1614-19 Various Miami Beach • yyyr r 'y ` ' r, pit'''' t. r .,<, . ,s.,\o,,t...�'• ....,..T11'1,tri,t1.i - . , ''{ ^.•a' -. .�. , �it .�. •• • J yk,•.•V • r .. , . . M•' tesll$ei-c . ics,'Lccordin¢.'to- Fdwaid Sim'other likeolfieer,under.pedaltyof - • T'•n?✓• - mends, dlrector•of the 'United the law, and tit swear alta ri .•'....—'• 'e•r •. bta(kln¢rcrowd'esti= there n- ., States plants introduction station ence.loi:ds government, Iedging' •-.„....,..„.„..1-. ed 0'',oi'e2�i2,000 ajoyed the at Mismi.'That this can success- lila loyalty to support the govrn- R cAlls[wAy.,..A��p•.eelearatlo l'Of the Four at Miami fully be done has been proven) ment against• any-and.all foesPERMITf o1 f , V�O ''' uJ^$eaeh''.:The boats were crowded Mr.Sirnmonds several times. Al whether internal or foreign, that ."':'••.:all day�,knildling bver5000people, the present time he is engaged in may attempt to bindcr•or destroy -e ;..,'many:Asfore automobiles, and motor- hug ma over the•new veld- its eohts,property or liberty of THE CITY TO BEAUTIFUL; BEI -1 ;`eydes.;A.i for automobiles,exactly ling mangoes on the•new govern- its people." _ i:7,762 paid toll on the bridge...._,.•.. merit station at Buena Vista. 'To the resident: • -y'.,"":. The casino and the' 'lTnming The Simmonds plan'is to cut the "The United Confederate\'rater y*.': pool yrew tha crowds.'a" "" large limbs of te seedling tree nos iu annualconvention en uun GRANTEDBYWAR DEpp .. Worley and Cnpt. J. F.•JfiuduH about half off nod break them 'mous yule wish to commend and • made patriotic aijdnsses in the over. Tina docs not shock the endorse your conduct in keeping `- •`'? ., morning;,and in the nflernnatn Hue tree as much is cutting them en- our country so fur in honor:.btr 'i' swimming and Jiving,emdgsta tirely off would do. oral new pence. -Ai the some Owe they were held before a Crowd that shoots will spring up from where pledge their cordial support to J lints(the pool three.deep mu all the cut was mode. The healthiest manyy,,�pn at all times, the dignity _ eat Project Cost $7 four sides and crowded the'ver- of these shoots is retained and a and iii-Mor of our government." n `11 andns of the casino. bud of fancy fruit inserted. The Signed by commander, ander, Hundreds enjoyed the surf other shpuls arc broken off. In• Bennett II.1'uaug. ''' bathing which was.excellent, the this way within a short time Mr. -------- I c . ''i ., day being ideal. There were no Simmonds is able•to convert n Papal Fla Will Wave accidents and everything pawl se,Cvlling tree which has little vol• p g ../;:"• off smoothly thanks In,the excel- in.into:.funny Ilndyu or'mood,. '1'h.•white and yellow Papal fling _ Causeway Be Three Miles Long and " r}`' lent management. _ Irec,the hail or either d whirl. is to inset,•fres'III,fir:et thu•,•n 11, I , A number"(former'a ii•l"''s'•)' brings Lig priers on a Nea•Y„tali ocean, according In a rrta•rl of Sufficient Width ldth for Railr( :.) • residents commented on the is, m circulation. \Innsignor ties semblance of Ocean Beach to As• unokcl. calelli, the Papal interiunea, at and Vehicular Traff-i Wry Po=� e ' ' may Aim,le.eun1•Le,•n trine. - '• buildings Is much the some, lash ' ampes o a no ism ferrel In Brussels, where he will -t have lapse casinos pointed white Editor Molrnladis:—Perhaps it be nuncio, desiring to insure his til ' 'and the sea benches resemble each would he interesting 10 y'oll mid safety while ail sea,has chartered From Nilsen! Me l ropulles, June 7..3. t other in ninny particulars. But others Its see a copy of the follow- a steamer,which will be Called the Asbury Park, while it is much ing resolutions passed by the Unit- Nuncios,and will carry the Papal \lajor W. fl. LaDue, of the United Slates win 'largger,.and_older. has.no•spch ed Confederate Veterans at Hie- colors aslhnst,ofaneutralpower• body of water back of it ns the 'Hingham. It.C.May. 