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'6- i• -. -• - - • - ' •-,2,.•'. „ • - .,. . --.1,T• . . • . .s.,.. . .; . „ - . -,• . . . ,..•4 , : y.,, • , ,t7-,.; . . ,-.. , i . . . • 1111111111' MIAMI ,,.. .., . ... . .. . .,..., • , „ . . ..„.., , ,., , • ...A ., . --N 12 PAGES OF COLOR -'- • ::. • • . • .. • . , N .i. Y DECEMBER 29, 1941 15 CENTS YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION $5.5 0 . . • I'REG.U.S.PAT.Off. • -011110 . 111111111W . • • • • • I.:InrOR•lN-CHIEF Henry It.Ln,, I 'PRESIDENT Roy E.Larsen LIFE • . ..ITORIAL DIRECTOR..John Shaw Billings Vol.23,No.26 REG.1.1.11.PAT.oFF, December 29,1947 -���- I'.o, ROAR°OP EDITORS - _ COPYRIGHT NULLA In rEn NATIONOl.COPYRIGHT CONVENTION.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED fl,niel I,onEwell CHAIRMAN Joseph J.Thornlike.Jr. UNDER P*N.AMCR,OAN COPYRIGHT CONVENT/ON. COP VRIGHT uR ST TIME IIs:. • MANs,RNa EmToa II Moon!nth EXY.e ET1YE EDITOR • , Edward K.Thompson .'if ' ASSISTANT MANAOINO EDITOR CONTENTS E • John K.Jessup..............EDITORIALS •. • Charles Tudor ART Dln,tTOI ti THE WEEK'S EVENTS Joseph Mather,Robert Coughlan, . Philip 11.Wootton,Jr.,Oliver Jen«•o, U.S. TROOPS LEAVE ITALY ON ITS OWN 9 ¢S • Sidney L.James,Fillmore Calhoun. EDITORIAL: INFLATION 14 - CAR KILLS HORSE, FLINGS BODY IN BACK SEAT 15 SENIOR WRITERS RUSSIA AND THE WEST CUT GERMANY IN HALF 16 , Noel F.Baooh,Jahn Cl,arnberlain, LILLIE WINTER IS AGAIN ACQUITTED OF POISONING 18 •Charl.e J.V.Murphy,Winthrop Sargeant. "EISENHOWER DINNER" STARTS RUMORS FLYING . 20 �', "MIRACLE PRIEST" ATTRACTS THE SICK TO BRAZILIAN TOWNS. . 23 ASSISTANT EDITORS FAKE OWLS SCARE STARLINGS 48 IIerbert Bream,Gene Cook,Maitland Edey, ARTICLE T . Dennis Flanagan,Ernest Heymann.John I. Jenkinson, Richard W.Johruton. Donald THE SADDEST WAR, by WILLIAM C. BULLITT 61 Jlanshman.Robert Mullen,Tom Prideaux, Lilian ItinrY, Mariano, John PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS Thorne,Margit Varga,A..if.Is.C.Whipple. MlAhll.... 31 PICTURE EXECUTIVES THE THINKERS.. .. .. 63 PHOTOGRAPHS FOR LIFE by ALFRED EISENSTAEDT Allan McNsb, Michael Philljpa, G. W. Churchill.Robert Cirvin.Ray Alaekland, MEDICINE Ache W. Boyle, Dorothy Hoover. O. A. t lraubner,.Alma Eggleton. -ULCER OPERATION 25 PHOTOGRAPHERS ECONOMICS I'omen Conn,Edward Clark,Ralph Crone, PROSPERITY?... 23 I/avid Douai. Duncan, Alfred E,jeen- I;Aalt.Eliot Elisofon.J.It.Eyennan.N.It. THEATER N,roman.Andreas Feininger,Albert Fenn. HASTY PUDDING CENTENNIAL 44 John Ekren. Herbert Geld, Frit! Coro, , Allan Grant. Bernard Roffman, Martial i lobnrR,Yale Joel,Mark Kauffman,Dllli- MOVIES Iri Kernel, Wallace Kirkland. Nina Lam, FOREIGN FILMS.. 60 b'. • Anthony Liuck,Thome.MrAvoy. Ralph - Jlorne. John Phillips. Walter Sandt•ro, SPORTS David Schermer,Frank Schm.ohel,San, • SIIere.George Silk.George Skedding.W. "ANDY THE GREAT" PROVES THAT HE IS 62 Eugene Smith. Peter Staekpole, Charles : • stvinheimer,Hans Wild. OTHER DEPARTMENTS . • REPORTERS LETTERS TO THE EDITORS .. 2 • SPEAKING OF PICTURES: PHOTOGRAPHS SHOW HOW SMART A Earl Brown.Frank Campion,George Ca- DUMB OX CAN GET 4 slants'.Lee F.itington.Gene Former.Roger LIFE GOES TO A PARTY 70 Garrison. John llavcratick. John hay, E'ranrro Levison,Kenneth\Sac Leinh,Bar- Imre O'Connor, Jeanne Perkins, Robert -- Wallace,Bishop White. THE COVER AND ENTIRE CONTENTS OF LIFE ARE FULLY PROTECTED BY COPY- RIGIITS IN THE UNITED STATES AND IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND„MUSTNOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION 0 N p I ■++ •C I T A L RESEARCH STAFF Bernice Shrifto Colter Amo'.TANTS: Jo Sheehan. Joon \Verldin, Vrderio Vondermuhll,Ilelcn Deuell. G O T H A M b ti LIFE'S COVER It cxaR:Hudson Maley.Conntancc tahington-Hnrith,diary Elisabeth Barer, LIFErGOLD STRIPE Gustafson, IFEScover this >b,rg.ret Bassett. Nancy scan, Patricia hark. Matldlde Benoit, Sledge