1669-10 Social, Society, & Local News 1927-1945 > 'eh_� .%•,.....',,,.,r� •t,N,-...rs r, d 4 t♦Z' ♦ t r ,+..•••.- >v 15 ;4 - .f - t Z it , t , Y,. A DAILY NEWSPAPER �1,i r `^ FOR MIAMI, MIAMI BEACH - '•'.`--• »'. IMPORTANT, NEWSPAPER AND CORAL GABLES :• .:. t: O R N I N,G e' 'M K Y' Z$, ' 1930. SIXTEEN P1(}E8 TODAY ' ,�,, —PRICE FIVE CENTS ',' AIRS JEWELS WORTH COLONEL GREEN GIVES .: 960 On J CITE OFFICIAL $3;000 TO BOYS' Jed. YS BAND ,_A 4. •0 White- 1 a $ 1' ('I 000 FouNo ..e welt°- ' Money To Be Used To Finance Summer Publicityand Juvenile7...,: he next Health Exposition Trip of 60 Members of e +Miami Junior Chambe United IN 3CU1)EN11A11 of Commerce Drum and Bugle Corps To National Convention. - by Wal. 1n1J CO {3PiRAi for the Tau (fret official set of Col. E. H. R. of the trip and Introduced George OP Green of Btar Island, after being made Lenaey, musldl director of the corp.,honorary president of the Miami who said: _ Anode- Junior Chamber of Commerce Boys' "Colonel Green, we wish to offer you • —�_ -' -J'Z ed, the Stolen Gems Discovered Drum and Bugle corps last night snug the honorary presidency of the Miami ' . sA•�.`J/C• include to sign s 13.000 cheek to send the Junior Chamber of Commerce drum Trial of McCreary P... _. co and - Concealed In Safety Corp. on a tour of Northern cities, and Bugle Corp.." 000 ro- The 60 boys, dressed in white sant- Colonel Green said that he had been False ArrestCapon, i'• ng and Deposit Boxes. forms with tropical hats, visited Col- Impressed with the work of the boys' .ea.. repairs •, onel Green's estate to play their newest corp. which he said he had watched Continues To(Igy ...,.•7.-`,. sainting • number, "The Colonel's Review," writ- y tan many times on parade. The corps then �•t.+-�-•-_ • • r tion Of SEIZURE FOLLOWS expressly for him and dedicated to played the "Colonel'. Review." The �'• ''' r work Megglson boy., radio banjo artiste and ACCUSER IS'O ' ` u,lding, SUSPECTS' ARRESTNLY'.. ; Mayor C.H. Reeder, chairman of the member of the corps entertained With • corps' finance committee, James Donn, several numbers which especially WITNESS H • t'\' —• - member of the committee, and Colonel Pleased Mrs, Green, and Mn. Green were on the • ,4';:,. Detectives Trace Valuableporch of "Now that I am honorary president •Y 1$ a the Green residence when George E. of tnL wonderful organisation, what DiBmiSSa1 .Is Ordered ,k Stons After Question• Hussey, chairman of the mayor's ro• ten I do for itt" Colored Green eatsd.ception committee, Introduced the "How much is this good will and health Newcomb In Middle of;lig Four Men. corps telling about its work during exposition trip gulag to cost Y• l.' the last three years,and their proposed Mayor Reeder explained that Ralph His Testimony. „+ c' RISE trip to New 'York, Brooklyn, Washing• I. Vervoort,district agent of the Clyde- • = foT T8L AaaOCIATLD ,etas.! ton, West Point, Coney Island and Mallory Lines, had been authorized by other Northern cities incident to the the New 'York office of that company l ♦� ~r• NEW YORK, May 97.—A sixth arnatMayor C. H. Reeder,John C. Kn,,.. national convention of the Junior to make a specialCity cJmmisaloaer, sad 8.D. '!i'' in a round-up of an alleged gang of rate of 42,400 torahs - • Re• jewel thieves and recovery of more than Chamber of Commerce in Brooklyn round trip to New York for the 60 Dope safety director,were discharged by • halt a million dollar worth of add!- June 11 to 14. and that several hundred dollars ad- ren L. Newcomb, Os'of the • 3: sad Clonal stolen gem. were announced Mr. Hussey said that if mothers in ditional for hotel and Incidental ex- yesterday when they appeared tot late today by Police Commlasloaer Fd- Northern cities could see the healthy pensee would be needed. Colonel nary bearing on charge,of .•• ;. 't. Miami boys Included In the member- Green then presented the check,to ward P. Mulrooney, Robert C. Nelson, 1� arrest Alphonse Capone of t' ship of this drum corps they would Mayor Reeder, who naked him to serve Island, Miami Inch sad Chicago, .1 man arrested. graphically realize the benefits to u vice chairman of the mayor's recep- pone was the only witness to testtf� 53, • Bheepshead Bay broker, was the ' cruise Nelson was arrested at his home and health of Miami's climate. tion committee. The colonel con- A second chane of falsely Da• - Brand taken to police headquarter. charged He also stressed the publicity value rented. Int Capone flied against 11(OCI. i1 ' +`' noon with receiving stolen property. Police being heard when court ,` tribes- said the Jewel. they recovered were4:�0 P. m.,until 9210 a_M. toeme a4 2_ UNCERTAINTY REIGNS k OF C.WILL MEET warrant, for the titre. '1911C.: their stored in safe deposit boxes in many IN ST. PETERSBURGda. banks under Nelson's and his wife's James IL Cox' publisher of The - il, or names. Yesterday, THROUGHOUT INDIA AS Dally New. were issued eaittra.jr' h still Ypeterday, detectivea arrested four f�'est Coast City Selected For 1931 noon. Mr. Cox waw b at hD t was men and a woman in a hotel room and tltt� 1ni iittJ1 ,4leetin ofDalton• Ohio, was aha only _, :r and seized $300,000 worth of stolen Jewelry. DEATH LIST TOTAIJS 82 gLodge. esr7ed, • tf ,WEST PALM REACH, Fla., May 97. When the session began refu- With the six arrests, police believe LH—St. Petersburg was selected as the J. P. Gordon and ,f the they had broken up one of the moat 1931 convention city and John Mase at *, asked C. actin gangs of its kind in the noun- +— 1 forest'. Sur capes*, adyd-144`,..', of Pensacola was elected state deputy charges Fled eatu?day be d1 e un- try, but they it had plenty of m7s- wltb tory to solve. 