bout 100 yards of concrete. •41 t• Manythoroughfare. were ' P limin • t. ainew l ln Ington snit Pennsylv•nla avenues at With the completion of Allison le. the num- Eighth street, wilt fir•t open to land, work w•• Immediately oath roett Sixteen freight train. nf 3t car• each .vern thoolred to bring the matalr1.1. '• ..miailidanierimolorinnurcl Alberto°lie. beach door, this s•ason.• Some 40 rooms on it,. AIII•on Ifo•pltel winch willueed in the Fleetwood into •1411arrn . s1 will be greatly facilitated thin win- were added to Ihe Lincoln hotel by be ideally located on Indian Crrek, and the conetruction of tic. structure ter. Twohundred and 1 wentg-fli'• the remodeling of tha old Pinker offi- at th• south end of the island. ' •fforded employment to hundreds' of ' thouaand dollar• was used for the nes On Lincoln road as •n .nnex. The hospital ground, will include men for 10 month• . , • • , exteneinn of it• water system to five acrea of territory winch will be In g the Fleetwood Ildtel, AMONG the other hotel• and apart- Immediately beautified. The anon, Mr. Fdlelikeemciallnled •tt•ntion to the tat meet the new pipe, coming into / Miami bringing fresh, soft water and • inent• built during 1924 wer• the lure Is to coat to•tw.•n 1200.000 and that the lobby will be one of i the It3h60,000 and the first unit will he roost handsome In the Math and that • extension of mains through new Perri- George Vi'a•hington Hotel, Washing- . tory. r••• •torle• in height. to cont•th 60 the dining room is by far the Isar ettt. •_,.•,, Twn lore.e hotels have been corn- ton •ventie, north of Fifth stre•t; I.• nor,. room.. and richest in orn•tnent•tion sod • 4:-Onted, the foundatIon• of another Corona apartments, Collin.. avenue at lama Poach has not proven .5 decoration In Florida. lie also call'I iPlaher,hoter laid,an •mu•entent con- Twenty-ninth streel;• the Itiver• mushroom development. loo lt• be- attention to the beLutiful roof gat: '•' tore ha. bean created and work has APartmente, Sheridan avenue .00 (10111111r. nothing was Intensified In Ion. on the eighth t oor an arrenge1 ., rummenced on a beach hosplt•I on Twentieth et re..t and the hotel sddl- the raining of v•lues, the erection of that da ming may be carried on from • I.. . Allison Island. . . t lion to the Helene Apartmenta. buildIng• and the d•v•lopmanit of It• one rod 10 the other. a diat•ned of ,- Act•ordiag to only rerfords,3, hotels One hiondred and fifty-foto real- recreational features. On the con- 120 feet. A wonderful view of Mission and 22 ipartmente are now ...translate Once, were completed during the ton'''. It has been a eleadily uphill and the bay Is to be hell from1117 "• t• the touting,publin and hundred. year at a coat of over two and a half climbmit with a •teidy ineress• In re obs• tivn roof above the (Mein!1 i , ;... of new home• are being opened this million dollar.. Thirty-four 'pail- cr•ational pi...must. and the cot, floor. • Winter for th• flroot tirn• byllperma• mont hou•es colt a million and a •tructIone of home.. apartment, sand Mr. Fluky rthaist•cl materially In the 41; flint,winter residents. • half. 1101..a. The grow th ha. been n•tor•I building of the Dallas Perk rotor.- 'I - . •The cnr4merclal development of the and •ubstantlal and the re•taltx have talents In the capacity of strucloral . " A 243CW golf coutee I. under.can. ..if , structIon and th• three Complet- ,1?:,,a;11 N. jel....f.aphaladnnd.It:ritvd.eteoloor;dfulbcruelinvguirligdboo.. Bostlfied the flith of the founders of engineer. Her• again In all entirely Miami Beach, different type of building the abIlltv P•rolcular ett•nnoli has bean paid and vereatIlity of Mr. Fleke I. well . .