1668-36 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 • IATV[ I DAILY ° oP T MIAMI, FLORIDA, TUESDAY,JULY 15, 1919.—TEN PAGES TODAY. • • ♦s�oclA rel Hent Food Prices Would g E A C N �1 S PUSNI . Props From Under NG MIAMI WIFE GIVE xo EA ,Q c p H.C.Le, M /ill Miami Get a Chance? IMPRO : ' l ... . NTS;TND' FISUEREVERYAIII , . . '.; v:!! :•. . :tapping Up the LAB 0 R'. SCARCE ;STARIIN AIRLINE "VIVE :S .' ' * and MIAMI FOOD COSTS' iErP S No One To • Big Bnilllmg -- helium Takes in ' f Miami IN- PROPORTION TO P' '°� Ch of �- CRYPFST1RSL�• _____ All the Peainanll i Town From merce Promise: Co-Operatic! , will probably not Star Island Atha) Gov-some of the surplus PRICES ELSEWHERE les,Pla! T. Egtablit6 � ITMIAWCfflESi [)'tj I canoed meats auJ erla>tielt !t Dixie Alliin! [r� red by the war de- —�;;tl ' • ,flits aDd municipal- • !invite the fact Ihs labor is eater While other edict Miami will numerate In every rap �"` • Every and bard to get the son of the ■aw and with Carl G, h'iaher la hia-piaci to eatah- Strike Disorders* /, Aga_• . napping fon,! up like hot hammer goes merrily liner Miami Beach dere 'Are _•.fes lu foalet.gs, which Minneapolis Cheapest City Withp Ileo an airline between Miami and Indian. ppa�`` knock the props out and every 'ray area r,pnethlgg new under 'polls, the first in the history of, the and caaf Pound Each Of Staple Articles wa,v or nearing completion that will add country,it was dated t41.morning by K. Alr�,')rillta (.*t of Living an p to the monuments of thy)rapidly A. Cl . I.. etch farther, no one develop- Roberts, it mof be chamber of and, Soldiers ; • Ii ami today who was Costing ;4.51 $5.17 lag city. Commerce, It may rot atcewurp for With' sotage of the oppor- the Cost Here At the north end of the btich and on this city to eutabiLab a landing field, a . t Stet Island the Fisher Intern! are jdet there V an excellent one hI Curtiss Geld W. Clausaeo, who an buoy a can be-bulldllr` and finishing • now that probably Could be made use of. ins aMaotated reams.. WAS kayor lu the ab,ence o-_ Q a number of coolly residencies and business It la possible that Mr. Fisher is planning ROME, ''. Blackman who Ir I biotin,while other buildingsand develop- to Lev nut one•at the beach. E. July l/i^dtrlka dlsoedets or tint-tL rh a committee you• Wt ora veryAt Lu at'varlow lieges to Italy today.'mitres tern of the Jingler r The following table chow. the merits are under plan and design-for work much gratified that It Is At Loses eight penon•'were killed and coaferam [ retail root In Miami of 11 of the in the pent future. - Mr. Fisher,whom we count as one of our 30 wounded.Neer Genpa,two anarchists eurlott Jug that he did not retail article., o! food: At the lower enof the brach there is own citizens, who Is the first to make a were killed in a fight with earaboulers. of colli with &Lich a plan, Slrlol¢ steak F0.'ln 'deo much activity. Both eaiduo■ are move en this direction and we have every The engagement with the anarchists, today ti. uutll the city noun- Rib roast -l•) making extensive Improvements and ad- cthin,hat bin wast success will which occurred at•hearth i' , four ���,t!a�a Mtn con. There will not Pork chops "i" 4ltiuna. \fork wan started last week on crown his fattest back said Mt arrest went four snaoa, also resulted In the �Unoed. •councilmen return flacon •ll'' the new two dory concrete bathroom Roberti.. "Miami is hack of him." arrest of ■rwas. nein. riard bow .30 huildiu which Dim Hardie will build as Mr.Fisher hu written to the beCtouch- A generalstrike wu begun at'Calla- around