'I•hr In ship which flew.the Pa- corps of rr tgineers, today Issued a permit to Plans for the. Bay Biscayne, ,% west wind nl pal colon was the brig Merua luta r,r Fninl for the construction lir a mase- Ifal feet wide Af. sbury Park brings much iiisconl: "'I'u toe I'n•side•nl and('nu•rase iii di l:ta,which lay in the harbor Y There will be u fort at-times; hut the west wind „f the United States: wily a,cess Biscayne boy from Miami to Miami one fur a sire of Civil. \'arcbia, thirty-seven • that reaches Ocean Beach blows "We,the United Confederated miles northwest r•1'Rome, in Sep Beach,according to a telegram to the"Metrup o- II will brave the across several miles of salt Water. \'Arenas in reunion assembled al !ember, 187u, when the Ilnliiul.s lis cert nerd shortly utter noon today. The per- about one n ile •i,.. There are no"land breezes”burr. Birmingham. Ala.. this the hill. (rank Bonie•. The brig ho+vev,•r Miami and,in fact!hide count)', day of\lay,BIM, hrrriy renew• 'mil never gone Dill into Ihr Nled-' oil h::.hero daily expected h>the county COM- on the pcuinsuh. is just beginning to realise•what ;last declare liar unfaltering nllegi- iterl:uc,an flying the Papal.,-ors. Inixsi,MITN,whim have been tatting prnimimtry ship channel Inn, the city beadles are In all the sue- nncr ern Ilin• govrrunteul of bhp !, a ling. When Ihr Miami Lu.in,'ss Ihiiled Sin,ie in this lune of great slops I..w•ards this Lig project for sumo filar. 'the clmnnel min" Nolan-is,: l� The rsrvau•lusl'; base of the can. Hurn steps into Ills ear.ill Ihr rinse iulrrnati„nal diffir.dli,s. w,.In,.k Next In'drrp anter it is btlirvrd that the �'. --of••his day's work,it is only n frit u I arms iCninsI Ihr gov.•rnni''ul - There will be minutes ride l..his„,.,,,id,-rollag". Hol :,s ,...1...w loll to penlrrl ..lir eau..•+toy will mean more L.\linin'Hud Dade of the rnusew•:. The building of the causeway will homes rind firesides. p,preservecounty than any single project undertaken here, is believed, fon do laud! to {a'{tudin'iyt• I leeall land m:dililaiii the principles „f i H 0 M E S T E A D P H A R M A C Y hunt 111,•granting 1 • t Bench by making it more t•asity!st:tes. rigida, and although lir tl':uttin r of the permit will,it is indict- Draw spans are and generally accessible. I(:.pidi:u•hu)unrnl of acnes +vas against JIiIIN Ii.'I'ow's:it hl.u.,clues. paled.be,a signal rnr general rejoicing. While ilia causcw:p t strides liner burn made in building I us, war Inst neither inurn{.r, so far ❑s is km,wn no one openly opposed the troll our port of ''a•• up Ikrnn Ilrnch in the past year. 1 otos manhood nor our patriotism. l)t❑ s prescriptions. ('Inn- PIt,{a,".I runsr+v:q',it is known that several %%f ink celebration was i. One I Today the remnant of the armies 1'.' \\bile tin, Iii,success mint will,without of the Confederate Stales o(; Illcle line of lirx:ill law.- properly owners were not in favor of it, bridge, lint Ili. ' doubt,be repealed nest year un i Anu•rida dors hereby offer its,-if,, Romedies : ld 11•,•<L• npof approval of the war depart- ' an cern lunger sr:dr. ntrnl „n Ihr portant purl of Ids anus,mid its pro{a•rly upon Ihr project will set at rest some un- mart permanent • -- Inharof n r,•uniled r,nu.hv which;yl:q::,nm•..Iv.daks;unl I'oa l`.tr,l.• ••a.uo>.:uunng those who are Most vitallyin. -'e •we love alai.s„•II to serve, I I I' oily is rnustdrr, Seedling Mangoes Ought to p rr ,® n•r,•.u, .1111d drfeml. ‘v,rrronuuriul that' tallith-al permit be Budded y' every made citizen over the age of . OSCAR W. MAYNARD 1 I'Ltn.for the causeway were druvn by'sham bur. Every seedling mango tree of;sislern residing (it lire United »•u's' ui :u ANO uil'rlICIAS Randolph,c•Co.,of Chicago.the engineers who ?. Ib•CL1.