Brown, •` week, is the second member of the Coral Gables BEAUT/F4L STOCKINGS Inca Itaonodono, Robert Campbell. Tom ft''- ..., • Carmichael.tictAyCooper.John Dine,hay �a. L war memorial youth center to appear there,The •n,rr;Dc.Helen Douglas.Hilda Edson.Ger- Of ' - first was Betty Wagner (LIFE,March 17).At IS, voile Epstein,Constance Faulk,Philippa t �II k�erry,'led'lochs.Shirley Ileraig,Marjorie F - Corine is a girl of many ambitions.She has done ernen, Phyllis Lars),Mary Loathernee, •L, some modeling and hopes to do more,wants to be Joon Lewine, Geraldine Lux, Hildeutrd Maynard.Rachel Nachman,Beatrice Perk. 4'V' 4 a singer,Wallis especially to get into the movies. ,•r„l,trpleljne Persona,Joon Paterson,Row- Eventually she hopes to merry a doctor and live in EXCITING BY DAY OR NIGHT mark Redlich,Dorothy Heiberliug, Sinai- Leen Shortell Jaro(uelyu Snm,o Dona solo- yr Colorado or Minnesota so she can ski.Meanwhile • Jean t3ovatkm,Jeans Stahl.Lucille G 0 T H A M GOLD S T R�P E N Y LO N Ion' Corina,who lives in Miami(pp.31-42), Stark,Morton Stone. Rachel Tuckerman, a will get a Elisabetl, Van Dycko, Mode. Wynll, „:„.„,„:„15 1.1 little more public-appearance experience by rid- . David?.ejuin. .- inq on a float in the Orange 1101,1 parade next week. 7r-r PICTURE RESEARCHERS - RI-VT 0 MLA GE* Jane Bartel.,Mary Carr.Margaret Cold- 1l, JY '�' 'h,Natalie hnsek.Roth inter.Slnu,lc :[tiler. IAltlnel Pitt, Helen ltounda. ;lar- The folio,imp list.page by page shows the source from which each picture in this ianue woo gall.• gan•t Sargent,Muriel Trch.y. I.V.here a simgle page is indebted to .• I amerces,Credit is recorde,l picture by picture New and delightful—a ring of derornrire (bp By right,lop to fwtm,n l and line by line(ffrlesrrplmI,.d bydadra)unless otherwise.pecjhed. lace-just below the Cold Stripe! Cotham NEWS SERVICES ! • DOMESTIC: David Million' (Chief).Bolos COVER-RALPH CRANE nom B.S. presents it in"Priv-n-Lace,”a slicer 30 ' 31-RALPH CRANE Iron B.S. wt. mar. sr. BEN Robinson (AMutantl, Dorothy Sterling, 4.5,6-NINA LEEN SCHNALL denier all nylon'stocking...in PRALINE, Jean Snow, Bureau Heads-Washin.tun: 9-JOHN PHILLIPS Robert T.Elson:ChirAgo: Penrose S.ell; 75.36.J7-flALPH CRANE FROM B.S. a flattering dark shade.Buy these stockings ' I.p.Angeles:Jaen®Parton. Conatpondanh 10-J.WALTER GREEN item A.P. 38,39-RALPH CRANE rte„B.S.tzt. O.ET.BEN at your favorite store.If not obtainable,use-Washington: Chalmers Roberts, 1101- 11-MAJORANA MEW.'•CANTACHIAR0.-ONO. y p brook Bradlee�y}'.Rosamond Mon•rer,Milton SCHNALL(2) Coupon below. 1)n,he(nky;(.hieaRo:Hugh Moffett.Cole. SATO COMM"CANTAEHIARD,"SCARPELLI • Phinisy, Irene Saint: Igo Angeles: Jack <NAN".-CANTACHIARO"-JOHN PHILLIPS- • 10.11-RALPH CRANE wow B.S.[s<.tt.Ca.BEN liesrdwood. Roy Cn(t. Alice Crocker, AP. SCHNALL GOTITAM HOSIERY COMPANY,INC Helen ilea Morgan.Claude Boston: ;Atlanta: 12.13-JOHN PHILLIPS 12-RALPH CRANE EWO B.S. 200 JladiRan Avenue,New York 16,N.Y. William S. Howland: lioetnn:Jeff Wylie. 11-,.ROBERT W.KELLEY Richard Wilkes Henryella:Ilollien Sla•Comds15-W.B.SMITH FOE DORMAN-SMITH STUDIOS , 16.17-ROBERT W.KELLEY Gotham II.am irry Cop.nr of Caned.,Limited Dun\lama:tan Antonio: Graham,; 16-N.R.FARBMAN I)en ver: Barron Bmlloar; Detroit: Fred 17-KEYSTONE-mar B, ANTHONY 50DAR0 & 18.49,50-HANK WALKER Dominion Square Building.Montreal (-mllim; fiats Francixro: Frits Goodwin, 6J lemon SR-ALFRED EISENSTAEDT MN PIX Martin O'Neill:Seattle:Sidney Copeland. FRANK STOCKMAN IN-HANK WALKER-BI.HANK WALKER 60-LUX•PAO FILMS-FOTO FILM POLSKI.TORO fORBGNI Manfred Gottfried Cl'( ul of Cor• 19-HANK WALKER FILM CO. GOV..II,nIE.v C ..NY,Inc.-nevi.LI229 la.pundenle). E:lennur Welch. SeniorCor• 20-JIM BE RRY MAN Is THE WASHINGTON EVE. 61-SIRITZKY•INTERNATIONAL PICTURES INC.