uarket conducted by Slice •;a, gof Commerce of various cities to be touch- nlsetta, Sicily. People thtere marched.have be. IR t ht posu,l Dle to Chicken (average) r,, an addition to his present asino. It will ed by this airline where landidg Gelds will through the atrKt• ening-my,ooefet,,,`flan of, Iff�■t retail," sold )Sutter .,y, have 188 rooms, all highly unitary and be needed,urglog'cooperadnn with the airs and forced dealers In foodstuffs and other(that the I don't art l.'howe Fluor ,nY well ventilated. Two towers over 50 feet line project, and erplalningg fully his necessities.(o reducepr 50 1'ut.toe"1 irel .1- high. an arched eutranee and remodeling idea. Ill.letter b as follows: percent. ,f the entire (mut of the old buildingIs �^'T Probil ilsabled Sakes. Privy Leena .1_ Mr.Fisher's Letter, ' �yaterdar the actin[major Huger .,p Iucl.del in the Improvewe¢u, ••F•vtrylody believes that the to of 0� HALF iLtN- '• number of other Coffee ;t0 Be Plenty of Light. commerdal flying In about to be InauN• w�anthe• nemtr.of leomeu'al One doyen eggs Avery Smith,of Smith's casino,bellves rated. There Lie thoueands of cow tent y oN,:. _ to ams' 'Cr saleswomen and as the ultimate coo•I Total ........ ,,, res ligbi—plenty of It—curl en a result of aviator,now In the United Htatea as the 2 3-1 , ../•I' sucL belief he Is.installing Hzturea and result of the g.renmefit's training atilt, aaalnrt making ready to have the teat It !ted Ities during the late war,■nd'thousanda of pie are nut of the0 O gp .ey' DOLLAR IN SE. Awe I it would not be householders who may imagine that heLahr at lit brach. arAt the mein entrance quire will for he erci•Id workrom. r J g• has erected three ort lr:(r■rcL.•s.These 4ulremtn t+ for commtrclal work. In ad• )dew& w u time,'Mr.Claus- the local retailditl°n, there are from ■in to eight n corrected himself grocery; and meat menet will be Arllllfiutlp illuminated,while aeries awn battle o1 ire pkuty of Isbnr• men an buying agtomoLlier cool airplane. '.f vnrl•tolnral lights will be strung panics preparing to build airplanes for OADE'CO. $EcURiTY moot to and the foodstuff,. off the profile made from sdlin food- •n,nud and about the building and idea°res and commercial tying. u rout,: s¢J. gronnJs. Another illuminating Future dTLe government baa several plans oohed n stuffs and are pinking their i,a front Iota will be the erection of a bigdolphin In under ro, the subject for dAlfit tsc de.. I Percent •e sold by the war with a view to settling down lu affluence D by enr, the subject Is being mead Com - p- - Vtlaonn Iota, an order for the surf 1¢ front of the casino and to by prominent men everywhere•but mean- Baildiag Company:* Raoareq \V0son4 w„.ptel as a ear- will he nu:priaed, ,osnibly, to learn that thin will Ix strung an electric light wire .old ou • bash n! the high coat of firing is tint hitting all• carrying•number of high-powered U cite, while nothing definite le !ting dune ■t a peal of I and anyharder than lu men east loon of t time when itria most.e'<o!lel. Now Total $1,731,644, doted to to the t• Inns<n t,I the cur&try. In .,, i the ant of table This will make night our! bathlot posep�.� Il cost price, the the cottra here in fact,but little higher ohle "i bit,end it no doubt will prove a nodded needed to slri the one thiol that la now aid Little Nuns tlg'a win Innovation, needed to make commercial flying a env- tt<tltlnlf t, ,plan polo!,that 1+, t • nes Is the Immediate establishment eat of • the cost of freight It is in Minneapolis,of{ss wile!. according to A. 1.. Hammnne is finishing up the ad- number of practicable tying route., B!!1 Masai 'The M- ricen (tle.