1669-13 Social, Society, & Local News 1927-1945 away genttnlnlL Lar?vV 11 .■Vn6v ! _ 1 11nLu1IL uttULV atann-ma Club. P - a Its hath a IOC and by end humming,'?o w Orr not ithInspiring I ITnroughout U.S. On Wednesday of fila on It. "'�' to " SCHEME DEVISED For 1936 Record FLOYD GIBBONS p` "°° ""' mDr°` IM l Den..shop Is.�Q.. • Homes Revivaltn•alaart cur mla• • boy by •bout h• • During 1936 there were 36.579 _ menthe It In.11•o n r 1n Paris �.,r, get- meter �r tetanus I. t . y IN WRITING ADS'-' — menthe. ln. m. United Sat. In•bulletin l•• lfarnagr. and IliKKer I a - Number of domes Built Ea- v•• !Indl.ow ympaUtsuo 1' :..dr .boa inter- .nod by In. B.d.prlm.at of OR SOMEBODY :o°al a elLion, 4 it a wmmrca peal la held re• roll Cited u Factors la eeeded Only by Seven prompt �n:r Ni�ml Jon was that H•muto, IL ...lb.for a majority or the Building Program largest Cities antiei < the,sr New York public- deaths. Dad•county ha••pt. __ -- gated. q Ltrnp•Iga fParis In or connection tour problem In attemptlnf to M Int true In the mar la me Miami Member Addresses Miami I heing herald. •Doug milt,Dur. o Ile Lac week a• ln. nation .• the glentn or .0 Beach Realtor.Sees Op-mal«or 11,wroth lea ' Egypt. Inst a Ine lives or person• y end•n lergamenI or...trial o', cltlea for the num Der of nfact finding end ,Dons. "rillag from 34 Hu. la Ins In.Tamleml tall highway, roll. National Realtor Groes . he comments lhaaY: stretching from Ml.ml, much •r. among me ...mho', P Dom.. <onslrun.A during 1976�w portunity to Get Brisk n,a and neulr.d u.. Be Perla upwulo.www or the wry .long canal., m rreaons for tn• present nv«at m in New York In compilation jubli h 1n permanent body toe Yl Maul Shalt alrung atle.o- Tampa teal worm ter•cam• bulhling be Ih• Ironed Std., w• the [amen[ lune of the Nr Summer Business the ter ovary Comm!, I� through the rya bort cording to .0 vey conducted by "" Bout Ileal r_atal• Journal, New the temporary hi. Erne. D to M 1•m 1 for a visit, J.J. th. 8«uctoulr Clay Products in- timed. 'rhes, II. Emn g the Bolee,but It boy.as Hamectr of ltlno•apoll. who minute, which have Just been n• Importance of the careful word- York I+shown to haveAngel ase sorry r nd. *1. theeomea t could not w ready for hu Inverted a m•chanitd new d. second With Los perrn•n•nt el hal could n., be n ,t la leased. lint of n w+paper advertising copy 'tat.t,w...r ee seen, lomat sew committee and l du1W to anted control device,which not Strikingly vital charge,In Amer.woo• cued by Kenneth 9.Key.. othrrafivecities head?ore Miami' stens103s.Flo Is preside secretary. 1.. 1. open on m<o.r•4. only control, .peed of thecur [can Ilf.. developing from the re •r eyes Company, and were: ke June, 1hy3, Floyd GstooN board d[ of the MI D wholly u n• but displays colored lights o covery proceas<s that baye been:heed of IA. K eked me,"Why are all the store,sec and Ted ober al and mew d they have N. e f law vbl<le, Ind!. •t work during the last tore. < •lrrtt•n of the ben d$Wglon Detroit. .,373. / apartment. and hotels Dowse Lb • nodi ns.• of the elver.ave cating whether the ly Washington. 