1675-15 Brown's Hotel I j� + + • }.. - t a,tlic xt r , FLORIDA 'S MOST IMPORTANT NEWSPAPER TELEPHONE false MIAMI, FLORIDA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1927. MIAMII iRS SHOOT TO KILL, -------- IDGE IS ORDER GIVEN FLoOD citEsi _ ., ;hilt Inn- New York Polio. To Fight Com- . mo.• ing of Chicago Gangsters, TO THE PF President sALE8 IN wEE NEW YORK, May 7. 4R—Po11ce of- ADVANCES ON Since e rte have ficial, said todsy they. had ■ueceeded to our wetthe .• ■udd•n In oonnoeting the men whit kidnaped light of wind .tion, ac- Abraham aasarlin and James IL Tay- leers. harbors of s, (or oa April I3, last, with • Chloago NEW ORLEANS ave D••a gang respoaalDle for ,even recent and toilsome • a chief $685,'125 killings in that city. Taylor and When sor psalm for eoharifn were released yesterday after 1lifts the but e having been held prlson•ru for a week +-- we know to •:,acted to In Brooklyn while their captors j� D Coolida• Business Property Ia Pur- sought unsuoceasfully to obtain Rushing Nater Reaches Paths, we re inference chased For 75 000 ,amounts decreasing from .1400,000 to The grim • chased i� 1 ;20.000 for their ransom., '. High Levels On�{;;Stretch that the toil Ian. ithin the Cash Yesterday, Police Commissioner Warren said North of Git�, I placeable.his men would be given orders to almost life iU president "shoot on sight to kill" In the war on -HOTEL TRANSFERRED he outlaws. He made this comment t �t We awe tbinter- regarding reports that the Cblcago L VEES ARF HOLDING I �1orrda,will be gang had transferred .its headquar- trent sac- — as we may, - • tars to New York because of the Cbl- them. The Anson.the„rine Miami Beach Building I8 gage Dd11c. menthemi..fener'. ord.rt to Governor Inspects 80-Mile ae,athat v policemen to ■beet to.kill. Th• lead- tative, Ln Valued At $55,00M0. ere of the gang are said to be two "Front” Along River. Inadequate a lir- brothers, who are Philadelphia gang- ollolag of • __._____ homage Eur _ _ r�tp ��t� ��t stern dened with . sa . pry 1 R DE8 ARE r' .aid e nLv Charles relay a,• 1l[, who was ar- TO drT TT T Z+ M n/�t 1 yrT� sacred by te is "prob- +++4-[rL re/ted TLursday attar Jack TDomp- Y /J t 11JJJLa i 1111V1Jr,f 1 tad under - son of Chicago was killed and David - -- Can Florio s assured Berman, captured in a fight with a among UR w fair •end Numerous Residences Also detective, were held without bail Water Rising In St. Jo- It 1s their t, RepuD- today for a hearing May 16 on charges e foreign Change Hands. of kidnaping ScharlIn April 2$. Po- , seph and Tallulah. will keep it. ed in a lice said Taylor had made out checks • for 112,000 to Krsem•r and that these The total value of reported real • checks were found In Thompson's ISM TN[ AIISdIATII final •.• attack estate deals closed in Miami during clothing. NEW ORLEANS. Le, May 7. - n policy. -.et- Driven •riotiously before the flood the last week was raised to 11{tb,12� _ (� i'�(� 1E yesterday when the business property LAN CCTD U? I crest, the waters of the Mississippi 3 -i8'000 at the northeast corner of B. W. had reached new high levels tonight CI IJ Eighth street and Eleventh avenue UUNA!J9SUN � ryr over • long stretch north of New Or- Fj sold for $7{,000, all cash N MIIUER leans from Donaldsonville to Angola. IIN ig1J( -1The lot100by 1111 feet, 1s improed IIllllllllll Record stages •!so were recorded at• all) with • 'tap-,tory slot• and .part_ j]j. j mi \TI i 11 fI places along the old river which emp- TaskofFeeding . mez[t building, end was sold by the11TM■1 At`llrJrliY{lllry1 A hull IJI'[{Lf',Lties Into the Missiulppi, north or Waters Surroun Miami Tropical Realty Company to Baton Rouge, and which is receiving • --� --- gees Are Quarte a Iralson of Chicago. The first • flood waters from the Red. Ouachita, 11 Pro- floor contains ,eves store rooms Death Penalty Mandatory i Tensas and Black rivers as well as tSY Tat Atb tta. fronting on Eighth street The prop- I from the Great Crevasse and Back- MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Under Yprdict Found sufferers, receiving a !r. arty now shows an