1668-31 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1927-1945 /Ia . . Him, ato Azt.„...i..,1 LI • PRESS — UI e l i 7,6_ INTERNATI( FLORIDA'S MOST IMPORTANT NEWSPAPERi • I _s_ TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1936 SIXTEEN PAOU-ONS SECT/ON OOF R STAIS OOSEVELT REFUSESCONTINUE TO PRAY, R!.tl4NDS OFFICER ONE R TO SAVE DESPERADOTHRT TALMADGE ADVISES Washlston,June 0, MWashington June L.(C6) Atlanta.O•.Jona IL /R] /';Y Cots Edward L Hoffman SMALL L1 LEAD White House clemency war to- BY Showers, freshen d Crepe •ild rir Gee army air corp.. stationed ,\ N L day denied Arthur Gooch, dee- IT1�LY 0 penury' In part,st te drouLht- a masnell Field,Ala., was repel- U 1 pera0o,under a death.rutence for rlddee Southeast today,renewing landed today by Secretary Dern the kidnaping of tn. Teras po- hope toe a general relit to sneerer or "concealinghie from hiseti n wily tJ'V1 KODG�S Ikemen, lit will De rtrruled f(►bbalh prayers. .uperlor." its eonmelion with June le, al lel ouCogee, e'tsar JOIN GE11111 Agrlbs pligl corker' era bow• whale aircraft and parachute Rejecting the plea fur a coat- e,H,the pllgbl of farmer.w►oae -mupanies mutation of the death penally, fields erre tutored by the rect. A •ar department statement the Pre.ldent riled a Supreme end precipitation would grow alai this mel ped et dlscipitat w. court declslmt which held the 414- Imore urines daily under mounts- Senator To Abide By De- na In ofpolicemen aero., stale ItOmC Warns France of lugtemperature*.nuplo)ed because the statute of roping • n wvltallo n. ruuW nut permit a cisi•on of Canvassin}t, bur drys elute wnhln the seope Action Unless Sane- Gov,Lugano Talmadge of Ueer- uurt•marttal trial foe Hoffman. of the Lindbergh law. under gla recommended:"Keep working The department said it had been Board which Gooch was convicted. tions Are Lifted and peeving. Neter forget the ef- .1tun0 that lire olflrer "waisted Ambrose Nie and Gooch forced Macy of prejer` w the promotion and ofgud u. Policemen It K. Marks and E. N. A two-hour.rain preceded a ;Ion of hale Aircraft.lot.,of t'In- haler of Paris, Teo.. to drivedrou[bt lh0p►.ghing sen Ice ■t Antoci. Dile. for his personal OhhICIAI_ FIGURES them to . Dolor near Cloudy. ALSO TIIRI:A'I ENS the Primitive baptist Church of benefit" and that he gave loll- `` I PIta., on October 13, 1031. Ti.. To LEAVE LEr1GUE held,,free, G.. leading lestlmuuy during the le• SI IOW 355 NIt1RGI1`1' out. sere later released, but Methodists who gstbered el .ntlg•tio° of his tau." the dreperadoes continued to J t f}e r s o D Clip. Team, said a Ile also was alleged to have been Man and rob throughout that shower drenched the church win- connected with the Triangle Tara- Luke City Opens afe. French Diplomats Get duns before their oenln ended. chute Company. 101,In December.federal agents ?leteprologiol George W. Mind lloffmanl irons' la listed 0s State I leudquarters In surprised the pair, mortally Cull To Paris For ling of Atlanta aunounted much Dayton, Ohio. wounded Nix and took Gooch cap- of Georgia.1111 eta dry. nv Jacksoille lite. Conference :-� Counsel for the convicted man �\�,,,•-`:y\y 'OLITICS' CHARGEDto ded the federalyIn kidnaping JOHN HAYS HAMMOND --e---- [DT TUC At eOCiA TiD r•kl t.] lar did not apply In hie cart. IST TUE AetOCtaT[D rt[aa.] JACKSONVILLE,To,June a-Tg• PARIS. June S. -Italy offlcl.117 IN ADMINISTRATION ��..�� . tar.. announced u olficul from .It .arn.d Fars, .n. would 1.... M• FAMOUS AS ENGINES Todds countCit tonight g.e. fared P. COLONEL GREEN DIES Lague at N•tlowim y and Cone of Lake City a 333•eoa lead over ,eek an alliance with Germany unless OF CHAIN STORE TAX W""'m T.G.huse. In a mora la made to unction, at IS TAKEN BY D��� their race to tour the runoff ballot- the out Others meeting, dlylomats Lag for the Democratic gubernatorial AFTER BRIEF ILLS ESS said tonight. nomination, The Italian arnbasudof to Parts, it J. A.Peacock,county clerk of Cal- was learned on highest authority.de• --....---- ec Accused of Favoring }iOu° county. tut to report t.nr•as• IN LAKEPLACID CLUB livered kiln warning In a verbal cern.. Miami Winter Visit trig board totals, said the vote there munitalion to the Touch foreign ot• Small Merchants In waa 170 for Cone and 433 far Hodges. floe,and added: Was Friend of King: The state canmaulog board,meeting "Italy twine Trance will not u- p Enforcement at Tt.11ah•aaewoo ma time this week. .tame an attitude at Geneva which and Empire Builders will determine officially who will op- Rail Industrialist Was would create an Impossible situation _ _ IIT TOl •e,OCtATID ra1ea.1 pow Judge W. ttalel{b wlaw•y of Winter Resident Of for patten honor." Tampa to the Arwood primary June 73. kloet of Trance's dlplomatio repte. John Hay. Hammond; •r.. m' TALLAH Ila., June a.-A h11Qm1 Beach millionaire mining engineer.died. manager eras high man among the se°tallres In Europe vers called back lain store manager charged In floe• denly of•heart attack of his pal• is supreme court today that Corny- 14 candidates seeking the nominationto Parts by the new government and In last Tuesday's first primary. well confer thus reek with Yvon .state, Lookout Hill, at ()lour. :eller J. M. Lao Is letting Ipdr pe red- County canvaaa board count• gave. Col. Edwrd Horl.red Robinson Hans. yesterday. He war III years It merchants "ride" without pay- Green,tamed for its riches,noted,for Dtlobe, the her foreign mintstsr. Cone.40.,73. Ile conferred at length today witA tar. Hammond was • frequent tent of grow receipts taxes In returnhis eccentricities, beloved for his Hodges, 40.46[. the ambaasador to hely and the min- ibr to Miami and spent part, of .r Bolt support In tut week's Dela A.few counties did not announce neighborllrlesa and honored for his Anter hen, ile also had wlntere tart% boundless gentroslty.riled at the Labs IAtsr to Cuehoalorall•,among olhars. official figure.. for Pettecey. Boca Raton, He vas widely knot, The allegations were made by L • Placid club in Lake Placid.N.Y..yes- }Its and throe{hoot the world Hts unofficial total was v6 . y FRENCH EMPLOYERS palatial V. Illltod, Jacksonville. of the Don- lard. afternoon,the Aasoclated Presa maintained • tesldena An investigation In Levy county tp Ti.,. and Rubber Company. u a reported. t Washln{too and bad Of Bees In art of a habeas corpus proceeding Please Turn To Page 3 Railroad Induatrlalist, banker and York City and London. Until ontwtlog his wrest tut May 13 for son of Betty Oreen,the famous fern- WARN GOyERNMENT years ago he had•home In Puma alleged (•thine to procure a permit mine wizard of Wall street, Colonel Calif.. where he formerly spent .rgrow returns on groreoelpu. 