1,619. rnIssl•ed Me Reber awed la years,re revealed In the Iindln lh I National Auo<i•Ilon of H••1 seas end I replied, "Because lb•�mlaslot t toe city o spectacular but lacks the lawful or unlawful, In•letter which make known the following: bords,when he addressed ji bon, Il3f. season Is over." 'lc flash Inst ouch an under• Just received,Mr.If u e e c h•f [' Ue brokers dhllah ],665. sb DJect to the city eon og could have to Miami." '1T.. .horup o! homes la the [•+wcWlaci forum of r 1i• "You Creek.. are .o uud to says:"Instead of trying at coo- the central Atlantic • ional coo- Mi 1, 10Francisco, 1.176. Immediately willllwlm sldraDl expense t United State.thruterts to pee.the regional Mlm 1,661. asYln[ that the amazon Is.over, It y <onmlulon la being noised about that • o turd-r. y°•°°°fl <ntlon of the auo<lauon •t the Ih. crt fu Pont tamely le nrrothat the Tamlaml[nil,an effect«• D �ur.recently arr••d apo. Dorf. the has become•habil Why the.•a-for• ha atter be r• u«t Y leading economlyts. Hotel Ulltmon In New York Frl- [ present <Mender eon ought never to be over with form of a bun to b•act, orb famous James. Y Drtcaulloo c•n w taken labor •horl•ge, am definitely day' year,elle Mleml gain ts moll mor• this grand weather. 11 le much legislature now In sour use fhfa �y color•crag,t end'oohing!Ing fatale.with Its p•lac. g In •abate nee, with Ihm rubel sec• "7'h i rtetllvtn•t• of newspap•f .mrrdu need end In •ddlllun. Mk cooler and mor.1'1•ea•Ie here than hear°_ < or raCobbg Lad- y device, s n-o-trot, <om- Ilona re pot line that skilled sen- •dvtrll+ln[7 ",••••^•"' °1 in yrolartlon ho Beach I. higher g more la In• North. You tat just tardou, asd Aom• or Dul«ry on bas«<• •n.1 privet• tela ase•moving toward the eltle. to N• time and .!fort [Dent In home In the hlgnar Dra<4ets ••�t awake to your natural ad- A committee of Ince 'Neatly farrow this. tight urs to[empty with the armed end lnlcki writing the copy.'Mr. Keyes old.than Y tier community, r o! Ilullts Rinehart. Y wVulaled rove.. q vantages. Don't You reall:a Inst and leen Cha Jr, the 0th., thing. Should . I have dlacusaad this la some cu les a a- r II of "A. reit°. we must glue more In the hen. lutln[. Miami 1+ millions of i feel• who would 114•mono, ppb reported plea raatsrlal«., with.:per«here and tray say •D•rlm•nts and drtulnjy hi yuts. au.nllon to our copy If we.xwt;t shown t have outdistanced town. to see Miami feel Chet they cannot continuedIll, as•carman' west reit.. of In•uta[• U�•device was Met mad. for m. (real<at owt•cle In build- l° Improve U,•rt.ul« from It." Of much larger population, bilk afford the winter rales' If You'd ce••red Al r.Ch II f' d w throw.own for con- such condition. •• n found Ing•t the present time I.•mortl-I Imre Key„.Is.,,ma•udlanc..of• waukee,u an Illustration, report- only let them know that they can Der of the Floridaillgohots: Ila of•IhonI wales. 