4 Great Cities of Britain's at the closing session of the twenty- now warrants had been .eased .iNgslawk .: sixth annual state contention of the defendants. The new warnllili erging For 'nine weeks police had been Possessions Are Swept Florida Council of the Knigbta of Co- that the d De.' trailing the suspecta and yesterday lumbus here today, tr aspJne7'o0CttlTfd ', • >• In- they struck. Just u Hilda Carter and By Rioting. Other officer elected were It. and the extra warrant ehrtgf>aL Ifip•, '• George Cole were arrested on the side. Ntekolson. Pensacola, state .scta Droll with ftneprb0�ap Occurred )key age', etChl- Vincent Murphy, et. Petersburg, state drat of the four times Capone has . 1swe11 walk In front of a midtown hotel de- ray TH[ AaaOCIATen raxsa.t ror7; lege4 the offense teethe. burst into a room in the hotel treasurer; D. A. MacDoughall, Miami, •lately to find William J. O'Connor, BOMBAY, India, May 27.—Riot and arrested DJ Miami ponce .free AL1' ' Jack tumult, or their aftermath of chaos state advocate; William H. Hlbba, e[, rival In Dia Miami ra of.Rosen and James W. Watson sitting Petersburg, state warden, and Rev. P. Beach r.aldeah`laj r aid. around a table on which the gems were and uncertainty, reigned today In four April. --�, greet cities of Britain's Indian e_ J, Bresnahan, Bt. Petersburg,• state 'grave heaped In a glittering pile.- s o !chaplain, Interest ah�wn in the trial of • •+ , At first it looked like a sweep, reeafone. , city oftfclkls was ria ter thui the x of but then•it looked like clean said. did A rough computation of official fig- Murphy, the treasurer, was the only shown at any of the '' urea goon, Luca. state officer to be re-elected. Prod b•trt{ r he and xteoefethfnit-Which iOl Ce"ezpert,Were now,Dacca and OtnnAythee in Ran persons a A Pr d in Which CapoB,.••{.J1: ifl worryin arlout tont ht.` Movin state deputy. MJeklsr, Orlando. la_Put. A- ,. r..h•tbs►.��Da...11P.•., g g been killed, sea injured and aund»dt flood quickly t0,a window lie tossed out • Tete o0ntentlnn was opened hen pointed time the city " .n In upon hundreds wrested. row'.dill 'iltth'> of,the Please Turn to Page a. Over the week-end the riots have yesterday' The annual .banquet was r.,,, helms wL 1SLed to capacity and'.. .�. - entirely broken out of the bounds of held last night, attended by 275 per- ' pas dad or more persona we»lined ¢ • HIGHWAY SAFETY the civil disobedience campaign. They the walls and in the doorways. J.' •`•- IES overshadowed the salt raids of Ma BUIILET VICTIM NEAR Watson, Jr., city attorney, was the URGED AS VITAL hatma Gandhi's volunteers and made of the city officials to appear of "nonviolence" a merely academic and wt':; drtao hoover Greets Third National term, followed by Mayor Reeder, Mr. lt-ni.gp% Conference At Capital. Rangoon, the Burmese capital, not DEATH TIN 'HOSPITAII!and Mr.McCreary, J' - Aecww of the crowd Jtutfa Nee/4,7i.. _The WARRINGTON, May 27. bt9—Pres!- yet recovered from the heavy earth- comb Obtdned the use of the GTtmizal . riding dent Hoover and Secretary Lamont quake of several weeks ago,tonig t was I courtroom across the lobby from 104,- • beleaguered city, 1n which Idler cit commission room. The them ]olned today befOfs the third National gHusbanil Say. He Shot Man Whop y ptherilQ[▪"� f the Conference on .Bucca and Highway and police were desperately striving to of law boots by Mr. Watson was Broke Up His Ilomr, Wife ��= sad Safety in approving its effort, to solve maintain a hold, already precarloue, signal 'for a noisy exodus from tty)i, ncing the dual problems of decreasing auto- over fighting coolies and lawless bands. JealousySev. Motive, room. Meq and women puaDed- lee, mobile fatalities and unsnarling traffic, Pifty-four bodies lay in the city Robert Clark, Jr., 39. caddy and.shored to get through the door - re is congestion through the adoption of mortuary, and mrftty others, are be-'World war veteran,was in a dying con- rushed pelf-mat] across the corridor 'Sr" `. Mti'r- uniform vehicle Codes by the separate sieved to have been carried away by dition In Jackson Memorial hospital 1 the courtroom. Deputy sheriffs alsats! BIM' states,. • friends or kinsmen. The off ibial death this morning as the result of bulla I Constable Elmer T. Ke ` ‘iSted bleating Tor the flat time tr four list stands at 60 and the "ns which pollee said were InflJrt. ordered in clear ase ram �• �'p.