13 TERRORISTS HELD Green wag 07 years old at the time of - winters. llllloa enarged De's nomination for his death, which followed complicit- The man who had been the f. another term te"largely•tUtbutahle- lona due to his age and heart die- They "Wash Hands' of (.once• and confidant of pte•tdenta, et o support of the Independent mar- ON MURDER CHARGES ease. Ile bad gone to Lake Placid quencee oI Yielding To builders end Just plata minas 41 •Rants, numbering about 15,000. several week, ago, afar having spent Demands Br Strikers his study while roading, Ilia bop) The dealer alleged Independent mer- • tale,winter at bis palattal home at 46 .As' .>o1x++eQ baa'obalr.by..Wlllts)q.47r :Mlle, put Oomptroller gra' "o. the Judge•sAuaila Defendants As Star Wand, Mih.Wand, ami Jlea. IUNITglea•L sanT10s.)- l} neoreeary, •. spot'\1.—hbe went out to oa.Lte.as Trying To Assume ^_x Govern• the last two wast oxygen had PAID/4 June g.•-isle PTeaob alb: ,Hammond bad been to tab ler redomIn llo°.demanding that be been adntlatst d to him periodically. ployere,hoving capitulated to the d'- for.year,but he arrived at 1,4 ark'appeals to the United State.Su- relent Functions The associated pre.. 'LAW. Th. mend.of their striking workers under IOU Saturday from Waslbngtoe pram, court In two was Involving IIT 'Tole AaaoetATTo TaLaa.1 treatment did him little good. He the pressure of Premar Leon alum's pwmtly In much bettor health the..tax and already decided by the DETROIT, June S.-Thirteen man failed to rally after • 'Inking spell leftist popular front government,to- took on active part In auperint* Tedda Supreme Court. aroused of the black Legion murder yesterday. Ills death occurred at 2:40 night virtually washed their bands of lir'opening of not"tat.goy tit. He further charged the lndepend- of Charts A. Poole were held for p,m..private information received In the oonsequenoes,charging that rim- men oaaoa. ants Insisted tbet lade"let them Ylde' trial on both murder and kidnaping Miami hair In th. afternoon Ind!• lutlonery torus are sweeping the At Ui,ml Beach In January, witnivfpaying any groes noipt.tax charges •t the conclusion of their cated. country and the coat of lir(ng will else be stated his philosophy In a nu, examination la Common Plea. court No date had been sat for the fu- to di127 hoigbts. kw Turn To Age 1 today. neral,The Associated Prase Indicated, White moot of the 1.000.000 striker. Pleb Turn To Page g Referring to Pools'. death the but the body will be sent to the Green throughout Trance were returning to night of May 13 at the hands of a Eastern estate •t Round HID, South their Jobs,except In northern Trance, HEART ATTACK FATAL mobof Bleck falsely beatingwhy Dartmouth, kfa He where It ur1 Ile In today.hnewgeneral Ribot,k• delegateeout LINDBERGH RANSOM slate today. will be buried In TO IKIAMI PHYSICIAN wife, Judge Ralph W. Liddy old: the Lltlle Emanuel churchyard, In • the ]wwertul Comite des rorges, tot yyl} ryry �Ihis U • very slntsttr spectacle anali plot where his father and country's steel and munition. coma MONIf'V T\' RET�RI 01 an organized group attempting to mother Ila, at bellows ram,. Vt, bine,declared: IIPDJ�.,11 !t►\J usurp the function of government forA tall,odd figure, dressed habitual- •'The producers have no illusions _ _ Dr. .Austin J.Kemp Was Found what thegroup believed is •r otlen►e, iy In a full black suit,with high white regarding the consequences ofthe ex- it has allelemena of•planned crime, collar,wing-tipped and well starched, parlance which has been imposed S14,700 Recovered From II, Dead In Ilia Offices By clearly premedlalW by at least .Daleupon them and to which they sub- mann Coca To Flier's A and gray slouch hat, Colonel Green Nurse of these men." wasperhaya better known by sight mi"•d•• count In NCW.York The order holding Dayton Dean, Rlbot's statement caused a tensa- Df. Austin J.Scalp, W, yD7►Sclan, confessed Slack Legion"trigger man" to Miamla°s than any of the notable tloa since he L regarded as epokesmaa (UNIYLRJAL SI1vica.I sou found dead yesterday morning to and his 12 co-defendants, came .iter who mak''thelr winter nomas heel. for the aatloa'e'nlW Dnvy Indwtry. NEW YORK, June 'S.-Frere hisoffice In lir'Congress DWiding,a two hours of argument In which the H' tame to the city IS,yeare ago. _ Anthony It. Hauck of Hunt 'victim of heart drew. defense held that the state had not voy•ging southward along tis, Inland county, N.J.,late today turned 'The body was .vend to op' of the linked all the group with the adbuc- waterway In • large boat equipped CONGRESS QUITS - 414,700 of Llndbs ih ransom n eunlo beds by his nurse. leis, Louise tion or subeequent kllllnj of the with mud scooping machinery. He WORK FOR WEEK to Col. Henry Breckinridge. ott Tarb/wz.when the arrived for work. young work. proir.ss admintatratlon sou, in fact,the Bret man-to take a for Col.Charles A.Lindbergh. The doctor apparently had died worker. large Craft through this waterway, �—. Proeeautor Hauck brought while reading. A book was near one Conferees Will Try To Iron Out money 'to New York and•pens band sad•partially burned Ngo was Please Turn To Tata = Tax Difficulties made the transfer td IWOnel Bre between the fingers of the other hand. KIDNAPER GOES ff WASHINOTGN,Jun'0.