- 200 RAnnOR AVENUENEW TORE 16,N.Y. eleondents-Chariest Christian \['erten• NING STAR.DEC.I2,1917 RAJKAMAL STUDIOS.G.R.ALDO rot DISCINA I wrndd like to buy the stockings illustrated"On lakes. ((Europe'. John Osborne (British 23-KURT PAUL KLAG SBRU NN • INTERNATIONAL FILMS I,JI:I, Robert Sherrie'(Pacific).Burma.- 62-GEORGE SKADDING A Pedestal."Please rend me,thro:lgh a local London: Patrick O'Shiel. Monks Owen; 25-ERIC SCHAALnom one pair Gotham Gold Stripe'•FrivO • Paris: Elmer Lower. Jlathilde CAmarlio. 26,27-ERIC SCHAAL wt. r.I.C.GEARING sr AN. 63-Lr.GEORGE SKADDING-nr.GJON MILT Lace" in 30 denilonRALINE, Style 1e Bernard Frjsell; Berlin:John Scott, M ill THONY 500000 61,6S-MICHEL SUET denier nylon Y Lang.Percy :Vienna:Robert LOW:(t66-W,W, 4301,at 81.65 a pair.Sty size i[ I enclose RomeEmmet HoHughes; Moscow: John 28,29-Catirt ET CHARLES E MARTIN-u.tae Cheek or Money Order (Don's M siker:Cairo:Donald Burke;New Delhi: ROMAN VISHNIAC 67--A'P' send stamps.)Robert Neville,:tng8-cm,1T ANTHONY SOOARO a FRANK STOCK• Shahai:William P.Gray, 31-RALPH CRANE Isom 8.5. 6 John Purcell;'Iobyo:Carl hlydana;Mexico m 32,33--RALPH CRANE room B,S,-BEN SCHNALL MAN Stanton;ity:John Snton;Buena Aires:William W. .lohnaon; Rio de Janeiro:William W. Emu..RALPH CRANE rime B.S. 70.71,12-PETER STACKPOLE NAME •\V'bite, • AsmaraPUBLISHER Andrew Ilejakcll ABBREVIATIONS:BOT.•BOTTOM:CEN.,CENTER:EXC.,EXCEPT:LT.,LEFT.RT.,RIGHT;T..TOP:A.S. CITY RATE ADVERTISING IRKTOR ASSOCIATED PRESS.B.S..BLACK STAR:W.W.,WIDE WORLD.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS EXCLUSIVELY Comm."-err.tilled nnly in the U.R.A. 9 ENTITLED TO THE USE FOR REPUBLICATION WITHIN THEIU.S.OF THE PICTURES PUBLISHED HEREIN . .... .... .. ... ... ... . .. .. ' Shepard Spink ORIGINATED BY LIFE OR OBTAINED FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS .RADII RAe • 7 ',A s'' '',..1 •.' ..,, - .;; '' .1 t, _ 1 F - - . t , V/ ] / ' f { d Y t iff00,iir. 10 .z. ::,;... ,..,4E.' : ,4,4 ' ...e,'i L ' .-'. 1.,',. ' ''....,! 4.' I �. { . if i r I ..,V0 . ..'' ;t {.:. \ A! i %J lit d J r j I - .ISM.. • /' • ' . _%�r -� may... w.� .t ytr -°2 'lilt,�11 =., -ti .�, r \ :: k ;t k fff iiii ! .. s t 4 Y• . ', } %� iJ'•I~`tai• 'P - 1 '1�1 Y�"••' ,_^� 0 .. Iy . 13 ', 7/�•••r�.� moi+ mac, •—fir _ --_.....-..- , ,' ) { ate... � 4 ;,i • • - 4I1`I ;., _' J - r.te�^�. '` ..d..-..,'...-. ••• y. rt %, ` •». .:cw..'✓ .1 -.`dN/ yy _ mo.f '.i ,- tY ) .•moww, A , - - 4.1111. �� . S' .'t :41 y ' 9'+k. .. - •T - ,'- ._ `}Lr • '-- -..'--,. /14\1/4%1/4 ' i' ; , ..op � ' z + w' .. ` ,...." is ' _ _-�� t. 1. �.'f 4 , -‘ ,/, i;.::' .2..4, ,_..,.,', . ,-,.....,v,...... .....— ____.. _______.."..-P...," *-- ' --r. i ifit GUESTS OF JANE FISHER,FIRST WIFE OF MIAMI BEACH'S FOUNDER,LOLL ABOUT TME POOL OF HER LAVISH BISCAYNE BAY HOME Baby1on U.S.A. gets set for its hectic hundred days The big, red, door-to-curb carpet is out at are rehearsed in the varied routines they will by emotion than geography,range from Coral Ciro's on Alton Road again.Truly Nolen,whose use on nightclub floors and in chance meetings Gables on the south to Hialeah on the north. business is opening wealthy homes like that with thick-walleted gentlemen. The brilliant Despite its profligacy,ostentation and venal- shown above for the season and closing them sun is as indolently warm, the water as invit- ity—perhaps because of them—Miami each after it,has crews hard at work,zipping off fur- ingly blue as ever.Miami is ready for its yearly year manages to make some two million visi- niture covers and dusting elegant rooms.New hundred days of pleasure—the season from tors feel so carefree that the extraction of$220 stocks of sport clothes,Panama hats and 8150 Christmas to April. million from their pockets for the experience bathing suits are ready.Hotel cellars are filled To winterbound northerners Miami is more is practically painless. On the next 11 pages with $1-a-shot Scotch and $2-a-pony brandy. than a specific municipality—it is a sprawling, LIFE portrays and attempts to analyze Miami The showgirls, newly arrived from Broadway, tropical Eldorado whose boundaries,fixed more and especially its crown jewel, Miami Beach. • CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE • 4 ice' :if" ia4'$:�• - '2 3 s '4(+4..Mly7�tM1( ^^14.14''x''' . " ice .. 