1669-6 Social, Society,& Local News 1946-1993 e ■ 7.3 per rent of.1948 collections. ••^ ^ u s �..vuv n +s+� a•a ' , . a�yn utscrnlnu oon were sworn rate increase unci service Is tin- it li�.v It I. to be repaid in four years. out for Mrs. Boston Lunz, 7337 Harding ave., a•second time proved. After the meeting he acid Wednesday by Harry Adams, 824 Alton rd., Miami Beach. he had known the rated would d • The action followed Tuesday's approved but he wanted to record /f notification by the state budget Adams is shown signing the warrant at the police station his protest on rates. .11 •aetiee commission that It was withhold. under the watchful eye ct'Desk Sqt.•James Siegendorf. FIGURES \ Ing capital outlay appropriationsQGF iTIONF ,. for county school budgets on stip Rea1!h Woman A161•ut4p41 ff+il. "If they gave good service, I'd gestlon of Gov. Millard F. Cald• � ' ,^ vote for A straight 10•cent fare— well. I_Jt•1 I . (About 3000J100 of Dade (orn• Y and I'd do it two weeks before ns Was charged ty's ,000 state aid is marked New warrant Issued election,"woul 't, kickc sthey"Toe pea stilt brought in for capital outlay.) pieeice."wouldn't. if got good service." CONTRACTS AWARDED • Gardner geld he 'questioned my Bar acsocia• The school board also author- �+ the correctness of the figures •nanent injunction !zed awarding to Fred Howland in the Sign Casesubmitted by the company and Ceyes Co., headed contracts for construction of cafe- believes the'citycould operate Keyes. from con• terias at Little River, Mimi the bus coo an lawful practice." Springs, Silver Bluff, Miami p y better, Shores, William Jennings Bryan, A Miami Reach 'woman, manager of an apartment house at chairman of the Santa Clara, Earliggton Heights 7337 Harding ave., was arrested Wednesday for the second time R.transit t Foreman, president of the amittee on anau• company, said his request and Redland schools. city's e, declared that on a charge of violating the religious anti•discriminatlon for 0-cent fare had been based ted the first step The contract, Approximately sign ordinance. on granting union employes a 10. to "protect the 88.1,710 for each cafeteria, was Mrs. Boston Zuni was charged crnt.en-hour wage increase when authorized law given Howland after three other BeachShuns In a warrant s I g n e d by Harry the contract expires at the end of local contractors said they could Adams, 521 Alton rd.. with "dis• October. not do the work within the playing the words,'restricted ellen. nndouhtettly will price quoted• • Irk. on a sign on the premises The commission granted the .aid' Tip Sheet of that certain apartment house lesser increase an they would Other hoard action Included in. located at 73:17 Ilardin eve. . not he put In the :GES struetions In Its attorney to rt gpositionaof Sale said Mrs. Lunz being then end providing funds for a pay lo- le bar association quest the City of Miami to amend Tan) there in charge of said ap:n•uncut.", crease before any demand was with more sulfa its new fire ordinance so as to lith made rte brokers who permit exemption of two-story Adapts, commander of the 0 draw land sales school buildings from the require. Miami Reach racing tipsters Miami Beach Veterans' council Freeman said the lower rats • ages, deeds and ment for high-pressure water had the narrowest squeak of and.a member of the American weakened his position in bargain- uspertainingto lines, and to take up the matter, Legion and the Jewish War Vet. Ing with the union because now s with other Dade county munici- their lives Wednesday. erans, swore out a similar war. he will have no "ceiling" on the palitles basing similar codes. City council—fortunately for rant against Mrs. Lunz on wage Increase. Ile predicted the lion leads us to The board officially named the bookies and touts—temporarily June is. union will make a greater demand Keyes company new Pinewood school•—Horace rejected a proposed ordinance to and tell him to get the money worst.offenders, Mann. halt sale of "any sheets, cards, Taken to circuit court on a writ from the commission. y we have pro- circulars, pamphlets or tipahects of habeas corpus by Attorney E. F. t first," he said. on any horse or dog race." F. Brigham, that case was din• • MCA Asked Proposed by the Miami Reach missed after Miami Beach City At•,New Bridge • not know about Kennel club, supposedly to cob. Corney Ben Shepard told the court i ormed of it Wed- the warrant was faultily drawn. t trol tipsters around the en, The Herald, said The warrant was served on Mrs To Be Speeded, TO Reconsider trances to the track on the south torment on it at end of the beach, the ordinance Lunz Wednesday by Officer Crom id read the pets- contained a "jokbr." 