•r„I h} f' The county I __ Dade county should be budded;St:tes and its territories be re. arta Ili charge of the Miami harlair'wnrk,and • over into one.1 the fine varieties'3nuircd Io report inane iialrl)• Io• rh.rin„ state nrrt.,,l Bonn! having NM(tet of this delicious fruit..f Ibe Trop-i the probate judge of his cuuuts or'Mi:uui, - - - Florida. the...my kit.n'sinners at their Ills! meeting i'Ig un sibirh In Ian rn11,1.,d Wee&hnrklry, a bent(iron of rn• the bpucl)laud, i gineel,.n.draft sprri(ie:Mons for the project is believed that, ' ;` I and In .ubmil rshui:des of anal. II is brtieve•d ▪• way this strip of Federal r�� ■may■1 y■ O , the r:m.rw:n incl r,.a1 Lelwren $,i I111MM) and ' •* • ea O� iry or I $7.a31.cn. he irhe inr:ni..,f Inquiry , , Railroad Strike ? 1 . ,.. 1 BUILDING OF HANDSOME Faced by demands from the conductors, engineers, firemen and brakemen • that would impose on the country an additional burden in Ir.insportminor costs ill $100,000,000 a year, the railroads propose that this wnge prnliicm he settled by • PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS referencia to an impartial Federal tribunal. • /� 1Vith Ihrse rinpluy'es wllme etlicienl service is ark •ledged,the railroads RAISE ALL VALUES ACRC have no differences that could not be considered fairly and decided justly by such .,,. a public body. _-_ __ BISCAYNE • IZai colds Urge Public Inquiry and Arbitration - - The formal,proposal-of the railroads do-the-eniployes for tlic settlement'of --• i ... • -- the controversy is as follows: In view of the fact that the Causeway .`• "Our centric ce•herr 4un. . u,J ehet we annoy h•,monle.our diaerenre•of opinion and that e•enr“Ily the meucn in con toter.,.moa L.. .al upon nr erne,enJ Jilin ries Tbrolore,tee propose that son, i built,OCEAN BEACH homesites Inc the best prop.'..h nail the pmp.,u„nn of the mita•,•h..b.poa.,l el Ip ony tor the other of me tulle...,m.o,nn•: . 3 I. wel.rJylmy nhuoubn to,heloe..commerce Com,no.hm, the only twit....1 n.h.riw.,r, ere ii. IcfcuI to Miamians today. loo.e I.m,JconsiIn umAniImmure,, torturer o.n.himo..nd In.cower.'•l J . r ) u'in.p •b' preset the ri hn amt tunnies el all the,nun..,.•aen.J••nd to l,lenble..l„ior.'rowan, necnury to meet.he Wrier con at operation u,ea.your preQ oul•u.bunt by the Commbdon no be lune.nJ During the past season lots were sold to a teaa ...bl';e'r,,n the•vnt.he Interstate Commerce Corn . n cannot.(ender rei.ein`law..an In the premie. h” y regnc.eCense..to oh.such action a m.y be nrc...ery to„ehre the commlnien to cen,iJe,and parties who will build handsome homes that w , promptly dope•.01 the question.inrolrn i;or • I.By•ebiu.,ioe in secant"...with.he prori.ione of the ruin.'I...'(The N.wlcnd.Art). to the beauty of this section. • Lea.�,s Refuse Offer and Take Strike Vote OCEAN BEACH has every Modern • Leaders o the train.service brotherhoods,at the joint conference held in Ncw bola few minutes'ride from the heart of Mia. .'; York,lune I.IS, rehrsed the otter of the railroads to submit the issue to arbitration !. —authority revicwv-and-the'-empinyer-are -now-•voring-on the question Whether • home section-'Phe-place where a large per cc authority shall be given these leaders to declare a nation-wide strike. e - ' • The Interstate Commerce Commission is proposed by the railroads as the will eventually reside. , public body to which this issue ought to be referred for these reasons: - ' - of probablyIof this No other holy inn!, 'inch.n Intimater hnow:•d. ploy.••w.ar.•mut lee mime It Ill 1 ve t )light many t' f• of,No eo,eda,.m•h.•',Williai rmw•m.•1. r 1•re,Inrn.,J w.p. - usuueni•n.J m.. _� .. __. , •. .. i