([JP)--Cos• ridge on authorization from G Dr.Kemp bad been a'eletlm of Witt TO LEAVENWORTH TWO BURNED BODIES �M quit work for a week today so Lindbergh. blood prwun and had'been under ARE FOUND IN MiNE Republican m.mben would be free to Colonel the Beak" deposit treatment of a fellow physician for Abductor of Mrs. Stoll May Go PAXTON, Ind.. June S. tPI-In • sttehd the Republican national con• money In the Beaker Ttwt C°° several wset'. On To Alcatraz Prison wrecked"room"of the Dogger-Martin vention In Cleveland. • W Lladberjh's account. rA native of Jesup, Oa" Dr, Kemp • ATLANTA. Oa„ June S. IIPh-Ped- coat mine rescue crews found today While the Iegtslatlre maehlnery lr The money-all gold notes-la s sou a graduate °1 the tlnlven117 of g Lt•etand/tlli, conferee* rill seek t4 transferred by the bank t0 the V - Nashville, Naahvute. Tenn., and re- )0°tiar7 officials disclo,od tonight the burned • bodice of two minera rho gates Ueuury department. In t calved a degree from Vanderbilt Vnl- that Thortlu H. Robinson. Jr., kid- apparently were killed b7 en explosion reconcile senate and house differences • • reaper of Mrs, Alla Sped Stoll. has )ate yesterday: Rescuers made•Oar• in the new tai bill and the,1,470,000•. Distort, where, In ao:ord►uce w:: d 'Welty. He came to Miami in 1522. been transferred to Leavenworth pent- log advance through the gar-filledapr Hauck, Ill made-'b7 Prose He was • member of the Dade000 nllef a � thief lee.4.n Hauck,It Is to be kept In•tau • anuary, and eventually may go to workings and after'20 hour reached to final adjournment which leaden County Medical Aasotlatlon, Tilnl• the tst,ci nrtibh of A'"-••:•v In Ian the hodte. ^int Webb, 37, of as long u Prosecutor Hauck r now hope will he nnw;bls next week. „ lntarnanh m gold • "`'`; 0 • IIERALD TS LEPRf1 OR 2-7401 THE HERALD, MIAMI, FLORIDA. Ycourse he was help up for a week or the St. Francis hospital through rthe Taken ByDeath and staked,'Is he Natty Greene ' Cie GREEN DIES more while he dug the way through kinAnees and generosity of Mother " I knew then I looked like a rel ;•,e the mud flats, MaryAlice, au erintendent. human sy;, 1 being." Later Colonel Green built a paddle Alter her death, Mr. Hussey vies This was ►a Indication of the us ".kf s wheel houseboat on Blscsyne bay. summoned to the Green home on he followed. Always he kept cls R BRIEF ILLNESS Answering queries by the the plain and simple things a �.•,r The houseboat wee!n the form of an Bt►r Island. old-time Miesleslppl river showboat, colonel, the benefit committee chair- ;,. 1.' world. never hultated to work but he used It only Infrequently. His man explained the depletion of the ek his employes In the advsnamei Conllnue0 t'rom pegs 1 nwucal interest prompted him,mote- charity fund which had been raised. �/r�$ • his various enterprises, and the over• , to buy the Btar Island YachtColonel Orton told Mr, }tuaaey quite jg� lila personality and charity beeam hien later was deepened to accom- club. which he changed over Into hla simply to give Ann a nice fud,nl— 'T cleared to al who knew him. resent home, •alter making that he would take care of the ex- m 'nodal.' At the time of his marriage In odayachts. At places along the P g numer- ous additions to the structure, pulses. The Instructions were carried to Mies Mabel R Harlow of Hip Colonel Greens fame ■s a phlAn- out and the last ricer for Ann were Si Park. I11., after an •cquaintan. I�� GUILTY 0� thropul toot everal novel dlrectlons, hone the scale of honors paid state , 16 years, he told newspaper rep Whie contrlDutlons IncludlnR the pro- heroes, ` ��y,� , that he was marrying toe a vlding of "• nice funeral," u he In- About the same time.Colonel Green .r�• `>i�- t i home." structed representatives for • Miami gave Mr. Hussey • check for •1,000 t� "I'm ma=ymp the but and girl diver, who was killed in Vienna. Ior a ringside table at the Artlau' f iii sensible little lady In the wont MAKING HUBBY Iln•ncing a trip of the Miami Drum and Write«' club gambol, staged for lady. "I ho marryinga quiet the benefit of the Community Cheat. ladyto whom I can and Bugle corps to the national con- go when con- vention In Brooklyn In I930,elaborate tee also contributed 4500 to the Empty burdened with the troubles c Blocking fund in 1930. • world. I want to equipment of the children's ward ac Colonel Green won the Undying �: say right nos the Jackson Memorial hospital, pro- gratitude of members of the Miami '1 I notnt not marrying a going ty b � �'" do know who is riding educations for hundreds of3to 0 Junior Chamber of Commerce Boys' All I can u i.e that I am nun men and women at educational Drum and bugle Cur>'s when,in M■ • t y go b. GREENY gtr to be."G '�' netltuUona all over the United States. 1930,he contributed 1$3.000 to finale y and the beatowing or 510 and $30c HIs wedding present to lite their trip to the national convention - / bills to police officers on the streets . �. wee 4136.000 la Liberty bond In Brooklyn that year. it , 4600.000 in cud, While the • end corners of Metropolitan Allem! A graphic account of this contrlbu- every Christmas time. < rsi�4 could well have afforded a specie Discovers His Package of tion was set forth in • news story : • ti, for the honeymoon trip from C He •Iso wee noted for a large vs. published by The Herald on It. front .�?