4... • f1 '.dl . a• • w�'-1.,N -4:-.T.:,"'• .r`-`Y.' re ,n Bpd , -•• • w.: .irt�lrs j r. t . • �• •N a �. ,� ;�• IR.'s,'�'' * ,ni.�u,9......* t•...-11•1". r �+ '.1 • +�4 ' • •a1 • AT DUSK floodlights begin to illuminate the good-looking buildings of white, MacArthur Causeway the city looks like this.The biggest buildings(from left to buff and pinkish stone which comprise Miami's skyline,and from the General right)are the Dade County Courthouse(with totter),the Huntington Building,the PEOPLEEither by day or by night(abore)Miami and its environs present a fairy- land appearance of pastel colors,glittering modernity,jewel-box homes and light-hearted gaiety.This is no accident.From its inception 50 years ago, Miami was promoted and designed to attract outsiders, preferably those with money,and it has since hewn to this line with unswerving de- They are showy like the skyline votgin.Miami has perennially played host to a wide renew of celebrities, ranging from Winston Churchill,who went there to renew his health,to .,..V• t �) � �4ik ib l �`e'0 . —:7"..i' , Pi l',..,, z-.. :A''''';* . , .4.19,-• . ow a .*r!�i!-�ttl••-' 1 �i. _ �' 1�, �l 0. l~ r', I t `• uaNa.: ., 4,.'r; -. [Arae°'-- t • a• IIy . IN)J I� 4 E a t . 5 V'. '4. ' �. t i♦ Illi S% t / • I i a -Th' 152°1 n,,,y.� iii =1 _• ' 1:, 1` '3: Y t-„,-,* 4.'. A• t-1. \ - ; 1. ! � 1'4 _ k.,,,,,, ir ,.� sr1,.. i 5 {ltF i . } INMIAMI '' '`.�, �' .f 1 OPEN ALL YEAR PRESS AGENT Tom I',.,ris,formerly with gaudy Mi- POLICEMAN Lucas Lamb represents Miami Beach ASTROLOGER A.F.Seward sells astrologi- ami Publicist Sieve Hannagan,now has his own agency. law,which raid.Ambling only near the season's end. cal readings or laxative*with equal aplomb. * JS . ;."tsy : =D , * .y 110,1.,„,... : � R .."turn" ,,4 tgl 404000. .... ;"''' 1F1 a Jill in : : I t* �, '�Na • w h . w '1, • 44 ,4 4 Ingraham Building,which partlyohscures the taller duPont Building behind it,the tels, the Miami Colonial Hotel,the Everglades Hotel(topped by brightly lit tower) Congress Building,the Pacific Building,the darker McAllister and Columbus Ho- and(darker buildings at right)the Alcazar Hotel and the Miami Daily News Tower. Al Capone,who went there to die.Each winter it becomes the mecca for selling these wares by means of press agents and bathing beauties,it is stage stars,songwriters,playboys,playgirls, labor leaders,big-money ex- small wonder that up to now Miami has had little time for slum clear. ccutives and big-money gamblers.These it offers an impressive menu of ance (one-sixth of the population lives in a fetid one half square mile divertissement:horse racing,dug racing,swimming,deep-sea fishing,shop- of the 16-square-mile city), sewage disposal (raw sewage has thorough- ping,sunbathing,gambling,nightclubbing,astrology,speedboating(sail- ly polluted Biscayne Bay),adequate food inspection or hospital facilities. ing, being more strenuous, is not so popular), many, many pretty girls This outward show and inner spuriousness is epitomized in the case and a climate which insures"359 warm,sunny days out of 365."Busy of Miss Miami Beach of 1947 (below).She actually comes from Boston. M x „.I' f - �.- '-1 r • f. y _ , / / _ I 4% ,,,..,11r;;4;',/t, , i • Q �� RACHECOR Roy Evans made a fortune in MODEL Pepper Donna,Miss Miami Beach of 1947, SIIOPKEEPER Margaret Newman specializes in worn• auto*,now plays polo,tennis,lives on yacht. poses for the type of picture that made Miami famous. en's slack suits at$39 to 349 in her Lincoln Road shop. CONTIMOID OM NEXT PAGE i) ( ) oLs . .... .... .0, In us ,.. ... .. in I In nil I ®`.-•:.