annual income of ;wester like spreading in Northeastern Cross In the seven sty 11_,00e • oon After Hours iLouisiana the disastrous West, The deal'win handled by lN. 8 In announcing this situation on the undatlons, numbered Liechkoff, attorney: OIreit- ( with the Luui•Lna yuapla building. -• j two rivers, the weather bureau reit-! ,.1 One of the Important deals closed fYg111IgnAi $UVJC[.] I crated 1st warning that every pre- Complete ATLANTA,'(ia, May 7,—Jack Lines f With new evarua -Dr. 10i- during the weep was the sale of the caution should be taken to guard ward in the face 0. a L Who tonight was found guilty of the•mer-, Brown Hotel. III Ocean drive,-Miami I against the stages above New Orleans along several river• 1 yref•Red dor of Bert Donaldson, i noted deter I Louisiana, the list of Beanh, by B. J. Auhry, broker, lel l with the approacn of tb• crest, which Uwe, by a jury after about eight hours t now Is south of Vicksburg, •z •'ted to reach 255& >s.vy, 1{- 14, E, !leeood avenue, to T. 11-•Dun- • , g. aparo=I_ D lras••fl$ •combs of Detroit sand Coral Gi• • deliberation. Tb• death penalty wee 1'mately beg way between Hemphls' week-end closes. 9 ah •. ltaltk of The' hotel, a two-stare recd adid.,:Tb. trial,r*plst• vitt sea New Orissa oluded more than 1s0,. (!<iitle bol .are refugee' in the ng "id_ tug, has 2{ ;nest rooms, and is one sensations and situations, had contin- • -After 411• laspeetfon of the levee' of the landmarks of Miami Beach. It ued all this week. To many the ver-' shag the present greatest danger camps, four sew can. tco•ed lapoint—the.3e-mule frogt os the Old ,added since the last the will. was tai ed at about 1111{,01'. dist ecus sltrgt'r,, tgnlghL sued. The res wind J1ae11d1!r Important transaction was '. elver and 1h•-)Ia»Y Des'Gilkes to A to the flood end other Bert DeLs►3t1Ke •whls called �9f�JllJg �?1• yth-Governor S pMn declared p uesta to the Hate int the Ara apartmeIIts el Ile �'! unite. -at tell N. W. Third et, a to ore* to a twat et the O{brgian Ter-j aka Baton Rouge that Iii his opinion•Domes, upper floosie ;pion to and places where t•' a month Wittman Cor for ;10/,//0; *b. wee, one of the most fashfenable of,these embankments Were strong Part Hotel sold during the 'Week to Atlanta hostelrlei, on the night of enough to hold the anticipated high- Meanwhile until the oat. of the Meanwhile the ea. .d books Boatel McOwne for $176,010. July It, last. with the informat/on•est flood stage and thus ear• !South that a criminal desired to confide his i Central Leu1 ans. for typhoid fever lfatnerons reatdenees were sold at tn►ched 119,000 to little "Wiese ranging from H,;00 to I)i6,10e. secrets. Next moralelg the body of Major W. H. Holcombe, chief army per. Much unimproved Donaldson was found dead In the •n ineer for the Tourth District. who for smallpox totally, taotber'y p Droptsrty" also g the smallpox vaccin„ chd hands ral of 'the mom. glace that time nearly a dose* is traveling down the river with Sec- �em not hanged andseverohind the typhoid was (Andre, translations involved trades of Miami arrests have been made and some of rotary Hoover and ale party, stated but 111 was said the: when he property for property in other sec- them are still held. at Hatches. that the west bank de- of serum were Lein, .otlse in tion• of the state end in other states. The verdict tonight was read to a i tenses on the lower Mississippi which The activity of the week was not courtroom crowed almost to suffoca- are places as fast as the his aa- let to beat Incretiad bgr•dena avallaDl•. th•r was limited to any section, transactions tion by those who had remained In-l from the flood were being well main- s been reported from the •ritir• std• since the Jury retired•early this tam ed. H• added that the east bank The task of feed. • to KvLouisianians wait s wool! treater Miami area. afternoon. i defenses were not so eatLfactery at waters completely sr. d• by the -�" The verdict found Lanes guilty of!some places, but officials of the TtIMAT I TIT lar i11 TIAT% murder In the first degree and the I ridge on which bet •