1668-19 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 , . 'B body at a meeting of June 21st, its object the prevention of further 1 eTstion,—it• the wish o the • pea}t►ed resolutions of appreciation of being •h, L plaintiff fo pee action taken by app c sending of violations of the rulings of the plant Tampa organization for the Miami ed a comp E• board, a would ;1':. a band and a large delegation of Citi- shipment of citrus ustock,endoto orose body to pass a resolution favoring a other favor ,,i Wena to atttend the celebration at- mentals from infected territor loop of the Dixie Highway through Pendant. �i4•: Cendant on the beginning of work on y the state as recommended by the The plain the Palm Beach and Everglades rail- at Florida Highway Association tam work f ` way. gg saysMIAMI PICTURES at its meeting in Orlando June 10th. PloYeinterest, by o '• • L. P. Dickie, aecrertar of the Cen- which M . SecretaryBiggers the two interest, a cities whose intereste are identical SHOWN IN WARREN 0 tral assistantFlortan Highway Association, ences cons should cultivate a friendly spirit such and secretary of the Tampa cocci with at- to would be to the mutna] advantage ! 1 Board of Trade, in his communication n Dade co ;ft of both. He hopes to induce many to Secretary Paddock, in part says: whereby he '�'' ,Members of the West Palm Beach to "We have a resolution from the Bolles' tax '.'1•.• soaks tMiami on July 5th, he con- Miami pictures produced by the Jacksonville Board of Trade, en- he alleged ;;` eludes: Prismatic Film Company of New dors ng any route recommended at a valuation .t "However, we desire to be consid• York last year, have just been shown Orlando, and we feel that a resolu- On the seed part of your entertaining corn- at Wtar•r•en, Ohio• where they drew ;ion from your °roe-illation endors- contended ; en d a, rather than people to be en- large crowds. The promoter stated ing our work at Orlando •would be of plainti$ we teitt.e, .' to a friend of Dr. Harry A. Lawton, material aid to all of central, west. ginton was that he wgs compelled to run them a ern, gulf and south Florida_" work for I second time so as to give all of the The writer of the above letter, also that in pay NOY' people an opportunity to see them. sent a communication to W. V. Helms, for was co Dr. Lawton has just written Secre- a copy of which was mailed t. the Wiggintc Miami, Fla:, June 16, 1915. �y Paddock relative t° arrange- Ohamber of Commerce, and gave the to take on ?' ' The public is herey notified to boil ments.for exhibiting. the Miami films recipients some interestinginforms- land in ace Illl'.. all drinking water until further no- in other cities in Ohio, as well as else- P ''on ccncernin�• rhe Tamiami Trail, -an acre in Lice. where in the west fendant '' '� CITY BOARD OF HEALTH � �,/ and the action taken relative to it by ag •• V OF 'HEALTH, }At ' i, j iA i„1t� the Cenral Floriar. Highway Associa- such acres Edgar Peters, BUILDING SIDE IS ire liquidating •taf4ae. Health Officer• "Your telegram addressed to me troduced a Via. at Orlando did not arrive until after to have be AIRDOME TODAY AT MIAMI BEACHant which i secured the endors:,nent of filo ar- • elation on v resolution which routed bofe ant, Bol' '- .,.• The Stolen Will the Tamiami Trail, and the route does be made ou 4 Atkinson iii}- not follow quite the name line as set ......... Sidewalks ordered built by the re- f°r•`.l, by you. but I believe it will be repreen and Special Feature cent.y incorporated town on the pen- " rroa c valuable route to all of south Smith THE FORTUNE TELLERS insula across the bay from Miami, l lo; J:ti, even though it may take nye now being put down for those longer to have it completed. The EIGHTY i• , individuals who are willing to pay for route I have secured the . endorse• . • . ' I them. Under the charter of the new merit c i is as follows: town, as is the case with Miami, if ••l"•cm Tamps through Riverview WOI the municipality builds the walks the in ?{iilaboroush county, :o Palmetto, F : e e k coat will be assessed as a lien against Pradentown and Sarasota in Manatco : . End She abutting property. county, thence east to Arcadia and i • •The workmen are now at work lay- Punta Gorda in DeSoto county, . Landon, 1 s..1 ••) ______ Ing the walks along Atlantic Boole- thence east and south to Ft. Myers, • yard, a distance of one and a quarter Bonitp Springs to Estero, Naples women re- ^. :�`_ • • ' Specials miles.,from the north line to the south and aizreo in Lee county, thence east• thegovern line of the Ocean B.ch Realty Com- across Lee county to the Dade county has now za ei } s holdings. line, and straight across Dade county enafor only mss r K•: : This is only a small . art of the to Miami. for one a aa r: ' , work s�nng doean or h. erimprove" "One of the reasons I had this the n�otice� KY. '� tin plana call for the The in of a youth , out was that it would caress of Genuine street Paralleling Atlantic Boulevard pass through some of the most ber<LE- .: - Men's Genu ne tiful and tropical sections of the state . immediately, and other work of a and with the bond already toted the `��O P,.i L �M A sitailsr character Iron, time to time route is assured•and will be complete •••'r< h tis{8 as the need arises. The paving ie asllar as Marco, and the Lee county • AMI t 'i Tennis courts with concrete base under way. commissioners advised me at Orlando justompleter b the rest that if your caIld thioaers iii Dade .. ban been c r''y estate company in the park for the county would build the toad seeto the • l" public. As other courts Lee countyline they would that ,•; use of the salsa `•'. .. . ' are needed they will be Added. the road was completed from Marco to the Dade county �qp�t r`•. _ line. MentS v.,- i "You can see the importance now ....at ' YOUNG MEN ENTERTAINED / r T SHIRTS in your county getting busy and hay- 10 ;.r Ing a road built straight across Dade •-#•', �1. - $1.00 and $1.SQ YOUNG WOME� OF S county from Oliaml" The writer declares that he knows :, - • • of no better time for hard work than ated ,' . ..' now, and knows of no better place • T ' � ' WHITE SHOES at Sunday school,Because ef r better feminine eta attendance t end ace. for a meeting to be attended by all dren have :'b}'�' concerned, than at Lakeland about � , _...•; High a• Low. tingent of the Young People's Bible the middle of September, viten the is ts� ; .;t f Class of the Wtrite Temple Methodist Gastral Florida [Highway Association direin t ••k '°� . , ;1.50 $1.75 were etftertained last night by the holds its next regular meeting. Ha ment of 1 .;; ,N•,. > young men, the entertainment being conclude, by saying: printed. . $Z5�+ •held at the residence of their teacher, •Thera is no doubt that a rent beat the name 0 and $3 5O J. I. Conklin. a g Throngl '� " ' r • After a dinner he part? enjoyed g°Oh este wbe done for the state Branch of %+ an automobile ride, whish bad se its and the the land of l i nsaociatlott, AsBaefakti; 2 •: ':' principal and the '1'S►miami Trail is sow a . p pal sttractioa a surprise visit Tart fbr the i `. „i� ,• ` STRAW HATS to the borne of the bride and Broom of Its work, for it has been endorsed." Sunday a �2 of the preceding day—Mr. and Mrs. ted States k 4 - .ase MdeMercer—at as Dd ssN- om,.head,l)I�S 1. BUIE coms