� clef of hobbies. arumF' to New York, they traveled Ina Wrigley's P�Iissing,and Ypo g coin ■red page the morning of May 28,1930.The r lar unman compartment. stamp collections rated among the story follows: ss• r s - s P P beat in the world. He equipped "The first official act of Col. E. I( rs t Colonel Green was born Aug Loses Dollar Bill q pped rel, I•eytowl, a lees, Ined London N hotel an home •t Star Island with radios In Green of Star Island, after being `h ,Iiv,, educated In the New York every room, anti lila est■tel at South ntrtle honorary iireeldent sit the •`•4 ' shoots, the hl fir aline HINT Dartmouth. Ma•a., Willi r private air Miami Junior Glimmer of L•onnnirne ' •� r1 t, tie- high shoot at I TM %Galey Iteereseatalle. field. Boys' Drum and Bugle Corps last r 1• • Ki' ly Yells, Vt., and Fordham Colleg There is•certain young Perhaps the one possession of Colo- night, was to sign a 43.000 check to „ •.•1 ,5`, York. While it the latter t married couple.In Mlamt • 44'r made Ite met with ampule p reel that aany more atrns end the corps on a tour of North- g. . , • • ss �� i made It necessary to ampule who will,from now on eon in Miami than any other was h4 tan cities of his legs. "get together" on their brown. high-topped. glaze-Inclosed, "The 8n boys.dressed In white unl r`-'e f y s Z.'.: #' In order to d am the tailcoat purchases of Wrigley's specially constructed automobile. Rid- forma with tropical hats, visited Col- �`" leu,he worked la•section ha gum. The husband was ing about the city In this strange. onel Green's estate to play their new- I .i?'. • coached byone of the .rer + f. �~r .. ryh4 foreman and then went to Ciro PD electrically propelled vehicle, he was eat number, 'The Colonel's Review,' \s,,.,' Vit, t a Wrigley re resentab 1 v e s sureI • Y'x.*•' ,, ,yt t•� Manewhere in became wperthe-ode 8 Y D to receive the salute of every po• written expressly for him and delli l 1 • az. a �, Misalu ng director of the-age today. After much ex- liceman—ha was an honorary member caned to hem, �.�a� Oh • cltement and f r a n t I e of the Miami police department—and "Mayor C. H. Reeder, chairman of ,.-, .toiay.-Ni'' s.t aatiai+l Mlaslam there railroad at the age ' From there young Green w searching of pockets he many rlvlllens. Tie always arknowl• the ranee' finance committee; Jsmre Col. Eward Howland Robinson Chicago to look of Nr his n. learned that his wife had edged these greetings with a friendly Donn.member of the committee,and Green,97,one of the most familiar large mortgage and real eats liken h is package of wave. Colonel and Mrs. Green were on the figure. In the ranks of notables tereeta. He studied law and la' Spearmint. So the little If someone had asked Colonel Green porch of the Green residence when Who make their winter homes admitted to the bar In Texas. "Omen Stip"r•as handed the make of his automobile, he prob- George E. Hussey, chairman of the here, and son of Hetly Green, The colonel was • man or him. Hd/+ys he will buy ably wp uld have said It was a Rom- mayors reception committee. Intro- feminine wizard of \Vali Street, decision and action, as show. three packs at a time in melfalltem,for Nichola Rommeltanger duced the corp•, telling about Its died In Lake Plarld, N.Y.,'ester- dramatic Incident which occas the future and keep hls of Boston constructed it specially for work during the lastthree years. and day afternoon, according to an Dallas, Texas, man O well supplied. the colonel at a cost of 416,000. their proposed trip to New York, 7 years at KNOW THESE PEOPLE? One of the car's moat noticeable Brooklyn, Wuhington, West Point, Aneociated Prey dispatch. of the banks there was on tb Here are a fewpeople who have Just departures from o[ collapse In the face of a J D popular design was Coney Island and other Northern of Miamians set out 1n • spirit ed mined run. Green walked 1t joined the Wrigley Roll and received the glass roof, beneath which the cities Incident to the national con- determination to do something for Institution,laid a deposit of t brand-new dollars for their opinions: owner could bark In Miami's famous ventlon of the junior chamber of the colonel which he would simply on the counter and the n MRS.O.P.NEWTON.1629 N.W. 40th sunshine by days, or through which commerce In Brooklyn June 1t to 14. have like. ♦to d. Street; MRS. 8. COOK, 809 N. W. let he could gave upward at the star- "Mr. Huuey said that If mother■ to PM Thla was done deal Street;MARGARET MORRIS,233 8.W. studded skies; or perhaps airplanes. in Northern cities could see the Following the gift of{5,000 to Jack- fact in previously had held n. 11th Street; MRS..1.L.WALTON, 100 for he was an aviation enthu►last. healthy Miami boys Included 1n the son Memorial hospital, this group Chit interest in the bank. Alton Road:MRS.ROSE SMITH.2477 The machine wee driven by an site- memberahlp of this drum reps they arranged for the broadcast of • half- On another occasion • t N.,W. 7th Court: CALVIN OAK, 903 tric plant, and on electricity genet'- would graphically realize the bene- Colonel's program over the radio Ie the wee rent to one his warts Fent Trust Bldg.;MARY HALL,845 N. .ted by •six-cylinder guoltne motor. Ills to health of Miami's climate. Colonel's honor. They contrived to trig:"Uncle Ned said you may There was no clutch to operate, nor "He also •tressed the publicity have hie secretary tune the radio dial It wee received:"Uncle Ned di W,.1nd Street; MRS.D.E.WERT,JR., in on the station ret for the broad- may come." 1046 8. W. .2nd Avenue, MRS. T. Bears to shift. The manufacturer as- value of the trip and Introduced clan at 8:30 p. m. on the scheduled With characteristic hump HUNTER, 2117 Mktg. Avenue; MRS. mired Colonel Green the automobile C•orge Lenney,muelcal director of the day. And at the appointed MAUDE SHELTON, 3241 Mary Street; could make 65 miles •n hour when corps, who aaid' toe time abrupale the colonel teleps ESTHER LOUTHAN, 387 14. W. 68th delivered, which 'speed could he In- "'Colonel Green, we whit to offer Colonel_Green heard the radio an- Dallas newspaper: creased to 70 mitre an hour after the Ynu the honurrr trraidonc of the tiuuurer broadcast that the