1675-3 Wofford " `. O • lVuL W 4 olly Lcllle VV(1,111$ pciipie .• Ject to withholding tax. Their Job isi to•audit the larger, 'unable'to get to the offices dui.. p of re rna The other.-.a • the' low-paid- individual and all corporate, .-ing the week Ion income'tax )ren 104., by. workers who jumps frdm Job to estate and partnership•returt}s.' .problems.. • ,� , �� ' t IA'''. ' L title...,- 71 ItrZ,A' If. i !... .Au ''e's Yf�. • . t•Status To s. • . , •. . -- Hotel Cas 6 • , , sir.a ....» /`l ,. 34k xx�,..r��,,eeti Pisano,Reported n• 1 Ht.. . .`' ; V,,, ; .,a Protecting Loan• 7 •! : F ' d t:' a 1, " 1". I'r' . .zt' *I• ., ''r.r ? By BT�PHEN THUMB LL +, 9'E'� •• ,.�,5' „4$36,•;„,• : p' . . Ha►atd Staff Wrli•r , t' r . 'ter• T . s ,°,` • "Little Augle” Pisano asn't Yc v 4- _ around in person, but his name • came 'in for lots of att niton ' • Wednesday when the ngled 1 affairs of the Wofford, ,hotel went into another 'legal i ning before Master in Chancery John • C. Gramling. , rious streaitis of'trt i fie, The signals,•indicated by circle, are a new post- The canceled checks 11, 'tizable %unted numbers and sums-which Little ' Augie" had signed on the hotel —Herald Stan Photo account under his legal nethe of Anthony Carfare — samples of ;• a. Watch Amber Lights! which• had been reprodUcled-in ' 66 t`, The Herald last Sunday4—became , I ' part of a g • -growing mountain'of • I T . !Motorists. Are Warned evidence in the case. ' ' TO REVIEW DOCUMENT'S • • -• •• Gramling indicated that a couple 11011. On Five-Point Traffic vi weeks will be required fot a re- and view of the many documen.a•and • exhibits before he can make his ng'8ters - recommendation on the plea of I By LUTHER VOLTZ Mrs. Olive Wofford that the hotel. Mlani.i . - Herald Staff Writer lease be canceled.- Y I Motorists were cautioned Wednesday not to.attempt X. Through the law firm o Bell Art and istes "run" amber lights on the new'traffic signals at "Five Points.', &Bell, she charges that th per. he Amen ata Werica f The advice,came from Traffic sons' to whom she gave that Planning $u ervlsor Walter A. lease, Neal Lang and Thomas legates to an • P Cassura, were onl "fronts" for on In New Fake Tern �.te` :cottechalk as controls,at the a amblin ell '.busy intersection went into t g , g clique.1 actually - to*over the place. •" I i' first full day of operation. •a sidelight Eradi The junction of Coral Way, publication in The Herald,of the L,In which gators S:W. Third ave.,and S. W::;12th preview of the uncovered lldk be. ere, grand .,y' .,.: ,; •eye,,forming the five points,has tween the hotel and a name long 'a'.jnrladie. • ' . had a high accident rate. ' ' familiar on northern police blot. VAt Sre l• Dupe` lie' Gottschalk said the timing o fere was .questioned sharply by ' ay Barnett,' I the new signals is set up to Jack Kehoe, attorney representing • sofas oyer. Reported. operations of pseudo allow about two and a halt Cassara. 1 termite• eradicators .wh6' vanish 'seconds for traffic to clear th QUESTIONS MOTIVFS al,;, rational quicker.'than the bugs they are intersection,before mdt • .. ' 1;6011, Iheid paid to-exterminate, th are under in- start from another direc If they published this fel- po and grand veatlgatlon,by the.State,Board of luteal reasons, there will-be repe - Healtnn,'W. B. Gresham,jr., inspec- "This amber Period is' ctl cuSsjons," Kehoe said at they open- tor;to1� Building Inspector W.••H- for traffic to clear," G hal Ing of the hearing..."If the pub- . , , last week Peace Wednesday. said. I, lashed them purely to infor the a Bar'ett.. "It will help a lot avoidl public, we hgve no quarre with sting at.1the Greahem, here.from Jackson- Ing confusion if motorists 'will that. , ,ed,..oat lthe villa, 'said all authorized eater. pay'. attention to the caution "If they published them to influ- wbkh .one' minatora•must register before light. If•they are approachinig ence this court, we know t at el- ' edea the, obtaining permits to take such 'on it green light and the amber fort will fail." I ' Ind"'',\ ; contracts. flashes on, they should stop and (The Herald published Photo- ' I • ' ' .He gave Peace a copy of a new not try to beat the-•red light. stats of the Checks because they Jerry Hirsch, -°tate law which Is similar to the "The same thin a «'ere considered newsworthy). 