1669-38 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 • TAGS FOUR THE MIAMI HERALD, SADAY, MARC • .. . . TELEPHONE NO• . Ito: PEOPLE AND EVENTS bi1SSJEEFERSONDELL ' M • • ' • •.. , .. ,.,________________..._ . _ C{lltltENT EVENTS TO MISS ALEXANDER GiVES Mr. `Vllllanl J. Matheson Entertained MEET SATURDAY. Y, W. C. A. LYCEUM PROGRAM. At Mashta For Miss McCormick and Fiance There will be a meeting of th`Cur- The third number in the Y. W. C.' rent ven j, ts d01)11rllllf l Of the om- A. hyceum course which was bogtin ants lluli Sniijrduy afternoon at the last night at Central School audito Mr. William J.Matheson entertain- and Mashta, built on a point corn- club house ut 3 o'clock. • •ed Thursday evening at Mashta, his manila entrancing views of the two. rium, while different from the 'orlgi- beautiful home on KeY Biscayne with Inuring the evening when a Paul Jones nal schedule, was considered one of a costume dunce and l.ulfet supper in was danced,the dancers followed their Miss Mary Cordon Thom, of Ilalti. the most thoroughly enjoyed enter- •honor of Miss Rculw•nia McCormick leader through the great rooms wed more, Al d., arrived yesterday and is u tainments ever given fn Miami. and Mr. Valentine Hollingsworth of loggias, under the pergolas and into guest ut the home of Mr. and Mrs.I Miss Clara Akxender, the talented un Boston, whose marriage will take the moonlit garden by the sea. Ralph Munroe. She will be mail of southern girl who has cultivated her mt ' place this afternoon at 5 o'clock at Mr. Matheson wore a gurgous bur- ort at the wedding of Miss DlcCor- wonderful gift for portraying the in St. Stephen's church, Coconut Grove, nous of Damascus cloth heavily wows mirk and Valentino Ilollingaworth to- human Interest nide of the negro of pr night. Guests were carried to Key Bis-len with geld sunburst about the shout- the "Old South" enabling her to give , cayne on Mr. Matheson's yacht Cala- tiers. Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James pleasure to thousands of people bolt; bash, Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James' made an impressive Egyptian prin- in this country and In Europe, gave to •yacht. Lanai and Mr. John Itindley's cess with !dare bearing her train. She THOUSANDS AGREE the entire program with the exception th. Surpass. wore u scarab on her forehead and her of the violin solo by Maurice N. Karp. Mr. :Matheson's guests cane in robes were of blue cloth of geld Gro- �� TO THIS Seldom, 1t ever, have Miamians had • '• Eastern costume and the atmosphere coded in gold. \liss McCormick wore an opportunity to onjoy such a fusee • of the East'was dominant from the an evening; gown of white irridescents of fascinating southern melodies, • moment the veiled figures left the and Mr. Hollingsworth was in East- gems of negro dialect and clever short /edits and were ushered bysalaaming ern costume,turbaned like a Moslem. oratories, as were offered last night by bra That Black-Draug}Lt Is EZeel- Miss Alexander in her own graceful lackeys thtvush the great doorways of Mr. :Matheson's dance was one of a -' Mashta where the lights burned din,- *cries of large parties p)ven for Miss lent for Stomach and Liver way' • ly from great wrought copper lan- McCormick and Mr. Hollingsworth Her program opened with a little ppe Disorders, Hence its Great song,"Push Along," in which she was .terns. There was brilliant moonlight,and was an unusually beautiful affair. ' Popularity—Mississippi accompanied on the piano by Din. • Frederick M. Hudson. From that • - MRS.CA RL FISHER TILE SWEET BRIAR ROSE. Planter's Endorsement Miss Alexander passed quickly on to WILL 81.13L�LER IN JAPAN. A dainty little booklet of religious - other numbers equally as delightful Mrs_Dari Graham Fisher will leave verse entitled"The Sweet Briar Rose" Houston, Miss. Mr J. A.Tremorwas , a war�r1 tn the hroughout, accrst, and her ording to her _ on the tenth for Indianapolis, lad., has just been published in Miami by Well-known planter •of this place, re- cently she will spend a few-days be- Mrs. Gertrude W. Seibert. It in-`cently related his ex ;cave •in usin mood, which brought her in close con- : gars going to San Francisco to sail on eludes about fifty inspirational poems Thedford'seaBlack Draught, "I dont tact with her attentive audience '`'April 27 tor Japan. Miss Merle Von of the kind that help and uplift. The believe there is a letter liver medicine pleas;through her originalnlityand altogether .-!•,•Hagees,who has been her house guest title puun "The Sweet Briar Rose" made," said Mr. Tremor. "I use it pkaain� personality. Perhaps the �,�t:iF the season, will accompany has been extensively published and ismost highly appreciated nutnbers on ,Yrs }lslCr,who expects to be abroad known through the English speaking for headache, stomach disorders anti her program were the poems of Paul 6 g p b torpid liver. • until some,time in August Hrs. world. Mrs. Seibert is a productive Lawrence Dunbar to whom she paid Fisas,-r and Miss Von Hagen will sail writer along religious lines. This lit- "It is not bad to take, does not loving tribute, and did full justice to on the Siberia Maru. tic vblumc was issued at the request leave a constipated'condition, as so the southern poet. She gave "My cs. •)fr.E'i r expects to go soon with of friends who desire a collection of many of the liver pills and medicines Sweet Brown Gal," and "The Spring a party of friends, which will include her poems. The following little verse do. It does its work and leaves you Wooing," with a feeling of sympathy John Oliver La Corm,of time National is suggestive of the others: feeling like a new person." which completely won the hearts of shoe ':!.'