(rin"cralflt1 to In 17 c•illr+luf thetable l'nhrltlStaMfood s rrceutly 'IitLm and ImprovrmerRi, to the Olive through the creation of nstt.earp landing ( al appro, igd within 10 days in 17 l by the Ihnited Ht¢tes ecp¢rt. al'arimrul, esti of which leads to the at. Gelds along the wap. The sole barrier to pealing t, went of tales,ranked as the lowed of the tracllrenens of the Daunt. 11 r. )Sammons flights by aviatonr with existing plane" b Increase of mora 'Dao hal[ a lit 12 ve�a.M l has aln„started the erection of two mad- this lack of lending tirldu. Provide hand- dollen Ifi Ira ateduby theithe lest 12 :Three sr department paid 1 entire lint. ern Dungolow rc Ideoces for himself on Ing fields acid the rest of the development months Its Indicated by acurit state- Nl4orr I approximate price Comparative Coal a. V went of the Dade.County Hecurit)+ mom- Versatile, his lot,corner o/ llaml avenue and Con. will follow, 'any of this city,the largest building and the sense pay for the unie t The table, as prepared.by the depart- gene street Finishing these,.he will re- "Now, In the winter the only place for loan association in the state of Florida went of labor, ehnw■ the uv'rage retail model the cottage now.4:,n the lot,makingaviators to with c�'oommfort and pleasuretee X01 Army Price•tog prices of the 14 principal articlem of food, It conform to the design of the twer'to•be Wait aouth.ODvl.nlsly,the south should and one of the a cow n the ttrib south. (lerax ga. Price Public the total bclug obtained by adding the erR•ter, be the put to lend old and enarungtmeat OGlttn of ties romMol attri6ate i,. (lermany, Per lb. Per lb. not of..ciao (wand each of sirloin Various other puildln Im r°vl�tpta to rile new/derelo reourksble gel& from *1.181,3'78 to:Ill s tri as u . 41c . $'Se. /teak,rib mart,fork,ebopa,bacon,sliced t� t D pment. coatalulne such 731,8L{ to the Dlg.ng stae sKtlawtpi Irk, T_'^ Dem,LrA.eAlekcu,batter,flertr,,m,tetrer, of minor hnlortan alio wale.way to the greet possibilities for its progress.Att DrMgraq(ti4 40e ' 3'.e navy beano, sour,'toffee and one'Jure, south end of the b'sU,bet.Ibis je,'vel'L-QMe. "..--fatsw.-fsam...POrtDerg se,es city Du berg working.Lit lariat t Mbds1 f Ile 4k 31c efts. The total cost n( Ihrsn'ert illi lu rred b'rthleg to what la under plan for t'nuM not fly e"uth if they would, due le lrrs to the corrclK principles apon'whiah Its Mlunes Ile was early fall. the lack of landing fields above mentioned. Ib blutnts' Is conducted, tad upon tie . Wbla PROVE po $4.flt: In Mlaml It w■ebuilders (ronmdsoeo of tnvpt eo eikt (its. pa; PR01 17.17,according to figures obtained by •let ... h"What a splendid thing it would be if Du(ldets in In methods and nllaD111tT. partit J with hinlls reporter who went 'hopping DEEPER AND WIDER fpr followingit cities got togethersst the with his lead pencil finds pail of paper practial building of the fled long distance hufidreds of hones aid Widnes Dtocks, fit' yesterday afternoon. They are average airline in the United States: indian. resoling from the bumble iabo er'a tiny attended', R BEACH t'rires,with no effort made to secure allh- Lorin Seymour, Loulavlllt, Iirwllot cottage to the elgitutory Mc%strseture, embesal II M CANAL Kaahrlilq Chattanoop.Knms,At• Dave bees ereMeJ MLmt through ekesetsnder tLe lowest or the Lighent tlwith end, ��MIJ�I I II IS aaelet• a of this u issiswhen Hoe romLlers the Inur 6¢nl In thislana, Macon, Waycross, Jecknonvllle, rgantsatlon. - AbylaL,city,show