• se',"•eq link• have been placed to condi- log. nere wooer .d •completed to accommodate to tb• •ports program for the ••••••••• Illustrated. Tn. Oelta• Park is an . . Won for the fraviaminn of the golfing the buelnee. men of the beach. of 1926 and-polo I. expected to enjoy apartment honest of 11 etorie• Imill fraternity. Th••Miami Beach Bay The development along Lincoln its moat euccesstin year. An excel- along the moat modern lines ilit Is of '• Shore course opened in November; road, th•commercial election of north Tent adv•ntago; w•• gained In this reinforced concret• con. ructt ov , "7.'th• IDIOM B••Ch Clnif Ditort,was ready >mann Beech, centered about the new field w hen the 11. H.Army polo team_ throughout the fooling,on *Olid rock ' it f.! pia, on.Chri•tmas Xv• and the Fisher office building, a eeven-etory training for International matches, and (ha ba•rment bring cut In the ,ssv kl•mingo tour.., opened to the put, structnre which now houses all1the next spring, was indoced to coma to solid rock. . II. throughout It,. •urnmer, will re- departments of the Carl O. 1-1.her Miami lie•ch( They will play A. In the vitae of lit. construellon ' .k., open on January 1. ' . int•resta and other development, throughout the winter with,crack of the Fleetwood, Orttrge r.'hang 1, •Prob•hly the largest undektaking engineering,•nd• construction corn- team. which Include th•,best ploover• ford woe the ...neon' con r•otot In and the moat Important at thb beach 'panic.. In the country and will meet the Cu- Me building. Of the Dallith Park, 7 becaus• of the entertalton•nt (actin- The building vow ennsiruct•01 for tt•n team on the Nautilue field later •parton•nt.. I 1 • s,the•construBlIon of the Alton Beach,R•elty Company at In the season.. ttlfioNfilitritorisit:h"-Olirden bet tie,Carl a enet ne.approxImit•ly 3126,00. and The (hoots golf cOurseto....Ill. 90-YEAR-OLD KANSAS H. Fither ntereat. On Alton road, was occupied in Augu•t. , their u•ual crowds and •pecial tenni. , t•l'faCing the Nautilug Hotel.and 111.1 August Helier, architect, romplel• events will he featured on the-act- 20.gtotith oft tbettevin tflooldc...,...6,7. • . ed a store building on .Lincoln road• oral vourtai Boxing la the,hewi •aludl• Vel. OMAN SURVIVFD BY 84 \-. .. ....Thi. istrUcture has a se•ting Capac• at a cost of 170.000 and in now or- torium will star filch head there.as .1.• Iof 4.000 Persons and will feature copied by a number of mart •hopc Tommy (11bbone, "Young" Striltilni< WICHITA. Kan.,' Dee. Ii-Mother -: l' • 1- I hIgh•elass atnue•mente, ranging from The Matson Begot% Arte will hrou.• and perhaps Ilene Toinne3, and Olym- f ,-1'•'booing exhibition. in-grand opers. repreaentatIves of corn, of the na- plc Clara are expected to p•rtlelpsate 0_t;th.lheen. grandmother nf thirty-nine .;'''.... great-grandmother of thirty- ' 1 t, . The auditorluon will be 203 feel non', I•rge•t commercial bons... In swimmir)er meets at the Miaow' :Wm' Mr.. .. Knopthe h Dailey, 110,,plo- t • .,"4 • long and 116 feet( wide and I. con. The Miami Reach Cacetrtmtion Beach Casino. • . s j structed •of reinforced concrete Company completed a fitt founding near Kena•s stoma who died at.the . ,.. throughout. The building coat wan near Alton road on T•incoth road and. ..„.......et. .•••••••••••••,...-t. I-...• ' . home,of a dough P In Ponca. Oily, .' /.;).approximately • quarter of a million *truLt, r,L,E•nio,i,.„,ux„i•••,: Okla. left one of the largest families It le now occupied by a 1(40C•Ty.COrn- '•qt,...