1j plaint specifically Chest Decision Not only did the ordinance, Fultz Says firm with unau• drawn by Attorney Carl Hoff• • of law hy: Reconsideration of Its rlecislon man of the track, prohibit h T opinions on to withdraw' from the Community their appearance at the track i1 ES t �'C ` Herman R. Fultz, state road dr Chest, has been asked of the nut also within 1,000 fret of CLIENTELE partment member, said Wednes- • eeds; YMCA. It was learned Wednesday. "any' place of amusement." day that construction of a new • Request for further study was t% :• bridge across the Intracoastal war tortgages. leases. "They don't sell tips on . ocumenu; made in a letter written by Don- movies,do they?"asked Council• terway to complete the Sunny aid S. Eyster, executive secretary,I man Herbert Frink. HOTEL T L Isles road from the beach to the • escrow inslru• on orders of the Chest executive federal highway, would be pushed rads of sale, committee. 'City Attorney Ben Shepard R 0 0 M S as rapidly as possible. :stances of illegal said the ordinance would pro. •)ted during the Whether this action possibly hibit sale of the sheets "prac. %�•' • r Bids for erection of the bridge n Keyes company will result in a conference be. tically anywhere in town." will be opened by the state road isomers. tween executives or directors of Shepard also bristled at the VACANCY N ` ' department on July 13, he said. I the two organizations, was not P /�� 1�i �t and a contract hwarded before I that such prac•I g penalty clause in the ordinance acetest of steel for the bridge. Indicated. which set uta fine. of $100 to scheduled on Aug. 20. k a hardship on, I scheduled to p Se." The Y hoard is not. 5500 on first conviction and a ' ' N meet until midmonth and no ac• fine of S2Mt and from 10 to an "The bridge should he ready In OCESS days in'jail on a second movie- CAUSE OF ARREST plenty of time for the winter Hon is anticipatedprior to that usea. improperly time, P tion. illegal by ordAtrtrcct tourist season." he added. us result in the "I don't know If any city well Anderson. She was released The road (163rd at.) has hif arties not being GIVEN 145•000 has the right wider state law I in custody of Attorney Brigham, Payed for some time, hut the need ed or protected," Announcement of the 1's Inters• to make a jail sentence mantis. !avoiding the pees educe of going to to use an old narrow bridge until a new one Is completed has Caused lion to withdraw from the Com- ' tory on a second, third or the station In post a $30 bond, munity chest quoted directors as fourth conviction." Shepard a traffic bottleneck. . • rally papers, heIp t ••Sins. Lunz Is desperately III," A committee of civic leaders feeling the move would benefit said. `from the North Dade county area, hulcal and often a neighbor told a reporter. •d process" and the Chest, the community and the sed by 'lawyers YMCA. The city attorney was directed .',dams said hr swore nut tie seeking early completion of the • to work nut a satisfactory ordl• new warrant after consulting pith I hridgesto Improve traffic to and such marten" While the association Is he. name with Hoffman and report Assistant City Attorney Albert (coin he beach at Sunny Isles, d that real estate ween 75 and 80 per cent self• back at next council meeting. Sapersteln on "proper language"!will call on Fultz today. i •mpanles are "not sustaining, this year it obtained for the warrant. i • e duty'of seeing $46') teem the Community • "1 ant doing Huls because I • •• if the parties are Chest. City To SeekSoviet Council want to see the ordinance carried Although the withdrawal an-iout and I want to see elimination • tic men are prl• nouncement mentioned no plans of discriminatorysigns," Adams I • In making sales for a fall fund drive, it was in. Club Property maid. 'Aids Morforl.! •Ir commissions." timated the YMCA would have to, The ordinance makes clniation a 'airman said."The take such a step In order to con•: misdemeanor with fines from $25' (•rester yliaml Council of Amen 're solely interest- tinue full•ttme opet•atton. Commissioner Fred Hosea spoil- in $S00 and/or imprisonment of ' ;e Insurance," Disassociation with the Chest sored a resolution Wednesday au• not more than fin clays. It wasluan•Smier Friendship is aponsnM1 •a here, he added. is planned at the end of the cur, thmlzing the city manager to nes Ing an Indejtendence day benefit passed unanimously by the city with the*bar as. rent budget year. gotiate for the purchase of the,council April 17. (dinner for the Rev. Richard Mot. •nflne themselves) • Miami Country club property. I foal, national executive director. Hie Insurance and, • The resolution carried over the:, He is now awaiting trial nn • "to decide rightsl Traffic •Warnings opposition of Commissioner Leon-I,; Reappointed charges of contempt filed by the re 1 estate trans. aryl K. Thomason who called the I house c•nmmiitee on un-American measure "too broad." I Three members of the City activities, and proceeds of the din. lation, he empha- Issued Motorists The resolution stated the city 1 Planning hoard were reappointed ntr will he added to his defense rily interested in r had need for the property to cut Wednesday by the Miami city corn- fund. i the public." July Fourth traffic warnings through N. W. 12th ave. and to Mission. They are t1. HArry Irving Gold, field•representative • were issued Wednesday by Capt. expand the.facilities at Jar?son Raumer, K. Lee Hughes and of the organization.said the Amer. T.A. Bass of the State Highway Mems••' ' • -oral, ,e"•rs R. Nz••,',.cl lean.""...,,. ..! Patrol.in n.;,.