1670-11 Education, Schools • (T—D L*RALD T11LSPLONI 2-7401 THE HERALD, MIAMI, FLORIDA • N PRANCE e.NEW SCHOOLS WI•LL BE OPENED IN MIAMI BEACI-I ; V ..'i; �..e.. • y.. . PROVINCE OP KWpNGSI .� o t. �EHENSION -:•. • • L '. ";.3'.:. •41,f-• • . IS PACED BY CIVIL WAR •ill Meeting of . r•' , ),..•• ' ti '-::-.• • Chinese Area Was Source of 10-Hour Week � ,err ;„ � ,`.a• \ \tis Palm Leaf Fans In ' (lett 1.�' ,11/1111". T`� 4•, h b i'1n,' • 14 Gay Nineties (ATtS Pa=wl • t�f- ':SI/11U1 R' • •. 1 ret `S WASHINGTON.Sept.19.-The men. -The spread Of ',;.. • ' q nnnlll...... ave of civil war hangs over the home led Socialist Pr. g ,1 ' �,r I f -/.• -'� of palm leaf fans and of the tny sui- ted • to call est �!'•r -4 f �{ •,'.1,5...?"..'. y. w ••' ` 1, I Beed which give an aztrn tangto the _ 1 .•'.C s!._ '• •,'•Qt. • hard rolls served In many an Amer- , ig of the signers AAt� 1 ''� , t s fun restaurant. In subtropical , settled the tint ��?' 1 t '.I. e'-. �` ,t�J r la ,•�' Kwangsl province of southern China, thea b4 govern- • military leaders an threatening armed r June. ••• action against the Nanking govern. Ung of employed •. • ,« -,, , �idrel ;w�:v- �,I. • "j1 moot unless their demands an met ' labor leaden for "t�.. .i,M ,{af>'Lf: 110l « - '" "Mountainous Kwangel. about the persons said the ` New Wand Beech High school, constructed at 1410 Drexel avenue In the public works administration size of the state of Nebraska, is Just oslder means of .program providing for $700,000 for schools, will be opened tomorrow.-Photograph by Herald Studio, over the Chinese border from Preach as soon se poeel W g w..•y,- _, • v Indo-China. and Its 12.000.000 people ation of the 40. .1.,,:'..,..;3•4,,,i‘.1,10';',••• r - have been declared to be among the scth. labor,con • .. •• - most Industrious and enterprising 1q. ougb parliament •, ` 1. •ss .. . '.1.0.04-E''''''. '4.,.B:' 1' „*e.s,t all China," says a bulletin from the ration. e• � _ ; Washington,D.C..headquarters of the meat bpposltlm A ..,:,..,.../,!r•'::: 3 �) , ` National Geographic society. •s insistence on '.' ,.1 ` 1`1q tis r f (w a •'Kwangsl raised many of the palm ++ ;pintas veer-•one •t •'' t' l'3 r Its •• • • t_:e 1,w i ffeF, ' I for the fans that cooled count- yl widespread labor y a ` '•• ,-..,;, '..."...,•'7' !t, ,r f•4,,,;.;y, j t• »,,,,e,.+»'' ` • i.•' rj� leu Americans before the days of alt. sJ. Mwed the 6ttu.. -7 �y t !_„'........-2,' K ,,,,.•.,- �"'"'�,' ., • Fxlxi conditioning and mechanical breezes. 11WWW '(S' .. ,,o4:•� icr R H 1} � t ¶ Still more unusual Is another of its '' .�Y_ aSs� ,tltl ,� rl x-' SpecleltIes-making flab Imes from i. T. %•rN.;,��«,..7. •• • • ••• ,�; • ,"T; i the Intestines of a specks of silk worm yO■ ■.w. ( 'y _ � 1�1 •11� r , that n on the camphor foe. U I •ter �.'' "On many • Kwangsi farm, too, d A';� , silk worms and fish are raised side by : rf'�'a. . ; err._-' s .r.'.. , aide, and the combination Is not as WS . •-w*.5 -�;,,v,,.,,y,u„ strange as It may sound. Rich mud .,,., ,,; „�. •,'•�"•---a^•..awww..+ from the bottom. of the flab ponds Is "` good fertiliser for the mulberry trees • -••--•-'- -- ----.--..-.. on the leaves of which the silk worms .N EXAMINING • feed,and waste cocoons from the silk 11. Doan of the South Beach Elementary school will open for MIeml Beach student* for the first time to- worms help to feed the fish in the atipp examiningmons,. The building was completed In Lenox avenue, between Third and Fourth streets, se a public works ponds. :ted at the meet- admlnlstratloa,pnject.-Photograph by Herald Studio. "Kwangsi straddles the Tropic of 17, Quell CathoW t. ./;:1-:: ' ! n Cancer, invisible boundaryline be- i teeth the temperate •d tropical .,tsmserrot►, a t.� soots. 8o many of Its products are )N J[>tA0112e NO _�� i Y'p• ''-:Au tropical; and in its forests grow r►lu- Fran LT •r-.. r _ a14s, 1.. Thy+�"�1,+ , able cinnamon and camphor trees. Tally Alas urt of the _ Ka •.•' I ' r. ,• `..1, 'The 81-klang• southernmcet of ocaducted the ' 441 C ' r t yiIS t y f( China's three groat rivers, 'Mows o/111 r.on. p0 10.N.I.Fir•$ 1 r ( bI . 1 �• • • , I�in 1.-ii. 1 •I i 4 ; j-, ,."'.. through ltwengei. and Its tributaries by Herah • I%•' ' a ly ^. - Y.1''r,.siy t �"`'^r and upper branches form a network •sUt street et 730 t - , xi, • ', . tt r / 1:4 of water highways carrying a teeming CITRUS • • •1 1 1 fir'' e6;11 I ' tit " ■ ", -, x,. /11111y traffic of Junksmotor launches and i • ' 'g _ - •1 huge rafts of firewood destilned for 1W MILTING • �,,,r "' x4!;: - the coast dhoti of Cantos and Hong INED •' .�.✓ -,...,...:...•...,,... -'.- .e.,..�.�..,.....,.....`.r•....--. .,,,,,,,e„"„ •,.. .q • Kong. At Wuchow.200 miles from the TLRI of the•g'titian:hers 1 yr s: • sea.the fit-Xiang is belt a mile wide: card'berg out of The•North Beach Elementary school, erected at W Forty-tint street and W. Forty-second street between oxuionally at flood time it may rise has been pout- Prairie and Chase avenues,Is one of three new mieNnl twitch school buildings completed this year by publics as much u 76 fat above the low level works administration funds.