1670-1 Education, SchoolsS -''i Mt- .'(..10.".'"(itYrr•rirt!•;Neiff•r.1v:n.Q let Sit % - - ` EEN• ' , THE MIAMI HERALD,TUESDAY,ICI RCH 23,1920. • • . . 0 .R N . E ..R t lth and Ave. B 12th St. and Ave: K Ave. D Rickmers St. In Cent 150 ft: front on 12th St. 100 BUI ft. on Ave.B. ft.of this frontage is 100 ft.deep 100 ON AVENUE D ft.on 11th Street. and 50 ft.is 150 ft. deep. 100 ON RICKMERS ST. 50 feet of .as from the San Carlos, The Ave. K frontage is 100 ft. . 100 feet t A good vacant lot on the Cause- . Tree and H+Icyon. • improved with a fine concrete Located t strictlyway street—a prothat is block residence, stry modern. doubtedly I ave corner in the heart ofcertainly worth lookinglong up. >wn Also concrete garage. meat. sato or 99-year lease. A fine property—and the sale FOR SALE OR LEASE GEl price is right. EXCLUSIVE LiSTING • EXCLI XCLUSIVE LISTING • t EXCLUSIVE LiSTING • B to Rickmers St. 4th and Ave. D Ave. G and 6th St. . 2nd S eat on Avenue B. ,75 feet on Avenue D. 150 ON AVENUE G A cornet feet on Rickmers St. 100 feet on 4th St. 150 on 6th Street 2 houses on • est on Cordova St. improved -property-2 houses carry it. he line of Dixie Highway and a store buildin Bringing in about 10% on the that Avenu causeway travel—on the g' price asked. ing a great 4th is a through street. This:will be a valuable holding car line. THiS Ct ttractive 99-year lease. Attractive 99-year lease. , when the G bridge is completed. .XCLUSIVE LISTING EXCLUSIVE LiSTING EXCLUSIVE LISTING EXCL 'It éaitySecurities Corporatio v . . r • IPA_C°CIiT. • GIRLS' SCHOOL TO B E�`tAhING NEW HOUSES FROM OLD MARCH BUILDING HERE fey told a long session of There never was a time when the C at a i yesterday morning to of ,hes, taste and architect knowledge .WILL SETA RECORD many ease,which de- LOCATED AT THE BEACH se the erases arch heel were more to week•erid. Speeders needed or more in demand. The car- . Persistent Colt's,Nols • t the judge's time. - peeler and builder have for years been • • Jln. Harris, V. C. Miss Anna A. Ryan Completes the consulting experts in the building Great Increase Over Same gam• De- less• A ley Thompson, were fa thousand,of suburban homes and Month Litt Year Already; "toes ti-oni at nerd,ao. S for spooling; A. R. Arrangements to Uro T. farm houses, and let us give them •tm s,.tt u..et.s ones l C.Bothwell were each Pancoast'Residence During credit,at least,before the jigsaw era, $134,500 is Total For March or•D°°"C bm or :fighting; ' 'Next'Winter. manycharming to Present Date. no'.ie clue Richard - for beautiful and old - . h Int4 ted a$15 bond by not , houses. (f on.8.Trodee.Is h a charge of flghti Following the buildingshortage in • ofHrton•of a.00r 11(; g ¢ '' Snort reset Iry Co ns End$9.115 for dis- t; Miss Anna A.Ryan,who was in MI- these latter;ear$has come an appre,- With eight more working days in vim' ee bid. blvd¢ t; T. Hartley,colored, ami two years ago with the Rosemary dation-of the fact that any old house, this month,March,1920,is far ahead eoldti artoo� for being drunk;Lewis Hall school of Greenwich,Conn.,has or new,be It as hopelessly ugly as it ofl March. 1919, in the number and ,p,,,aki'•I,°a,u, axentsie 'Red charge;nd yRott made arrangements to open a high'has shown,wn manyhas iIn1ities.stances of Architecture before sapee torfissuedtngs for permits..hich the in- sae This month ,i w� iyi!tii tatsriuo'� t Wood,both colored, class boarding school here next winter and after" of old ramshackle, barn- Inspector Meuler has granted permits , ere de .etswe is nese., fel try In the Thomas.1.Pancoast home,with like structures, altered Into most de- of an aggregate value of $134100. dei tfm.tl,at..1'apoathe S bond by not appear- &warn forests. smote le h rderly aond6at charge; adjacent cottages,,at Miami Beach. light.ful homes. Old barns have been Permits last Starch were$79,100. ordrant* Hebb...m and Roland Wiley,two The name of the school will be the made over Into charming ltudioa and It is considered likely.that the total proved be ooian ar .. arced '_Uontemare" and will be conducted living quarters,woodsheds 1ncorpont- of permits this month will be at least ,���N with raskm0 on the same plane as the Lake Placid ed Into the redesigning of an old farm-$180,000 If not $200,000. Irrma..e.or whets.have eros ware «ere turned oveer to the and the Adirondack-Florida schools shies real) wond•.ful I.ten house. Everywhere is shown■wider Permits issued yesterday: id7Tt�rrHow. It IA• ofEcer; Bill Dictum- tor boys,whirl.haus been.o success- a 't""' • auspicious charas- Y ppracletion that nothing is pos- William Uunworth, [rams stucco ,vueW•,� ful at Coconut Grove. sible to the architect of taste and skill, residence at 2034 Thirteenth street, ed over to the county The"Monterriare" will accept girls The old and hopelessly ugly city 96.000. Send IOr.PB00F PA from 12 to 20 years of age.and will brownstone house and the little two- C.R.Albury,Sixteenth street north, I ea nssurs Katsr I..ot4 terday included George the..