9n Tunl•ml trail.' •A nYth-nil ution together with • high [•['plan his MI•ml ofl<•has followed In[ only 1,176 new home.; Haltt• spend their. vacations hers sentsllves, will to that mak. Miami highways roto, for I years to help In the more. I,Ix); Clnclnnan 1, 1.01.; 9t. neon. you,anly than al any other bI . whitengineer pumas*of II another report of the safer will help davNop the COT. Family income, Sr. Increasing preprallon of its own red estate Louie, 9.7; )tlnne•polts, D63. sort, You'd have • reel yeer•bill, witch las,. In •d L the a+sartbrf that the munity. Surely, It I. worth ad...""Ing. - round town” looked upon with far 'of Hilly tlua.al,the even- giving It a 1004, and mere V•gradually mounting L nr•eating Mosul for. . •. • per capl4 rand for Duliding, If "Furry month or two w. bay ARCHITECTS NAME HI.t.lk end ell httsl•mm.[.hied Fret P.Corm. on.which to Dulld• large May w•urge that you Ar,not Groper Ilna ncmg ten D•secured. 110 or ID Sunday n•w•yap<ea of thgh me tbinXing end[ars me•n Idea. Following the neves, tm.mt hotel,eel sear from r^'•• tn• Irina[• Vald YfAI. Alar rlagea era •'tire nulnaruw.Irgar clue. throughout Iia coon• W'hy couldn't the people of(:reeler tion, • eommlllee will '.enter o[downtown acllrl• tll•te•by 7•d Reber In him col- than In many yrm. Young mea llry,"he eaylaln<d,"and read other Mia th rete a publicity fund and Wash logton to ubl•Itt umn Ice coneys tato.. holds[ jell. they feel recall •r.carefully the<,sealfied ads written VIRRICK PRESIDENT rut F-by,d ::Ibiza.. on lis air to[seta. lane proposed i• end on•eu.g.[W location ...oils/ling home. of their by other broken, marking with• «II the folks up North whit we esnntnallon. Doth 111 ,trim u• shadow of 1k. Hollywood, IS mile up the own. fired pencil the unusual headlines .IIP have here In the summer?+<e.',of from Florida TerItD4 os.N.IL.Hound on. n from MI•m,,IInA•Iia baa U.plt gltdown strike*and labor,and phrase that us.Aped. These Beach !IfrfUhrr.Muec.re,d,Irate at Neem+logical to me that wtlh.ln drewLakeland and• at Third st Income 119,0nn morel than • disturbances,the appal-labor con-�•V•clel fl headlines end phrase• au very chart time we Impress 11 Ver Cl '1'dlaJlw.se• h. unthaw, end that I Pon lief L r..lying Reel! Into Intra written up ' record book 1'h mean 1':. Palet ,,lite•tremendous return on our co-apenlbn. cul They .ray Aome. .• wing ' ay,,,.. Im a u o-.which la....toed do follow- Inver sent. \Ys need to In,prcu lively e1J.A by gen. 1 In ()rant. Mlarni' You Dor« tonnage oral move [.boar• <u• vee re lion,' -'---- y y1,u1Jy of n Miami. yu•ed kftam1-41.1.3 ton. upon those In the North the dell Ile rte, end hare the correct to iw..77, with lodu•try taking•grr•[er In• Ing ee.•.body Headline*. opening Vladimir a.Vlrrlek,with office. t the ror• here. In• low living recent vleit In Miami.I hee•r, I've born about • to•10,51° export. ..,3.9 lona• Oust than ever b•fer• In maim;0....;body matter; handling 01 at 1629 Mlchlg•n ave. MIAMI rate. the n ally for I've I.your•n• fur Miami. Would power. Many Indurtrl•1 units •t. Vrlc•and Term•and closers Then'D<rh, has been elected president I '•'pyo here.Nuri and .1,4 edged .,tri bon dolt y.olf,oY that ^ mon hush <o•opr•tln[with the United States i w• ...para. thee• Into two dlf- cumin. 1e.• I Y duringine.. the I nJ congress. hl. yenor. 