-Photograph by Herald Studio. it reaches in dry seasons. "Hilts and mountains dominate the Control f6T'SLANKA who, It necessary, will repair them magnet ed an armature.A magnet is read to within one quarter of a de- Kwangsi skyline,with the rivers flow- the annual swim- for poor Children for Christmas. The a magnetised piece of steel, one end gree. While the magnetics compass, log In deep trenches between, and Says P • at scout head-.next 20 minute.were spent In study- or pole,of which Is positive, the other mounted lh front of the pilot,cannot only about 10 per cent of the land tilt enough to be cultivated. Hut :baa 1 p. m.bah Ing and working on advancement n. end or pole la negative.Between these be accurately'read to within two de- thrifty Kwangsl peasants cultivate [Hi eluding some points on first aid by our two poles run Invisible lines of mag- - natlo force, called the magnetic field. gree. The gyroscopic compass is also tory loch of the rich flats and raise LAXSLAN one ihuter. H.also said that everyg g used In following a plotted course, so much rice that, unlike other part/ "'ming e ,P 5 one abould bear In mind the comm It Is these lines of force,starting In It also does not tell directions but of China, famine seldom visits them. De an gymnasium of scout 7. Tb. at Washington, D.C., all directions from the poles but grad- serves only to keep the airplane on a • "Until recently,to travel In Hwang. brought• t Church and made in 1037. The tut thing on the pro- ually curving over to the opposite course. It must be reset at regular al you would go by boat,or walk,or citrus coop o lds park. gram was the third chapter of a thrill- Pole, that attracts Other metals. An intervals by moans of a muter mag- be carried by sedan chair over narrow Saturdaymorning !ng mystery serial whish our scout- armature Is made of many wires too much I wound around a core to hold them ines netto compass. But after it Is set, trails winding among towering lime- Shipment, Mavoy. WUt•nt muter Is a meeting nIg and relating to lace, To generate toas 1t depends on a gyroscope Instead stone cliffs weathered Into fantastic p company the boys, W each night. The meeting D g electricity, the er- of the Invisible lines of force to keep shapes, with sheer-walled cliffs and carelew 171t ' ek end. A patrol closed with the scout law and the mature Is phioed In such a position can went paits direction. It is riot of lee Ud by tall spires. But now a system of auto- lid plans were dL- sooutmuter s benediction. between the two magnetic poles that, the deviation• of the Invisible mag- mobile roads has been begun, one of days of the pg model airplane CARL RCM.Reporter as the armature revolves,14 wires cut recite Maes the beet In China." X.Brigham UTL .71t,Abe. straight across the invisible lines of There we, Scoutmaster Harrison further stated TROOP 44 force that run between the two mag- that the stud) of navigation and - In packing 1 d o H. 6 Troop 44'opened Its meeting with nese poles. In this way electricity is the operation of Its instruments d of W n , prepared foe brought to attest- the pledgeofallegiance to the flag generated. If an armature revolves so one to-appreciate more fully the tee. NEIL 1VIIAlVII BEACH year but 6 tog with the,scout and then repeated the scout oath. that Its wires parallel the invisible compllahments of a navigator who sue- • up•to Sept ao.bulletin tp be Owtng'to the beginning of the winter lines of force,then these lines are not cesetully makes a long ta dlsnce flight. before but fleeted and the/toll.program,new officers were appointed. cut and therefore no electricity is gen- For It easily may be wan'that,atter N I�('\��wn I by that dab aid class was con- They •ace Prod Sutton, assistant orated.The amount of electricity gen- a course has'been carefully plotted, SCH 0118 11I L OPEN curtailed am mils.le,sod Rob.. sooutznaeter James Trawkk• Jr., as- crated depends on the number of compensation made for the decline- •tin, one of, ow 'IMAM tooutmutine armature, the speed of tion and curve of the invisible lines - ' -- . control con leo attended the and Melvin Rats. senior patrol lead- the revolving armature, the strength of force and the probable drift fromvolume ler. n . game period'fol- e : Carroll Webb,William H. Blinn, of the magneuo'lines of force between crow winds and atr currents, and Three Buildings Erected Under shipper. to d►ems.•'foliaw tna Pied Bulbia and James Alexander,pa- the poles and the angle at which the when and where each change.=tom- PWA Loan and Grant To Immdlatell bots Livid lad.the tool leaders;Eugene Hutchinaln.How- wires of the armature cut through the Is reluctantpass dlreetlon L to b matte b mala- an, n pinto.thud.'far and Jones,Raymond Turner,assistant lines of force.A lesser amount of slim- tela a simieht Lly�se_tit,le them that District prorate, Its meeting old. petrol leaden and Oordoes Baas, triofty U generated when the wires the real work been*. last resort' ed neer'. benediction. quartermaster. All of the old mem- cut the lines of force at a slanting It Is one thing to plot a course. Completion of three•new• school "The qw QISHURO,Sorms,. tin were welcomed back and laws angle. The greatest amount of elec. but 1t require. cool courage, deter- buildings at Mlaml Beach. the'North aunts this for the following yemr laid down. Welty is generated when the wires cut minatfon and an iron will to follow Elementary school,South Elementary was tut ye /P 16 Pour leaders gave talks to the four through the lines of force ata light a course over an unknown route,fl Fruit e m time le dowing divisions of the troop. The coming angle. All generators operate In thisy- school and the Miami Beach High did last ye, swimmingIng hour atter hour,retying solely on school, for the opening ot the 10$6 Florida Olt, Troop,10 had a practice planned. Charles Marks, to the one In an electric powerhouse every change Indicated on your chart, term tomorrow marks the receipt by Ing the do lance as Ie mese. Raymond Silbern