..C•tOirraPhk )Lagasine. J. A. Allison Keep Sweet. Thousands of others have found her listeners. Then followed a clever was et Indienspolia; Louis Mowbray,C.W. Soul, let nothing stake thee fretful, Black-Draught as helpful as Mr, Tre- little song, "Why Adam Sinned," and roti '• :Beek a[ Philadelphia and Louis Fuer- Nothieg bitter or regretful, nor describes, and a valuable remedy touches of local color were spontan- in s eou,sea,to Andrus Island is the Bahama Heart, keep a-weet, keep sweet! for derangements of the -liver, atom- which cadded batby this charming visitor tray pop,to htint flamingos., Mr. Flier- And all day long ach and bowels. It Is purely vege- were back witty and accurate, pan c sate so a scientist who has made a E'en from the moment of thy waking, table, Navin• an active effect u on )larking back to thdays when she plan Let a songt p entertained at the various camps for D1 f.+eeial stns of flamingos and has Ex welling from a heart that's the bowels, gently stimulating the the so lam, Miss Alexander gave one mei • d the fes+ will be to study objectKeep p g K' olaf bile.ver, nd helping to increase the flow of Robert W. Serdlce's gems from his!wed 6irda breaking, r "Rhymes Of A Red Gross Man,'i tor' ' .Dasetital in their native en- Sool, keep,sweat, keep sweet. yen vtreisaect and wake pictures of them. Black-Draught has been found to called "Young Fellow My Lad." She pan Do not forget before you leave to assist in the digestion of food, 'and preceded this number with a little Their trip is of special interest in Mi- order The Herald sent to your sum-I relieves constipation in a „Als.^} because of the building of the i prompt and explanation as to why she desired to .,.,'splendai betel by Sir. Fisher and Mr. • mer address. You will want Miami normal way• include it in her program, saying that flews,especially if yyou are a property out of all her repertoire, this piece I'A AFics~in and their associates, which owner hese. Tolephono 1100 or drop) On amount of Black-Draught's long- had been chosen by the president of TI! a• ;w�bear the name Flamingo' Into the office and tell us when to proved merit and immense popularity, the Federation of Women's Clubs in ? • make the change.—adv. many imitations are being offered for New York, as the'one offering which enj e _ sale. For your own satisfaction it A: time Pussy Willow Yate Shop should always be included in Miss the '-Ss '�T's alverwool and Silverwool will pay you to tnaist upon the genu- Alexander's entertainments. A num- cur LAST NIGHT inc, and be sure the package bears .7' = Shetland. Posey W111dr, Brushed bur of friends of bliss Alexander in nue wool,and the improved Germantown AT UJt)(E1', the name "T h•d f o r d'a Black- 4.' the audience requested her to give C �•aa.artbe dud a insy' beautiful new Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gardner enter- Draught.” "All Night Long"which she has made pis �',••st�ks- In the Malik theater build- faired at dinner last night at the At your druggist's—ready for in- popular in the few days she has been we Urmey 'hotel, whore the regular din- d • #�' 3�. Tens` St—adv' ser dance was.held Mr. and 'Mrs. slant use—full irections in package. in Miami, and it was cordially re- am a=.. a - Gardnor had as their guests Air. and -adv. , ceived. After a group of delightful we •r,'t..,aNa.NNJTAT7 t oNASS Sirs. C. F: Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. a ...INTEYTAIN TONIGHT. E. \V. Bsbinger, Mr. and Mrs. E. \V. ;.;,r• lb..Cierimati National, will en- Hill. -;:tertam their friends tonight with a Miss N. Hunter also entertained ▪r.da a at the San Carlos Hotel. The last night at the Urmey at dinner, , 4.Z.Mesda will leave Sunday for the north her guests being Miss Clinger, Miss I . 41st,and stele giving the dance.as:a fare- La France-Y, Mrs. Gregory and Mr. 4i-,,bell courtesy to their Miami friends. Hunter. — - Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Graves enter- .-,• ' ,.TePr ay--wmowTarn Shoppo wi11 tained Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hinch of ter • ; close 3dsreh Slit for the season. 'Vsncnuver,$. C.;"Aiiss Mary Boslen, still be carried" YeWeo'Miaa.S JBoslen,•]Trr,Nsw�bon IIo{,laal , r:,Saoppe—adv. of Carlisle,Yennaylvania, ," a EXi. f]d1Q: AND SIRS. F:REAS• WILL GIVE FAREWELL AOSTS AT DL\\EK PARTY. DANCE WEDNESDAY. Owing to repeated requests by a FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. THE MOS' '- Mr.-and • Mrs. Henry J. Krebi, of great many Min-miens for a farewell BLED IN MIAMI, MUST BE SOLD AT ON • Wilmiington, Del, entertained last dance, the Hotel'McAllister orchestranight at dinner at the Royal Palm.i has made arrangements to give a FELLED TO CARRY ANY OF THIS FINE F ,Pink gtadiolii were used-for the table I dance Wednesday, March 31st, at the PLETE LOSS- THEREFORE, WE WILL'S -,,,t:',,decoration and the favors were Stanley Studio, avenue C and Twelfth ENTAILED IN HANDLING IT, AND WILI .;bunebea of violets. street. This orchestra, under the di- ThSS�.ir quest, were Mr. and Mrs. A. roction of Prof.A. B. Wilson of Jack- TT TTC'e C"eT Ilk Crr11►T