program "This Is Green, YOU can Street; DOROTHY DAVLIN, 377 N.E. Y 1 Y to follow waits dedicated to him. obituary of me." 29th Street; MRS. A.E. ADAMS, 3040 motor was broken In. So far as was Miami Junior Chamber of Commerce Forthwith, It. C. Woodward, see- At his home In South Du Merriek Street: MRS. ltUOlt IHEItD. ever known. however, Colonel Omen Drum and Bugle Corps' penntrndent of Jackson Memorial Mau.,Colonel Green installed 6717 8. W. 7th Street; ELEANOR never put the car maker's word to a "Colonel Oreen said that he had her1>Itnl; Wllllum C. 11111, now Miami station at a cost of appro HAYES, 533 Avenue San Lorenzo; test• • been Impreued with the work of the MRS. C. L. HICKS, 1136 8. W. 7th Other outstanding features of the boys' corps which he said he had of tmaater, who wee then • member 4500,0ve and later made i automobile were that It was equipped watched many times on parade. The. of the hospital's committee of true- Improvements.•He became.h Street: MRS. ANNE GAMES OO. 345 with a refrigerator, tees, and a 6-year-old girl patient In In the tranamluion of .tot N.W.3rd Street:MRS.JAMES OOWIN, gerator, and a powerful corps then played 'The COIonel's Rs 8247 N. W. 9th Avenue; DULCIE E. radio set. view.' The Megglson boys, radio the children's ward •Adreued mea- PLESHER. 54 N. E. 5th Street; MRS. Famed always se a philanthropist, banjo artists and members of the sages over the radioidirect edto Colonel Colonel Green attracted outetandin corps,entertained with 'several num- Green. The little girl thanked Colonel C. F.TURNER. 139 N. E.2nd Avenue; R P. LOUISE MARTIN.13 301 B.W. 17th Ave- attention when he paid the expense■ Den glitch eapectally pleased byre. Green for his generally and other civsd THE WEATHI of the funeral for Ann Booker.famous (term. as well the thanks of the chit- Ru1: H. P. DAVIS. 1564 8. W. 9th Miami divingstar. The Incident oc- "'Now that I am honoraryrest- (trio in the ward. A mualcal program, DATA ■T U. I. MEATH'S t Street; MRS. HUGH P. SMITH. 578 P Sitting to the occulon,also was given N.E.63rd Street;MRS.ALMA FLYNN. Burred In March, 1932, • dent of this wonderful organisation. on the program. Jou le leis The Booker girl had suffered a what can I do for It' Colonel Green {am.34, 116 N. L. 71st Benet; MRS. EDNA broken back in July, 1931, In Vienna. asked. 'How much Is this good will, Thal the colonel was pleased went earomet r. sea Ianl ,,, 7p5 p7 I. HAOOART. 446 N. E. 74th Street; Brought back to Miami and cared for and health exposition tripgoingto without laying, But Mr. Hussey. one s�:iiraKumidny 0 JAUNITA HUFFSTETLER, 1705 8. W. through • benefit fund raised bya cost?' of those y who helped amnge the Wind direction > •. Ertl Avenue; MRS.H. J.CARLIN,953 laudatory radio program, admitted wort 'cults committee,of which George L.Hussey "Mayor Reeder explained that Ralph Brat• at w•ai6ur Clear Cl 8. W. 10th Street; MRS. W.D. FUL- wee chairman, Ulu Booker Ill Bred 3. Vervocirt. district • eat of the yesterday It was th• only thing �_ NKR, 1813 N.W.30th Street; MRS.J. along for months before .hog was Clyde-Mallory Linea,had agent author- Miamians hod ever been able to d0 Nis Mst t.mwrature. A.•,KROLL, 435 8. W. 10th Avenue, for Colonel Green, so far as he ever tonic lemoer•tur• "MILS. H. P. RAY. 1352 N. W. 36th granted a release from her sufferings lard by the New York office of that Normal temp•st re through death. For some time before company to make a special rate of knew. PT sl5'pfecn• I4 pours eadlnr Street; MRS. JULIUS H.ADAMS,2325 dor death, she had been •patient at 47.400 for the round to New York Colonel Green alae was es much TP.'1 - Poaee de Leon Boulevard. Coral Oa- trip rained perhaps for his hobbles as for Inches June stau June for the 60 boys,and that several hon- anything else. He had • new one blear M. B. ROBLNO RANT, 391 N. W. peel. since JuD• 1. Inches Bred dollars additional for the hotel T teOnalDIte UOA alae Jaau�r 24th Street; MRS. M.Wr8COVILLE, - every year. He went In for the radio vinch•. 1447 8: W. 17th Street; MRS.OSCAR mh and InUdenUl expenses would be In a big way one year, and he swA L.re+s tine• Jaauur 1. Inches MARTIN, 2027 H. W 4th Street; needed. Colons( Orson then pre- had the chain in his Star Island home AOOOpfO•t• •seQs• In temo•ra' �� lanced the check to Mayor Reeder, .int. Jv I. esar••r 8, H. COUCH, 245 N. L. 30th equipped with radio-tuning knob w Accumul•t.� •uses In elm Dull who asked him to 'serve as the vire since January 1. d Strut;EDNA MOORE,211 8.W.36th that programs could be tuned In with- .MRS, ELLEN SAWYER, 1763 chairman of the mayor's reception out moving out of the chair. Another CU steels committee. The colonel consented." IIirkut L.w.l T• »r. N.W,6th Street;CHARLOTTE LOWE, of lila hobbles was photography, and This Date to II�••r• Again In 1033, Colonel Green came I■hssL 90I lo. .l. N• 634 N. W. 8th Avenue: A. H. Mc- he gathered together at one time an $ Linear Drev nus tempus: Into the limelight through an act of l OREOOR, 1760 N. W. 41st Street, 221 E. FLAGLER Philanthropy when he delivered to extensive collection of moving picture date put ri rears.70 dunces. s' • FORT 5IYEIIS RESIDENTS the olty his check for {6,000,for peer- cosi.. Diamonds and other precious stones Alums. Due O.I►N Mn,• Spear visited Fort Myers and un Hsu. 431. +: chase of surgical Instruments and were lila hobby another year, and he Ilan set.. 7:12. •••peed the following Wrigley users dm- AIR-CONDITIONED oper•tleg tables for the new Children's ,s known to have bought thousands �°O°••t'•PA m. lar bills for their opinions: LUCIE ward at the Jackson bdemor,ial hos- of dollars worth of gems from one •Mal rues. l0;bt D. m. RIC..MRS.GEORGE V.LUNDQUIST, TWO SERVING LINES—NO WARING pltal. well-known Miami broker alone. The nets far"Dud Beast MRS TLORINE TLBTON,MRS.CARL Yet even more noteworthythan his • HATHCOCK. CURTIS