were received in that supplies electricity for a city. In fighting the elements and nursing that city of$700,000 of the$9.000,000 Ing grapefr v,as formed in the troop and two other boys were the earth Inductor compass the prin. terially Ince Oofyour airplane; and still have the Com- earmarked by President Roosevelt for which fruit „acid, Smpus.hau told to pass their tenderfoot tests Opts of the generator Is used In an fldence and faith In your course and ,itmaster Rey:old* rust week.. Fred Sutton. then told ingenious manner. An armature Is your Instruments to follow them repairing or reconditioning old schools be shipped, as opened with in. u1 about his experiences It summer plated In the tall of the airplane,tar blindly In every detail,believing they' or building new ones in Florida,James "Llmetati• )ails was.selected School. from the magnetic disturbances of the will lead you safelyto n gndw l your destine- E. Cotton, hekederllle, acting state number 3, 1ped scout present. The•Mothers* auxmiar7room ,bald its ignition and the grist mase of Iron tion. - director of the federal emergency ad- large sizes, the heti the troop meeting in our scout room. The aux- of;the engine.This armature te turned DAVID THIELS,Reporter ' ministration of public works, points confidence Ont.oath by•teary Wary was formed about two months at • fast rate of speed by an air- - as,poled•and dues' ago and has been very active. The wheel In the shoetree= of the pro- out. Wealth m, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The three schools were erected under prices cant. 10e1ed.by wanes' ter.:Mn.J.F.Tnwlcprint. roller. • public works administration loan merits are sopa clue spode dent: ent: Mrs. P. A,.Sutton, vice preel- Instead of havinga magnet in the IJIIS 20 NEW MEMBERS and grant to the school district. North still toroth'a group to dent: Mn, R. Turner, secretary, and airplane, the poles of the earth are ap,making under Mrs.H.Hawley,treasurer. The mem- used as the magnet and the Invisible -Twenty new members have'been Mr, Cotton explained: "When the Kr,`)tats, father,of Den who Rent present were Mrs. lines of force running between the added to the rolls of the Mlamf Mani- children go beck to the schools Moa- Sootitmaster pat- Lindbloom, Mrs Howley, Mrs. Webb. north and southmdt poles aro cut by the ber of.Coerce during the last 30 day they well find in many frutanose Mn. Dodd;`Mrs..Gook, Mrs. To that not onlyhave new buildin been ad sea h dam-gar tab. wires of the revolving armature In the days, officials said yesterday, Tb. P ,,00ming swimming Mrs.Turner,•and Mrs. Trawick. tall of the airplane. As an earth new members are Florida Advertielng Put up for them,but that they have dayed a'few gamed • JAM= P,.TRAWICK. Scribe Inductor compass claw not tell•pilot Service, Eastern Air Lines, W IOD sen completely furnished from top to was dlamlsse4 with ' ' which direction is north or south,it Broadcasting Company. L. P. Inland bottom with new furniture and new brisdiOtion,r . • TROOP 4.7 is always necessary to first 'Use • Company,J.Y.Gooch Company,nor- equipment for manual and.elsntlf10 )ROAN, Repartee,' . (Miami,,Shores) magnetic compass to get the general ids Dalrles,Turner-Moore, Inc..Oen- training and studies and new gym- ; • At this creek's meeting the earth direction to be taken when on long eral Motors Acceptance Corporation, naslum and recreational facilities pro- op 1t' nal Inductor * gyroWalloonoopic comses, flights. After which the pilot sets Seaboard Finance Company, Wallo 'tided, In•number of thlokly popu. at Oren) as used by aviators on long flights,were the earth lndtector comps on the Saddlery snd•Leather Company, Ell- feted centore complete Cafeteria serr- ef troop.21 opened.explained to us by Scoutmaster Hard- course. But If the dial registers that gore Seed Company. Cuban-Amen- toes have been installed. In the ' �at• Anil•the eon.AS•beats for'understanding the mon or Was electricity Is being gen- can Touring Company,Austen-Michols xdtools." t a.im rt talk.was earth lhdtiot r *rated. conipass.brought into *rated. It Indicates that the plane Company, Miami Daily News, Miller- explained that more than 77 per .0ast1e a yuDd,aa protrtlnenoe .by Col. Charles Lind- ha.turned to the right or lett of the Buck Company, Keswick Corporeteon, ant of all nonfederal construction f as grew to the proberth's elite New Tort to Part flight true course. The advantage of using George S.Wildman Apartments,Hlp- projects carried out over the country 1 If destituteow. In 1997. he made the following ex- an earth Inductor compass is that be- podrome Cigar Store. Blue asOray seder the public works administration re,'Falreloth,•,-tbest planation of the principle of the gene- Ing free from magnetic dlsturt anoes Cab Company and Dr.Popper Bottling Drca haveabeen In building schools. • ,p for it usist+noe ratar. A generator Is ci oomposed of a and vibration, It n be accurately Company. i The acting Stat,director of the ad- ministration old that 31 sections of of Ute Legion Safety Florida were Included In the under- astr'ewrt Liman REWARD OF$650 OFFERED FOR RETURN OF MISSING BOY taking and seating spew for more .. ..,_ ,..n i':-• .•,Poe then wens on , ... • _ i.:U. i e • TI 1 I W n w IP '.•lulr.�� ��'• ^ rte'� 5• leer. I Ld Swaapl. and to trlbutuWlhrOU• Yillii.t, �! ,'I and u Y Herade'�1 :•';' .' ' �' 'p �- .._�' •jrtl;r• I � '.�`�, ,t ��r'all upper Dnnoh., form g learning u •,� .. elm a rt of water highways carrying•teeming L • �.• -g-'-. ,. , , i- a y J: lrattld of junks, motor lauaahea and CITRUS • huge rata of firewood daU1nW to[ � ".."