•e er.r...... w^on. ward Johnson,both sol- prepare them for college. The spring or three-story brick house or stable frame garage,$300. nnasaerwaa Youar. r• .Ills•.gambling, .and end fall sessions will be hold at Lake on a side street have been made into I'. B. Braddock. Sixteenth street a salt.oils,Lox or...:.(u. Placid and the winter term from Jan- artistic and attractive apartments r north,garage,$300. a.erts W ryty rm"f w .roe; charged•with oat- P uar 1 until Easter,■t'Miaml Beach. studio buildings. C.C.Sparks,Fifteenth street near end health Seek mesad you: miss Ryan was with,Smith College It is to the architect that we owe the northeast corner of Avenue T, i"'+dlv`ror""oo.odd^ "ASSURING. until during the war,being overseas this renaissance and we have only frame garage,$200. )IAaasn 00., 00.11..Al you recommended to me a great part of the time and since made a beginning toward the develop Everett and Schumm, frame store • w hasn't got a penny to then has lectured extensively through- ment of the city beautiful from old building at Western Boulevard,$200. The other day a rancho out the United States. and unsightly and out-of-date ■true- -- the office,paid his suitor. r t Hill never run yds • tures. Lest some should say that we VALUE OF NEWSPAPERS. y' are dealin with merelyidealistic in advance and remarked ;o one would trust.him g T ihans,Christiania. HOUSES SCARCE IN HONOLULU. matters,with our own desire for bet- Bertin Alger, who runs a modest his wife said Alger was ---.---•—., ter things artiatically,•we remark that newspaper somewhere in the elate, best.paper In the state. know, H ng to men &c t position to In every instance these"artistic"im• writes about a joke on himself. He ' "Yes!" said Alger,blas AWBE' '• ••'•,.. know, n day a facing a eshl t. girl has rather prided himself upon his "Yea,"said the rancher age o bra today blac of the short- provemi n s have proved the very best ling the largest area Best of business Ili Increased rents'and earnest efforts to provide•good paper it just flea In her pantry y of the season at 65e a age of buildings for business and zeal- more desirable tenants. for his constituency,but he complains So Alger contrived to hich o have the'Apalacblcots dentist occupation,a condition wince If the coat of.new buildings has de- that nobody tells him how good he is. blindingtears with force. g K a Quart. ,Red . • so beenme time becoming thmore ►ante:dace terred many from Carrying out their 'e, 1$09 Ave.•D. adv. • has beenonnderred dangerousar, a•tohthe long-cherished dre:abundant m of°wain¢their �iigIIIIUIIIIItilil 191 Hllllllllllllllilglgllllqllllllllqlqlllqllllqlllllllqlllllllllqlllllliqqlllllllllqll futon-prosperity of the city ,by'the own home, there is abundant•oDDor- "'_r• embargo on building during the war, tunity almost everywhere for the al- which ha. not,been followed by a leraUon of old place,at a very mod- .. i buildingboom of the magnitude need• ante cost. And old houses nearly ed.-Pacific Commercial.Advertiser. always offer the nucleus of a more •�+ ,- Honolulu,H.I. substantial structure than many hue- — rigidly built modern houses put up-in quantities for speculative purposes.- 1 ••••-•�/0 1 • titan . Architecture. a �' • r , CARRAN7.A •AND TILE U. S. , "Another American,'.says■Wash- Ington die Patch "has been captured by Fair bidding,fair selling—two 4, Mexicans and Is being held to nn ,%1 some" We deplore these pfn•prlck leaves me only three, which I will •i j' Q�bod anti..��� the4cUcs.Un If then la something about lJ \. . / the United Staten that President Car- • Yooran lmprnywrh.;r«ada- nines wants change) he should says-- considered so cheap that one of tl ,• -�.c' n..••nr • fully M owing - ,nn—Punch, London. . _-____ +^eras is»a