PRINCE. DICK LUNCH— jewel merchant would approach Colo• 1r-- HIGH ' •GOODINO, MRS, JAUNITA publics benefactions were the occasions reel Green as the latter sat In his Mond.r at' p'm' I' LAY. ROGER. LJAUNI A BRANT- Baked Sugar-Cured Ham When he gave needed, aselstance to glau•topped automobile and show 'tiude• IV Vp 11:10 e private individuals under circum- several stones,from which the colonel w'daud•r 1_.01 If'4 PITI'MAN.MARY ELLEN GONZALEZ, gen EIONIT BEAN' stances where the glare of newspaper would choose one or more. His collet- , H: E. WHIDDEN, MRS. LAWRENCE 9e publicity never penetrated. Thuser•see PItURIFOY, T. P. NASH. MRS. W. P. tion of diamonds alone was valued at Florida.PlorldNorth CC enures. Bouu there were a score or more of young upwards of 47.000.000. and esds,.s: Par lly Claude Tit. i111CKLE. VERNON NIPPER, CARL- women who had been able to corn- W.dnnday,with widely ascus TON SPARKS, DELLA APPLEYARD, And in still another year. the bank •Dover.. TOM CAMPBELL,RALPH TATUM and EVENING ONLY— plate their educations at tlmlth.Welles- cr, ludwtnallst and phlianlhr°plat d„MXsls<nsln Powe aClaooeriion otters. Roast Leg of Spring Lamb ley,Vassar and other collogea through turned to the collection of coins se WrAlQengd•e. lees) t^unaalasi,9 set ourustrl YACAIONf financial asaletanre lent by Colonel his principal diversion. His Coln and Ale De m•: ar•tterrd thus. INSIST ON WRIGLEY'S Green end his wife. Manyyoungcurrency Tee etc sen W•wes•d�7 &tempcollection, as well as h4 lhn siren.rne.r:,tTu;northwest v ' ou'll enjoy the•delightful mill 9c men, likewise,had gone oil to obtain ,temp collection,was one of the larg- It etnlucx r: Psi, and 1omewh, flavor of Double Mint gum: you'll like their degrees as • result of the help eat in the country, Among his un- •oesd•p;Wedneedsr,'probably sl. 'the taste of Spearmint. with a flavor of the two. tuu•1 currency notes was•41,000 bill to"1'r that you can't chew out and that you WALDORF SALAD Despite hl■ many benefaetlons, It with •41 rint on the o T•nneuea: G•n•n Ur fair never grow tired of; or:If you have P ppoUte side•— Wedne•dar elGude,followed be el was a notable, and oftentimes em• a mietake of the engravers. Agents coour. Sweet tooth, you'll love Juicy Fruit, • /^ barraeslnq fact for recipients that throughout the countryworked for w•'t Vire u'i•: G•^•e•Ilr tale . wl h a lastingflavor Just as sweet as a*\tr 8 shows morl, ctoudr, to t 1 there was never anything they torrid hon, looking for first sheets eofs rete eno.•u sae cools. Its Rime; a P. K., the suar-coated do for Colonel Green In return, With fillet lune■ of currency notes. He w•s:ll .Ssreu mala: Gent gum wrapped In the convenient pack- • BOSTON CREAM PIE this situation facing them, • group had No. 1 bills from nearly• third of theses..4fslia sdr par showers Tuesday;rdv age• all easy to carry In your pure all the banks In the United States. Virginia: Mostly cloudy en or poet et. - Warmer TLNdsy:wed mad•t.eel Remember,there A no equal or sub- C D�e S*���,�� Al be was amember of the Corn-aand warmer,followed by shows a Beachmittel._of One Hundred •f Spun! or i•s ict o attests for the quality of Wrigley's Beach,the Surf club, the Bath club, District or Columbia: frenetic t that has satisfiedhe millions of wets DENTIST ,clou armee ser,•f:wane. !laked the Cocolobo Cay club and the Artists' Iy loud�and w armee. followed I ` day after day,yar after year,and gen- CHICKEN PIE 51C anti Welters'club. a coo et int airfoil senile east• stollen after generation. insist on Car, Z. reeler sad /Ire. Are. Railroad,,rose■and radio played Im- T'444". Wrigley's every time, then you know t!t.C V1a51 AVE. PHONE 2•rIN toorlutt roles in the plcUue•que earner T•m pee,un,e and Dr•<IDU.tlon Iowans getting the very but gum to the da) Mees u1 [venlig Ort■ I.ivaerr'i of Colonel Green. Railroading be- storied e. Uated 4t Wean. be had. ran fur Min ea a business and became oo•S. Isle; WM. WAIO LZY. JR.. CO. •pastime. Orowing rose,started u a �•ni • ._. — hit t�u pullnro uiA became • busineu. led .... Went. T . "WM! AnINIMINII ._ W 1�. ;: / 'ZIRALD TILIPSONS 2-7401 TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1986 • - ;;�� MIAMI, FLORIDA f. 44...',.' I and asked,'L he Hefty OrseR9 tool' tura by wireless and devoted much s large amount of the fortune left bought the road and put tier son 1r' I knew then I looked Ilke • regular time and money to experiments of this him for the uplift and enjoyment of charge es president and general man • - human being" nature. the public. ager. He was then only 16 and the, Thla was an Indication ofpthe lite Paced with the difficulty of bring" Hi. library was coneldered very youngest railroad president In the 'r1{ •--_•^ he followed. Always he kept clow to valuable and hi.fame as•stamp col- country. He mixed with his men . ''t the plain and simple things of the Ing hie singers and muafcluls to • lector spread to Bnglutd.King George and visited Me towns along till mad world, never hesitated tova work with center, , removed from een any musical offered the colonel 81.000 for one of • i+, his various Ithe advancement of tenter, aronel Green discontinuedfromisPlease Turn le mu II [ the regular brosticuting from his his at■mps, but the latter replied by his enterprises, and throughenclosing the stamp from his his personality and charity became en- studio,but Intent on giving his audi-s 55,000,000 collection with his oomPil- heaved to all who knew him. •nee the best obtainable he had hle menta. The king thanked him and ®i w .