..... .. �~~ r+» -'^se4�,+r.,.• the coast cafe,of Cantos and Hong '.t The•North Reach Elementary tong. At Wuchow,200 miles from the school, erected at W. Forty-fast street and W. tort ��R1 • ,Int• Prairie and Chase avenues,Is one of three new allalbl Beech school buildings completed thissea'tl>e 9i"klang U ball•IT wide; �\ weeks adldln Ness ton funds.—ppb » h'byed hiyearreK• between asculchaal •t A „� Cog D Herald Studio. by public ) cod time IL ma)rise as much u 76 feet above the low level LA who, It it reach., In dry season., •1 fi , necessary, will repair them magnet red an Mature.A magnet le read to within tote quarter of a de- /twangs!akyllrie,with the rivers flow- Door cblldrea far Chr4tmu. The I a fres aatlsed bt of steel, one end "Hills and ma,with dominate the /tet abead- Control f Y• m.La L-.a•zL 90 minutes wen spent In stud or pole,of which U gra. din the m:benstlo compass, Ing In deep trenobee between, ►ud u I. fag and working oa■dvantmeat m- eqd orn Dosltlre,.the other mounted la frost of 1 only about 10 per pat of the land Says e naming some pains oa tint aid b our two pole is negative.Between thewD lot,upgot s. "Hil Kwaatl pew alta capias one should bear!n mind the coming Itis thew Ila., magnetic field. used la following a compw is also icer)much r of the ticb Hate and nW Itl[, gymnWum 4f scout ould a at Wuhington, D.C., It dlrec Dons from tIIa roele,b tstarting In tplotted course, w floe that, unlike other parte •Tai NI ,leurob and made in 1937, The last thin on tg po ped- IC also doer not sell dlnetlons but of China, famine whom v1a14 them. c»ulag gr • Orghads park. gram was the third chapter of a thrrill- Pole, that viatttr attoveracts to other metals.he opposite IAD grad- serves only to keep the airplane on • • "Until'recently Saturday morning Ing minter. It must be feat at regular d you would to travel in Hwang. brought a se. mystery serial which ow scout armature 1s made of many wires intervals by means of a master ma goY boat tm or walk,or citrus eohlrc McVey, WLtabt muter I. wmpplpg and »Lting W wound around•core to hold them In tlo nomL- be carried by sedan chair over narrow ompany the boys. W each meeting bight. The meeting place. To generate electricity. the Cr. Dna. Butotcor It o wt trails winding•among towering Ume- too much ire ente �k cad. AWtrd nosed with the ) ea It depends on • ope Instead stone cliffs weathered Into fantastic scout'law and the mature is placed In such • o! the coon.le Ilnw of force to keep shedaysomlh e d plans were-cue- scoutmaster's benediction. between the two magneticPtltloa of he In Lal It Is dot ►ftectep calf e, with But ser a system clot autoiffs s err model airplane CARL RUBS, t poles that, the deviations of the Invisible may spirescars went !c Ji.narlba Reports, as the armature revolves,14 wires cutl mobile roads Aas been bedays of the • straight across the Invisible line, of nett."Imes, ata, on, or d '� ?BOOP 44 lore tb•tthe hest in China." Brigham t, P g Troop ,opened 14 run>»twee4 the two mai- In Harrison further stated There were N meeting with setts polos, In this waythat the study '"'7'T' ', +-•w,r,y., orouget W sites- tbTroop.pledge of allegiance to the electricity is of navigation and of }tiR In packing he ay wan the want and. then 1s, flag generated-If an armature revolves so one ap re iofs its Instruments to leads Y' _M prepared for o�wan th beUt oM repeated the scout oath. that Its wires parallel the invisible one to■PDn more fully the c- up to 111Lu,II 1'l1I I BF C • >tiY°�e beginning of the winter flaw of force,then few lines an not compl4hm•ao of•navigator who sac- )ear but t1 eetea and thg•toll.program,new ofllan were appointed. cut and Ulenfare no electricity a gen- easefully makes a long distance flight. uatoto but Sept.et it OIW was obp. They 'are Trod Huttoty asa4oat crated.The amount of electricityPoe It easily may D. mien'that,atter 1/`1'1 ilaili i i nnn�( by that date atak Jr sqd Rob. scoutmaster, James Drawing. Jr., as- lrated depends on the number•of a course II.,•been carefullythe plotted, SCHOOL\ ggI1,1,Ur21,11 rias oPa•tr[ti.oyr sUtant sooutataster; Robert Jamison wires in the armature, the speed °O°'P°naatl°n made for the decline- control A LLJIJJ 1 ILjl Brigham as o attended the and Melvin Sats, senior patrol lead- the revolving °t tics n4 canet:urolled it I. lama baud fel. en; C■r'roll Webb, William H. 8 armature, the of the Invisible ulna w control cortin am baud the Prod Cinch andlinn, of the magnetio•Ilnes of force between °r ssre and the probable entt from volume leach lobLiz Levin ow be trot Fredleaders:i James Alexander,pa- the poles and the angle at which the crow winds and air angein red Three $Ulldia s Erected Undershippers • Eugene Hutcbiosin.How- wire,of the armature cut throughwhen and where each than g to • P�IJ uha:rd 'Lor sad JOaw,Raymond Turner,assistant lines Of fejt.A leaser amount olec pay direction 4WD,m►ds•to ma1C- PWA Loan and Grant To immediately, De meeting closed patrol leaden and Oordoa Bus: trielty 4 generated when the wires talo e• a t then that is reluctant , be beaediosed quarornleaer. All of the old ate,_ cut the lines of force a sire ting .{work U 1L.4 of trio Drone. and Iaest resort. er', be ed1ctlsome, ben were er. t•d back and laws cutle. The the reel work ne bo, It Is one thingCompletion of three h,ewe schoolNorth las ia,t e, for the following)ear laid down. Welty U generated when athe wlrw cut unt of elm- but It require. 