4-A'g•faetion Miami cozrol ordinance. g applies to rr to pollee he motorists stopped on. a ',red Attorney R K. Bell said 1t had been He said that complaints of ter- light. Thef, can. avoid the' was even "news" to Mrs, WO. . •s in,the.last mite.eradicators who` take their chance of an accident if they ford when the Cartname money and .leave swarms of ter• will avoid starting on the bobbed up on the checks. ' mites •,still working, have ,come amber. Waiting for the green She knew, he said,that hat the. ext mostly from 'points ,north of light will glue everyone,.a the Pen altal. ease,": bllatnl. This city has had a control chance to get through." sons who leased her hotel.war- not' running it. ' But she 'didn't' ordinance for several years follow- • Gottschalk explained that the know that "Littl?Augie" hg any ,Ing a.wave of complaints, Peace phases of the lights Jared th b :VA had a sadhave been part of the deal until ban a rec 'th• new •state law o set up according . to traffic ords were ordered produced after ✓A and '� id. not , . 'ub. opera- counts at the intersection. The the lease-breaking suit was f ed. sed'by two cora must register their names and green light spacing is longest on •' ' formulae with the state.board .of Corsi Way which handles the ECPLAINS PREABNCE 1. In the M ami • health before filing with the city most cars.. The "go" signalday given,-over said, was, building division, he said. • - shines for 19 seconds In h t� nun over engr 1y to ^r any and analysis o arc .- ----- ---- . •.e•••• I .•....a •.,. .,, ,-11,,,,e, urCauee tasty - Jerry.Hirsch, state jawvwhich is similar to.the "The same thin n r 1 were considered newsworthy) 4-A's faction Miami control ordinance. g t P ire to f to polices he motorists stopped on a '.red Attorney ft. IC. Bell said it had been He said that complaints of ter- light. They can avoid the was even "news" to Mrs. j%%of. • " s In the last mite eradicators who' take their chance of an accident if they ford when the Carfano risme'•• money and leave swarms of ter. will avoid starting on the bobbed up on the checks. ' mites still wqrking, have come amber. Waiting for the green She knew, he said, that the pen hat ihr• ext mostly from points north of light will give everyone a sons who pital ea e," chance to get through." leased her hotel were ' Miami. This city has hada control not• running. it. ' But she didn't • • ordinance for several years follow- • Gottschalk explained that the know that "Llttle`Augie" had any g wave of complaints, Peace phases of the lights have hes pact of the deal until ban era :aced th t a4sIng a . ] aid: VA had not set up • according . to trafff orris were.ordered produced After 'A and ' oh- -- . Under the new state law opera- counts at the intersection. Th the lease-breaking suit was f ed. sed by two tors must register their names and green light spacing is longest o formulas with the state board of Coral Way which handles the EXPLAINS PRF,SENCi • n the M ami health before filing with the city most cars. The "go" sl day given, e said, was building division, he said: shines for l9 seconds In eact1 thenreview and analysiser tiof rely to _ rand lar eny cycle. Y pre 're prase ted y I vious testimony In the case, Kehoe . Canals Firm Asks Motorists on S. W. Third ave focused attention on the defense ed the plc D have a green light for 17 second* explanation of "Little Augle's" re said, 'was Ferry Parley Rld.• out pf each minute, and this* presence. 11e read 'portions of WA in Chi. on S. W.•121h ave. can move fof Cassara's testimony taken In Lor 12 seconds. The amber shines Angeles, where 'he has trans • A. 'D. H. Fossey, president'of ;fir four seconds het•.veen each ferred his activities. reed of be. the Atlantic and Gulf Canals Asso- change. if he's the elation, Inc., wired Key West city In these portions, Cassara said lo, I don't cornnussioners Wednesday to ask he had gotten himself into finale, r," HowArd them if his firm could attend a Rock Pit Fire cial difficulties and had bor. i rbat storm, planned conference with Miami • rowed heavily from Jimmy • city officials.to discuss financing On Private Land Kelly' New York night club • • Med'as tern- of the proposed Key West-Havana owner and father•in•law of "Lit. tie Angie." He said that Carfano it the flee- ferry. Fosse former Miami mayor, Responsibility fur a trash fire 1n was In the hotel merely to'pro. is chairman y a rock pit near N. W. Fourth' t. tett that Interest. n's defense, said his firm is anxibecause