- •;', - Life centers around .: in iii t� ® , : - them but not in them A • . t '"�$ III • 1 Miami Beach,the Gold Coast of Miami and ''� to ! \'• , ,,., technically a separate city,is a 10-mile sandbar y '�,-. :. l connected with the mainland by causeways •t __ S t, - over Biscayne Bay. Its social life—it has al- s� 'Ea. _ most no other kind—centers around the swim- ! ille , - ' ming pool.Many of the big houses and almost y 0! _ all the expensive hotels have pools.They also • . , • - own big stretches of the magnificent white + y. ' v • • I • iii m beaches on which they front, a fact which �'' 740_. makes it somewhat difficult for the common Y man to go swimming at Miami Beach. f�, Miami Beach residents breakfast,lunch and tIrili rfre7 '., \ 'ri sometimes dine on terraces edging their pools • vitae t� / � , ` (below).They read there,doze there and sun- 1, ° bathe there.The la to rummy,drink a e- ...:.:6•' � .. t�' Y play g Y� P t` ritifs and gossip alongside their pools. Some- , �.. .. 4'— fif times they even swim in them. •s•-;�-„Q,..N.. +tw-•, - �,�,,, This nonaquatic trend is even more notice- 'fA”' WO '1.* ;:• able around the Miami Beach hotels.The dis- r. &- lint aro taff side of hotel life,with typical Miamian re- ` • t -` gard for appearance, tends to make itself up N with enormous care;a single dive could ruin , t AIL hours of work before the dressing table and �'_ _ many dollars' worth of facials. Still another reason is that in Miami Beach the bathing suit - is worn to cocktail parties, lunches, dances, teas and on the street,and has been sublimated accordingly.It may be some little thing of pure silk costing only$45,but it may also be a ere- ation of gold-trimmed velvet or sequins and ermine at$145.In any case it must not get wet. ....w i Nonetheless the presence of so many pools, -;, and of so many scantily attired people,all pus- suing the common goal of pleasure,is a major �- / \ factor in giving Miami Beach its atmosphere; unique in the U.S.,of uninhibited paganism. SUNBATHING on the edge of the Hotel Marti- a guest has a drink. In the far background is an nique pool is Lois Shulder(foreground);behind her umbrellaed alfresco restaurant where bathers lunch. / 7 i . . �' '. �, rr ttttttttata�o �' .1...i i.^ A a„ al _ BREAKFASTING on balcony overlooking pool of their beach homeVare the AFTERNOON ENTERTAINING finds the Richards at pool's edge. At night Walter L.Richards.Building at rear is a playhouse with bar and dressing rooms. 1,000-watt bulbs illuminate the pool. Richard is an authority on gin rummy. 1 • • • 16 '� yr • Y'..41 s may aY " w'.r • �� x )�'� r ../ < .r ..7. ' �� \,� ?t,1 1�,d 1 'Imo• t `Ik { , yr fl • '• . I �' • I'r i -�ijr Iy '' ';, `` � - f ' I < • - • . +!b,''• ` 1 .A., 0 r S ,C 1( Q !, • • • w1temyt � ( r ram , ,.-ft. ?� ` • r tic t . a ` yr � r '1,..,.:--'"4--• t i 4:0 #, !4 . t ♦--rel ; yl "'111111r i r` s rt 'JIt'E7T t'�. \r A� • 1 ,.r a.�� iati.:>,.,.. tit V11 ,'I` \: y . r w • 4`1 `• 1 • . v- ..kit v ' - •-�N. \`"� °WV' tr � ] "' V,''i,�.�a1�e ' �\ .� ^tom'\ •. • • V• •__ i , . tit ...,' 1.-. „ . l',14.:1 . H. .;:ii.' I ..: \--i::....'kt:1-, ..;: ''' KA 1 1 i • ' t �+ \ {s•.. s. r`, • jjj��. n t. MANY LOUNGERS but only a few swimmers avail themselves of the Hotel Ra• backgrounds.The pool is 45 x 85 feet and 9 feet deep at its deepest end.The leigh's pool and surrounding terraces.which have been used in the past for movie hotel's oceanfront cabanas rent for$100 a week in season,rooms up to$308 day. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE w `,e viliMllinll '1 , . a �� , 1y\ y r r .. � n ••"aid ':�+? `. wk t -,..N. , 1 u G j ° r �` .1' \ ,\ , „t ,, ,� _ \ \ 1. \; ice : •tR`a'.. �"i as !/- ` 1,,, • .�,. -af /".,..‘ N .\\ -r , + y Ire44,1 l f� 4 nra.,7t. s .i ,'1!p 4 TISK` .' : " :' 1 4 ry r , A '" fis,? 