1° plot edeter- to at Miamiool, Beach, the North •III )hue leaders gave er a to the four through the lines of force •tart ht andcool courage, Elementary aunts this , • , iliac L'dtawlag divisions of the ttte course an iron will to follow school end,the Miami South BeachElemHigh was rut yam r logL boys ra in swimming the weapolscussed bind manner,Ufgenerators )operate Int is a g how over an unknown route.fly- LD dla last In hour sure teehour,relying executing y. school and the opening HI Duet i roop'10 bad a practice planned. Charles Marin k,, to the one In an electric powerhouse eveyour l Indicatedncarefully urc hart, term tomorrow for the at of the IDLE notl4a efru q was llcemW la Raymond thtroop and two other reboys ceived n thate sup ll electricity for a uctor compass thety. In righting rel yournuntat' that cityof 7 tag the clot change onterm manta the receipt by L the clog fira 000 if the formed la told to pass theirwtenderfoot Lets p airplane;the caan crate and Op,sid nt the,,yelt for In u muter Reybold. toldnexweek.. 7 Iyllend, then tela !rape,l u t°aaanera Aa tor la used In !n yourcead faithhe allyl yourhacourse the Dont earmarked by !dent Roosevat for whlch)Irultr e op mew syn id nal tbwee .tis redexperie Sutton, at sfluent and enIn l ,sed stile wee.aelecad school, .,rarer placed In the tall of the airplane. fu youInn eve d to follow them reor lor fen ning old schools be shipped. • ed scout present- The Mothers• smith from the magneticreal disturbances of the blindly In every droll,bettering they or building new ones in Florida,James .'I•lmltatlo smithery held la Ignition and the will lead you safely to your destine- E. Cotton, Jacksonville, acting state A s ma the troop farting in our spout room. The aux- of the engine.ThJsgarvalatuaruisls turnediron tion, to. grads h. t, •t'Data by Hemp Diary was torrid ,boot two monks at a fast rate I speed DAVID THIELS,Reporterdirector of the federal emergencywoks, Pad- number 3, e a ' owed gad muse ago and has been attire, The wheel la the slipstream or the air- ministration of public works, also large slue, e a. wed- by business officers are:Mn.J.P.very actin,Dred. Wllor. pro- out, D pricesconfirace 9 O°°e'elea■ alneesaCeits sat' e !, A. Button, vice CIfAAfRFR OF COMMf'R�F, The three uahao4 were erected Under prices am, a group to dent: Mn. R. Turner, vara Droll- Instead h having.osa magnet In the p;mating Lader den lima.IiawF, treuunr, ori' and airplane, the polyof the earth say 11AS 20 NEW MEMBERS a public works school d ration loan metals are 1 . Ufa, g U of hers who Iran The mem- used as the magnet and the invisible Twentyand grant to the whorl district. North still /r present were Mrs. new memhea have'been Mr. Cotton explained:othe "When the fooatmastti Wat- Lladbloom, Mrd Rowley. Mn. Webb, 11°a of force running between the added W the ,rc of the the children go back the schools Moh- t7 I set • date Jar Mee. Dodd.'MIS Caak• north and south poles a»cut bythe her of. during Menu 7theymany tt 'agldng.ewlmmlpg Yrs• Tllraar, red Mn. TYa k ot, wires of the revolving armature In the d■)e, officia4•ralathe da will find.In Instances N� 00 red ,•few pmol • JAY]s,T,.d lire.CK, tall of the airplane. As as earth new member'an Florida ruse, T•b, that not only have new buildings been 1 ve of u dismissed with Scribe Inductor compw do,,not tet a lint Service, Advertising put up for them, but that the • P S lrutern Air Lines, WIOD been completely furnished from top to 't ui■dltrtlouy ?!OOP 47 which direction Is north or south, It Broadcasting Company, L. P. Leland bottom with new furniture and new PAH,Reporter, (M1sml,nhoamagnetic always aecewry to first 'else a Company,J.Y.Gooch Company,Plor- equipment for manual and scientific At this.week's meeting the earth direction W pe taken Wheret eon long eral Motors Acceptant* naslum and recreational iw1UUa pra- t e A '' Inductor• handpasa to general Ida Dairies,T cceptMoore, Inc., Oea- training and studies and new gym. is Drove) ' . used by'Vision oat gyroscopic ong flights,war, the earth After h • pilot sets Saddlery Finance Company,naafis Tided. In a number or thickly poDu- y troop 91 opened Used b=Planed to us by Scoutmaster Harry- course. But If tate dial regispaedi ters the Saddlery and•Leather Company, Lied Centers complete cafeteria seer. ry ,seat. /toter•the sou. a bale for understandingregisters that gore Seed Sll- 0 s,■IIorti ter'the earth As a basis nom the more or Lu electricity L being gra_ can TouringCompany, Cuban-Amari- foea have been installed:la the • oa Hake= sad s. earth inductor bypaw, brought Into crated, it Indicates that the Company,ANene,M Illem. 4•" epic Na,York to Paris flight true course.to the right a left oil the BuckpCompsany, Keswick NCorporattoa, cent ofallth•demore co sthan t ucctlper u to the sod an prominence romberg 's _ n Of dsttuta can. In 1927, be made the following ex- an earth inductor compw Is thathventage of n be- podrome Cigar Store,George L Wildman AWrtmeate, ray under the public out over the country t planation & far tris awtstatfa ntor. A paths r Is composed of the gene- lag few from magnetlo QUturtMtnts Cab Company and 77r'.Ps Blue & Ora) program_ rogram havbeen In building,adadministration I the jr■tioa safety Dowd or • and vibration, it can be accurately Company. Popper Bottling D REWARD OF The eating state director othe ad- >..I°wl Lind1•'•l.a $650 OFFERED FOR RETU nark and esti ncs Irl tn:u acre »o,. u • RN OF MISSING BOY• °p 1Dis DETROIT POLICE DEPARTMENT taking and walla than 8,000 _ i Dace for mare LII. were taken of the school rolls tre ui Il,than were been wpassed around provides. year have Deere oral