0 and moregroup now Holly Woold, oral• of •duction in dev<lopmg of Lha eelnen South, <h•par of cumin.. The sleamgldp lines.rail-In roikew i. homes going /trent elute+,for head end mutat• the American Insula[• of Archl- road.And bus Imre woOW then co• It likewise le report< southwest MI•arl--Hrlck- For month. It has bun r vonetlanel nti ieeion programa for intim pro on.,,,.. [rel, In•uc.veA the late i'lllneu bile I. 1'y advertising law r.foci-Idol Icor n,ll view, .tout,WI'.odoah Manor; mored chat . plan r and., the crafts and In-UMries "Then whirl we want to well E.Pal.. trip fro• read for x11 • . prove) •n advertisement and can't Moak any move 11, coup under way In tlllvg wsY to m • the surly[ 16- -S - -PA •--- • l lvi (:.Iger,771 I.lnt'iln crud, the hotel.•ynrlmenle arul11re•tn- firmly ....eta hl• Cl :r E s t a t•s; the Ludwig glory unfml•htd It n o a•v•I t KRTFJI t'U7IPANY TO SIOYE of•goof headline.'he added.^w•Miami Beach, was named vice nota would Droedcn.t their low"good neighbor" pull.' with a told of mound hotel• block • - `Dole through our Mt of wme 70Ipreecrent. summer rate+. Nal end South Amulet I. w ',4-duelling est to Hlmeeyn• Keyes feed t•:•t•t• Co hu en.'or CYl headlines and we •r• likely,' Amended by Iter fur the Float- From school day people In the revue r rPro- beulevmd. Al the 1.1n 1.1,4,,y nounred Chet It will move M• yl• Cordell !lull, a Just getting under way In Hopkins otflre• uY Ilas find one r 1 suggestive me for'Ida, smith. • set were .classes North here believed ileal the 1Icfarr n A Hanle(C. Roper, Vhel•n development•t 811- structure. It ' bonen.1 the fl tr 01 yu•H•n ob the ng IL...1th It.pr'e u lar property w happy i Th ere byeee.,• set up new clearly thee weal onewould go,the hotter commerce. Ila/I center; Ice plena he. floor 4f the Itla'.yn• bullAln[ 16 v<rtl.ln( When as want• of a rut tale,, define more clearly r re reporleJ gorgeous ...II that concernln[ W.Ftegier st, while their is Y mo weather ,1, r wlan,Fere l andlTroy 1, , group in Cord Uabl.. the buildingP phrase for n opening •lute from I MI0. duties of provide de c for cum- hey be list by 1101111-0110 bee a whom bon of the Committer r•rn•I l indefinite. •Dare 1• being pan boil About In the d . re lock o e out from vhe to end .ae,ono for closer our will nslIc e wind.. o r.wu1 bock from Well l unto coconut ()rove; all Lha Me. 114e1y uitim•te r •'ores ander wey 1 Coral mut will b•sal.of tn♦ ild. new a the a mV a.y 11 oe a IncIpy ser Ilse or r u r to lust lh•lch•eier organlatart cooling tful mens wind..nuns our J• In the Greater Afloo • the bright newcolony log to a inti•. Of ltd• red 1•rg.r yu.nera on the need When we ewr,t to dr•cr,b•,' George 11.9 1 our r '•m t!Mein.;tn• ln wr•llng om- secondg and third floors of the Its Vnrticular yu•nty thnt give.a L Elliott firm, IS t eelretary.tre.,. thli•ousand.of people oo le'eke hundreds.ew,11er�trrlclin, high official• [a r •nrint',D ace heirs.IAN/___ bulb ('ror(an tin rtttt •w. laver of lbo Florida,South.chapter ,, serr,nI sen'nn t."r mar II"r am �; ' '•phot Molt 1'.I Ile i f u lShopping • - (nc„r I:rn project. Nmh C.ettl('r (reel • n( lintel (;els Under Way at Mi�lnti li(t.0 It fe� Ina(' ...tooled my appropriaationYk bre ter:, h°`'• � ,6'b 'tat•.`. r..:"..:. sh, .r ...' "We real definitely i • s • .I.1 Chwlrmeru Evans, preyw red to go forward bend of •lenln. Will, lion al the lnomrnl I be more f1...eternizing Washington is concern rn '41,4: . r�) •, ....i .. • dem'y 1x lo, • ' xnrawDljLç*.tji v're .1e. A I r �7 , - -•O .. ..I and throughout u ;:Y�4r'' '� •'t . e. ''' .k. .