2e ms • BREAKFAST IN BED starts Kay Daumit's day in her home on Golden Beach, ,t �� a particularly golden part of the Gold Coast.She makes Forever Amber perfume. •- ..._* Y' , N . I HOMES , 0 They are some of the world's most ~- magni(icent and costly residences . Meg - i The Miami visitor with a hundred or so dollars in his pocket must be :� ''''�Y� content with life in a boarding house.The affluent vacationer stays at a fancy Miami Beach hotel.The very rich owns his own opulent beach resi- dence. Such winter homes run heavily to picture windows overlooking - the sea, playrooms, patios, terraces, small but well-stocked bars, fire- .__ - places,guest cabanas and staffs of servants. Built primarily for lazy re- _ -mow-. laxation and the entertainment of the owner and his friends,these houses %- -- are in fact pleasure domes of a luxuriance that would make Kubla Khan - ; aashamed of Xanadu. ". —_.. V The home of the Harry Daumits (right),costing more than$215,000, r: ,—".% is a notable example.Besides a 50-foot pool it has such features as a two- —" unit cabana for guests,an 18-foot living-room couch and a special court. ,, ;;- �� ter in the kitchen for midnight snacks.Here,assisted by servants,the Dau- ,,. :•: -,;,, mils entertain in the Miami Beach manner—frequent,small,gay cocktail •'"rI` "- ...e..•• fes . parties or dinners.From here they make occasional excursions,to Lin- a . -rub'".arta- 4_ Coln Road shops for clothes(no Miami Beach resident ever has enough), "p'"t„�gep, to friends' homes,to the golf tours.,or to Bimini for deep-sea fishing. >' " 8. /* aAR7� «. }„ - '4114702%4110., .46a14-'.. .r_, ' ail THE DAUMIT HOUSE,like so many Miami Beach residences,is of concrete- «t 4r.414-14)r / block stucco.By day it is bright with tropical plantings,by night it is ablaze with r iter "`, - �F, , light;floodlights turn on automatically when a car drives into the grounds,the r "` A pool is lit from beneath and the beach can be illuminated for swimming parties. •' 4APY4409 , _ --- • 1•4•$,..0&... , , -‘7,,-, ,•,- A4--...,?.'. 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FISHER(in chair), who wrote Fabulous Hoosier about her ex.husbandttp •• •� ! ir.Carl,chats with friendss by her pool.Swimmer (hncl-mtuul) grabs for canape. \' "� '� •:�• `.,• ' c1 • � ) w 1 •\4' \ , 1".\V` t �.''. I. -. _.,` •;,'.. .r-. .� r c. - :,_ :� _� 'r-/ ' E. . r , , i1+ : f I : 1 •r I C • 4 .V a I. ..e .�, THE JULIO SANCIIEZFS entertain 125 guests on their wedding anniversary • t' x' amongthe palm trees of their Sunset Island home.Sanchez is a wealthy Cuban fill s• '4.41.1, 1<'.4 ► �1 t :i `^ s 4. c� �' .I f —,1 •• i ( IFS N'i� r � << -t .i.,,...,••• `� t •�a /.I iu mfit" :,. . t :, _ - K Wr • ' . J-. `e`t+nr ,+ S,i 7 " i rte' c < t. I-_if, •••-%, ' '41'.• :\i, •;* i i 1 1 le ,7. -J,L.-0..1::,-c- '' t..-1,::-;,-',.-:,. C _ • _ l. 1 s '��s�N'(e 1, I . ',j\ '-gip irj�, I ... . THE RICHARD K.LACKEYS—he is a retired department-store executive— HARRY DAUAMIT,who runs cosmetic firm with wife,snakes drinks for Mrs.Bud- dine in the stately dining room of their antique-filled home on Golden Beach. dy Rich(left),wife of band leader,Olivia Ames,BM Boyd(ex-Miss Miami Beach). • 4 r' •.•, • ." ' ... '' ,i; f ' • f' • • - ), •'... .. n.L. .• ... • ,. Ni • .- ... _.. ‘1., , .., „ ..11.4.! .c' r _ :•••••r,:r• ••• .•,.. ,. — I • • '• ' 0-r-• •:, . ••••• 4 4.; .. :,..0/ , : :- • — •.* ' . ..,' •,. . 1 . .' 44'.. ''.. '.' .4.T..• % •' .- P .. ‘N%.• • j'i• :..•/. " '- ... ' 4 IL, :" 0 1 '44•-• .....:‘ ' .. • ... -s_j. •e -,--' '- ',.? ••-, : . :., , - ,, . -7. - "..: '• . ,. . • "7• • / . .,.4 7.. ..1 .: •' '.:4) .r'S%.< . . • jI'1 .. e .. i .. V • .d., . • / rifs'•' ,t• 4' I' .1. Ala • .... I.! al •111 .h. 35' . '''''‘' , .,,-.16 r 711.1...es••" -**.... •• a - • I' .' >7:4 _ ,!...• .. ,-ZT1 0 kt Orl.r".'• ' 10 . , 44.,..;\ e--- , 1 ( . /), • ..„,,,,,,,....._ .1. r•-...:„. -.1 „.,. . • .- 4 —. iii; s- • " 1.— -.. IP.,A,.-- t• • .11 ! •-: . .4. .