togr•DD• 11! "The types,of buildings which are of t American being • completed with public works . $ administration money rang,from the D. Comerica $650.00 RE toames pre an M. ,1 A res and lour-room frame structures In counties harlh a limited building up our HARRY ret to those of reinforced c c,•an ret I troop to and BROWE------Missing Child many construction having as many as 40 star ding 1p the classroom, and accommodating as nal To date no DESCRIPTION: Age,IS months:lwlgh�2(t.4 In.;weight.26 lbs.:fair complexion:bius eye,;light many t 1,200 children," Mr. Cotton tacked this to notalo, to see other scouts brown or dark blond hair;mastoid operation scar behind each ear;Rn er "Underwith completionheof schools work In olag In Lb.'attendant" l •sail on ring finger of lift hand is conneetloh with the schools financed attend 0 the• sou • a on;wore white rompers;black shoes:no atoekin their in at will be i -� F ^ r L■• by the administration Milled, semi- :ging 'er0'•w' skilled and common labor will have troop tarn,. Rob- �:+ ' ! .e Between{10 P.M.and 7�O P.11,on Saturday.September bee• n provides with more Pres, 1,120 ally scout who bas - 3, 1916, this bon was taken inaman years of work at the prevailing ty e saving course aL w■■a�jbaby buggy by bis two older rates of wages paid In the community ! pan by Lb, Red • ., brothers, Charles and Edward Brow*,9 and 7 yrs.old respec- wb•r. the Construction work U mow . try other scout ask. i lively,to Clark Park,*cotton Ave.and Porter*t,Detroit,whit& fund, lmatN)40 per cent of all the rytie other , ottani x' la fourteen chi blocks(about one mile) from their borne. funds allocated for each workers project-will the pleas for the 40. f J -r, be paid out as wages litho lbg e � .... 'i,s Y" • A Homan,eche was la COM Pah wish tem small oa the Job. t to the es the Mal gave ;Orli,a awe weed." annex. rte +' .5: l f_ ' eh�rlet Melee on same with which t•M anat.ke imam eaw«, countyorprovidingthese district educational Defter ' E` (f woman gave Edward Stowe tee emelt with 10P L3 :H it! ', ,1 , ' ', which to bey soww candy,abe to • authorities,loanand grant making grant only, for opened with th. se ' c t :a t•'> A. elrnt. Edward went re the woe,tore tiulaed we We safely stress the a loan and or Daly,con. nae to the nag.led • .: y • �; lea him. Whew he returned tack senses tow he eye three watch.pennies. templatedthe,would mare of such 2 '`: Charles naked him street~had three earl buildings as would meet the lmmedl- rra. The rah Lade • r�r'R••';. ��y 'f' them t•him. whore M Loi thew arra ll:dw•rl tale hire slot•man gave ate awl future needs of the eommual- o and reported. wT They then returead to the leaky buggy and towed she shy genu. this In •iemeno Wrtt•abarg °d ` DESCRIPTIONS O!SUSPECT*WANTED high school work' Junior high and a lame Dade •d. t • �l. Wt. � •• r i. FOR QUESTIONING: anda• fishimajoritygof case.where a loan which the tender- part ray, WOMAN— _ grant wee made for constructing and ll�rsWhi patrol -450,:;,.. .>e ?..:N•'•''..1a % 4,...W tY with wNte Driau►Itck sheer; o.:bleed ks4t were t4e.w:a Mw pro ed'governmentsecurity on madth uch csi i,.of 6 fad. bee1td. The burl ' ..+..1 ".1,- Z':�-,l GIRLS WITH WOMAN_Age,11.1! Droved security the•basis or ,t per They 'bl them W .?" sei4r;black Jew:yellow antl•t m'seers a as dress with breve cent of the estimated cost at construcr e he was filing the ,` Age.47 esetklage, tion at 4 per cent annual infant • ling few songs,Poi- 1`,-t; - aalt4t ,e.7 ,, wen•Wee draw wltk.Nee cellars k4tk shwa:/as" charge and gave an outright grant of Me period the reset- vi per cent to aid lA the work of pro- . ro- • pith the soaytmai- "" MAN_Tsll and We with•hair U vtaing the educational advantages.III a dark mit. •:ase•tselw:were a per.ee(t w sad some lnsta the the m lafur- . nlehed 00 per cent of the money re- 1ftAltt,'RePwter, A reward of S300.c0 will be paid by the Board of County Auditors and e reward of SI 10.00 will be paid gutted nancing nd the adml letratlon gave • by the child's grandfather,August Pincher,for Information leading to the return of w the fret orae er cent, private P d BROWE of le0g Seventeenth St.Detroit,Ykhlgsn whereabouts of HARRY t P It■d Offside with `Under the tdminletratlon method Mout law sad the TM reward er Moo.eo wta.r agte �We then went The(award•f t110a,nal empire<Jre see year aim We Yte-- asw•,���w� 1,aip of tlnneing,a county or school.ale- • ttol mooting* atM d•I7 len Mew this eeee_lt..•r.aee a,ir. tact floating• bond Issue to provide aobaltlaan Ota,the ,.� -CMeeiar N•,air. Wire an Information a a 0100.000 school building seta re- bad,'game tri"Shoe gutted to uta only 630,000 worth of 14 woo by Carl Runs. ' A JOHN P. SJ`QTI{� ascuritir and the government would mak•an outright present to them of hid 'game o Moate ?bis a the anowiwtandswt et Puller,DETROIT.MICHIGAN.. the'48.000, Thus It wilt be own that . .!�'� y. ,•''this Is h poster out.by the Detroit pollee department In its eeareb for Harry Brows, the co it*young buildingwoda•cIIool to _ It age.elk• part is two older agentsnth participating. The boy disappeared trent.bis cordae after beingIS taken months educatere 14 Lipp get r 100,000 down and 4 not the man wnd Ill anted,believed to ser. been knterneam:4�News Photo. holo, ea the poWr has cent,"annual intermitchargescAargytof 0e,�r ted,oftklen w1Q�IhternaU PDoto, plue . neat." .� • 1 • °• ••.o•.• r,'•e.+•'.' Stis.ayy!... 't nt.,V! ..its.;„'trg-W%dr,' .r.'• • 1'1•!/11 Ni a►w�.