•dollar.. Th• Interior is ayranged In pony. The atolctura was'built tth •ver 'known in ihe •outh••••t. ! s' ,1., •amphltheiter style and the main floor the ocean Be•ch Com•tructIon•Com' HORRORS IN NEV YORK mro. 1),o1,,,y h•d been • Kean is Ill feet long and 60 feet wide, y• a coat of 314.600. ------e-----. • nines 1129. The 10151 number of deerthdointa • ''' Roller polo and ire,abating will be Pallittem 33tobridge started Oa con- s'' ' fltht•introduCed to Florida 11,ero dud- 'truest., of a .tore building on Lin. NCB' YORK,Dec. 31.--Nhedle trade aurviving her Is eighty.four. Thirty- .,., eight of the thirty-nin• grotinfo•hil• ' Rog the winter. coin road In April at a coot of 113.000 union, representing 160,000 workers s', • Jos firn•liwond, prom1nCv New and the dern•nd for spode woo •uch and two labor hanks have.combined I(Deli and.thirty•thr•• of the thirty- York no-mincer. heal been arias •1 to ' Manage th• Oarden and he w an- ti that In June Mr. ridge laid the in a project do •Iimin•te-slum erns foundation for a •Intilar building a and high rents In New York city eight•-great-grrandchlidr•n 111e' in Kanwast and Oklahoma. The remain- der ars In low•, Fourteen serend• I •• • nounC• a Prograrn whiCh I add phort distance from hi. (Iron •truc- through the- ronstittetton .01 motiel rbiJolreff-and elk gre•t-grantichlidren ii: ' I crthtly to th• night life of t e mach. jure. tenements for,workers.It Wah learned. 11•6 In Wichita. . • .• • wr.Smallwood wa• m•nage .0 leg- b . • today. . 1 ' .,4 Ii Ida New Amsterdam Ball r a ORIN() the erring' and summer Capital of hi,ose.500'kb bean de• • . rifled upon for the Initial operation in • .period of five years. , PliR•ALIWOnlY.. the undertakipg,,whIch 'let acrIbed • '1TherritIng furrintor• .you hey• . -:- • . , . , •The Fleetwood Hot•I,"6riotfe-urt led the final basic work;la.cobmtnteht .- 1,7 'wt.of .111t•n rOltd,•Ithd(near.,tha •a, north of Surprise k‘... y • a• tht. first.atictensiv• housroing ORIA• here•-•r--.wh•t.period is II" . 1 21. Miami Beach:viva* ' CA-T*41,ot b'Isher•Intsortats. Da floral', and AIII- Won erre projected In tble cOuntry. "My,fIrat marriage.'-I.Ife. ". •-' - .47-7---- ______._,----.--__. --.4-..,_______.=_____ . _.• r• - - 4.0-*il:=*•=44,--1 .i ,--.--..cff,.. = '--. . • ,. .11 ' .f....)' i,t.:..::';..•• '! 4. . ..•• .•• . • ; • . I. r . .• . ._... • ,1 a 1 :t ' . , . . • 4 • • , .. • , **•••,f• • •I .• • ' ' • , . • ".:•"' ..' . , /• . .. .1.1:•"0, ;.0 ,. J.tit!. 1 i • A.'• • r ' -E. •,..,.6 f 1 7,..- - , •: ,-.A,4 i •••. ••. .1, . .. i- , . ill i- • rl.a'y ,.,o.•..,F.. 1.,• , 1 1:i' • .1t i' .I r,,It.4 st • . ' 1: 1.• • , • • . . . l• . • • • , , t , • ,. l' '• ' . . . • . ':( . • 7c, ,*+,;. .• . i . • , _ Ii , •• • • . . . . •..;•,,°i'i , . . , . .: . '...'., ,. . • • . • . .!•. . . . , •, : ..•,!,,,,!‘g.4._)...,;.,, ' •.'....., ' . • ....' ...., :. .•...,1.,•...:.., • . 3 I si..li:o ii • ': '..1411r ' .'• .''...":' • ' ' • i ''1A'''i:-'..*‘"I'' t1:. •.• . I' 'TO ALL THE HOTELS, . .:•-.- .7) A . ' - , , •• • ' '1 4/:1 •. •' •1 ' I -. ',T . • • • i, .. BUSINESS.. FL lit,•••,,... .!; .• . • . . . • 'Y • . . • tffIV. ..; . ':1 ' '':' ' . • . '. . ,' . '.'"1*....-1.; • . ::. 1 .' . . i.''. '•' • ,1 : . 'f. • . . .. -, / • ‘,, : ri .. :Jett J ..NO , . ,,:.. ...., ..._,... ... •• , . W, OPENING • ,14 , • .,.. ...,. 4., .. '-114111P ---.`11 %) : • • t. , . , • • . , t t .', • i . . • . i ' • ' . ' .. • •I'• '.,i. . k, • • . - . .. • • •,,, 44 •. Tt. IINE .),,,F•af:ci • . t$ . .. :i. ,.•tt- , . • II ' .., • W'' E EXTEND OUR 1113 ...4 'f s • , ' ,. •, • ., ' AND HES --WISHI . " _ , • , • . • . • , . , . To . ., , , CO THE co G NEI - •-• . 1 , !Out r•Electric Curlers. -,',e.., .t.. ..•;:•• .. . . • . ....,',,,:•-vi';'; :t Ix \-I•t_t • • • 1 .,.. ,...• ( .• ,. . . . . ..i, '1 :\• ./,, ,v, A AO ' 'd ' f ' lij riart y ao Iha y ,..or se.. ' . •, .. .• . • ,• . • .. .. •.... •„,, .......;.:4/ ... .c . . „ , . : .• ,•• ,."• .. ... ..._.... ... A M MA 4