„ — 41,0 ,,, 4/ _if,,,. • .1 •• .1/411:7 - •., .....r......_„ , , • ., _ °••. i - 4115t - t. iv ` 41. * iv .., -,; / 4 .•• am& Iv - - h. z,‘.94 p-s-t. i 4 ill . ..._ ... ,, .... ..,•... f .Nd., i ' '''. ' , . - . ,-) 4 3l( 4 ;It'', ,-. , • -.4 0, c i,?,... ,loc,,,--''. i , 7,4 ,‘ A ....,:- ..,.• il ,- ; • 1 r -_ , ,fr • " if a (. g• i, • .• -. 1 —._ • . ilk.7k&I i; ''Ilk••;ft'a ...."•!.--. ' ''',f. ' .t'' ''fl- It. . -.••.:4: ' 1% /.1. \‘ ,0?,.:;,-- •••••• ..„: "/„ i. . - LI.,_‘ - ef • - r 1 t , \ , \ i,.!.• ix '; '- . --, ‘.. - 7.1 , '‘ 's,i. • •RVi- . vi- i • t ,,,,,, .1..... , .ei . . - ... • 1, • '-. •' v'i,fr ..\-.,, ' . O 4 -• 1 - „ t Nre 1 -. :. • ...-•P• .,.*•-'. -.#•r,'-1 , ,..,•,...'4, 1J''„'• ,..,t,r..•,,•. .. r Hige... k• , Ar--\ • i ttfT". rii • , , . 1 ,„ .... • • „ , \ ' \ -. 1' •ht 0. ', . ' • , 4. • •r) t , , - ' V 4111ft. ..40 N) ' DA to ....- 4OP i •- sugar planter,many of whom come to Miami Beach for the season.Ili,anniyer• chicken and baked ham,admired the Sanchez grape arbor and lime trees and were sary gifts included a bottle of 1811 brandy.The guests listened to soft music.ate fried served drinks by Carl,a local bartender regarded as indispensable for big parties. .t..;444- ,... .fwerttr."," ,,,,,.•' '''' ':-,.11,44•• ' ...iiiii:--•,27„..%,----IL.1; ,-0 •,-,Z:4.".‘. l''''.. -- .. -''''' - , - - .. t."1w ,....,•",,,.. r;::._. mts.'Nett...`",.t... "--'''‘k et••li''14,0rt..0111°L.;.10"....1.! .. ... ... . NMI . _,-*N":" • ;11..1.... M. ... . • I 1 . '; i'fit;., , : fro- -7- 1, 1 '.i li''i I • t , . 't r. al ..3rajlOh , It' 2 '.... . k . -0''±t..- I.. .. . 4;04'7 A,.., LI-.... ,,. , ,,,....,i 11 •-• • • - ,i• PY'r •, nr---r• : • , V • " •1.1' RI • , ,• , ,..'ss t•,, ',L r--1 , ., , , _,..1.. -i•i . ' '..tt , t'•..''1 1-J. :n . , i ,. „1. , , !ii ; •'''t ....; ...... ,Ti, . , oik. . ^ ' 1 i ., *•-•"11 ill r , 4 I , ,,,,, • f' I' lit 'I • Il.,„ 4.Vi' t • • , 1,- Li- • -- no b.,, t 1 •0 N,..'•' i . • ,•,.•- • - --— -• - . — 7 r ii. Air ,,.. ,47: a•No,... • ‘ 4 1`;;' ,\t' ' MY 9 , . •'. ',*I;'' ; ' , .. • A . 4 14.,..;6.... ..41,11 • .. ,r, • `"•Nt • . - f- •'''-.1- I, , , -.. ',.A ' k • ',.,', , ; , "' 1 1 . r'i ._,,, -.,z,, ' ' ... '-'-'• . '',efr''N ,-` ' ' , ', s/ • • . 1 ' • '•el, '. . -;•fr, 4 t 1 ..--10'44:: . ,,..i„ . , , , r.- ,• • --AI*i ,1'44*,. ,, -,,,,j .. : '."-'w•IP",,#,Wir 1.-Fr' I r, . r \- , 1- 1 . '4,'..' P! t t ' ,,...': .4.-.41,10 ii.640... '''',.• 'il , ' ..-4":',,i,''',.. ...;,;,./ •‘..,,,r---1 le. 1 : ' .77, ..:- ' .-,1 ik,,,, , or-, b.e---4.0., .,-..-1 .. , .,... .% • i: \ i . 1 „ . .r.,,,• :,.. -,4.0.?.,.. „- "; .....- ,•:. .- • ' .. il. • . • .. i . • , ,., ,••der,,t . "-:.--:. - 1 '-'`,-..."4;• ' \," .vic,......c.e. .1( ..' . , -_\'' ` . ._-..z. ',, - , '` 1 • I, .._ -------- ----4.1.C":,,,m>t•-- .,,,,, -,,,,.:7-"- -- _ -..,„ -,-, , - .-,-: N. •-....- . . THE RAY DODGES have a cocktail on their commodious houseboat.Dodge ERNEST BREECH,Ford vice 'i' 'lent(seated left),is a guest of the Lackey, manufactures,porting trophies.His wife is among the beach's popular matrons. in their picturesque game room.The fireplace has an electrically operated spit. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ,) I I/ I J ____ -- 11 iiii. I v; 6i) - -1,,,,,y,,,:44z..i.._ .,...,-; . PIN..- i'.' i)' ':) / 4( ' . A i E-1,i.* _ .. , _ ......., r, 1 49' � ,w,r.• tw�+y - 4.i '!'yyitA.. �� ....� -_ It.�N f '070 / • fio- 1)` < ' -10 -r,., MIAMI BEACH HOTELS include(from left)National.Ritz,Shelborne.Crom• • �n V well,Vanderbilt,Roney Plaza (highest totter),Wolford,Tray more and Surfside. J rr g . ``? S, , t: j HOTELS _...„.. . , ¢f, Their appearance is impressive " , :` ' It and so are their customers bills ( -- `" When President-elect Warren G.Harding visited Miami Beach in 1921 a)T` .