•. •,t"....,•, M r ass 5.740! THE• HERALD,' MIAMI, Ft ORTD' . •V • 1i!I LD 'witty:cap' '2.7401 SATOR) � Services Arrangedmesimereesumeserermaiseur rom.the:United'States, Is Turning �MIIANDIES FLORIDA ARMADILLO• uIIed Rickshas and Carts To Airplanes •'M II LING ILIA SS MYSTERY IS SOLYEL MEI tallahaasaa.rias.Sept.1t.VD Jr •0. /earstary L N.Kandy et t►• �..^- ,,." game ane fresh wake/ flak coax t a•Aw �� that an= 2,1.,::','{tv . _ Mrs. dare Anderson Co: Wu 1 w�; Ante= heard fM�rty4 because , ‘11!;!4.0.1•44,.. ,- Three Score and Ten Club , • •1 ��,i i' teal estate broke/ baa • Mb= Ijri; J J;S. • f^ .,j'ti. Member v' . .} Sari zoo at Cocoa. poaa .00 •SA�� t lam+• =.• ' Y The broker, Gus a/warde. K q'�• r►rr3� ';..M ,.:• : ]D7.theca=demon lbk,et.mem- • ',1 ' Wase eight armallLa 1st k� lUdli vps �.:e�l� " a' be:of the Three Score and Zen club, ,' s arta .v• • .:.--......"' % _ — died yesterday W her home.2410 N. sfyik s ' scene One sighs they escape. • . r' ,$L s thea there be,.been eon 'r C•\ _ W.Porky-third street.following•Ions •e s.. ass, \ Ulna= ;i• ty'1:l tarred reports et the Utile arms. the . 1 y;1 oral I` ..; A usu.. at Mu:woketa,Iowa,Mra. • R + v7 putted anlmay helot sad on U Wda „' f�{j•M!►<< Cwt sure to Miami elght.7aara ass. ito',A<:, wast Coast. ace- • • ale was a member of the Old Age Pan. ',:_, Iwo*Bovard.secretary et u and ••;,,,I• A. • alon club. - .v• .'?' -sate barber board vibe forme. nih- • She leasee bar husband, Leroy.F. N • 7r%II' Dred In Coon. supplied titera .x. 4 1,,= Cox of Miami: a daughter.Mrs.Mabel . V4.^1rl• ' Ie maauio Informatics to Kenn. army . lr yr F anowAnderson,Miami, and• wax; ? Vena t :=J 4 ', Leroy P.Cos of Rhode Island. `• •iter•C. A. Prange of Orias w— rt• •..•x."'i •. •. a .'1 • Funeral ser.,o.a will be conducted f= Nit fou./ as armadillo sees Ina c ,.'. .. -,i•-•,..... 'I at.2.p. m. Monday In the (Murata ..,7 14 het. •Hirer CU;last Saadi). t : .,s Funeral home by Dr.Kn.ntt S.8mlth. WWI' ,e I;,: • ‘''''Y',;,,4•1;,"•:„.•"••••••... !.'�'s r ., •ri7 pastor•of Plrst- Christan Church, •;d • Mnse''s nu start=a also. .aft a ,..a. i Z"'tl7`•�. -• ,. Burial w11l be 1n,Wpodlawn Park may,. • .4 - g elan el bow the aniniala fl Ku- .,..-•..., ..t S •. a` 'E . -`•e.• '• eoleum. i g`: ee•axe N Fiends. ane , 'r• .,•_•.!•et: a. e , done .r '° -e• trt•'i i •• �t . . . ALLXANDER NICHOLS • 'Funeral saviors for H.X.Lam Mt- (� Alexander Nichols, 70..rstlred fur- mors, d, pbneer Mall Taal es- TERRORIST TRIM Mee- ..,....4--••- a ' �:3 ..•••••,,,,,,,,, '�: •;;;:.4.1 y1 allure dealer. lass/•N. W. Seventh as developer,who died Thursday w./ >,.4`pt. X'v }'>• ,;i S•iaN' £(f;�47` d•'trek �'*•, ,. statist, died wterda In a M ami Dos- !m 144 home. N.X.Thirty-fifth ane- rR+,• :: .` �`t{ t. -'-'t'i:�'t•"t�,�•rt.�"�^7.':.�=�'�,t*'..15Y=? vital atter:,one Illness. H.came to oto,wilt be conducted at p.a, JURY OBTAIN Miami 12 years ago from Canada. He • today In the W.H.Combs Funeral • —'•..--••-' sous ':• neCk4esi government airmen shove as pcaliloa a 1,110 poana benb. leaves a brother,Jame,of fdgington, liorse by rtes.J. C. Milne, pastae Four Panels Summoned I, eget. .. Cansda. Funeral arrangement. are or Riverside itaptlat Church. Daye For Black Legion light - hatisaaitst In sharp bf tb.Abern Funeral Home. Burial will be In Woodlawn come- y 61 n Cr. -~° !1111111 BE�GK SUIIUUU iRn' DETROIT, bowomen. IR ass I. rater- WALLET RETURNED M"a ANNIE LEC MAC DO\\/tel, 10 men and a w.. se tgteo Funeral service.for Ulm Annie Lee ' today for the trial of 10 of th. rune AFTER REMOVING t5 Mao Donn.U. 94, .Inger,of w N, W. .ARE YOU GOINGP charged with shooUmg Chan nen. iJJJ I REGISTER.x,500 A wstet evnalning'a its hill. Twenty-eixtb avenue, w•bo diedon Paola to death because be had I. Hely' well= diasppeued from the September 9 of injuries auff.md in • .Townsend Club No,4 will meet at too much about the terrorIst. mats. . I motor ca/accident north of Port Lau. tits Community hall, 9170• N. W. Untie. of the Black Legion. ds of • ` ' ' "'"l""0"•"•"- • pocket•of OW Thomas, eolleciof derdale,will be conducted at 3:30 p.m. Seventeenth avenue,at/p.m. today The ,election of the Jury toe- New Iktrislon at.Seet'dug Its,An• for Ake'Atlantic Furniture Co..- today In.the W. H. Comb. Funeral to prepare plans for a campaign to 10.days 4go,and four penal&of t parr. on Thaw". • �• wk • Home by Rev.A.H.Oammsge,pastor obtain additional utilluu and•street men bad to be summated beta s th. .=•ltoaaoed.BySaperelaiog. of,Calvary.Baptlat Church.Hurtal,wUl,cleaning service In.precinct. 37.and 12 jurors and x alternates raid •. �„ ,to Pin_ though the mills yen». beim Woodlawn Park cemetery,, 17. gest d In the box. .true p..'t:)''• £fuldP" 1• ,'• •day ooatalafng thrii si blue. 1 . !tong "appwdmately 1.300 pupiis..li tan•, :1,.Tkere was no trete.1 eapl&na los roll-ea•stiaaaa•Besalet.pubile.schools to.to wb the wnder."broke':th:`; Udes next wesk,beer r 1mg oa,Motadt.y wltD y. ' • . , en- regIsU•aUoos at Uoee who.attended. :bill and extracted {s,poedbly as•:` ••.�I ` • only tbe;wboots•last year.•Triose enrolling • Undoes reward, , Free /pee• ' I`I.E.•FIRST.STREET'AT MIAMI AVENUI! a lat. fortpe Drat time in tDe•Mlaolbesch ; .,Thosasi sold that be had • the .�!• alnd sabooll war,resister Tueday.W.dnes- Parking! - . a the day.a= Iaureday,.Jamea T. Wilson, 924 when be removed his old au.-- - o. a�'`` .cent a"knew,if Ilion of Sala ywteMay. 'wiz,whiting driver's /Item,. card .as N. D' `•t�:`'.'. T H E M R K �'' yen asrei• announced iflvWoa of Khoo. eaauory • . . SECOND' `4'�� 'rAHe wsivag at tb.war,Ucemee t axis.- announced by Mr,alpaca follows: BTR HET k<tke+y ►arwa for a reaew►1' He.uld d re• Au,pupal.UM' ,,,,,O,01.Twenty. �T.