•••''�, At the time of his marriage In 1917 plant connected with•New'York ser- Inclosed me of his rare stamps. • to Miss Mabel I. Harlow of Highland lion and rebroadcast the programs ? Park, III., alter an acquaintance of here. During one liaison, trucks, The oelonel was drawn to Teases In :a' 1607 by two streaks of rust known as (t�y'f��,t••a 16 years, he told newspaper reporter' equipped with radio., were sent the Norte western branch of the T■os. a ora s m i that he was marry Ing for •• real thtouh[out the vi Cln ley w that ton- r" 1 bona." cern could reach remote farms. Centrai railroad, now the Texas Mid- • I■na; running from Pub to du the I''''mu laa5aai"or stsi5a, C Mid- i, "1'm maerTing the best end most •he colonel's father was a success- l n miles. His mother owned the 7S_ sensible little lady in the world," he cul New 'York merchant and hie Pletel..es.N MO attk V..... 1. ` said. "I am marrying • qui.L little mother was not • self-made woman, bonds of the road. It was shout to be M..4ae4.e.peeM imeih N•• lsay to whom I can ¢o when I am as manybelieved, but was bornsold to satisfy tndlton. «�• burdened with the troubles of the wealthy. The foundations of her for- To save her bonds, Mn Green r world. I want to say right now that tune were laid In the whale fisheries r' s a I am not marrying •society bud, 1• by her ancestor., the Howland !■m- • is• o not know who Is going to be bow. Ely, of New Bedford, Mass., and by FOR SMOKE ENJOYMENT • • All I can sap le that I am going to her father, Edward Mott Robinson, E • 4 ,1..r U, try to be." of the same place and New York. YOU CAN 1 BEAT L�•:`T•,i•' 14) a. . His wedding present to his wife Upon her death, the fortune, esti •- + was 8123.000 In Liberty bonds and mated at $100,000.000 passed to TWE i:: `�`ss- • • .i ' ' 1`,r 41 8600,000 in cash. While the couple Colonel Green and hies sisters, Mn. • I . . could well have afforded■special train Matthew Wilks, In trust !or 10 yen for the honeymoon trip from Chicago ,rid ■Iter that to them outright. •to New York, they traveled In a regu• Colonel Green remembered hieGRAND, r' a ler pullm►n compartment. mother'.love for the ancestral homeColonel Green was born August 77, at Booth Dartmouth and 1r' 1917,he AND 1 SAVE ENOUGH 1)1868. In a London hotel and was ,nes his were decided to make It their TO BUY A NEW SUIT xeducated In the New York public r9 summer place. He preserved the oldA•1• i,, schools, the high school ■t Bellows Gideon Bowland farmhouse u•me- EVERY YEAR• �. r Palls,Vt., and Ybrdhe l College,•New,� Y , mortal and made plat for the con-York, While at the.latter Institu- • version of the mamlon foto a museumi lion, he met with an accident which ,.• Lof we who ullcs end Amrles w..,'r t - r, made It necessary to amputate one The whaling bark,"Charles W.Dior- WE GUARANTEE the rebore..blended in .1R � 'a' • ' •'.•,,�,;.. of hie legs. gar';' now one of the last whalers, iwuidy Grunt cqunl m yuuldy to those m is I . In order to learn the railroad bud- was purchased by him and moored uyorrueS •cotton) res mutt u. 50 tae. • 44..•i3 neer,he worked as a section hand end Ins bed of surd near the shore. By TMAxt.I.FIIMrTskse..I.e1.8. AT; t,....,..44:4 foreman and then went to Cincinnati. Its aide Is erected a wharf covered \i.A`jy,. .!.t,/Hy,.. where he became superintendent and with oil barrels, a replica of an old �I G .', managing director of the Ohio and New Bedford wharf of whaling days. DAVIS S P E C 1 ALS' ,t it MIWu1pt railroad at the age of 21. He placed a whaling captain aboard►s • • Prom there young Green went to 107,[2 H- ' 1:waTd lowland Robinson Chicago to look after his mother's guide and them deeded the"Morgan" aaYALr157 7.9:N LUNC'O,tt•t:a and site to a corporation. composed ALL DAY T O D A Y i,87,one of the most f*tmar large mortgage and real estate 1n- largely of descendants of old whaling .. res In the ranks of notables tercets. He studied law and later was famllles. He also salvaged a part of make their winter bottles admitted to the bas in Texas. the Wanderer, the last active craft of (a and lin Of Melly Green, The colonel was a man of quick the whaling fleet, and In 1926 ap- INDIVIDUAL CHICKEN PIE ,.• :; c tine wizard of Wail Street. decision and action, as shown In a propriats bronze boulders to mark the , Inof Lake Placid,N.1'.,yr5ler- dramaticells.,; . InaccordingTexas, years ago. One trig of Oosnold were unveil,. COMBINATION SALAD .. C .laked Press dispatch• of the banks there was on the verge With Mn. Green. he became In- • '•• "' of collapse In the ta=e of • deter- terested In late years 1n the rearing sit AI►AST TODAY miens et out 1r' • spirit of mined run. Orton walked into the of girls,and It is known that he af- 'nation to do something for Ineututton,laid a deposit of 5100.000 forded an education to fi of them. I FRIED EGG, TWO STRIPS OF SWIFT'S �� boned which he would simply on the counter and the run was Several were sent to Wellesley College PREMIUM BACON. Grits sed Gravy >like. stopped. Tins was done despite theto which be and his slater gave wing the gift of$5,000 to Jack- fact he previously had held no titian- . for the erection of • build- l emorlal hospital, this group cial Interest In the bank. log In memory of their mother. Its •r for the broadcast I In half- On another ochis a telegram also financed the education of►num- ��F E T E R IA is h rr over the radio e the was sent to one his weds, read- bee of French orphans. re honor. They contrived to Ing:"Uncle Ned saki you may come:' After hla death, Colonel la secretary tune the radio dial It was received:"Uncle Ned dead,you Green took the mother'sposition thatnth, • his per- - ' lite station set for the brood- may come:' lion of her estate was transmitted to .• . 