`"r°-` to play golf,the caddy assigned to him was a small elephant named Rosie. t Ao ? This extravagant expenditure of power surprised no one in a place where r~f `". a vacationist can spend$1,500 for one necktie,and$2 million is bet on the icy' y� 1 r•'-* races on a good day during the season.In no single aspect is this extray. 3 ,. _ f agance better illustrated than in Miami's hotels.The lushest ones are in s +' / * Miami Beach,opulent piles of glass and stone with dramatic lobbies,dra- '= r i,•. ...; ," 3`.� matte balconies(left)and melodramatic bills.Guests actually spend little • time in their rooms,preferring to loll on the hotel beach,in its garden, ye.� '\\,. -. in nightclubs or at the track.Fortunately Miami Beach's air is so lambent i` .. •....17—). `` that it induces a pleasant languor which makes the$20.to$40-a-day rates w i in the good hotels seem like the better half of a shrewd Yankee bargain ' `c ,� rl `y :`ice _ . r♦ r . fr �' 11 SF L_. y.. 1 , `� ``�1� ;-;.'1,,;:�Y'J�`Y I u tom.. / Y. ! f 1 \ mer ',;.,..'43-. :4 ,? H � ' r 1' 3Efi � f` Y T "' .ms-' �F tC2.:.q.::' sY . . • +.=j.i�J / ) k3Yr4,,4)Sv — t' 10,6' .iii „ t 4 f `,,..,�1 f 5 i • A a I.` + 6 iso If1,NGING BALCONIES jut from corner rooms of the Shelborne Hotel on MI- IN A ROOM at the Martinique Hotel,New York Dress Designer John Strassner, . ami Beach's Collins Avenue.Considerable hotel trade come*from divorce cooker.. who paint.for a hobby.works on a portrait at dawn while hi.wife.lumber.. .�.....e .. ...T-.-.t. ., 1k ✓ • yy�a t �"S .., i'. . . -. i:`'''''' . ifililli ,......._. A.,.....„,,,, ,„.,„.,,.. , 1111,11111 1.... el. -I r'Ti , mese J IIIII11111 �, �� :minim 1R°1 ■ I=11.„,„,, 4441s' aC `A�_ ' i 1111111111 ---• •• "jilt r 1t'1 ■: 1 �llpn nn nn nn uuu rtr•1 i � ------flirt ■, tai nnnnn'nn"nnnnn I t.. . l kir'ir til'. 9 ■ ai ..—1114mri1 ■,�n�II a nnI ! nnl�n r. r,,�� # i ' Vii. 1 •y• . n I rte. al! 1 h r �� t+.}j;► f,:�,';. i� iia '-::=424'....', :.A1 ,,_•E • 4+it r ...•41.rtr s% 1 1� �' aiijs. • ,a '1 a'• -,t . •-I• - �r J t.'N` �' 11i�' 1 I; �� 41 Besides all the customary services,many beach hotels offer one rather unusual 'Pit I one:bets on horse races are accepted sub rola at most of the lobby cigar stands. r e; Ti w..,� 4 sip ``t.. I a stirrb, 111 .....,, Ile? Iiittp•tb4, • .•or iI 11114 1' - •.' as 41) r, J �a� {� 'fly' J' dr' ) -- MAXIM'S is a popular restaurant.Some beach nightclubs are effetely sprayed with perfume.This does not restrain virile patrons'tendencies toward fisticuffs. c-4-7-4,0,41, i'l ' . - _ -......=."....-":: 1.-', ?..... '.ir /I r S/ .Ill , 1 ✓ aar�m Q l� ,, __ � ,f11,X1' R mirky 1 P HOTEL OWNER Charles Cohen and his wife occupy swank penthouse atop HOTEL RALEIGH TERRACE is a comfortable place for guests like Mr.and his air•oonditionod Martinique,Miami Beach's newest hotel.It coat$2,200,000. Mrs.Joe Sokolik of St.Louis to enjoy the soft air(winter mean temperature:68'). CONTINUED OM NEXT PAGE I IN )1 ,iii .,04'.. . k. 1 t ��� ./ m' `t +.o,. . 4, . - . ''- 1 Vite,rilifft'S., '';*t141411\ it';',' , - II f 1 , - �ifer-411.. -at (.0 ' , • . . 0414 Of t / ••: ,per y 't j..' trl •4 tik, `f••., I ;ice.•. , " 4 / S4114441111111141114111/.::' -:-. ' ,.,i1v,., ......s.,..440 ii •****'''''''*f.4.1r-°::-..".'L:1:‘'.'.7..' ...:41111 ,*;:::::'....;41,,,,414.1iiiiiiimmomg....1•'‘"4:- '•.`• N.' 11818:81.11161118186'..*".j".""rir-1. 111. .II: 2: T''''''''': :' Z., `01111440. /Ni'll,.! ____ '' , . . .i-E, -.-.,,,.,,...,,,). ).,,,3.„ ., , ,- , ...., ..,.,,,,,V:it•qtei • S V.!L G .• 1P 7 x W 4,;;,._,,,4 < •46111 '' 'Ai* •' 'fl:' . 41110111014.1010,., . . 7.vr.,01*.....-7( i•, t.. •�# )'...ho, ..--71.r&-- ^ 1 •„&..� f `- .. 'k w w '• u.�'11,•• •of .`, . ' YEAR-ROUND MIAMI BEACH RESIDENT is"Bibs' (Mrs. Dana Gibson) tors rating.Map skirt is manufactured in Miami. Quite a few winter residents Noble,former model(Camels,Tabu perfume)who flies often and has an inatruc• own amphibian planes which they fly to Cat Cay,Nassau,Havana and back home.