see the and 30th ave.. was denied Wedne . cancer as a ferry. service begun he hopes it will stimulate.boat traf• clay by city.officials. Bell read other portions of the Chicago tic through the Inland Waterwa Public Servlt•e Director R. A. same transcript to show. where south of Miami.the 1 V.'Warns said he and City Ma • Cassara "couldn't recall" j how• bets pr4ent Atlantic and Gulf has been try ager R. G. Danner have receiv d much he had borrowed, or, how • il presejtted In to et con cess to a ro date several complaints-from residents much had been paid hack.' Bell the 9•A's g g g Pp P in the arca of the Pit• also kept $1,830,000 to deepen the waterwa ', p bringing attention.back • the petition Fosse id said. y "The pit is privately owned a d to the fact that the onetime head. idian which has not been used as a dumps g ache of New Yot'k and 'Brooklyn Shelvey as ground by the city," Williams sal . policemen drew $30,000 from the wound up Smoke.Fills Club "Fire equipment has been sent ou , hotel account in one period of ' In MorningBlaze hut it is unlikely that the fireme little over a month. j • ren Dancer can do any good. The fi;e probably , An early morning fire filled the will just have to burn out." MRS. {{'Ol•'FORD ATTENDS'! Clover club, 118 Biscayne blvd., ' Mrs. Wofford attended the hear. ' Ilion, what with smoke, but caused damage of 'e? When only a few hundred dollars. • Attorney Posts Bon(I Ing hut was not called upon for ' n t a t 1 v e Firemen had to rip out paneling W.'F. Reinhardt, Miami alto further testimony. Bell read'pot• tions of her previous testimony as Ind threat- of a kitchen wall to get at the ney, appointed receiver for Olni to the "characters" who started r does the blaze which was behind the coffee sled's, restaurant, Miami Beach, infesting the hotelsome time after urn. Smoke ejectors were used to posted $500 bond in Circuit court the lease wathe d.s remove the clouds of smoke. Wednesday. got to de- Lang, + now manager f the go to the RoneyPlaza, has signeda dia. • ' Rosenthal Listed As Suicide. claimr in the case. In it he • says he signed the lease "only n gonna get nye ate, Will Send n as an accommodation," that he ;alvan. Friends II ill Send Ashes never. managed Phe place, and ales, to; be or the one. that he never drew.money from the place except for the repay. lorida were •: Fast and merit of an original ,$2,500 In. Of were: . . To' Germany • vestment. • Cascara, in his Los Angeles. Mir of Wednesday prepared to carry Out the last wishes recorded statement, also admitted of Fred H: Wellman, 65-year-old mural painter, by sending his that he was 'receiving nothing from the hotel. tined ashes to'his native Eurtenburg, Germany. r 1 Wellman was•found Wednes• ® ' QUOTES LEASE PROVISO I '►. J. Edwin day,morning hanged from a belt been' dead at,least six hours, • tied to the railing of a stairway R. %V. Howden of the sheriff's liehoe contends tlhat eve If • insurance many:of the statements of th o •e available of the outside lobby of Royal homicide bureau, said. f b lr theater, 310 S. E. First st. Ills• position are true, Mrs. Woffprd's !day at the death was listed as.a suicide. Wellman came to this suit was legally "premature.'t He ,mmerce of- try and was natural' in arguc8 that she'failed to live up 1 Arcade to His friends, Mr."-and Mrs. Chicago in 1925. He c to to a provision of the lease Which - ut the new Carl Stump,.829 N. E. 79th at., Mlianil In 1929, and al ugh gave the lease holders a 2p-day Responsibil- said Wellman had.tried to take an artist, he had work as a ; period in which to correct Omit.! his life before, and on those pastry cook to erten a living. I tions of which she might come ')n, general occasions had requested ere. plain. ' . - i ter, said Ithe oration and the 'shipment•of His last work of art was a • e J. O. IREhis ashes to Germany. mural done in a church at Fore Ile also argued that she for` from Talla• • Pierce. 'felted. her right, to break the His body was found by Miss .His body was released to lease through' her acceptance of , 'd to an at- Noama•Raskin, 1023 S. W. 23rd Gautier Funeral home where a rent payment and a guarantee )hila owners ter., employe of the theater, services will he held 4 p. m. deposit after she had threatened :ice, when she !vent to work. He had Thursday. the Suit. 7 . I. • 0 • v Vi .a»t• ,t';- c• • :-yfI,Jd.,,i." "? - ff ""f'•- CR u" 'P '-,yr-`ems ,w