8:30 p. M. on the scheduled With characteristic humor and him as • trustee to be used for the Ant at the appointed time abrupt neer, the colonel telephoned a benefit of the public. In furtherance O kt1•wat>h I Green heard the radio an- Dallas newspaper: of this idea he generously e:peance J�N,E.SKOnd Ata yi Block N.01 Ob 0 •r-broadcast that the program "This Is Green, You can kill the t ow was dedicated to him, obituary of me." • awlth, R. C. Woodward, su- At his home In South Dartmouth. • • 'ndent of Jackson Memorial Mau.,Colonel Green Installed •radio , di William C.11111, now Miami station at a coat of approximately rater, who was then • member $500,000 and later made extensive e hospital's committee of true- Improvements.'He became Interested • rid 6-year-old6-year-old girl patient In In the transmission of motion plc- nlldren'a ward addressed ma- •'/'6/I: over the radio direct to Colonel The little girl thanked Colonel for his generosity and expressed THE WEATHER / t I the thanks of the other ehil-ven fr (..ohn ' �y 10 EAST•FLAGLE • rt the wed. A mwletl program, DATA rT D. {. N[AT*[a aUaEAO /to the oaulon,sieo was[even //.. �wt Jess R 1154 N' !f 1s program. t s a.m,Noon 1 e.m•t the colonel was pleased went 7emoentr.ras lend... ;s It 11.9s 15oo ll11 C AT MIAMI AVENUE ' est saying. But Mr. Hussey one Rrl•nr• tumidity0$ i9 eL WinC`Ireoun, NT+YLria who helped amnge the wind elo<u, 1 e e:cry radio program, admitted Stale of weather Clear Clear Clearj C ' day It was the only thing }• ttTans heel ever been able to do Highest temperature 1l•' 'oC5)nti11Ui11 The i~Jaentt olonel Oreen, w far as he ever o°w,silemrenlurele1/+ g rmslltmoer•l9re79illsYYYreclpoaulatlon, 4 hours ending at 1 e,oriel Orlin also was u much Toe Inc creaalblba esa Juae 1, �se All lliiami Is Talking About. • I perhaps for his hobbles as for Inches 111 i. . ,,I else. He had a new on. :cisaloneJu.eL inebrsI.1 't • lY, •.,S•r, i s tai or,ouelt•tlon 5100.January 1t1R� year, He went In for the radio °Inches 73.e� a �'�•'1��:e bigwayon* year, and he even ` • int. Januar I. Inch., .. 1.4 - AN ;•)U.N. •• } . l yAc nce tee seen in temo•ratan5 ��«'M%� v r.' . he chairs In his Star Island home ones !v .1. d 1.00 •�� ,{ted With radio-tuning knob w A.w.u1J1 a•nclsd In tlmper•tun Ill 4r`. novin could e tuned In with- u �c �` CLEAR• ANCE r- novin¢out of the chair. Another ',wk.,'. t1 Ili.•a Ti ••e•lan as a , ti• " e hobbles was photography, and Tal. 0.1. le t5�•.r• 1 D Y' 1rl,It,,sl, N. low•l.N' 1+', Inhered together at one time an —l.rwe l ears. us temo•nlun Ms ,� •e� valve collection of moving picture date east is nears.to dales,. ` Almsee•. June 5. 1554 / .,t,. monde and other precious stones un res.. a:3s. �s his hobby another year. and h• no Sets. 7.12 town to have bought thousands moos•se 1d3 m. b. /.4� g Laron tls•a. 10..1 a. m. 1�� ( oilers worth of gems Irons one �- / 1'- known Miami broker alone. The Tide.let M • mopSe•sk LOW t` '11�' a i merchant would approach Colo- D•77— m o.m. a.m, O.m. �+ 74-4?iiitGreen as the latter est In his Monde 1I 0 11:30 4:10 :10se'�•.7�` , lapped .11tantoblle dna .haw �e•d•• 1i 131:4. Hundreds of Beautiful, New Wedaesdsr 1!.117 17/i i'.II 1:19 al*lone,from which the colonel ' • ri choose one or more. lila wllec- r / ` of die morias alone was valued at Ptonds. Horth � roclo•. South Cuolln , d O•oral•: Parllr cloud+ Tu.ads. ria reds of $3,000.000. w'idn•ed.,.with widely•nattered tnuoder• .�JT� `� CO Id inn still another year.the bank- +ho.,,, e..,�p� ,�1• COTTON • . Mi.lseiOal: Par'1• cloudr. Inc•1 Chun• ,i Industrialist and philanthropist dere seers 10 wu1»55l °ortlon 115545,: a 1/� , We 4nesdu.local tbund•shower• ed to the Collection sol ns asI b•mat Scattered thundershower& �, . , t principal diversion. His coin and Tuese•r and w•enod • s. 5' ency collection, as well as his g•lrrm• northwest �elet145: 0nitered DRES was one of the lug. Ihietinrush, •rysur andssomew at a • tp collection, n sr' warmer In the country. Among his on- T.u•d•y:Wednesday.•rebsbii showers and , tl currency notes was a 51,000 bili iOTeneeesre: aensroUr fair 'Meade,: Cool, crisp cottons—the seasons smartest t a$1 print on the opposite suds— W.dnead•r cloudy,tolioeed hi showers and \ • whisk* of the engravers. Agents =«'I•r styles, including the ever-popular runback West Vire lel•: Oenesaily fair'nodes: .uiihout the country worked for wsan•ed.y. mosus a.a4,, bne.ad to models.'Sheers,piques,lawns, percales in . , looking for first sheets of ti►- Shown .ed cool... a wide variety of colors—pastels, rtript6as Al Issues of currencynotes. He Wu,rn Psnnser Tu• asnrtdn fair and bines, warm r ow•r•,: Wednesday. dots,plaids and checks. •Sizes 12 to 44. No.I bills from nearly a third of cloudy. rohowed ° show,,.and cooler. the batiks In the United State. Vlydnla: 40,11, 01004, and lis hill, warmer mer.followed Wednesday..500,511,hill!, Low Isd h•was a member of the Com- and warmer,tollo.W he snoe•n and won. Our Regular$8.65" - At The Sensational Low' MAL of One Hundred of Miami seoan ec,hor Columbia: melts cloud,and cls•th• liter( club, the Bath club, llshil•warmer Tue,dny.Wnnesds•,earl. SUNDAY NIGi1T and Price of C000lobo Cay club and the Artists' it cloudyarta warmer.followed by shower, I Writer"'klub. one wir •t night. gentle unesb rinda FORMA Tuesday. aliruads,roses and radio played In- , tint roles In the picturesque career Temveratun d D rl0lntlon data re- DRESSES . Colonel Green, moles and be. pporal b• united States Wether Duron, Juo,t. 1171: , fur him as a bud nese and becamea I� T`mpsnrsl Pyre. %dime, Growing rows started as a I.•.t t iis134 Is s1 3f Iss1U a•11•4 69 c . lime end became a busine is Led r'4 L lours. ours f.e an 5 3 n e , v the field of radio by pleasure, Am11.rillo,Tuns 11 0 5 00 1 Os.s•l•••. V 7 Q became e0 interested that he made A•M rill•. N. O. 51 5 ell I►• New • :lentlllc study of it. Ar antes, Cr.. e 4 o Sheer s5euer• All.ntln Cn,, N J. 1. 17 oQ My favorite qualallan 1• • re- yyy9lrml■Ina m. ♦I•. l] 1l 00 Mat.rl ala. IN" • • , re I overhead on the street."dot- llor..,t e..tte 4 • 6o li o0 15 b rA 298 Regular,f.1.98 and$6.98 'I Green once said:"A man saw m• Ibbbblr •.Illi. ease ... le e; 0000 - RI'g{o, SILK DRESSES NO DISAPPOINTMENT (IernM1..it. Ohm Our Rapular 11.(10 .. I1.• solo.. lo•• 4 t C CC ,..y .