more than(neurall with other De toga, Fort I fierce, Paim lieaeh and ;I)eu, IN ler_COMPANYaI n purchasesilybyIof�� wile- . se of the touul ry. Mlaml, are being mule daily by Investor,and de- Lll1�Y� "I Gave ■Tway■ routended that foal- Suitable landing Gelds at each of these spits the large number of loans Mgt are r Wid- ener,. au be purchased a cheaply at , point. would permit travel all along the being paid in full through sale of boild- retail In Miami as In any Ether pare cityroute from Chicago to Miami and between lona, etc. the company 1e unable I. fill [ LAND-OWNERS' PLEA intermediate points with reasonable all applications for asr 'oted the couutry."said H.E.Mengel+,pend- 1ppl .,'even on the DLLI�L cited Approval 'dent of the Miami. (Irocet7 companps safety,being spaced cisme enough together moot desirable security, - I I�� when shown the table, cel before•the to enable frequent atop*for food and red, The Security company In its anneal Ordinance total for Miami had been "nmmel up, gasoline and other necessary supplies,and statement reprints s story published in To Vote "Especially Is this true,"he added,"when Land Owners Of Southern Drain- would do more to develop ,be ort of GJ- The Metropolis on June 17 showing the one cmuiden the difference In the hard • log than all the discussion that is at number of realdenus• 103. that bad been Ta eblati subject.Soon to other aeetlnan of the country and the age District Pass Resolution present being devoted to the darted between the lint of,the you and g correspondiutly higher freight rate." "A number of modes of procedure are that side,the average tort of these aweIl• Alli The Government Table. Yesterday Asking For possible In obtaining landing fields: how- lags being*3,100. ranted the Miami principal Improvement ever,an• uolform method it is suggested The retell cost of 14 Of the ,tinct al nr- nlani .y a charter, lo- titles of food In 17 chic+ of the United p atcharge you Iroee■ field for flue years, with d' p1,, IN6 .IS IN 'LONDON ..rtes. of optrral' States as compiled by the United States • •charge of nay 5.5 to each plane for lend- !A d the brach,over department of labor total,, an follow■ In l' '"°lion■nA widening of the Tamlaml fu The Meld need not be withdrawn - /1 elft!street. It 1a each of the cities from which the figurer Trail cnual to the width and depth railed from prrd active purpose.• but could be - BFHLf s were of the : for by the plan of reclamation of the kept In in tree, cloven, alfalfa Lir hap. •Iq Arrn� aodated po ddent of the elec. ('lint of 14 Shut hero Drainage district was called for Some lues would result due to landing,of I,1�1 IILI VRN TO•U, Vt SOON'give up fon. +hare"• Arthur C. IG,nic of cline,I Product+ by a resolution paYeed at yesterday's coons, but no matter what the coat, the t,1 but they vii 1+ vire-president, M[iunrepolia *Lgl meeting of the lend owners of this district ,Ipkeep should not prove 5 deterrent from Hull., IL Lb shares b the t'Inelnnntl .).7_ at the dlntrlct'n headquarter"In the Wet- factor, • inter-Allied It.Cummins with( p,.nr{a 4.7.. eon building. The uupen•fmun of the die' rtvrn nn t says. 'from he elan Jinl+st two or, will not years be very Commanding General Of,A. E. F. haland des. 1. Kline with 101 Iudiurap"rile ,. 