� wn.xsera rotie. nrld 1,A .'c Lf _ t /A\ / e/s . wIld I nn.Irwa stimulant �•.,,,,e.r.•," i{' ,� • \ 1 1l,!111l:111111111,NS �!w•� ' .onulr.«rn an«•.L I. tai '{ �! Ail .'• } • In At early 'tole yin (d ( f� .•� `�!tT/ :01/ /, t�-S1;.71 '/l:• plpuntlonl funds will b ll�g,P \ \ - 'e:T 7.,�...boa _ .-.- 1�� ,1n �r _• _ hb bees. 11I II t ••w.t( iA Z-. ♦ weeeeould Mr. wino pop'd • `t U, .. .1 t'•, rt -' 'q ,yr . providing W• fuer le yh,�. J• , rt. ,r'A I Ih'rs til Ix (cat fr•1 !s••;Tei+�I atl6*dt - }r ,•1,;,•:,.•t• ++,•b • rnu,.n wool. '�yY_,� ' 11 ) • ..e.L- 1 h eay.aulonre 'wffi 1(Api'Wygv:y f„e E4.4,4420�k'4`•...oh :rye.,t•wef Ale.V .0 itW:dt.:40.•"': 1:4104•�yyt • , oto I.htnA. err -+�l.l�a.•,-;�.. . ` p • , este .r• t . ..�.. • conA to br rench ....ta�..J -.�.iL.�.—.__ �.L.� i.__.� ed 'boy. Itll ll'll„xa ' .In('•rel•r,on•of In.most Lincoln •-+- J —1--'�—'�""""�•"r'• •w nenleMnnrn•IM ...Id ec ruler of ser road end Euclid .res. lion fur erly opening not hal N..eoem hotel. with large _.hr _ , ... • rot bum.. I :lend ll h,during the wee. I Included In sen. , cu [ and .Ipr .• .thew. by PILr,t.y a heir.u.Ly A tie,.«u, Act/M.Th.IJ«rl I" l,rlxnn. ruetloa,gut.under way at d will w rushed to<ompbe- J l9 atom boo),,,1 .,u be I noon l 4 txb by lveol.• and 1 ..Poi 'roe roan bola he ills 1 w:y'ne The rllr e'e,.t syr«and• soder s court add to lane aDWWmg d.- ...Poi 1 bend,ulw large ship slip. yW and Cher• rill w •n ornanleaW fuunl•Irt. way and large ship slip .. •sb v .tet + - MIAMI DAILY NEWS, SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1937 of Beach Traced 'to Accidental Discove• ry in 1 Before (1915) -h„alr't;tU;,;; ';'d,,, CAME AS TOURIST,TAKES OVER UOTEL. ARCHITEI Do.•ad T.Pomeroy of Hen hem•, N.T.vice president of Ine broke —�� �, ers dlrtsbq presided at the forum. NAMED •_ - • a Lwhich was also oddness.'by Merit - evy.f the Meng ta,y Co.ISM • _ saga treasurer of the awodatloa .- and• former , After Use broke BOSTON ere' &viola., After Ilfr. Keyes , .pore.Ib.r.was a general d ele by the brokers of their par. dodo problems. • Men u.• 100 del.(►te. frailInstitute Wi ,. L.New Tarte. H..Jersey. P9..q. - Mrytabdd and w Dt.o $p e e d Is.! • D,1.w.r.. Wet.f Calan bla attended lane mos. Ilouein •assets..,which was bald es•for.- g tumor of the motional em,.atioe — r la Pttt.hmgft not fall to ems.►l _ • Robert Is..,W. the r�IIwe.of the antral At_U5 M�Ms.Bras.l 1'1•w Tarn..os b MLaI a I..t yen u bird., will ateW 1.a•el for a autud der ooup South .of Arch: eeud.. .4 the probl.me p.onaar •tourist told N sommr Atte came back to find It delightful—Now ter c ..that memo ane tbo Milord•w York goodbye.has par.na4W a ..ob.•.1••« cinl,.nu..f of um that Lk. Drokera[• •D«lel• haf•l 9M Wehingten a.•-, M1am1 Beech,and will co lets'forma, pedal toUngs were keep the bad open Ihroaghout U.year tiller her p.rsolW dl• m«ung I.8«boa bend !a the general offboo alas- Notion, shape pine to agora.the appraisers and the nal low-rent housing *dots.eaf•t.rl•s. MIi Inn HOTEL -I willerrare I Merrill C...a a will tweet hl