�. ' ant= third street and'1?ds•;bcuuavard In- he placed the wallet In his pants bIndbig the Vetetian•4alaads and the pocket.: A few moments- Isar - .:'.1; t• W' L .ONE OF FLORIDA'S FINE DEPA$'1 Idenly Islands to the north are required to `.• '. • ,1•;t t+r7 wDen hs caught to play kis he ••1 �a t m thee guano the North $44012 PJemen ..'�_-.. • ole of school. Porty-tint street, between license card In the wallet It war t •• r.. I at the Prairie and Chaste atenuta. gone. He looked on the floor end ,spool AU pupal Using north of the center ascertained that ha had not • r' . v• •• • 3,.())1 'he la of,lugbth street betweem and up to droppedit. TheUnna• burr° • ' Stilleel a out the center of Dad. haule/MA and - •i 'tet I like- Twenty-third street,' Including the was crowded with Perms apply-. •more county'emu.way Lalonde, will be re- Ing for driver's licenses. ". '� ...�.int\•• i,tr • ' oppo. qu red.to attend the Central Reach ' .man• IIementary aoboot, Washington ave. S.' m,-. nut., between Vourt..atb• and Fir - `•e Men's .Thr` Meath streets. BOY�IIE YOGEI���AIIIS • ....; . Au,While .Doth cr'tn. center cr Y Zlsbth.Street. Including ted Iaand. .j!�.L ' • • 1YS, =UM of the,Fifth street-•cauesway, • �•'1• ....i t"1;, (�ln, will be so .Land •n South .T ,,IN HER ASE ReplWmeatary school L>ws•.... .• • cue..• b.tw..a .Th1rd gm .Pwarth ,c t : A Nr..te —.—: r., ...., In 1.1w o.o . +All pupils from seventh to the .. ,,.:....;..:6. ,°_ tient`grades.,naltlave,win register Serving l0-Year Sentence In the • "T 1 a.' A ta;tDe cltloe et the Mlaml Beach a.n- [t :' . ke.ligk school aa>4 tee Ida M.Puha, .State Prison For Shooting, • 3.'1411•'`q kV . , . pee , Junio/•.81gh,sohsol, Drexel avenue; : •: Husband. tett 3 'I .i • h ,,,s betwee�.aalikb""•and•Powteenth ' •Iai.state Suprem.court•yesarday . d? • . S><ngle Or. Doable = / .debllned to tel.pe 1[n.:Hoante Vogel �•. •q- � .. ••.•t'.:'�r,4' wit tee4 to ';,011844"wurbe open'from 82o"L./I'LL of•hUaml•'from the ■ate••priaob at . .� • ..v Breasted Models Wit 14 sad /6�d10.P se.-tar Ngt.tertns. . iauoed,when shale serving s 10-year r�� , '!, /:waken ����]]��{{yy,• !��eyyy�yyyttf���,,, ''Ager*,n!• PF�plv,, i sinplenow dcwskDne g•her husband, -,--....;41;,, ` :; sport or 'plain back bgmMln �L;$VLY•11/�Sl'Lci' Otayloa•:VooppI np„Cri 1'. loss.She. II ..'_. . ` w oo�vletJd`la'GYI court of ••. attempted.manslaughter, 4••+S S rrt, - .As Louise Palmer. Mrs. Vogel ehol • • •' •'a., stMot Flit and killed lt. W. 8tenwall, secretary • E•t'•s' • ' iii!'d`i' IBURGI RY:OF CAFE to•form.` ,Pouf •Chiu H...Lyall. {_ # • Your opportun y to buy a very smart a • Quin, lh,1925,•but.eonad only a a.` double-breasted Fall suit at'a new los . may,-. months or .rive-year..Hula.. Tweeds,flannels, ca/aimeres and wor/tt e'�' 0[hoer�:';'Re ort Th Caught Tb:•Mscclat ..Prees'•reported on a ...r:- . d' Ind t• P They i say r that the,coufs.revereed her : w plain or sport backs. Carefully tailored 10 tray. +.tI itoaeied:Wiiiltr Mobbing conviction of the thane or aeoonng Open. , t,`' tentlon to details. Regulars, shorts an, •11'kW -:::. .;. - her.=Abend on ground.of uutrml- €llquor ••. yes.}14..Slot'Mathilie /ties • the verdict. diet..,/bubee,t .ublthscet 'till . toe nems CkII Sky pat,as be war humid- hell , , • , !t;C!. ly ecSbtag.a'sIot mamma an the Blue to a new VIal or other dlsposItion.Bhs 9 , • Pisani. etwHie•nWtcaaa at.191 N.. k First �. be • to Regular 3,50 S pedlmg, sa Nagle .ilisrITtette Wilitant se.131 wlddow t the Dada county ll° a WIng dlaposl- r atenoed, IS.-who gave,I34 addr•e as 247 L . . . • • - • rs teotenee•Fiagier•etreet,war held last night'oa Mrs.Vose!I.nprwated by Van O. • +,'lN t;; elrarssa o[.breaking and reeding. Swearing=and I.J.A.Benno.attar • .. .7.i -Detectives Watley Shanahan and H. leeyl•r CiHF.Cig.� •�.S'rn�l! �tf...er•y• EW and V I):nd awPolicemen e. nve.tip Ing ••••.••••k" • . .,t • - e •breast Into the Rex bar, Ile le..s. (WILL' DISCUSSED Filet street.weee Res ,ov.ra the o Clbek Sanforized shrunk or cord trousers ii •' seam la the m.lgbborlug tea. •"'BY PSYCHOLOGIST �. •,e,b , patterns,mixtures and solid colors. BOfore Tbe•suspeot. pollee wad, had en. . • ----- •— Tonight `'".yt t fit perfectly. . edea the restaurant through a sky- Lqw Said To Be Crowning Cao- . is .. . light.and•haa carried the slot mac kty, • w Miami ebiae w then kitchen. Py of human Philosophy . A chair, ,Also charged with breaking and en. ;Dr,Robert•Ingliab..peychology In- e ter the tering war Denette Hdwards,.10.who attuctor and ezanslod director of the lotto he war arrested by.Detective•-J:1'.Gas University of Florida,diacuas.d '•Tae ,, ode DTI,. and/.C.Boom lest Monday in con- Will," at a Miami Acacia club meet • - lub soon. mscUom witlI the robbery of the home Mr 1.11-the Congrese,building,ester- i •S • t the or- of his uncle,J.A,sdwards.lits,N.W. day. lie declared "love" to be the ' • leaSorel ).Poll street. soppy."crow . Flory or human phllo- _el ,200 Men's Pollee said the youth admitted/Den soppy." . a. /. Grwel of 6900 worth of property and'aided Dr. George Henry Bradford spoke . .said the la%morering it. 1e was ebarsd with on"Miami's Growth.". Following his , •.- au would grand lareeny In•warrant Issued by talk. the club pared a resolution ' • •• • . MCC"...an ,nMCC"...a.. Fague°n..JuatIce of the oommending Die work of adverWag . pease. •! Miami in Chicago. . lei of Nal/ Rabbi Jacob H.Kaplan and Dr.Roy it Keefer. CLASSES IN ART Bannon McKay were enrolled u .Oy of res . memlers. WILL CONTINUE Dr. A.H. Kendall,,4lc. president, I nredAer.