4.78 incl to a meethug which fulluwei '•1,- V+o7• Kn,nus ('iny '1.82 prnrcJ the n•onlothu col forwarded It to great. !est atter that it "broil amoral l° TO Take Part In Peace Cele-'•1,- idea will 1,. o[noted . frau- /hnaLn .I.YI the. Inimf e•. of the Internal Improvement n""u<t Llu[. Provblal a mule is eet■te ser, tin nee ilaml 'teach, and (:mat,., us I,r_ lIne I of F'Inrld■•t Irani. limited, 1 know of several parties who ' bration in Great,Britain. re to lass on a Louln'ille 4,112 . The remdutinn sok.,that the dredge now would make Glghls immediately. In iLree I VIENNA. rty election to be a[enphls 1.111 flnlnhin[ the rut-ort equal between the years traffic) will [row to rnn,lAerable - of ascertaie pmfs,rtlonn, an at that time it would be ifs •asesraaN Mas I rommhul"otra Hull Lake Pity •1.11(1' ''Ilmlami Trail and the Miami canal be • gnd Idea to put In night algnais and LONDON, July 13.—G 1 Pereb• mnlgatan a �enl • fnneLl.e Valles .p DR continued nu■s far ort the Tamiaml Trail Little Hock q,t!p am the tan money now •eatable and due fl'iwl lights for landing p of, as there Ig[,cryforndsr of the American esihere Allied and a -barter was filed il's•hretcr. N. Y. ;o1 will permit. will probably be a good deal of night fly Iinnary fnrvsn in France, arri•ed per the ertndh with Ws null' fhb forenoon to take partItercbtoid•h rk of the circuit. I'harlewlnn q 14 Thr hull ow'ne a ■Inn peened a resohr log',. In the,sesta celebration. He wasmet at A,ratro-Huas '.l nrknnn rills "1211 'lou urglo[that all land owner who have Dover by General !tome and a guard of lana aewapa t`e•antou 5.'•e1 not yet pn1,1 their taxes do M, at once. EX-President of Peru honor. tk� Blue L..- I/rid[•,m,rt 3,11 81111royalanother res°lut'''e, paleav expressed II; Exiled to France GC1CQIIA be ., dl"a't rny.t of the pion to trace a -Nile' COHN •tired List A *1:15. Let ween Ihr cut-off renal and the Ta uuluol \CAHIII\GTON, .dulyy1(errinrmp or- Canaal(nods Going('p. Trail canal, Hud naked that the opening me •e.wa.wrM reseal den have been IneueA ...inferring upon ere..) •'Yuhure prices on cannel fmlln," .n IJ b...,—en the tut.watrrwayn he made rum- LlaL1, Peru, Jul? 15.—F;a•prcsldrn( Major General Allen, now commander .���� r 15,—freest Ad al r.Mfangeb,"see•ill,en•eut higher than tilrlr, m" Thal thy lerge arta of land ad- Jose Pardo, who was del/004A lig'July 4 of the American for'ra o¢ the Rhine, • bureau of nevi- tit♦were tat Year.Canned ,earhtn will j'dtilnt the'llmieml'1'nll might b,drain- by p■etlsafis of Au[uaro Iw[°la, le rr many of the premgatlres held by then' III (Lir seven( mull ■t sl.nrt fel In ill real+ for N. It <d and nude M[for cult l•n'lon, f'a'ted to arrive In l'anama on ThunAsy end 1'tnhing, end other Preparation, mos-tattedfifor r<- tela while cherrira will M nhnut 1L'•rn„.t It had leen,pluniel to leave I hl" lugpto await other memhtn of his femlly be- !^r the rorlr rcblogturn to the IndicUniteated Staten belwr•n omit two rxnsin on lLat 14e water fore going n¢ to I'arle he way of Nese of(lr¢eral I'e nhln[■n IvflicA In silt My of naval medical M1anel on then.pricen. '1'n..nrw stock willdeclare. from epi abroad, army offlciab here PAS111. J. mels ■¢uounc<.t no comineice to attire hurl) acme tln,t egmld to held rap is lite 1}mhaml Trail York, hating (ern exiled from Peru. lie frenal In float the Jrel n of the 1,F.Mor- w•u accompanied by his brother, Juan, 'declare. Itepets of friction between lien- bent upon eon ncrt.,nr will he in Xnvember. tp l\'ll.n¢ ■p- ''F'°tun prices on canrvd •egel+LieaIann company, the c..n,ractnr Lull.'In[ the former resitlelt of the ehunher of de nl tYrah be and Oro rou March art de- Ibe tat ohne. 1' elsrel In Dw wit Loot founA■Ilu°. Drees 'pest, hare advanced.Yl perre•t .,.. e.1 1 nil. '1'M lural "worn o! um' di mtrict, putlrs ••.en he left tr•. ,.0 el, err '. _ .ire ori:.., ______—